When viewing thumbnails in Bridge in the 'Essential' view the right hand side thumbnails are partially cutoff, and I can not fully view them no matter what I do, or how I scroll horizontally.
Also I see no scrolling bar to scroll vertically in this view. I do this by dragging the mouse pointer down. Is this the only way?
purchased the 5.5-upgrade to 6.0 Designpremium. Everything seems to work properly except the bridge, wich won't start as stand-alone - works only as Mini-bridge inside photoshop.
While trying to start the bridge from photoshop ("go to bridge") results in a bridge's crash...
In my former installations (5.0 and 5.1) everything was ok ...
After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.
having scrolling text within the LCD screen of the attached photo. I already know how to create the animation, but the problem is that I cannot keep the text visible only in the LCD screen and not on the outside. I've tried a layer mask on the Text layer in order make text appear in the screen, but obviously that didn't work. lol
I have just about every object in the picture on a different layer. The Green Screen, Scan Lines, Metal, buttons, etc.
I recently got a new HP computer and installed photoshop CS4 onto it. The irritating thing about it is when im using alt+scroll wheel to zoom in and out as soon as i get close enough to the image that side scroll bars appear the alt+mousewheel will no longer work. It simply scrolls up and down and i need to grab the zoom tool in order to do anything else afterwards. Im pretty sure this is a conflict with my OS or something but has anyone else had this issue or know a way to resolve it? HP computer with vista 64 home.
How can I turn off auto-scrolling when tools are used near the edge of the window? It's extremely frustrating to be actively drawing, not noticing that I'm getting near the evil danger zone, and to suddenly be three pages down with a vertical brush streak all the way down my image, and having to undo, reposition, redo ...
The same thing happens with the ruler tool; I'll be near the edge, hit shift to snap the ruler to an axis, and suddenly I'll be a mile away scrolled completely outside of the canvas and throwing my arms in the air in frustration.
I am experiencing a problem where changing the zoom level in Photoshop CS3 causes scrolling around the window to become extremely slow and jerky.
A typical example would be I open a photo and zoom in. At this point if I drag a selection box it behaves normally. If I then use the scrollbars or the hand tool to scroll to another area of the photo and then try to drag a selection box, the cursor and box outline move very slowly and are so jerky that it's impossible to accurately select anything. Code:
there is a way to change layer scrolling shortcuts. I know that default ones are Alt + [ or ] to scroll through layers, but unfortunately my country's keyboard does NOT have [ and ] keys. Therefore I am unable to quickly scroll through my layers. So I went into the keyboard shortcuts menu and searched it over and over again and couldn't find the these two shortcuts.
I should change the keyboard setting in Windows, but changing the keyboard setting on my computer is not an option here, because I've been using my country's keyboard + translated version of windows my whole life. Even if I did change the the keyboard to English one in Windows, I still wouldn't know on which keys certain symbols.
This is something I've always wanted, and don't know if it exists. I'd like to somehow place type in an image, and scroll down the font selections to see the font choice change in the image window (not in the font sample area of the Character Window, or Type Menu line). I know you can click on the font to see it change in the image window,
but ideally I'd like to scroll down the font list, or down arrow down it, to see the font quciky change in my image to pick a font.
When I am working in Photoshop CS, I often use the 'F' command to isolate an image in the middle of a gray space. However, if one selects the image with the selection or crop tool, a too rigourous gesture suddenly causes Photoshop to slide the image away, so then only a part will still be visible. As long as this function is in effect, there seems to be no way to get the entire image centered again in order to determine the crop precisely. Does anyone know how to solve this?
registry tweak to allow overscrolling on a PC when zoomed out to where the entire image fits on the screen, and I made a mental note to get back and try it, but now I can't find the post from which to get the specific setting.
I upgraded to CS5 and cannot scroll through the fonts and see the change in my type layer. I know it's supposed to work, but can't seem to find out why it isn't.
I often work with very large images (300dpi, with both geographical space and file size very large) since I'm often printing these images for print / direct marketing campaigns or signage. The image I'm working on now, for example, is 255MB / 44" x 42" @ 300 DPI. That's a big picture! So, sometimes I need to work in detail at the edge of a document. That's where the problem comes in:
When I'm zoomed in at say 100%, while working with that 44" by 42" image, obviously I must scroll around to get access to other areas of the image and display them on the screen. However, if I try to use the Hand tool for instance and drag up so I bring the canvas up and expose some part of the gray outside (and thus exposing the edge plus some blank space for me to work on, just like you'd do in Flash or whatever other programs.) When I try to do that with PhotoShop CS2, it will bring the image to the edge of the image's window, but not allow me to drag it even further like you'd be able to do at say a zoom level of 50% or smaller.
Can I enable this feature so I can drag images and move them into the window display but also show some of the exterior of the canvas so that I can work in great zoomed detail but at the leading edge in 100% zoom mode?
I'm sure I'm using the wrong search terms because I can't find any info on this, but Photoshop's new grabber hand scrolling is a wild beast with the image flying off in all directions each time I use the grabber hand.
Is there a setting somewhere to change it back to the old behavior where after you stop scrolling with the grabber hand, the image stops too?
I've tried various combinations of stopping then releasing the spacebar or releasing the spacebar then stopping but no matter what I do, the image goes flying off in the direction I was scrolling.
When I had a virus removed from my computer, I believe it may have corrupted/deleted some of Photoshop Element 8.0's files. While the program still runs, there are some things out of place, in particular a lot of scroll bars are missing and scrolling through the text-box font drop down window is completely disabled.
Is there a software patch that could potentially fix this? Or should I just uninstall/reinstall the program?
If i zoom in image so it's bigger than "Fit on Screen" then if open/create or go to other opened image and return to 'zoomed' one, PS reposition area i see to right upper corner.
After taking a large batch of pictures, I want to place them in a folder and rapidly view the full images one at a time to select which to keep and which to discard. IN PE-8 how can I display two panes - one pane containing the image file names contained in a folder and the other pane which displays the image of the file name selected? Using the arrow keys, I want to move through image file names one at a time while displaying the image associated with the file name in the other pane.
Whenever I try to open the Brushes panel, the Bridge window pops up. I know that Bridge is a media manager, so I'm not sure why is it opening. I really need to edit the brushes and I can't find a way to do it. Is there a way to disable bridge or another way to open the brushes panel that won't open bridge?
I had no problem learning how to set up scrolling titles in Video Stuidio X5… the kind that scroll up from the bottom of the screen and disappear off the top. But I need to do something different now.
I am working on video of a stage musical I videotaped. For one rather complicated number, I would like to have the lyrics scrolling up from the bottom of the screen and disappearing two or three lines above the bottom "video safe" margin. Functionally, these would serve as open caption subtitles for the number. Accomplishing this method would be preferable to creating a series of individual subtitle segments and trying to match them up to the video. For this number in particular, that is not at all desirable.
When I'm scrolling through my Layout tabs using the arrows on the bottom left of the screen, if I'm scrolling right I have to click the arrow at a certain speed or it gets hung up on one tab and won't scroll any further. If I'm scrolling left, it only lets me scroll as far as the active tab and then it fades both the "left" and "skip to end left" arrows and won't let me scroll at all. And both directions, unless I'm clicking very slowly on the arrows, instead of scrolling it highlights the name of the tab as though I've clicked "Rename".
It's been a while since being on PDN and I can't find the tutorial where you have different colors scrolling horizontal or vertical within the text. Think you created a .gif file to do this.