Full HD Prores videos are after Photoshop (removing dirt from scanned film) and render back to Full HD Prores less sharp(best seen at the pointed feathers).Giving it back as psd or jpeg frames keeps the resolution but changes brightness and gamma.We also miss Prores HQ?
I have converted to jpg some .nef from my D800 with Lightroom 4.1 at max sharpening, 150, with Capture NX 2.3.4 with max sharpening set in picture style settings only and ViewNX2 2.5.1 with max sharpening set in picture style only. Have played with other settings in "details box" of LR4.1, radius, details and masking, but the result is about the same. Please, look at this two photos, converted with CaptureNX 2.3.4 and LR 4.1: at bottom the loss of details is noticeable(the palm, the street lamp). With ViewNX2 have the same result.
Fortunately, it does not happen with all the photos, but happens. Happens in particular with the dark photos and night shots. That it is not a matter of contrast.
Converted with LR 4.1, only sharpening and camera setting picture style:[url]......
I have a several dozen shots, Quicktime ProRes 422 HQ. When I try to import them into Premiere CS6 all the arrives in the bin is the audio of the clips. The video has been stripped. But if I play the clips outside Premiere - just double click them open and play them with Windows Media Player, they play fine.
I'm not having trouble with any other formats.
Just the ProRes. And I must have the necessary Quicktime ProRes plug-in installed, as the individual clips open and play fine.
I need to download the Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) preset for Photoshopt CS6, but cannot find it anywhere on the web.
I am trying my hardest to use Photoshop to process a video, using Alien Skin's Exposure 4 (my favorite plugin of all time, and a huge part of my photo workflow).I would happily use Premier, but Premiere cannot use Exposure 4.
I discovered how to install the other ProRes presets here: URL....but the ProRes 422 (HQ) is not included in that download. Since I am exporting from FCPX at 422 (HQ), I do not want to suffer any degradation on the round trip to Photoshop, so I want to find the 422(HQ) preset.
difference between ProRes 422, and ProRes 422 (HQ) is inconsequential, I'd be happy to hear that, as well. If that were the case, i'd just operate at regular old 422 and know that I was doing my best to protect the footage.I'm on a 5,1 MacPro running FCPX 10.8 and Photoshop CS6 v13 (trial), I also own Photoshop CS5.1
how I can retain sharpness while enlarging a graphic. I'm doubling the size of a graphic and it's getting really fuzzy. I tried the sharpen filters, but they just make it more boxy.
I pasted an image to a signature that I'm making. It had to scale down A LOT before I could fit it in. Now it looks all pixelated and crappy. How do I sharpen it like it was when it was regualar size?
I'm using Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP. Problem: I have a large JPG image which I want to reduce considerably in size and then place in a PageMaker document, when I try to do this the image loses clarity.
How can I retain sharpness while reducing the size of the image? The image is 108cm x 81 cm at 72 ppi. I want to reduce it to about 5cm x 4cm and change the resolution to 300 ppi. Can anyone help me with this??
I'm on 2012 SP3. I'm able to import and work with ProRes 422 just fine. But when I go to output and choose Quicktime, no ProRes options appear. Do I have to set this up somehow?
I need a picture resized (larger). But it is a very small picture and when I resize it, off course, it is not worth looking at anymore... I did capture some of the talking on vector based and pixel based, but how do I adjust the pic so I can resize it?
I am "pre-finishing" my work inProRes. Maybe because I have a slow internal HDD and too many timeline effects that need rendering.I am happy with the effects timing, the edit and the overall project.The next thing that seems obvious to me is to "switch" to "DPX uncompressed" (assuming I now have a fast Thunderbolt storage).
To achieve this I switched my project (with the pre-rendered ProRes timeline) to Uncompressed in the "Project settings".When done, the timeline was still rendered. It should have become "unrendered".To flush the existing render, I pressed "Force Render".
If I hover over the timeline thumbnail using the "?" key, I receive 1920x1080 8-bit.This is the case for both DPX and ProRes settings.If the timeline is rendered in ProRes, it should say so in the clip information.
Even though I've made sure that my sequence settings are exactly matching my clip settings (ProRes4444 or 422HQ) I'm getting a yellow bar over my sequence.
I'm working on a 2012 Mac Pro running OS 10.7.5. I downloaded Premiere Pro CC earlier today; I thought I'd play around with it to see how it compares to FCP7. Most of my NLE usage is very simple, just assembling sections of motion graphics and 3D animations rendered out of After Effects in the ProRes 4444 codec.
The "New Sequence from Clip" function isn't behaving as I'd expect. The comparable feature in FCP creates a sequence that matches all aspects of the selected clip (size, framerate, codec, etc.). The Premiere implementation appears to only match the sequence size and framerate to the selected clip.
If I create a new sequence from a ProRes clip, or tell the sequence to match the clip, I'd expect that clip to be sitting in my timeline with no bar of any color. But I get a yellow bar. When I go to Sequence Settings I see that the editing mode is Arri Camera, and the Video Preview is greyed out on an MPEG format. I have to go to Custom and manually select Quicktime, then specifiy the matching ProRes codec. Shouldn't those wrapper and codec settings be matched automatically too when I've specified that function?
