I tried to use the lens flare filter in Photoshop CS6.While the lighting effect is interesting, it introduces ugly artifacts like blue or orange blobs (which are supposed to be the reflection of the diaphragm, but do not look anywhere close to that, but instead are just cheesy looking blobs of color).
In the "movie prime" setting blue lines are added which have nothing to do with lens flar.On top of it, the preview is about the size of a stamp. Any way to use the filter without getting these artifacts, or is it - what I assume - just a useless toy filter, that has probably been dragged on for years and years because it's always been there? What do you use to create a lens flare effect? Are you just building it from scratch with brush work?
LightRoom and Camera Raw have profiles for Lens Correction and all the current available lens are in the list for the Canon 6D raw files. BUT the Filter/Lens Correction when in Photoshop CS6 only have 2 Tamron lens listed. Odd that there are lens profiles for the Canon 6D raw files in Lightroom and Camera RAW but not CS6 Filter/Lens Correction.
Camera RAW, LR and PS are up to date..... NOTE: I have a Canon 7D, G11 and 1D Mark II N and all their files work as expected. It's only RAW files created by the Canon 6D.
I have CS6 with the most recent updates and RAW 7.1.
First: When I crop an image (I am using the new crop tool), and I make sure I have cropped it (hit enter after adjusting the box), if I then try to use the Lens Correction filter, it will not load the cropped version of the image but only the uncropped version. (CS5 did NOT do this). This makes using the Vignetting tool impossible to use, since when the image gets sent back to the main PS window, it shows up as cropped again, and the area corrected is out of range! The only way I can now use the tool is to save the cropped image to a new file and then open it up in a new PS window and THEN edit it with the lens correction filter.
Second: When I was trying to open and process some RAW files today, whenever I used the sharpening tool, it would preview just fine on the RAW window, but when I opened the file after finishing my adjustments, all of the adjustments would still be there EXCEPT the sharpening and NR ones. It did not matter if I saved the image to different file types, or opened it directly; the adjustments made with that set of tools were lost outside of the RAW window. This is definitely not the way CS5 worked.....and it seems like a bug.
Third: I know this is not a bug, how to change what the files do, since I can't find where to set this. When I open a JPG file, if I do any work to it at all, it then automatically gets saved as a PSD file unless I select JPG from the pulldown menu. How in the world can I get this pulldown to NOT automatically go to PSD when I am working with JPGs? It is an extra step that just gets in my way.
I have a Window Vista64 Intel Core2Quad CPU Q7600 processor machine with 6GB RAM and a Nvidia GeForce GT 430, with the latest updates.
I think that ACR uses same lens correction profiles with the filter in PS.
There is only one profile for Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM, but I get two different results when correcting in PS and correcting in ACR (default lens correction mode).
My pc crashed, upon reboot I'm unable to run PSCS6 lens correction filter. The error reads "The end of data was reached while reading from a container". The crash occurred while using the lens correction filter, the pc locked up. When I rebooted everything worked fine except the lens correction filter.
It just consisted of a bottom layer and another layer with a fill.
I flattened the layers.
I then went to filter>distort>lens correction, because I wanted to introduce some lens distortion to the image - but the "lens correction" option was greyed out.
I tried doing this with another image and it was fine.
Lens correction, and therefore vingette does not apper in my distort filter drop down menu in cs5? can I put this in to this filter or is it somewhere else.
I'm unable to find a profile for my Canon 5D Mark III within the PS CS6 lens correction filter. In fact, Canon isn't even available as a camera make option within the Search Criteria box, nor are any canon lenses. When I click the Search Online button, the prompt reads "No online profiles found".
I have no problem within Light room 4 (the Mark III and lenses are recognized)-- however, I'd really like to be able to use the new Adaptive Wide Angle Lens filter within CS6, which needs the camera's EXIF data to function correctly. I'm using a new i Mac OS X.7
I need to correct distortion from my 18-200 mm lens for my Nikon D80.
I can experiment with the controls until I get what looks reasonable,but it would be easier if I could find recommendations for settings of the lens distortion filter at different focal lengths for the lens.
I used to use a Panorama Tools plugin for gimp for which I found such recommendations, but I can't get that plugin to work with recent versions of gimp.
