I was asked to take some photos (Canon 1D MK2, Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM) in a very dark church, and I had no flash (iso 1250). I shot them in RAW, and I converted them with CaptureOne. Histogram was really on the left. I did what I could leaving them a bit dark becouse in the parts that were really dark I didn't have any detail, and in some other parts a lot of noise. How do you behave in such situations? Which is the best way to fight noise? Does somebody of you have -by any chance- any tip-trik?
CS3, Vista OS, Nikon NEF file After making image adjustment in Camera Raw the image is very dark when opened in CS3. Can correct by adjusting gamma in exposure or blending a new duplicate layer using screen.
Is there any way to avoid the extra steps or am I doing something wrong?
This shot was actually taken in the middle of the afternoon. It's about two stops under exposed and taken on a dark drizzly day. Minimal retouching to bring out the trees on the far side of the lake.
PS: I never cease to be surprised by how much information there is in what appears to be a black blank area. At the other end, I have never found anything in saturated areas. I guess that's the nature of the light sensitive diodes in the CCD.
I've been printing out a lot of black and white photos on photopaper on a HP Photosmart 7510e.
The printouts are very dark so I've had to boost the brightness levelsin GIMP prior to printing. The problem is that this takes extra timeand I also don't want to save these levels in the XCF file. I would say that (going by the Gamma Display Filter) the printouts are around40% of the brightness they ought to be.
My friend has taken some engagement photographs and unfortunately the couple have dark hair and the background is also dark - I think you can see her problem with the photos. Somehow the background needs to be lightened and neither of us know how (we both have Photoshop 7)
I am trying to edit some pictures that a customer of mine has taken. They are of silver utensils wrapped with beads and the way she has taken them, there is a huge shine reflection on them. There are 25 current pictures all using the same dark background.
I have fiddled with the adjustment brightness and highlights, but they come out looking gray and fake, so I removed those adjustments.
I tried using burn the bright spots and then dodge the coloured stones to bring back some luster. No matter what i am doing, it no longer is a silver utensil, it is a picture that has been poorly edited, and that simply isn't okay.
Here are some examples of the raw picture I am working with [URL] ...........
I need to reduce the glare/reflection and the stones need to be vibrant.
Calibrating the monitor doesn't help.....it means that the brightness of the photos is okay but then again everything else on the screen is too light.
Tried changing color prfofiles etc but no difference.
The strange thing is that it only happens with photoshop....cs, cs2 and elements. With oher programs as I mentioned the photos when dispalyed are the original brightness they need to be.
I am using CS5 on a Mac printing to an Epson artisan50 but prints turn out too dark. The image on the monitor is correct in all applications including CS5. The prints are correct in other applications but only in CS5 are they too dark.Â
I saved the image used in the tutorial but it looks darker than it does on the website. Why is that? When I adjust the levels the blacks look too dark even though I made sure my foreground color is less black.
In CS3, I'm having trouble getting my prints to match the appearance on monitor -- my prints are uniformly 1-2 stops too dark, color otherwise is very good. I have calibrated my Dell monitor with Colorvision's Spyder2 colorimeter. Prints are also a hair too dark in CS2, but not as dark.
Photos and Photoshop are in RGB color space. Printer is Epson R2400 with updated drivers I just downloaded and updated into Photoshop. I also downloaded updated ICC color profiles for the Epson Premium Glossy Paper I use.
Printer settings in Photoshop are: Photoshop manages color; Adobe RGB printer profile; perceptual rendering intent; black point compensation "on"; ICM color management; color management set to "Off". I'm using North American Prepress 2 color setting. These are the exact settings Scott Kelby recommends in his "Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers" for getting calibrated prints.
I am in Photoshop, all the colors are darker and more saturated. but when I save the file, it gets all light and not how I wanted it. Just to let you know, I am running CS2.
Much more full of color. This is what I wanted. I also might add that when I load pictures they are darker than when I open them out of photoshop. For some reason it just makes everything darker when in photoshop.
I am using Photoshop CS3. We also use Indesign CS2. Our photos usually come out really dark in our newspaper. Whenever I lighten the photos the color looks washed out but if I don't lighten them, they become extremely dark. Same thing with our grayscale photos. I have emailed another paper and they suggest we open the midtones on our photos and use a highlight dot at 2% and shadow dot range from 93-97%, depending on how much black area there is in the photo. My question? When they say open the midtones, where do I find the highlight dot and shadow dot?
