Photoshop :: Smart Filter In Bridge

Oct 27, 2012

I'm making order in my older pictures and I was wondering it there is a way to create smart collection/filter to show pictures  where file type is equal (pdf or raw or jpg) and where keyword doesn't exists.
I want to make sure I have keywords in every picture now but I would like have smart collection/filter like this find pictures without keywords.

I can lookup files without keyword but all folder, subfolders and other files will show as well.

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Photoshop :: Masking Each Smart Filter Separately On Single Smart Object

Aug 23, 2013

1. Is there a way for masking each smart filter separately on a single smart object other than nesting one smart object into the another?
2. Is there a way for removing the previously created smart object?

I mean ... let's say I have a smart object containing four layers. Can I remove smart object from these layers?

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Photoshop :: Smart Filter Mask Not Moving With Smart Object?

Aug 9, 2012

Why doesnt the smart filter mask move with the smart object?

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Photoshop :: Bridge Smart Collections / CS5 Extended Did Not Come Through

May 8, 2012

I downloaded CS6 but my Smart Collections from PS CS5 extended did not come through. How do I bring the collections to PS CS6?

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Photoshop :: Opening Photo From Bridge / Converts To Smart Object

Sep 4, 2012

Instead of opening the psd-file normally from bridge into photoshop the file converts to smart object.
I used to work with CS3 where double-clicking in Bridge on a psd-file would open it in Photoshop. Now, when I double click in Bridge (CS6) it opens a "quick time pro" file, which I definitely don't want. When I use the right mouse to "place in Photoshop" it does so, but then automatically converts the file into a smart object, which I don't want either. What need I do to open a psd-file in Bridge as normal psd-file in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: CC V 14.0 For Mac-Smart Filter Masking?

Aug 10, 2013

I have a standalone Photoshop CS 6 v 13.05 and a Photoshop CC v 14.0 both running on the same MacPro using OS x 10.8.4.

The Smart Filter Masking by painting in the standalone version of Photoshop CS 6 works perfectly.However, try as I might I just cannot get my smart filter/s masked by painting in them in the Photoshop CC version.

Is there a switch or setting somewhere that I’m missing?

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Photoshop :: Smart Filter Sequencing

Feb 17, 2012

In a current project I am often stacking several smart filters on top of eachother (in CS5.1), and then changing their sequence to see what effect that might have overall. When the number of filters approaches 5 (120 possible sequences) or 6 (720 possible sequences), then my sorting method becomes, well, let's just say it's less than systematic. On top of this, sometimes I'm fooling around with the 27 Blending Modes too. When you multiply these options by the number of filter sequences, the possibilies become astronomical. My question is: is there some method/script/keystroke that will alter the filter sequence in a systematic way? For instance, let's say we are using 4 filters, designated A, B, C and D. The 24 possible sequences would be:


Is there a script that will let me view all of these possibles, one by one, so that I can either save or not save a particular configuration? It would be nice if that script would also let you apply various blending modes.

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Photoshop :: Liquify As A Smart Filter

Dec 11, 2012

Liquify as a Smart Filter is definitively a long waited feature but I found an issue with it. I made smart object from a layer, applied Liquify, next I change the document ratio with Crop tool...You see, completely different pixels are liquified now. Dissapointing I've reported the issue already.

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Smart Filter For Liquify Tool

Dec 25, 2012

I updated my PS to 13.03. I saw an Adobe video saying now Liquify Tool can have a smart filter so I want to give it a try. I couldn't get my Smart Filter working for Liquify Tool.
I converted my RGB image to Smart Filter under Filter menu. I then tried to choose Liquify Tool but this option is disabled. Is my version 13.03 still not up-to-dated.

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Photoshop :: Add Vector Mask To Smart Filter?

Jul 30, 2012

You can apply a mask to smart filters, but I can't find a way to apply a vector mask to smart filters.As a workaround I make a selection from a path and make a filter mask from that selection. That works just fine, but I'm still wondering if it's possible to apply the vector mask directly to the smart filter.

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Photoshop :: CS5 (Mac) / How To Load Custom Smart Sharpen Filter

Mar 10, 2012

Yesterday I was working with a collection of photos, and saved my Smart Sharpen settings. As I moved from one photo to another, I was able to choose my saved settings in the dropdown menu. Today, however, all that is available is "default" -- how can I load yesterday's saved settings?

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Photoshop :: Smart Filter Support For Blur And Liquify

May 8, 2013

I have subscribed to CC and smart filter support for blur and liquify are not working. I have first deactivated and reactivated  PS CS6 extended and then tried uninstalling and reinstalling from my CC account. Neither method worked.

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Photoshop :: How To Interpolate Smart Object With Liquify Filter On It

Sep 23, 2013

Here's the situation: I've liquified a smart object but I did all the liquifying at the wrong size - the smart object is not at 100% size (my fault for not opening the smart and dragging it back out at 100%). I need to retain the liquifying (and any warping) exactly as it is, and size up the smart object to 100%. Is there any way to do this accurately? It doesn't matter if it's a big/long workaround, as long as it doesn't involve me redoing the liquify, which will never get me the exact same shape.

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Photoshop :: Disabling Smart Filter Default Masks

Feb 27, 2009

does anyone know a way to prevent default masks on Smart Filters from showing up?

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Photoshop :: CS6 On W7 Platform Crashing Recently Using Smart Sharpen Filter

Jun 21, 2013

Been working on a project moving files from Light room 4 to Photoshop CS6 for final edits and experiencing recent files crashing PS CS6 when using the smart sharpen filter. I've processed hundreds of files in CS6 and never had this issue till lately. All other filters work fine, including other sharpen options, it's just the smart sharpen interface.

