Photoshop :: Standard Program To Open Image Files?
Oct 25, 2013How can I set ps cc as standard prog. to open image files? I tried the normal "open with" but that is not working.
View 2 RepliesHow can I set ps cc as standard prog. to open image files? I tried the normal "open with" but that is not working.
View 2 RepliesSince upgrading to Mavericks anytime i try to open files by going to file,open it says "Could not complete your request because of a program error".. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and also tried using the cleanup tool but still getting that error. I am using an iMac 27".. Also tried resetting preferences, still no luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm having problems with the adobe creative cloud. When I try to open files in photoshop I get this "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have PSCS4 and trial PSCS6. All my RAW and PSD files open by CS6 by default now. I want PS CS4 open PSD and RAW by default, as it used to, since CS6 is only trial.
I have Mac Pro, OS X 10.7.4. (Lion) I tried to change it this way:
File - Get info- Open with- change to CS4 - change all (use this application to open all documents like this one). It won't allow me, falls back to PS CS6.
I can open files by right clicking and chose PSCS4, (indicated as Adobe Photoshop (11.0.2(11.0.2x20100519 [20100519.r.592 2010/05/19: 02:00:00:00 cutoff; r branch])) That arm long name for CS4 appeared after I installed CS6.
Is there any way to do this on Mac? I cannot find anyplace file and program associations.
I just installed PSE12 and want it to be the default program to open my jpg files. I know how to set defaults on a PC but the program does not even come up on the list of defaults. I've tried right-click on image and "open with" but no PSE12. If I use Browse and follow the path Program Files (x86)/Adobe/PSE12/PSE Editor.exe, there is no exe file, only the application. If I select PSE Editor, it does not make it the default.
View 4 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop CC is not among the programs listed and Windows won't let me add it to the list. Oddly, Illustrator CC is listed. How do I rectify this? I have Photoshop CS6 installed and that is listed. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to figure out a way to open all of my old .pdn files in another program. It doesn't matter if it's a .psd or image file or anything, I just need to convert it into something I can actually use.
opening to convert the file. Well, great, but the files are leftover from when I had a PC--I have a mac now and couldn't download the program if I tried. Is there anything I can do?
I have only just started using AutoCad and all of a sudden my program will not open and save files anymore without, without me typing in the whole filename string. Is there a way of resetting this as it has never done this before?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can´t change the standard program in Adobe Bridge CC on my Mac to Photoshop CC. How can i change this!?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I open the file.psd to edit or file.jpg (Any file type) The program will appear the dialog and then When I click "OK" to close this dialog.After that, it will appear the dialog to close program.
I could not continue to work.I must close and reopen the program. (Do not open the file.)
every time I open up an image file in CS5 all I get is a file box containing a couple of large pixel looking shapes. When I hover the mouse over the file my image appears but disappears again when the cursor moves out of the file. I cannot work on any file. I have just loaded up a second copy of my CS5 onto my PC at home. The original copy is on my pc at work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently got a new laptop with windows 8, it is horrible. Aside from that I was able to install my CS5 , I pinned my 32 bit to the task bar but for some reason whenever I am in bridge and want to open an image (s) it goes to open the 64 bit Photoshop.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI repaired, I reinstalled, I reinstalled again, I repaired again. NOTHING seems to work!
I asked adobe, but they take FOREVER to answer, its been 3 weeks! I keep trying!
The problem is that whenever i open Adobe photoshop, it opens fine, but it wont open any files!
I have ps 7 with image ready. Whenever I try to open a file in image ready I get the following error message.
"Could not complete this operation becuase an assertion has failed."
If I open the file in PS first and then switch to Image ready it will work but then I egt the same error message when trying to save it.
I have re-installed ps but still no luck.
When I try and open images using image sequence, it does not open all the consecutively numbered files. It only opens about half of them 471 or 873. Why is this? I have copied the files, batch renmaed a few times, and still it does not open all 873. I can tell this by the short length and when I go to export it only says "files up to 471" and it is not the entire folder.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi recovered .nef raw image files from a dead external drive. i now can not open them in any program. the message i get in CS6 is 'could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file.'
originally the extension was .NEF now it is .nef- i dont know if that makes a difference, but i hope the file is somewhat corrupted but still fixable.
usually the .NEF file has a .xmp sidecar file with it. these ended up separated from the original .NEF when the files were corrupted, and i cant match them up.
Looking for a way to open Nikon Image Files .NEF
This link is broken [URL]....
I don't think this is PDN [URL]....and several folders down it looks like PDN but is not it leads to an "am i hot or not au site"
...usually it is [URL]...
