In PS CS5 Extended latest version. I select all, then go to Select|Modify, and all choices are grayed out other than border. This is an 8 bit RGB image. The layer is selected. I also tried flattening it. I also tried creating a new image, RGB 8 bit depth. Also 16 bit. Nothing works.
I double checked CS3 and this works in CS3, but not CS5.
The problem is that after using my select all, or using the marquee tool (tried both ways) to draw the selection my contract option is still grayed out it (like most everyone else has said). Only difference is, it was WORKING fine 30 min ago, I've used it many times while working on numerous documents and now all of the sudden it wont work on anything. I havn't made any changes to any prefs, but maybe I hit a hotkey and locked something? I remember when my define pattern was grayed out, I read a post where I clicked one simple option and voila it was back to normal...something with a spacebar shortcut I think?
Why are my edit commands (copy and cut) grayed out / unavailable? When trying to copy a selected layer or object, all my editing commands are grayed out and unavailable. Even if I convert something to a smart object, no joy. The only thing I seem to be able to select and copy/cut/paste is text in the text edit mode. makes no sense and is rendering PS unusable.
When i'm using the modify commands, the objects that I'm modifying become choppy, and when I zoom in and out with the third button/wheel, the movement of the zoom isn't fluid like it normally is, also It is extremely hard to grab an osnap during this process.
We need to know how to make a retangle, bend the lines and fill with color (dancing ants). If this product cannot do it whst will? Can I get a reduced price since I purchaed Adobe element 10?
I'm wanting to know how to fix this issue? Each time I create actions it has the "Save Actions" selection grayed out. So every time photoshop decides to have a fit and kill on itself all my actions are wiped out then I have to recreate them, rinse and repeat.
When selecting an area I would like to modify/transform/reshape just that selection (the marching ants) without moving the underlying image.How do I do that?
I have a edu version of Adobe creative suite CS2. I tried to learn some text effects in online turtorial but I found that feather, modify, grow, similar, transform selection submenu are disabled in the select main menu. I would like to know why and how to make them enable.
Deselect all as they seem to be unknown commands? (Quick select in properties does work) I have loaded my own profile (but have used the default profile aswell to check, still no joy)
In older versions of Illustrator, I used to be able to make a selection of multiple objects and give them a stroke or other attribute. Now it says “Mixed Appearance” and I can't do anything to the selection. How do I modify a multi-selection if it says “Mixed Appearance?”
I am trying to find a way to assign keyboard shortcuts for different selection sets functions/commands.
I failed to find selection set commands in customize user interface menu. seems that they named it in a manner so that people cant find them when they simply look for "selection" or "set" or "create selection set" or "make selection set" .
what I need is:
1. when I select a group of objects I want to make them a selection set with one keyboard shortcut. (to go to the sets menu window and press that "create a selection set" button is too time consuming. I am also aware that just writing a letter to the selection sets dialog creates a set but still I want that shortcut.) an object and immediately jump to the whole selection set with a keyboard shortcut. or toggle through selection sets.
3.delete the active selection set with one keyboard shortcut.
are these functions available as native commands in customize user interface?should I go looking for a maxscript ?
Then I copy that selection set multiple times in a loop. What I would like to do is then rotate (or otherwise modify) the last copied group of items. If I rotate "last" it will only accept the last drawn item, so only one item in the group of copied objects will rotate.
Here is the portion of simple code I am using right now (it's in a loop so all variables with 'Next' are changing each time):
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet.
Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part.
The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
I have Photoshop CS5 on a Mac OS 10.7.4 My problem is that when I am using curves or a slider, my selection does not stay in the same place. For example, I chose the number 8 on a slider, after I release my selection it will either go one number after or before my selected number. I have had this problem since I got my computer, December 2011, but it has only recently started to frustrated me because of having to use Photoshop a little more than I usually do.
how to "drop out" the background from this photo (I have loads to do which are very similar). Thus far I have tried channel selections and the calculations tool + all the normal quick selection tools and I just cant get it to work without spending hours adjusting things. The end effect I need to achieve is a perfect white background without loosing any of the detail if possible. On a side note I have also tried taking the photo on blue, green, black and white backgrounds but due to the number of colours present in the products its just not working for me.
I am trying to cut a person out of a picture with a deatiled background so I am using the quickmask selection and paint brush. I'm done selecting the person and have gone back into normal editing mode. I then inversed the selection created within quickmask to select everything but the person in the background. When I click delete, the background vanishes and the person become opaque.
If I have mad a selection with say an ellipse marque, of say 100px and now I want to fether that same selection outwards, ie to start the feather 10 px outward of the 100px selection so that the 100th px has a 100% transparency and the 110th px has a transparency of zero,thus making the new selection 110px, how could I go about doing it. With the current feathering of the selection, it feathers only in the marquee already selected, not outward, and you cannot place negative feathering px. I know that there is most likely some sort of a ration where you would expand the selection by a certain amount of px, and then apply a ratio of feathering to it to enalble it to feather outside of the 100px marquee.
When I pasted a selection made with the Marquee tool there is a transform grid around the pasted selection. I use a MAC and Photoshop CS6 and would like to deactive a feature for this automatic grid, if there is one.
I notice that recently hitting Key Commands in Photoshop like Command-M minimizes my open window to the dock instead of opening Curves? This used to work. The Keyboard Shortcuts as set in Photoshop correctly, but it is ignoring them and using the Finder shortcut instead?
I'm looking for a list that describes the various key commands Photoshop employs. You know, like "V" is for the Move Tool, "L" is for the Lasso Tool, etc.
Is there some way to use the command or option key to set control points within curves. Have to activate the little hand to get to do this. I could use the command key with click to set points I was sampling within image in previous 2 versions. Now have to use the hand, and it's to wiggy. Any thing I haven't seen to use commands?