Photoshop :: Start Filter Simulation

Dec 20, 2008

I was wondering whether there is a Photoshop filter that can simulate a star filter attached to a camera lens. I like the effect of that kind filter.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Start Simulation Button Not Working

Nov 23, 2011

When I select "Start Simulation" from the Add-Ins tab, nothing happens.  The hourglass comes up for a split second, but nothing launches.  We have Simulation 2012 Mechanical installed on the machines.  I have tried with both parts & assemblies. Obviously we can launch both applications separately but it's nice to go back and forth using the quick launch.

The machines are both Windows 7 Pro (latest service packs) as well as Inventor & Simulation 2012 (Product Design Suite Premium to be exact.)  Inventor has the latest service pack SP1 installed.  This did work in previous versions of Inventor.

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Photoshop :: Keeps Giving Start Up And Filter Error Messages?

Dec 18, 2012

Every time I start up photoshop I get the following dialog box showing up:
And the following comes up with any filter i try to use:
I have tried re-installing the softwear, unfortunately that didn't fix the issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using IV Simulation FEA Results As Loads In A New Simulation

Nov 29, 2011

IV 2011.

I have an assembly with a FEA simulation result.  I can run a report and get the reaction forces and moments at each constraint.  I would like to run a new simulation with different constraints and use the reaction results from the first simulation as loads in the second one.

Currently I do this by running a report on the 1st simulation to get a table of the reaction results.  I then manually add those forces to the 2nd simulation.  This takes time to type and the forces must be edited each time I re-run the 1st simulation.

Is there a way to use parameters to automate this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Get Profile Start And End Labels To Appear Even After Checked Label Start Station

Feb 22, 2012

I can't seem to get my profile start and end station labels to appear even after I checked "Label start station" and "label end station" in the profile view properties.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Start 2014 / Unable To Start Application (0xc000007b)

Apr 28, 2013

I got this error

Unable to start application (0xc000007b).

I already tried several fixes like:

1. reinstall all redist(x64 & x86).

2. reinstall .Net 4.0

3. Use CCleaner for Registry error.

4. chckdsk for error and fix.still error so I've gone through this.

5. I uninstall Autocad 2014 completely, uninstall it manually one by one,deleted left over folder of autodesk or similar software to it, deleted its registry keys.just like the instruction on how to remove autocad completely in autodesk, I just followed it all. [after Reboot]

6 I Re-install it and still the problem persist.

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Premiere Pro :: Won't Start - Application Unable To Start Correctly 0xc000007b

Mar 20, 2014

primere pro will not start... appliction unable to start correctly 0xc000007b

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Start 2014 Without Empty Start-up Drawing

Jun 10, 2013

I want to start AutoCAD LT without the empty drawing. Just AutoCAD and the welcome screen. How can i do that? I always close the first drawing and begin a new one by choosing out of several templates or start with an existing drawing, rename and modify it. For NEW or OPEN i like to use the welcome screen.

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3ds Max :: 2012 Won't Start / Freezes On Start Screen?

May 15, 2011

I just installed 3DS Max 2012 with a student license, but I encountered a problem that doesn't seem to go away. Whenever I open it, it gets to the "Starting 3DS Max 2012" screen and then freezes. The process freezes as well. Is there a way I can fix this? I have Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-Bit, and a Dual-Core Processor. My computer meets all the System Requirements except an insufficient video card.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Start Addin That Add A Ribbon On Start Up

Apr 18, 2012

I have a VB .NET Dll that add a new ribbon in AUTOCAD.When I load this dll from AUTOCAD, this new ribbon is well added.I'm trying to start this dll with AUTOCAD Start.

I've tried to load the DLL from the acad.lsp but the DLL is loaded before AUTOCAD load the ribbon, then the dll is well loaded but my new ribbon is not displayed !.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Filter - Artifacts Ruin Effect - Useless Filter?

