Photoshop :: Scrubby Zoom And Hand Tool Stop Working Out Of The Blue
Feb 12, 2013
I checked my preferences and OpenGL is enabled, so I don't understand why it randomly stops working when I'm trying to get work done. Been working for less than four hours today and have had to restart Photoshop CS5.5 6 times. It starts working for a little while, then the "Scrubby Zoom" box becomes greyed out and the shortcut doesn't work as well.
Also when I hit space (hand tool) to drag the image around, that stops working at the same time as the zoom. I'm using an Intuos4 with this, haven't had problems with it until recently but there haven't been any significant changes in my machine (PC), which has a nice graphics card, processor, etc. I'm using Google Chrome, maybe it has something to do with my browser being open at the same time as PS?
I am using Photoshop CS5.1 on a Windows 7 laptop. Its about 3-4 years old. But this problem has started only recently. Every time I use the section tool, it will almost always break my scrubby zoom and makes a weird, glitch looking box. (as shown)
It also drops the quality of my images slightly. Does this have to do with my video card?
The other day(most likely either coinciding with an update or maybe downloading another CC program) scrubby zoom and flick panning both stopped working. If I select the zoom tool scrubby zoom is greyed out.
When I uninstall my ATI Drivers scrubby zoom works and also the animated zoom works. When I install the drivers for my ATI 6970 GPU they don't. Under Performance the OpenGL is selected, the video card detected is AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series. I have checked that I have the latest drivers. What do I do?
Currently in PS and Camera raw, double-clicking the Hand tool fits the document and double clicking the zoom tool zooms to 100% (1:1 pixels)
This isn't good since it's completely unusable:
- dbl click zoom shows 100% - there's nothing to zoom, since it's zoomed... - dbl click hand shows the image fit to window - the hand tool wouldn't make anything
switch the current double click behavior on Zoom and Hand tools so:
- dbl click hand shows 100% (1:1 pixels) so I can look around and see details
- dbl click zoom shows fit to window so I can zoom in to a region I want
try as i might i cannot get scrubby zoom to stay turned off when i reopen photoshop ? i have turned off the scrubby zoom check box in the top interface menu and have turned off animated zoom in the preferences menu.I have restarted multiple times and have the latest Photoshop patch
In my pc,video card supports openGL, and the openGL is available in performance menu, but the scrubby zoom does not active, and I cannot have a pan zoom ,how can I update the photoshop to remove the bug?
My hand tool quit working. I looked in the forums. I've closed all browsers, restarted, rebooted, and removed the prefs.psp file. Not sure what to do now?
I have just purchased Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium. In Photoshop, the hand tool is not working. The hand icon shows but does not pan the open image.
For some bizarre reason, no matter what tool I select in the tool bar the only icon that will show up on the canvas is the hand tool, I can't change it and consequently I can't do anything but move the image around.
I have installed all the updates and patches, I have tried everything I can think of to solve it and get back to work but no other tools will work.
I have just got a Laptop with windows 8, and put my Photoshop CS5 on, so far eveything works appart from the space bar hand tool, which I use a lot.Its not working in RAW either.
Working away in ps cs5 and click on the direct selection tool and all I get is the hand (move) tool and what ever tool I click on I just get the hand tool! This happened in indesign too.
It goes back to normal if I reboot and just found that when i opened illustrator while having this prob in ps and then went back to photoshop the problem rectified.
Today, all of a sudden, two of my most used functions—holding down the space bar to move the image around and holding down CMD-space bar to zoom—just up and quit on me (I do like the "Scrubby" but it took a little getting used to. It's very touch screen-esque).
I did all of the normal trouble shooting such as deleting the prefs, relaunching, restarting, etc. Nothing. The functions work fine in the other CS5 programs.
I checked through all of the prefs thinking that perhaps I accidentally changed something but I couldn't find anything. If all else fails, I'll do an uninstall/reinstall but only as a last resort.
I did notice that Adobe finally fixed the Distort (in Full Screen Mode) bug that was killing me in CS4.
[URL] Bug is where the Hand move (by holding down Space bar and dragging) stops working. Issue appears to be a conflict with web browsers.