While recently using my photoshop CS program, my computer crashed. When trying to open photoshop back up, the program locks up and the registration box in middle and tool box (upper left) turn all white. The hour glass symbol pops up and the Adobe Photoshop in the top left corner says (not responding).
I've tried closing and re-opening program, re-starting computer, but I can't get program to open. I have a PC and use Windows XP.
I'm using Maya 2013 SP2 on a MacBook Pro running 19.8.2. When trying to load 32-bit floating point OpenEXR or Tiff files for displacement maps I will invariably get the following error:
// Warning: Failed to open texture file: <file path>
The proper OpenEXRLoader and tiffFloatReader bundles are loaded in the Plug-in Manager and the very same files open without issue on Maya 2013 on my Win7 machine. It seems this is OSX specific.
I cannot open Nikon D800 RAW image files in lightoom 2. My raw files will not import into lightroom (it imports jpegs, but not the RAW files) I am using Lightroom 2, version 2.7, camera Raw 5.7.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to change the view in CS6 so that it is as sharp as my email program?
View 20 Replies View RelatedI have a small number of drawings that I use very often. I would like to make a menu item to open a certain drawing but I keep getting stuck when the drawing name should be entered automatically.I use the code
The drawing is my support file search path and the name is unique. How do I get this to work properly?When running this command:
Command: filedia
Enter new value for FILEDIA <1>: 0
Command: open
Enter name of drawing to open <C:previous.dwg>:
Command: "test.dwg"
Unknown command ""TEST.DWG"". Press F1 for help.
Command: filedia
Enter new value for FILEDIA <0>: 1
It asks what file to open and suggests the last opened file, and whatever I tried so far this keeps happening.
*.scr files are not allowed on our network, I can't create or rename files to *.scr. Of course I could ask the admins to allow this but I think our security policy is more important than me having a button to open a file.
When I go To click on The PS Icon an error pops up "Error 6" what is this because it wont let me open the program?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been using CS6 for quite sometime with no much issues at all. All the sudden, today, without any changes being made in my computer (iMAC IOS 10.9) the software stopped opening files when I went FILE/OPEN and selecting the file to open (jpg). CS6 opens "finder" and then quickly the finder window disappears (so no time to make any selection,,this is not related to a type of file since...I can never get to even select one..) and the message "Could not complete your request because of a program error". The only option is to click OK and that is it.
I now need to go and open finder and then navigate through to the file and the right click and choose Open with CS6 (anf the file opens)..
Working on a client job, I created a photoshop cs6 document. Now I can't open the document anymore. Program error message.I always make different versions when working on a job. When I have to make an important change I save a new version of my work. All the previous versions won't open either.
I still have my Photoshop cs5 installed on my computer. Tried that and it worked. All the files open in cs5 but won't open in cs6.I remember taking some work home where I have cs4 running on the laptop.
My photoshop CS5 will not open either from the desktop or from the program list. I can open Bridge but when I then try to view a photo in photoshop I get a message that says Bridge has stopped working and will have to close down.
View 2 Replies View RelatedPSE 6 program won't open from the start menu or Windows Explorer and the editor and organizer apps won't open from Windows Explorer. All the files are listed in WE and not empty. This happened recently after I have used the program a few years. Do I need to reinstall the program? If so, will the catalog have to be recreated? There are more than 7000 photos in the catalog. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just got my computer back after having a new hard drive fitted. i now find I cannnot get into Photoshop 7 as i get the 'scrath disk full' message each time i try to open the program. When i click the ok box in the message it closes the program down. How do I change the prefernces if the program will not open?
View 3 Replies View Relatedcan not open file, message says "program error"
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I just finally updated my OS and my Photoshop and just encountered something I wasn't expecting. I have an Epson GT15000 scanner(big one with a feeder) I installed all the drivers and everything and the scanner works fine, but I can't seem to open the scanner from Photoshop to scan directly into the program. I can open the scanner independently and scan it to a saved file and then open it in photoshop. But it only has limited file type options so I'm basically forced to save it as one file so that I can then open it in photoshop and resave it as something else which is kinda a rediculous in between step and also leaves me with extra files that need to be deleted. Since the scanner itself hasn't changed and still functions the same otherwise I'm assuming it's because I'm using a new version of Photoshop. I'm also assuming that I actually can scan in the program, just not in the way that I'm used to. I used to go to import, and the scanner would appear on the menu for me to select it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Photoshop Elements 9 installed on my computer (MacBook Pro running Lion). However, I had not used it for a couple of months because I was using the CS6 beta, which finally expired. When I tried to open PSE9, the splash screen loads fine and finishes loading everything, but when it disappears I get a dialog of "Cannot open Photoshop Elements because of a program error."
This is while running on my main admin account. It opens normally on another admin account which I do not use often, except for some text encoding issues which were not present before.