there is a way to change layer scrolling shortcuts. I know that default ones are Alt + [ or ] to scroll through layers, but unfortunately my country's keyboard does NOT have [ and ] keys. Therefore I am unable to quickly scroll through my layers. So I went into the keyboard shortcuts menu and searched it over and over again and couldn't find the these two shortcuts.
I should change the keyboard setting in Windows, but changing the keyboard setting on my computer is not an option here, because I've been using my country's keyboard + translated version of windows my whole life. Even if I did change the the keyboard to English one in Windows, I still wouldn't know on which keys certain symbols.
What I am wanting to do is select objects or object mouse and use a keyboard shorcut to change those objects to a layer that is frozen. The layer is called "AS-BUIILT DELETED"
I upgraded to CS5 and cannot scroll through the fonts and see the change in my type layer. I know it's supposed to work, but can't seem to find out why it isn't.
I'm sure I'm using the wrong search terms because I can't find any info on this, but Photoshop's new grabber hand scrolling is a wild beast with the image flying off in all directions each time I use the grabber hand.
Is there a setting somewhere to change it back to the old behavior where after you stop scrolling with the grabber hand, the image stops too?
I've tried various combinations of stopping then releasing the spacebar or releasing the spacebar then stopping but no matter what I do, the image goes flying off in the direction I was scrolling.
When I click in my layer control and type in a "letter" to quickly scroll to that part of the alphabet, it changes my current layer to the first laser alphabetically with that certain letter. Is there a way to turn this off? If i am just looking at layers, I don't want autocad to change my current layer.
I use a lot of adjustment layers and they're often applied to the previous layer. Is there a keyboard shortcut to automatically "Use pervious layer as clipping mask" without going through the dialogue box or manually applying in the layers palette(Option-click between layers)?
I've often been annoyed by the fact that that I need to go into the layer panel each time I need to switch between editing a layer and editing it's mask. Surely there must be a way to do this with a shortcut. I found a way to disable the layer mask in the shortcut menu, but this is not something I need to do that often. Switching between layer and layer mask, however, happens all the time - at least in my workflow.
The feature where you can quickly change a brush size/ diameter by pressing Alt + hold right click (for Windows) (In Mac, control + alt + left click) is neat but is there any way to change that shortcut to a different combination? I can't find it in the shortcuts list.
Photoshop CS3... What's the shortcut to selecting a layer in a document? Control clicking only selects the Layer Set. What's the shortcut to selecting an individual layer? I know that Right Click gives the option.. but is there a keyboard shortcut?
A want to redefine default shortcut for command "Create new layer without dialog" but i cannot find this command in shortcut preferences.In which section of shortcut preferences, in photoshop cs6, nested this command?
I keep triggering this by accident and can't figure out what combo I'm hitting, or how to disable it. I've looked in the Keyboard Shortcuts but can't find it.
I'm on a laptop keyboard, so I use the fn key a lot to access enter when I'm finished editing text. Every once in a while (but often enough to be annoying), I attempt to enter out of text editing and suddenly everything stops, the gray rotating "processing" cursor appears, and for a few seconds I'm in a mild panic about how long it's been since I saved. Then a dialog box comes up asking if I want to switch to the 3D workspace or something. Clicking "no" doesn't stop the unwanted 3D thing from happening, and the last History item then says "Extrusion from Text Layer." I then Undo and go on with what I was doing.
I've always got my left hand positioned over the lower left corner of the keyboard, and move quickly when using shortcuts and switching tools. What combination I keep hitting by accident - something with fn, ctrl, opt, cmd, shift, I don't know, plus possibly return or enter. What is it, and how do I disable it?
I just recently discovered the keyboard shortcut for toggling the current layer on and off and it is an incredible time saver. Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut dedicated to toggle a specific layer on and off regardless of what layer I am working on? I use Photoshop for painting and I'll have a layer set up like an overlay, with my line drawing set to Multiply blending mode at about 25% opacity.
However, as the painting progresses, I need to turn that layer on and off continuously to be able to see my painting without the lines overlayed. I know I lose a lot of time having to go over and turn the eye off and then back on over on the layers pallete. I've tried setting something up as an Action, and had a shortlived success, but when I added new layers or moved them around after setting it up, it stops working. I have to say, it was my first attempt at creating an Action of any kind, so there may be a way to keep it working regardless of what I do to the other layers, Having the ability to somehow dedicate a key for quick toggling of my drawing layer would be another tremendous time saver.
Question: How to select a specific layer inside of a Group, with a shortcut?
Need a shortcut command...
I can select an individual layer by holding CTRL and clicking on an area of the image (which is on a layer) in my document. This will direct me exactly to the layer by highlighting it (under layers). This makes it easy to find an area of the art/and the layer it's on.
