Photoshop :: Receive Email Notifications For A Single Thread Only?
Jul 12, 2012
Can you do this or must you subscribe to all threads?I could not find a way just to monitor a single thread, or a number of specific threads, as opposed to all threads.
I have Illustrator CS 5 and until 3 days ago I use to receive notifications when a placed image or link was updated outside of Illustrator. It has now stopped. Did I accidentally turn off a preference I didn't know of?
is there a way to disable email notifications so it works the other way (I enable it on any threads I want, NOT have to keep turning it off on every thread, every time I make an edit)?
I'd like to use an "NPT" Hole Dialog thread but it doesn't show up in the Thread type list.But it does show up in the Thread Dialog/Specifications Tab/ Thread type list so it's available.
I definitely have "NPT" in my Thread.xls & I have my Options/Files set to point to the correct Design Data folder.
I can drill a hole as needed, but can't thread a hole at all. Not with the Tapped Hole function when drilling the hole, or after drilling the hole then using the Thread Tool. Inventor will just not let me create threads this way outside of cutting a coil.
I am trying to add a thread class to the thread.xls. (that part is ok)
The thread is M26x2.0
I can't seem to find any information for me to simply plug in the values into the .xls, so I am thinking that I have to crunch some numbers. which is fine. I just want to make sure that this image below is the correct the reference for this task.
using the pitch, I should be able to calculate all my min and max values, but the xls has class column and a tap drill column, how would I determine these values??
Trying to send photo by email attachment or photo email.
Had previously done the verification code thing and got the code and have been sending pics by photo email.Have got PS10 loaded to my Desk Top - main system and also my laptop .When trying now to send pics on my DeskTop I can get to the (maybe second) screen where you choose the size of the phots and then I get the Verification Code screen - which tells me that an 'initial verification code' will be emailed to the chosen email - but when I say continue, I go to the next screen of the Photo email and then when trying to send the phto email it locks up and says an unexpected error has taken place ...
I have sent some photos via the laptop but it seems to be very hit and miss at the moment.Also I have some problems opening PSE10 - When I click on the icon - I get the initial "organise or edit" screen where I choose organise - but then all that happens is this screen closes and the Organiser does not open. Most of the time I'm left with maybe shutting down my whole computer and starting up again and it works again.
Up until yesterday, I only received email notification from Corel on topics that I had made a contribution to, now I am receiving emails for all posts submitted on the forum, whether contributed to or not. I have checked my User Control Panel, but could not find a way to change notification settings. Is there anything I can do to change things back to the way they were.
how to create a hyperlink to email a PDF form to an email address. So the user finished completing the form fields and then wants to email the current form they just filled out in Acrobat and want to submit the filled out pdf to an email address that is listed on the document.
Is it possible to email photos as attachments (jpg), not embededed within email? Mac users report when they receive the email, photo is only embedded, there is no attachment so they cannot download.
I am receiving an error when I open photoshop cs5.1 [Adobe PS error]: Parameter is missing [shell:161]. I originally had Photoshop installed as a trial and just entered in the purchased license. I did not have this problem during the trail period.
I have an iMac running OS Lion. System purchased in Dec, 2011. Yesterday I updated Safari to latest version released this past week from Apple at the same time as the Mountain Lion OS. I have Photoshop CS5 Extended on this computer. Now when I open PS, with nothing else running, and click "Help" on the Photoshop file menu bar I can only receive information relating to the iMac operation system using the "search" option.
Example: When I select Help and type "tools" in the search field I see "menu" items relating to tools in PS but the "help topics" only shows topics relation to OS Lion, like "Customize the Finder Toolbar" why I cannot access the help manual for PS?
I received some exported jpgs with presets (edited files). I was supposed to receive the edited original raw files.
I am still learning LR but if they sent me the catalog file (lrcat) would that allow me to "zero" out all the edits they did to the files I have or would they still have to send me the originals?
For the last months, I haven't faced any problem to upload pictures from Lightrrom 4.3 to my Flickr account, but today I receive the following error message :
I am facing problem with SaveAs API which is when called to save the top drawing of one or above level structure we don’t receive call back for “SaveComplete” event. When we call SaveAs API, it is expected to receive first call back for BeginSave event and then SaveComplete event. But we don’t receive the call back for SaveComplete event.Below is the scenario:
Create a drawing say, “TopDrawing” and attach another drawing (as xRef) say “ChildDrawing” to the “TopDrawing”.
Save the drawings.Now modify the “ChildDrawing”.After this we are using following SaveAs API for the “TopDrawing”.
Observations: After using this API we receive call back for “BeginSave” event. But we are not receiving call back for “SaveComplete” event.Due to this we are not able to save the TopDrawing after the modification of its reference. This issue is observed in more than one level structures also.This is observed with AutoCAD2010,11,12 and 13.
Expected Results:
We should receive call back to SaveComplete following to the call back for BeginSave event in order to save the structure correctly. What needs to be done if I want to get result as I am expecting after using SaveAS API.Also provide me the information about the libraries which are used for SaveAs function.
I would like to know how to change the colour of a single layered, single coloured gradient (foreground to transparent) image. There is nothing more to it than that other than I don't want to use the hue/saturation adjustment as it's hard to get a specific colour.
As of yesterday I am unable to save templates. At first I thought it may be an error with the project that I was working on, but I've opened up old projects and tried to resave those as a new template and I receive an error.
If I create a new project and try to save it as a template, I also receive this error.
I use Cyrillic parts of text in my lisp programs. But when I start lisp in AutoCAD 2013 Mac for OSX, in text fields I received only hieroglyphics. I try to use different text encoding for lisp file, but i receive only different hieroglyphs, not Cyrillic text.
I'm not sure who the Admin for the forum is, hence a general post. About 10 minutes ago I replied to my own thread "Dreamlike Horizon Effect" in order to place it back at the top after posts got swamped by a load of spam posts.
System Center Configuration Manager SMSExec service crashes when distribution manager tries to decompress the file alias.B8I. The reason for the crash is the file has a create date of 12/31/1969. SCCM crashes on any file that has a creation date earlier than 1/1/1970. Does anyone know if Adobe has updated this file? Adobe, if you are monitoring can you provide a fix or work around for this issue?
You can organize a multi-threaded work with data through Inventor API? For example, there is a assembly and I need the first part of assembling a list of items to consider in a data set, the second part of the list - in the second data set, the third - the third and so on up to N, where N - depends on how many threads can run in the system . Whether these flows are processed and to receive data in parallel? Or go to the consistent implementation of this algorithm will first be processed by the first part, and only after it will start the second ...?
I am having a terrible time getting the thread modeler to work correctly for an M16x 1.5 thread. I have tried multiple approaches to get the correct thread dimensions output.These are the steps I take:
1) Create hole (I've used both major and minor thread diameters,16mm and 14.376mm)
2) Apply Inventor threads (M16 x 1.5)
3) Select threads from tree using the Add-in thread modeler "Controller"
4) Analyze dimensions finding both cases yield the wrong dimensions.
This add-in would be very useful and a great time saver if it would work correctly.