In images where there's flat colour (eg book & cd covers), how do you easily get rid of any unwanted noise, without making edges blurry, or resizing down?
Take this image below for example. It's essentially 5 flat colours. How do I remove the jpegging without blurring the colour edges any more than they are? (click to see full size, it doesn't look so bad squeezed down in a forum page)
I tried Filter > Noise >Reduce Noise with no luck. I thought Posterize would work but it's too harsh on the edges.
I've been working on some pictures that will be printed on T-shirts. The problem is that I've got alot of different color in the pictures which would result in a very expensive print. What I would want to be able to do is to reduce the colors in the pictures to only 4 specific colors (plus black and white). The colors must be very specific. for an example: "ff2600".
To be totally clear: I need the ALL the different types of yellow into be transformed to just one type of yellow.
So my question is am I able to do something like this in photoshop?
I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...
When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..
i'm working on a job with 2 colours. I already did this using CMYK and setting 2 of them to 100% and the other 2 at 0%. But people who press these posters say me that they always have to convert the CMYK file to a 2 colours file. Is there a way to set my colours to 2 colours instead of 4?
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
I need just a bit of help with an image that I am trying to correct. Am having no problem with the color levels or the brightness/contrast. My problem is that after I have adjusted all the needed levels, brightness/contrast, etc I am stuck with an image full of what I call artifacts. I have tried everything I can think of to clear this up but obviously there is something I am missing. Hope someone is able to help me with this. The image that is posted is the original that has been untouched.
I am creating 3D renders in PS CS6, and I am getting strange blocky artefacts in the renders. These appear on first pass and persist throughout the render. This has happened in the last 2 renders I have tried - I haven't used 3D for a while before this and I don't remember these before. Â By blocky artefacts I don't mean the JPG artefacts created by the forum's degrading of the uploaded image, but the light coloured rectangular blocks around the "s",On Win7x64 with latest PS CS6 update; NVidia 650M2GB on a Core i78GB.
Iinstalled version of CS4 v11 with no plugins and all settings at the defaults. If I go to Help > About Photoshop (and other menu selections) it causes a gray line to suddenly appear through the menu bar. If I then move my cursor over the minimize/maximize/close icons in the upper right, artifacts appear. .
i recently fixed a virus on my computer after a few days hard work tracking it down, and since then i have experienced no blue screens anymore, but i had a probel with explorer.exe where it used sometimes over 800MB of memory doing nothing. With more research and monitoring, i discovered its cause was actually a corupt music file on my desktop, and every time i refreshed my desktop, explorer's memory usage would jump up a few dozen more kb of memory.
This is now fixed. BUT, i still have one symptom of something wrong, that doesnt seem to go. My PC is back to being fast it seems now, and there is no noticable real lag between just opening folders like there was, but my desktop still has problems. If i close a full screen program, the computer doesn't exactly slow down, its just the program closes very slightly slower than normal because it closes from top to bottom.
MSN in particular, always leves it's title bar behind when closed. And if i click and drag on my desktop, the little dashed box it makes sticks and doesn't go away. All of this is resolved by a refresh of the desktop, but it doesn't explain why it is happening. Windows XP 32bitNVidia 9800GTX GPU4GB RAM
After using the Filter Extract and Magic Lassoo methods to erase a background of say a model, I usually end up with lots of artefacts.
I then use the backgound erase to remove these. But I find it very time consuming as they do not show up that well on the standard grey checkerboard background.
I'm working on a project and I'm painting a robot which is in a dark grey. I need to be able to paint in the shadows but Photoshop is going haywire with rendering the gradients. I'm simply using a round brush with 30% opacity and 20% flow. What I'm getting is some VERY ugly jaggedy stepping of tone.
My current project dimension are 5000 x 3000 px. I don't get what is going on. I have not changed blending modes, nor am I using any alternate modes on my brush. All the settings are pretty much out of the box, except for the global settings I mentioned above.
I'm a digital illustrator and I've been using PS for years and I've never run into this problem before. I'm runnin PS CS6 on Windows 7 pro with an NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+ video card.
I'm having a weird problem in Photoshop CS6. I just installed it and I've been getting strange "artifacts" when I use the move tool. Also, when I work with text it displays poorly. It looks rough and not anti-aliased. I'm running Windows 7 64bit and have AMD 6850 GPU. Â [URL]...........
I have some really good resoloution images for a large 8x4ft poster project. but one of my clients larger images (an important one) is just a 1000 x 1000px image @ 72dpi that has some artifacts which needs to occupy a approximate 25 inch square on the final print. I can't get a better quality image than this from the client at this time as they don't have it. what techniques can I use in photoshop to increase the print size while improving the final printed image. In the past, I sized up the image to the size needed and set the dpi from 72 to 300dpi (using "bicubic smoother"), add some surface blur, add monochromatic, uniform noise @ 2% +/- (to help smooth out the artifacts). with this image now, there are a lot of flat shiny surfaces where the artifacts are more noticable, etc. what kind of techniques would you use for this kind of job? (apart form hitting the client xD)
I am getting unwanted artifacts when I work with medium to large size brushes in Liquify. The artifacts look like lines of a few pixels width that are offset from the surrounding image area -- almost like pulling a couple of threads in a woven patterned fabric. This has happened with both large and small file sizes. It necessitates way too much retouching.
I use liquify extensively on images and didn't have this problem when I used Photoshop 7. It began with CS. I am now using CS2 on a G5 with OS 10.4. Any ideas how to solve this?