I am wondering if there is a similar way to select an image that is inside of a Group? (in CS3)
When using the CTRL and click on image command, it goes directly to the Group folder the image is in (instead of the exact layer it's on). I would like to have a command that will go directly to the layer in a group.
I do know about right clicking on an image area and getting a list of the layers. I do not want this.
I am wondering what would be the keyboard shortcut to change the tolerance percentage up and down? For example, to change brush size bigger you press"[" and for smaller you press, "]". I am looking for the same kind of shortcut, but instead of brush size, I need it for tolerance. I spent more than 30 minutes last night trying to find it in the keyboard shortcut dialog thing but I could not find it. I am sure photoshop has a shortcut for this.
Whenever I am editing text and press Return or Enter, Photoshop highlights the 'Set the font family' in the top options bar.I cannot find a way in the keyboard shortcuts to change it.
I have looked through all the menu keyboard shortcuts and of course have found Merge Visible which doesn't useful. I don't see anything in keyboard shortcuts that lets me change Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to something different. Exactly what is that shortcut called in PS CS5, where do I find it?
I am trying to change my shortcut menus. Instead of modifying the current default mode, I am trying to make a new default mode menu and preserve the original. I have made the new menu and named the aliases POP501 & CMDEFAULT. But, when I right click the mouse, civil 3d still references the original default mode menu. How do I change this?
In the earlier versions of acad the "ctrl-w" toggled object snap tracking on or off, but in 2012 it is changed to Selection Cycling on or off. This is quite irritating, because I got used to toggle object snap tracking with it and still automatically use it for that purpose. But I tried my best in the user interface to find it and change it or even disable it. But can't seem to find it anywhere or change it for that matter.
I need to change the shortcut commands but cannot find the file or how to do it in AutoCAD LT 2012. I had to reinstall due to a virus in my computer and I cannot remember how to do this, it has been too long.
is there any way that I can change position of represenations with shortcut on keyboard? I use mouse to select each position now.
inventor 2013 sp2 64bit with window 7 Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 Autodesk Product Design Suite Standard 2013 Microsoft Office 2007 & 2013 Windows 7 64bit Synergis Adept 2013 Visual Studio Express 2010
I work on a Mac so the shortcuts and menus are for Mac, what it will be on a Windows computer
I was having trouble in Illustrator CS6 joining two points smooth. I read this article ...[URL]... about joining in Illustrator CS5 (which seems to be the same in CS6) ... and noticed it says "A Smooth join is possible only when the end-points are smooth" ... now who came up with this asshat rule (pardon my french)??? I used to be able to force a joining to be smooth no matter what kind of points I had, however, not anymore it seems
This is what I had trouble with:
Smooth joins
Step 1.As you can see in the image below I have two points both with an arm ... they should qualify as smooth end-points, right?
Step 2.So after moving the two paths together I went ahead and selected the two points with my Direct Selection Tool (the white arrow). Notice how only one arm sticks out all of a sudden (this was actually a clue to why I had trouble in the first place but more on this later).
Step 3.I tried to force the two points to join smoothly by using the cmd+opt+shift+J shortcut to get the Average & Join dialog box up and select Smooth ... to no avail.
Step 4.It stil ends up doing this weird joining (this is after I tried to move the point with my Direct Selection Tool).
Step 5.So I used cmd+Z until I was back to square one and then I discovered if I moved one of the end-points there was another one beneath it. Notice that it is the point that was missing an arm in step 2, when I had selected what I thought was only two points, which should have clued me in.
Removing the extra point and placing the two smooth end-points on top of each other again made it possible to make the smooth joining, I had tried to do countless times.
What I wonder about now is the fact that I could get the Average & Join dialog box without having Illustrator complain up a storm about me having selected more than two points? Illustrator used to be very picky about this, which would have made me discover the extra point way sooner.
Shortcuts In the article I also noticed people complaining about the four keys shortcut for the Average & Join dialog box (cmd+opt+shift+J). You can just go ahead and change that in Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts... (cmd+opt+shift+K). Here is how:
Step 1.In the dropdown change Tools to Menu Commands.
Step 2.Go to Other Objects ... there you will find Average & Join. Go ahead and clear the shortcut and press whichever shortcut you wish for. I chose cmd+J, because I wish to use this method more often than Join. After this you get the option to Go To Conflict ... I did that and gave Join the shortcut shift+cmd+J and ended up giving Justify Text Left the shortcut cmd+opt+shift+J ... yeah, I seldom use the shortcut for Justify Text Left anyway.
Step 3.I saved my new custom shortcut set with the name "Adobe Illustrator CS6 Shortcuts" ... that way I can search for the file and take it with me in case I need it on another computer and the name tells me which version it is for.
How do I change the short cut keys in only the right click menu? For example I used to be able to right click then type M for move in 2012. Now in 2013, I have to right click then click V for move. I also used to be able to right click and type O for rotate. Now nothing happens. I have to click again on rotate rather than typing a key. There's a few others I'd like to change.