Aug 25, 2013

I tried to use the lens flare filter in Photoshop CS6.While the lighting effect is interesting, it introduces ugly artifacts like blue or orange blobs (which are supposed to be the reflection of the diaphragm, but do not look anywhere close to that, but instead are just cheesy looking blobs of color).
In the "movie prime" setting blue lines are added which have nothing to do with lens flar.On top of it, the preview is about the size of a stamp. Any way to use the filter without getting these artifacts, or is it - what I assume - just a useless toy filter, that has probably been dragged on for years and years because it's always been there? What do you use to create a lens flare effect? Are you just building it from scratch with brush work?

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Photoshop :: Camera Raw Filter Does Not Show Up On Filter Drop List On CC

May 11, 2013

camera raw filter does not show up on the filter drop list on CC. I am trying to determine why this is the case.  So far everything else seems to work.

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Lighting Effects Filter Not Showing In Filter Menu

Nov 27, 2012

Photoshop CS5 already in 32-bit mode; Lighting Effects filter not showing in the FIlter Menu.

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Photoshop :: Filter Gallery (fade Out) In Filter Menu

Aug 14, 2013

why not appear filter gallery (fade out) in filter menu

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Photoshop :: Missing Camera Raw Filter From Filter Menu?

Oct 8, 2013

I do not have the Camera Raw filter in my filters menu, and I've just updated Photoshop this AM.

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Photoshop :: Filter Gallery - Halftone Filter Unpredictable

Nov 9, 2013

I've deleted my PS preferences and restarted, and I cannot get this filter to do what is was just doing a day earlier. It doesn't matter what the foreground/background colors are, nor does it matter what the resolution of the file is.  I've experimented with every variable. The filter effect changes the filled layer to a solid color of the current foreground color.  No lines, dots or circles at all.
I'm trying to make lines in a filled layer, or a rasterized text layer.Adjusting the sliders has no effect at this point, but the other Gallery filters DO work, oddly enough.
I've used this filter effect many times over the years, and it just started acting wonky.  This is PS CS6, on Mac OSX 10.8.5.It seems to be unpredictable or temperamental.  Is there a reasonably-priced plugin that will create lines that are completely adjustable?

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Photoshop :: Extract Filter Missing From Filter

Jul 18, 2009

I have Photoshop CS4 running on a 8 gig Vista 64 bit system. When I click on Filters, there is no Extract Filter. I did a search prior to posting and saw some threads talking about not moving files, icons etc from their original folder. I am un sure if anything has been moved. However, when I click on Filters, they all seem to be there (at least not greyed out), EXCEPT for the Extract filter. Any help would be apprecited and if you let me know where the filters should reside I can make sure they are in the correct location.

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3ds Max :: Spill Simulation Without Plugin

Jun 25, 2012

I'm new to 3ds max, and I was wondering if there was a way to do a spill simulation without a plugin. I've figured out how to do a fluid simulation , tutorial [URL].........

But how do I get the water to stick to the ground. I can't seem to use RealFlow becuase I am on inventor 2013 and that plugin doesn't work for the newer model.

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3ds Max :: Plugin To Make CFD Simulation

Apr 12, 2011

I wonder if there is any plugin/software that makes it possible to do some CFD simulation on my 3dsmax object?

I consider it as an additional part of my current object I'm designing, but I'm no engineer and I've got no possibility to use a real wind tunnel.

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3ds Max :: Fluid Simulation For Fountains?

Apr 18, 2012

What is a good 3rd party application that can produce good fountain simulations? There are a variety of conditions, not just the kind that shoot straight up, but that flow in sheets and synchronize etc.

I have the need for right away and little time to deal with much of a learning curve. I've looked at Real Flow but too expensive, with a complex price scale.

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3ds Max :: MassFX Explodes Every Simulation

Oct 30, 2011

No matter what settings I use MassFX seems to explode all of my pieces/particles as if they are under extreme tension just prior to running the simulation.