Of course I can experiment by photographing a grid at different focal lengths and different subject distances and using trial and error, and create my own tables.
Finally, where can I find a description of the the algorithm that the filter uses. If I had that, it might simplify things. Usually these algorithms apply a polynomial (usually cubic) correction based on the radial distance from the center of the image. The parameters set the coefficients of the polynomial.
There used to be a pnorama tools plugin which allowed one to entercorrections for specific lenses which I was able to find on the web.That worked very well. But I haven't been able to find that plugin forrecent versions of gimp.
There is a lens distortion filter, but you have to use it by trial anderror. I haven't found any specific recommendations to use forspecific lenses anywhere. And in some cases, nothing I try works. Iattach an example below. It was taken, I believe with a Nikon 18-55 mmlens at 18 mm. You will notice that there is no distortion at thesides but significant barrel distortion as you move in from the sides.No combination of major and edge correction that I've tried does anygood.
P.S. I understand that ahd I shot raw with my Nikon, I might havebeen able to do the correction more easily using ufraw. Also, it mightbe possible using hugin to correct the distortion. But I would like tobe able to do it with gimp if I can.
I've deleted my PS preferences and restarted, and I cannot get this filter to do what is was just doing a day earlier. It doesn't matter what the foreground/background colors are, nor does it matter what the resolution of the file is. I've experimented with every variable. The filter effect changes the filled layer to a solid color of the current foreground color. No lines, dots or circles at all.
I'm trying to make lines in a filled layer, or a rasterized text layer.Adjusting the sliders has no effect at this point, but the other Gallery filters DO work, oddly enough.
I've used this filter effect many times over the years, and it just started acting wonky. This is PS CS6, on Mac OSX 10.8.5.It seems to be unpredictable or temperamental. Is there a reasonably-priced plugin that will create lines that are completely adjustable?
I want to apply some filter to peoples portrait to look like old pictures, (like picture, when is taken trough steamy window or something).The video film producer use this effect when they want to present some scene from the past.
I have a picture of a face and the background is water. I want to make a water face and to do that i need to make a water effect out of the face. "Plastic wrap" is a nice filter to use. I select the face and applying the filter, but the filter is now "in" the face (merged), but i want the plastic wrap filter to be in a new layer so i can disable the face and have the water-face effect and the background left.
How do i do that? If i make a new layer above the face and applaying the filter, i get a error because there wasn't any pixel to use.
I have Photoshop CS4 running on a 8 gig Vista 64 bit system. When I click on Filters, there is no Extract Filter. I did a search prior to posting and saw some threads talking about not moving files, icons etc from their original folder. I am un sure if anything has been moved. However, when I click on Filters, they all seem to be there (at least not greyed out), EXCEPT for the Extract filter. Any help would be apprecited and if you let me know where the filters should reside I can make sure they are in the correct location.
Win 7 OS. I am trying to use the light effect filter and when I select it photoshop gets locked up and won't respond until I end task in task manager (it says photoshop not responding in task manager). Is there a fix for this? I did all of my updates and it still happens.
The lighting effect filter does not respond in CS6. I am on a pc with window 7 64 bit. I have 10 gig ram memory with a ATI Radeon HD 4350 graphic card.
how to mess with text to make them look like this (collegue need to make translated book cover) I suggested to use Displace but it's tricky...need to find proper background etc. Maybe there is some PS or Illustrator filter or filter group which applied gives such effect?
I am using photoshop CS and im trying to use the Filter --> Render --> lighting effect but it is grayed out and I can't use it, as well as the lens flare effect.
i have a bit history of 3dsm5 and psp, 2 weeks ago i started with PS and I love it very much so far, but I have a problem that's bugging me were i can't get around.
When I want to apply the filter "Wind" effect then this effect goes inwards into a layer, and i want it to go outwards.
Has anyone out there had experience with creating a cross star filter effect using PS7? I realize that in an ideal world the effect would be created on the camera lens, but who lives in a perfect world? Photoshop allows us to turn our imperfections into perfections. I would like to create a 4 point and a 6 point cross star effect, but am clueless on were to start.