I have been a long time Photoshop user and am having screen redraw problems since I have purchased a new system. I did not have this problem on my Macbook Pro which was hooked up to the same monitor. Â Problem is: When I open a file in CS5 (12.0) and move the image around screen Its not redrawing smoothly. There is some stair-stepping artifacting going on. Its not lagging....just creating some stair-stepping like artifacting. Â If I open the same file in "Preview" (version 6.0) and recreate the same image movement there are no problems.
System is :
Mac OS mountain lion 8.0Â Mac Pro 3.2 Quad core (5,1) Â Monitor NEC PA271W (W/spectraview)Â GPU is ATI Raedon 5770 Â Monitor to Mac connection is DVI to DVI
We've encountered a huge problem with some JPEGs we retouched for print.Either directly after opening them in PS or after saving and closing the image (mostly the case) it's getting some kind of horizontal stripes / artifacts. Problem is, sometimes they only appear after saving the image, so we'd have to reopen every one a few times to make sure this error does not occur. Also, the images look abolsutely fine in the preview AND wehen placed in InDesign. Sometimes they're visible in the exported PDF, sometimes they aren't and we eventually find out when the product is already printed. Â We're running CS6 on OS X 10.7.5 with newest patches and Updates. All images are HQ stockphotos from familiar sites.
I recently changed pc and monitor causing a damn problem with those color spaces! My monitor is a Dell u2412m and by default it's setted on: Â Now when I open a RAW file with ACR and choose sRGB as color space the result is this:As you can see, most of the photo presents black shadows. If I save the file and I open it with windows image it's perfect. Indeed, if I choose ProPhoto for monitor and for the photo the visualization is fine:
I must change the color space in sRGB or even RGB before save the final image so I really would like to se a real preview of it in photoshop instead of saving it first. So the problem occurs when I save to RGB (less artifacts) and sRGB (lots of artifacts!). I can't understand this because I'm using the same color space as default for my monitor.
The pc configuration is:Intel i7 3770 Ati HD7870 driver Ati 12.11 beta RAM 16gb
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
The Photoshop CS6 (13.0.4) selection, text, and shape tool causes colored artifacts on screen. I'm running on a retina Macbook Pro updated to the latest ML release. I have disabled GPU acceleration. I have also tried starting Photoshop with no plugins but this does not work.  I have created a video which shows the phenomena  [URL].........
I have designed 18 "tee-signs" for our disc golf course. They print fine from Illustrator to various color printers. Now, we are getting them printed on a sticker which we will affix to a metal plate and post near the tees. The printer we are working with requested eps, so I saved a few in illustrator eps format and had him print them to test. They look great except for a few artifacts. For instance, for hole 8, around the "8" in upper left there is a very light shaded rectangle. This doesn't correspond to any shape that is buried in there. What it *should* look like is [URL] .... (note, this does NOT show the artifact). So, I printed the eps files myself, and I don't get those artifacts, but I do get a few random lines, and also the corners of the stroked fonts look like they are "selected", i.e. tiny circle.
For a website, my avatar must be less than 100px square and less than 30k of page weight. I'm having a terrible time doing this without the photo being a blurry mess once uploaded. The first two photos are relatively heavy because they've been edited, so I thought I'd try a photo that hasn't been messed with. I notice that even that photo, at 72ppi and 100px is still over 100k in weight. It will probably also be a mess
I've been working on some pictures that will be printed on T-shirts. The problem is that I've got alot of different color in the pictures which would result in a very expensive print. What I would want to be able to do is to reduce the colors in the pictures to only 4 specific colors (plus black and white). The colors must be very specific. for an example: "ff2600". To be totally clear: I need the ALL the different types of yellow into be transformed to just one type of yellow. So my question is am I able to do something like this in photoshop?
i'm just learning some basic 2d (i work mainly in 3d) and am in the middle of reducing/cropping some of my images so that they fit neatly on a web page. i have a couple of questions:
1. when i reduce (resample) an image, in the resample dialogue there is no easy way to just reduce by a given multiplier (e.g. 0.5) and at the same time, see what the resulting size will be.
for example - i have an image that is 2592*1944 pixels. i would like to be able to enter a multiplier and see what the resulting resolution would be /before/ i commit to the new size. this is possible in a very old version of corel photopaint that i have and so my first question is can this be done in photoshop or do i have to resize elsewhere?
I have a cybershot and have it set to 1280 x 960...Fine. The pictures look great but sometimes when I upload to walmart or shutterfly them become pixelated. Or when I use irfanview (PC only program) to resize to something smaller and pixelates them as well.
Should I change the camera settings, if so, to what? Should I use PS to resize them?
I want to reduce the colour levels in a picture to four, or limit the amount colours of an image to 4 colours.
I have many black and white images and I want to remove all but 4 scales of colour so that I have
Light Grey
Dark Grey
The closest thing I have found is in the filter gallery bu using cut out and reducing the number of levels to 4 the problem is this tends to blurr some of the details as part of the effect whereas I want to maintain the crisp edges of my image so that it just looks flatter
I would also like to know if there is a method to do this and have it somewhat scaleable so I can decide on the range of colours in the current image that would fall into each of the new colour categories so that I can adjust itcase some details are incorporated into say the dark grey layer and they should be black ect?
I'm sure I have seen a very simple feature to reduce the colour range of an image, maybe that was in paint shop pro it was a long time ago.