I have a facade of a bulding broken up into about 1000 pieces. It's real scale and 135' tall. All I want is for the pieces to just fall to the ground. But, no matter what I do at about frame 3 the whole thing just explodes. I've tweaked so many settings that I'm completely lost and can't seem to solve the problem. The default settings are the worst. I've set the 'Damping/Linear' up higher and increased the 'Collision Overlap' but still can't seem to figure what controls this tension or pressure that it appears is in the parts before the simulation starts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: FEA Simulation Area

Dec 11, 2013

I've created a successful FEA simulation in Inventor 2014 and obtained results. But I want to see the highest stress in a defined area that is smaller than the entire part (I have some stress concentrations that are throwing off my 'max'). Is there a way to probe an area instead of just a point? I'm tired of creating a dozen probes to find the 'local max'.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: One Way Rotation Simulation

Jan 23, 2013

How to create or how to set a one way rotation joint as a one way bearing will work on real life, is this possible?

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3ds Max :: Massfx - How To Combine Objects For One RB Simulation

Jun 15, 2011

i have some problems combining multiple meshes in one rigid body simulation. What i want to achieve is a button containing a metalplate, a plastic body and a needle 200x multiplied and each of them should be treated as a single massfx object. This bunch should simply fall on a plane ending with accurate, physically correkt positions. My way was using all parts with a physical mesh constrained (RB constraint) to each other part as childs. This works well with one whole button, but copying shows some strange beahviour of the constraints - and doing 200 pieces manually is not the way i want ;-)

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Revit :: BIM Simulation Software Fuzor

Nov 27, 2013

Fuzor? The features are extremely amazing.  I have already tired it for one week due to I am Fuzor's beta tester. The real time simulation are really excellent and I have already tired it for one week.  I found that I can't use Revit without Fuzor haha. If you want to know more detail, check the website URL..... It may have more detail and I heard this software “Fuzor” will publish in AU.

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3ds Max :: Wind Tunnel / Turbulence Simulation?

Jun 16, 2011

What would be the best way to create a wind tunnel model that you can then put different shapes into to see how aerodynamic they are and look at the friction and turbulence?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Simulation Results In API?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm developing a program which runs several simulations and obtains the results automatically.

I'm using the dynamic simulation API created in Inventor 2013. For that I use the GetResultValues(ByRef values() as Double) method of the class DSResult. 

I used the method inside the VBA of inventor and worked well. But when I wrote the program in Visual Basic Express 2010, the method doesn't return anything.

I share an excerpt of the

Dim odoc As AssemblyDocument
odoc=invApp.Documents.Open(testPath, True)
Dim dsman As Inventor.SimulationManager = odoc.ComponentDefinition.SimulationManager
Dim dssim As Inventor.DynamicSimulation = dsman.DynamicSimulations.Item(1)
Dim oJoints As Inventor.DSJoints = dssim.DSJoints
oJoint = oJoints.Item(1)


The method GetResultValues(values) should modify 'values' to a time,value vector.

It works well inside Inventor, but doesn't in the program in VB, although it runs the simulations and does everything else right.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Dynamic Simulation For Nut And Bolt

Oct 5, 2013

How to use dynamic simulation, i am creating a bench vise and woud like to animate it going in and out how would i do that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Features In Simulation

Sep 29, 2011

when in simulation, if you suppress a feature is it totally taken out of the simulations workings?

I.e. if I was working on a project like some weighing scales and I had a load of objects on the scales and I then suppressed some of the objects, will the scales rise up a little to counteract the reduced weight?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Gravity Experiment Simulation

Oct 30, 2012

Is this type of gravity experiment possible with dynamic simulation?


I made the cone ramp and double cone but the cone either goes the wrong way or only moves a few inches in the correct direction and then gets stuck. I’m using 3D Contact Joints and Spatial Joints and Gravity Force.

Version = Inventor Pro 2009

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dynamic Simulation - How To Add New Load Using API

Dec 11, 2013

I am trying to discover the dynamic simulation, so I need to know is that possible to create a new Load(Torque, Force) using API?

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