I over-installed/re-installed Photoshop CS6 thinking a driver might have corrupted for that filter, then installed all available upgrades but the problem persists. I can't figure it out, and it's a problem - I use smart sharpen a lot for final output. Am I overlooking something simple? Or, do I need to just uninstall PS CS6 and do a total re-install or is there another option?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Threshold Slider In USM Filter - Smart Sharpen In CC?

May 17, 2013

What's the difference between the Threshold slider in the USM filter and the Reduce Noise slider in the new Smart Sharpen filter?

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Photoshop :: Convert Layer To Smart Object - Filter Masking

Sep 15, 2012

Is it possible to convert a layer to a smart object, and then (if desired) have each smart filter have its own filter mask?In the past, I've gotten around this by embedding smart objects within one another, but I'm wondering if there's been any progress made on this issue since CS3.

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Photoshop :: Bridge Filter Panel: Where Did Rest Of The Stuff Go?

Feb 25, 2008

I see keywords and Orintatation in the filter panel. But copyright and other things that used to be there are gone.

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Photoshop :: Does Applying Smart Filter Destroy Layer Mask Information

Jul 31, 2013

Iv applied a smart Filter on a layer that I have done a lot of masking work on. By applying this smart filter do I lose all my masking information? Is there a way of applying the two effects on the same layer?

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Photoshop :: Can Customize Sort Order Of Filter Or Metadata In Bridge CS6

Jun 12, 2012

can i custmize the sort order of fiter or metadata items draging up or down?
for example have aperture value at the begining of the list instead file type?or camera data at the top instead file properties.
i guess i was able to do it with bridge cs3 or cs4 but i have no more installed.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - Smart Collection Or Filter To Display Non-renamed Files

Sep 26, 2013

I always rename pictures after import with YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SEQ-NR, now I would like to find out, which pictures were not getting renamed or where the filename is equal to the original-filename.

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Lightroom :: Smart Collection Returns Different Result To Library Filter?

Oct 18, 2012

I have smart collections simply gathering together all images with a specific star rating, very very simple! I have one for 1 star, one for 2 star and one for 3 star and above. So far so good, have been using these for ages - but - I have just noticed if I go to Catalog/All Photographs and place an identical Library Filter (that is the filter at the top of the library grid view) I get different results. In fact if I place an attribute filter that says "= 2 star" images only I can look at the strip that runs across the bottom of the screen and it says "All Photographs / 1056 of 1647 photos". If I then clear that filter and scroll down to my smart collection that applies the very same filter to the entire catalog (and I have triple checked this, no difference at all, I haven't said less than or greater to in here its the self same "=" only!) and it says "1066"! So the smart collection finds 10 more images than the other, identical filters working on the entire catalog If it wasn't for the number of images involved I would go though them and try and find the extra files by hand!

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Photoshop :: Resize Layer With Smart Filter Without Affecting Aspect Of Layer

Jan 10, 2013

I made a wax seal on Photoshop with a lot of embossment, bedevilment and a Smart Filter. It's done and I just need to make it smaller so it fits well on my certificate. When I resize it (Ctr + T) It pops up a message that reads: 
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended
"Smart Filters applied to layers contained in this group will be turned off temporarily while the transform is being previewed. They will be applied after committing the transform."
[] Don't show again
I click OK and I re-size the layer with free transform, and then hit enter. The Layer is resized but my Smart Filter which creates a wavy affect around the seal is totally distorted.
How do re-size my layer with smart filter without affecting the smart filter aspect of the layer.

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Photoshop :: Copy Layer Mask To Smart Filter Mask....

Nov 2, 2008

How do I do this in CS4?

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Photoshop :: Bridge Doesn't Start / Bridge Mini Is Running (PS6)

May 23, 2012

Bridge doesn't Start, Bridge mini is running (PS6)MacPro, i7, OSX 10.7.4

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Photoshop :: CS6 Bridge Works Only As Mini-Bridge Won't Work As Stand-Alone

May 15, 2012

purchased the 5.5-upgrade to 6.0 Designpremium. Everything seems to work properly except the bridge, wich won't start as stand-alone - works only as Mini-bridge inside photoshop.
While trying to start the bridge from photoshop ("go to bridge") results in a bridge's crash...
In my former installations (5.0 and 5.1) everything was ok ...

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Photoshop :: Bridge (and Mini Bridge) Shows No Thumbnails

Jul 9, 2012

After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.

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Photoshop :: Opening Mini Bridge Causes Bridge Crash

Apr 28, 2013

why Bridge continually crashes when I open Mini Bridge in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Can't Open Bridge Or Mini-bridge

Mar 9, 2012

When I try to open bridge or mini bridge in CS5 I get a message saying that the program can't find the JavaScript plugin.

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Photoshop :: Transform Applied To Smart Object Fails To Transform Attached Smart Filters Mask

Aug 9, 2012

Ps CS6
OSX 10.6.8
Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.
I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu.  A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.
A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.
In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Filter - Artifacts Ruin Effect - Useless Filter?

Aug 25, 2013

I tried to use the lens flare filter in Photoshop CS6.While the lighting effect is interesting, it introduces ugly artifacts like blue or orange blobs (which are supposed to be the reflection of the diaphragm, but do not look anywhere close to that, but instead are just cheesy looking blobs of color).
In the "movie prime" setting blue lines are added which have nothing to do with lens flar.On top of it, the preview is about the size of a stamp. Any way to use the filter without getting these artifacts, or is it - what I assume - just a useless toy filter, that has probably been dragged on for years and years because it's always been there? What do you use to create a lens flare effect? Are you just building it from scratch with brush work?

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