This bug is still present in Photoshop version 12.1 (CS 5). I don't use Firefox, I use Safari and Chrome. Quitting Safari did not fix the problem. Quitting Chrome DID fix the problem.
Running the CS6 trial on a Windows 7 Laptop (x64). I was in Photoshop (64), and noticed that when I held down the spacebar to pan the open image, the hand icon would show but the tool will not work. No matter how many times I click and drag, the image stays still. If I select the MANUALLY select the hand tool it works, but the spacebar shortcut key is non-functional. This issue persists across both the 32 & 64 bit versions of Photoshop.
CS2 dodge tool stopped working as set, yet Burn, Sponge, Clone Tools all work; dodge tool leaves centered white specks if clicked multiple times; all my CS1 tools work; all my CS2 & CS1 tool settings are same (0 hardness, 20% exposure), rebooting does not fix; Is it possible to create this problem by accidentally typing Shift, Alt or Ctrl "," or "." or similar whilst using CS2 Dodge Tool?
So I'm working on this composition with a lot of 3d layers. Sometimes when I switch views, the hand tool stops working completely, for no apparent reason. I hit space, the hand icon still shows, but nothing happens when I drag the cursor. Then after a while it starts working again, for no apparent reason either.
I've used Photoshop 7 for around a year now, using it mainly to touch up digital photos. I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS, but I've found that I'm having difficulties with my keyboard.
Usually, to zoom in, I can press CTRL + +. However, when I do this, nothing happens. Also, when I make a mistake with the magnetic lasso tool, I can usually press my Delete key to undo the last fixed point. Again, this doesn't work. All that is on on my keyboard is "Number Lock", which just allows me to use the right hand number keypad. Even with this off, the problems still aren't solved.
When I try to use the hand to scroll an image around in the window in PS CS6, it keeps crushing the image down inside the window and letting it spring back to its original size when I let go. How do I stop it from doing this?
i have a question about cs3 , under xp i add a curve adjustament layer ,-> curve dialog (window) open -> well i can zoom with the mouse wheel but if i keep the space keyboard pressed , i can't use the hand tool when i click the space keyboard , it works like the [ok] button , in short if like i click on ok and close the window is there a tip to use the curve adjustament layer , zoom and use the hand tool
I can choose any tool either by menu or by shortcut, but only the hand icon remains visible and active. Reopen Photoshop and rebooting mac doesn't work, only solution I have found is: Repair Disk Permissions.
In Indesign CS6 using Mountain Lion, the hand tool appears and I can't select or work with any other tool. All I can do is move the document around. After trying the space bar and other key commands I restarted and it worked for a while. Then it happened again. I work on a Macbook pro, so when I removed the mouse and worked only with the trackpad there was no change. When I quit and reopened, no change. I then deleted prefs and restarted and it worked, but it's been happening from time to time. Any other fix without restarting or deleting prefs.
i have recently upgraded my computer with a new mb, 8gb ram, clean install of vista 64 bit and cs4. after initial problems with screen lag i installed a new graphics card and all seems to be working fine. problem is using the hand tool. i was accustomed in cs3 to comparing two files side by side, let's say the same image with two different levels of sharpening. i was able to view both images at 100% and using the hand tool move each image independently. this made comparing particular areas of the images easy. in cs4 when i open two images and use the hand tool it moves both images at the same time.
i'm working on something that the hand tool is constantly selected? You know the white hand tool (H). If I try and select any other tool..I can't select it as the hand tool wont change
My cursor is showing the hand tool no matter what tool is selected. And the tools of course do not work then. PS restart does not help, I have to restart the PC (Vista 32 Ultimate).
I read about this problem many time in the web. Why isn`t there any solution? Even CS4 11.01 has this bug.
way to use the hand tool (or spacebar) even if the entire image is visible, like you could do in previous versions. One might wonder why you would want to pan if you can already see the entire image. This comes up when one of your layers is bigger than the main image. If you try to Transform the layer, but the transform handles are off the edge of the screen, you need the hand tool. Otherwise you have to zoom out even further to get at the handles.
I hit the zoom tool to zoom in on my document. Say I want to zoom in 5 times. After zooming in once (clicking on the document once), the magnifying glass switches to the move tool cursor If I click again, slowly, it goes back to zooming.