That said, if I go in and manually match the codec settings to my clip I still get the yellow bar. If I select another sequence and click back on the new sequence the yellow bar is gone.
I'm assuming that this yellow bar issue is a display error of some sort, because if I export the sequence with "Match Sequence Settings" selected the export happens very quickly as I would expect with a Smart Render-compatible sequence.
I have a large image at 72 ppi. When I reduce the size (pixel count) leaving the resolution at 72 ppi, the smaller image loses sharpness. Why is this happening?
I am a CS6 user, good but not advanced. I recently upgraded from a Nikon D3 to a D4. When viewing D4 files in Bridge after downloading the images (files) appear to contain a lot of noise and to be unsharpe; they appear sharp on the LCD screen on the camera. I believe I have set my preferences properly. When the files are opened in CR or CS6 the noise seems to go away and sharpness is normal; the images print up tack sharp.
hat is the best way to resize (reduction) an image and maintain the image sharpness. The image I have is a high resolution 500 x 500 pixel logo with a text which I have the Adobe Illustrator (AI) vector file.
I need to resize the image to as small as 130 x 40 pixels and export to gif.
I have tried the following methods:Photoshop Resize > Resample Image > Bicubic Sharper (best for reduction)Create a 130 x 40 pixel Photoshop file and copied object from AI to Photoshop as a smart object and export as gifCreate a 130 x 40 pixel AI file and export to gif . However, I tried to view the image from my mobile phone (iPhone), it is not sharp even though I have created from the vector ai file.
I research on the internet and find out that I can actually create a double size image and use CSS to control (divided dimension by 2) so that the sharpness can be maintained. However, I do not have control of the site html/css hence I can't use the method.
Any other way to resize (reduction) an image and maintain the sharpness.
I am using photoshop 7, I am trying to reduce jpg images around 1 mb sized at about 2400 x 1800. I am trying to reduce the image down to about 5 centimeters and retain the sharpness. I have found that my images are blurring a fair bit.
having problems when generating managed media through the Mediahub from H264 into Apple ProRess 4:2:2 (HQ).
I tried different options but that happens that it never finishes rendering the files, and the Jobs tab shows the system updates the files randomly with a "busy" status while all of the others show "waiting". However nothing happens.
I entered the managed folder from the Store and have nothing but a couple of 1 frame clips.
I've been running the trial for a week with no problems importing and caching media in ProRes 422. Today when I booted up smoke I attempted a similar practice run with importing some random clips and playing around again and noticed that nothing was getting cached. When I clicked import it said it could not connect to backburner on port 0.
There appear to be a couple of threads regarding this issue where people lose the ability to cache media or export using backburner. I followed a thread posted here: [URL] ....
I tried restarting backburner, restarting the mac, reinstalling smoke and attempted the "clean install" script that is listed in the article above. After I performed the terminal commands and reinstalled Smoke, it connects to backburner but now in the jobs tab/backburner manager says it is waiting (occasionally switches to "busy" for a second or two).
Here's the error I get in backburner manager: Matthews-MacBook-Pro.local 1946321280 swBIOSubJobServer.C:385 02/13/13:16:23:24.347 1946321280 swBIOAdapter.C:454 02/13/13:16:23:25.403 Cannot process tasks 0... in /var/tmp/WireJob/SubJob0 Unimplemented feature while reading source frames
I'm running Smoke on an internal SSD and my framestore is also on an internal HDD, but I can't imagine that's an issue since I had already successfully imported media before.
I also attempted to export a sequence of soft imported footage (also failed). The error is below:
Matthews-MacBook-Pro.local 2893642280 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 02/13/13:16:56:30.268 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-16:/stonefs7/Stinkzone/workspace/Media Library/_Export_130213_165628_1/H_16777343_S_1360792589_U_170633/hires: Project Stinkzone not found
My rendred ProRes 444 files look flat when viewed in Quicktime compared with the timelines in both DaVinci and Premiere.The footage went from a Canon 5DIII 14bit raw (ML Hack) –>CinemaDNG –>DaVinci Resolve –>ProRes 444 –>Premiere –>ProRes 444 export
The rendered ProRes files from both DaVinci and Premiere look flat when viewed in Quicktime (or the finder) so assume this is a Mac OSX or Quicktime issue.
I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion form SL. Suddenly AE can't import lot of .movs.I am almost sure this is a compatibility between the Quicktime components nor the location of them.