Old: CS3 printing to Epson 3800. New: CS4 prints dark on Epson 3800. Regardless of picture sent over. Same settings as with CS3 and every variation I can think of. Epson 3800 hasn't changed. Only Adobe Photoshop version has. I can print the same pics from (example) Windows picture manager, and what I see on the CALIBRATED screen I see on the Epson, so this isn't an Epson issue.
I have a deadline for my art GCSE closing in and there's a major problem with my final piece!The actual art work is fine, and It looks fantastic viewed from photoshop. However, the printing company requires it to be in PDF format, and when I save as PDF the PDF file has darker, blander colours. Really noticable... I find with photoshop everything I print comes out darker also.. so I tried researching this and found out a bit about CMYK and RGB but to be honest I need someone too explain this to me in english, with no highly confusing technical terms. My final piece relies on bright pink and blue, and so I wouldn't want to waste the money printing it on A2, only for it to have dull colours.Thank you so much in advance I am extremely worried (I've uploaded a JPEG to show how I want it to look when printed, and then a PDF to show the annoying dull colour change)
i print using cs3 to either a epson r1900 or 2400 printers i do not flatten my images and i switch of all the printer color controls . i have calibrated ny screen (eye one pro) when i print out from photoshop onto epson high gloss paper the ptints are about 1-1.5 stops darker than the image on the screen my profile is adobe 1998 not srgb
When I make a picture it looks how I want it to but when I save it and open it up in my browser it looks WAY darker than when I was working on it! How can I stop Photoshop from doing this?
I just started using PhotoShop 7. I noticed that every image I opened is MUCH darker than it appears when looking at it using any other program (Corel/Internet Explorer/Exif). If I adjust the levels inside PhotoShop so that the picture looks good, it become over-exposed in all my other programs.
I imported a targa in photoshop and begin to make a background using layers.The image was created in "Maya" and had alpha channel also.After i imported in Photoshop ,i removed the black background with the alpha channel.My problem is a dark outline generated when i create a 2nd layer and start painting the background.
I am experiencing the problem in CS6 described here:
[URL]...... Â However, the file provided by Adobe as a solution is an empty text file. Is this a mistake? I followed the instructions but it did not fix the issue. I'm guessing that the text file provided needs to contain some data.
In CS3 I am having trouble getting my prints to match the image on my MacBookPro Monitor.Â
AT first the prints were coming out to green, so I calibrated my disply/monitor on my MacBook Pro. It seem to make a slight improvement and I used the Apple calibrating profile. Tricky to use.Â
I made some prints with my Epson 3800 Printer using PS to manage the printing. Still to green. Then I went over the color settings in my Preferances and followed the guide lines i read in my CS3 for Dummies book. I made some prints which came out 2-3 stops darker, but no green. So then I tried making the prints through the Epson profiles and not photoshop and they came out lighter but way to green.Â
The printer settngs in Photoshop are: Photoshop manages color; Adobe RGB printer profile, perceptual rendering intent, black point compensation on, color management set to off.Â
I'm using North American Prepress 2 color setting. I did not have this problem in the past, but I also did not know how often one shold czalibrate their monitor. Should I try reinstalling Photoshop or do I need to download any update drivers or profiles?
Since updating to new Epson drivers of my 7880 I find that prints are coming out almost 2 stops too dark when selecting the 16 bit mode. Using the same image in 8 bit the prints amtch the screen exactly.
So I have noticed several people having this problem, and the solutions that work for them don't seem to work for me! Â I start in Camera Raw 8.0, then move to photoshop to crop and tweak a little bit more, then when I save to JPEG and view in windows photo viewer or other medium, the photo is dark and overly saturated.Â
I understand that photoshop is a color mangaged space, and that most other programs are not, but I still can't figure out how to make what I see in photoshop translate to the JPEG image. These will eventually be used on a website and I need everything to look as professional as possible. The image on the right is really dark, especially on the front lawn and porch.  Here are my color settings:
I had a hard drive crash which required a new hard drive, unfortunately unconfigured. I am up and running but my printer, Epson SPR1900, produces very dark images with a heavy brown overcast. I have a Dell Desktop running Windows 7, Dell Monitor, ,NVIDIA GeForce 220 graphics card with a new driver update.
I have calibrated the monitor with my Spyder2 and use the following settings:
Under EDIT >Color Settings>Custom. Working space>ProPhoto. VIEW>Proof Setup>Device to Simulate> SPR1900 Premium Glossy. PRINT (PS-CS6) Color Management ICM>off, No Color Management.. In Color Management, Color Handling>PS Manages Color. Printer Profile>SPR1900 Premium Glossy.
Rendering is Relative Colorimetric. Prints still very dark with a marked brown overtone. Prints were beautiful before the hard drive crash.