For instance, some H264 files are imported fine, as Mp4 files as well. Pro Res, PNG, even Animation! Gives me the "this Moov is unsuported or damaged"I removed the AE pref., chequed my disk permissions, and nothing. Also, i can't see Adobe QT32 Server in the Activity Monitor, but i think this is not a problem because other quicktime files are imported ok.I don't have any firewall trying to break the communication between AE and QT. I tried to opend the files in Premiere, and Media Encode and gives the same errors..I have removed Xvid, Perian. From Quicktime Pro, i have removed all third party component in Libray/Quicktime and in System/Library/quicktime and nothing. Also I'm lost WHERE the final qt components go:
1-HD/Library/Quicktime 2-HD/Users/User/Library/Quicktime 3-HD/System/Library/Quicktime (empty, i don't know why)
The QT codecs: Quicktime pro opens certain files and when i tried to export, it crashes. Quicktime X Plays the files normally, even Prores and even the Finder Preview sees them.this is the QT report:
Process: QuickTime Player 7 [1638]Path: /Applications/Utilities/QuickTime Player 7.app/Contents/MacOS/QuickTime Player 7Identifier: com.apple.quicktimeplayerVersion: 7.6.6 (7.6.6)Build Info: QuickTimePlayer-17090000~1Code Type: X86 (Native)Parent Process: launchd [307] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2013-08-09 12:33:11.002 -0300OS Version: Mac OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)Report Version: 10 [code]....
I have a background that has 8.5" x 11" external dimensions. In the project bin, I'm also showing a layer (with transparent edges) that I've resized to 1" x 1.5". When I double-click the background to put it on the screen, and then drag the layer onto the screen, why doesn't it look like a small picture on top of a big one? Instead, it's huge, and I have to drag it down to size with the move tool!
And now, the entire story:
Running PSE9 under Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
My project is a montage of stamp-sized images on a letter-size background, as in the attached -- commemorating the woman in the centerpiece. I've stumbled though this kind of effort before with great success. This time the small photos are coming out blurry, and it's because this time I've done one thing differently.
In prior efforts, I recall somehow reducing the outside dimensions of an open file to about 2" x 3" before editing and finally adding it as a layer to the big background (using Move Tool to size it to fit), although during editing I was working with a reasonably-sized image and not a stamp (probably using command +). The images in the final version were all sharp. On this effort, however, cannot remember how to do it the same way, and I ended up working with the original photo, and then when I added it as a layer, I reduced it using the move tool -- very clumsy in view of the fact that the edited layer's image seemed to be larger than the canvas I was building, and the final images were blurry.
Am I right in assuming that YUV Headroom should only be enabled when importing YUV 422 10bit files?
How does Smoke deal with RGB import of 4444 files? I am hoping it is similar to Resolve & imports the full range?
I tested this by importing with & without headroom & exporting dpx of both. I then compared these to the full range imports in Resolve & the dpx derived from not enabling headroom was the match.
I ask this as I want to ensure my comps go to Grade ok, and the colourist is happy! Last time I did this we were working with 422 10bit files & I had to enable headroom in Smoke in order to match Resolves 'full range' import.
Normally i do camera work and edit in Pre, Ae with all the trimmings. I recently got into 3d work with the plugin that video copilot provides and now that my colleague is on holiday i'd figure i'd play around with his 3dmax and plugins. So i made an explosion in FumeFX and in itself it works fine but the "Kaboom" needs to move towards the viewers at home. This works but the smoke loses its sharpness as it progresses towards the camera.
What do i need to do here? In AE i can adjust the DOF of the camera layer and also the aperture. i'm not finding this in 3dsmax. I have positioned the camera within the area of the explosion and it should be inside the bounding box but i'm not sure. I used the standard track camera with the little target box. Didnt change a thing to the default settings.
I'm gonne try and cheat by exporting it twice as big as normal HD and the scaling it down.
In the new version 4.4 of Lightroom, I tried to play with the sharpness effect to produce a lens blur through a gradualted filter. But I dont see any change in the picture when sliding all the way to the left the cursor to -100. The blur effect is almost invisible. Is there something wrong in my settings that cold prevent this function to work ?
When processing a photograph in the Develope Module, once completed, I then return to the Library Module and notice that the same photograph is not as sharp as it was in the Develope Module.
I'm having a little challenge making my rendered models clear and sharp. I've tried adjusting the brightness and contrast from the exposure option, I've also tired adjusting the position of the sun via time setting but my models always look blurry and dull. I attached some of the rendered works.
I have recently installed Photoshop CS3 on a newer PC which runs Windows 7 Home Premium, after the programme was locked on a PC running Vista which died on me and which I have just had repaired. However since installing the programme, every time I turn my PC off and then on again next morning, I have lost the internet.
I have been getting around the problem by running the HP network check and the automatic repair that it performs is to "reset the Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller Adapter". However this only works until the PC is turned off again and then I have to do the whole process again. Is there a way to fix this problem permanently? I was hoping there would be an update from Adobe that might sort the problem, but Adobe don't seem to be able to work with that as they say the programme is too old and don't have online support for this.
I have followed everything that is suggested by HP i.e. rebooting the modem and router.
If I reset the PC to before the programme was installed the problem goes away. When I reinstall the problem comes back. Its definitely to do with the Photoshop programme, but I don't understand why.
there is Old picture in sizs 5" x 7". I want to print this picture from lab of size 16" x 20". Please can anybody tell me How I convert this picture in to biger size without any lose of resolution and Quality.
I convert the original picture in to TIF. then Go to Image size increase the Percentage by 100 to 125. and Again save this file into Tif with Name A1. Then Again Open A1 do same size change 100% to 125% and save this by name A2.tif. continue... This is right way or any method.