Photoshop :: Pixel Ghosting When Using Trim Function

Feb 7, 2013

Since re-installing CS5 Master Suite a couple weeks ago and have been having an issue when using the trim function. There seems to be a 1px pixel or alpha that is distorting the trim.

Photoshop Version:
Running CS5 Extended (12.0.4 #64)
Hardware: macbook pro retina connected to a thunderbolt monitor. 
OS: OSX 10.8.2

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Photoshop :: When Tilt Shift Filter Used Red And Green Ghosting Occurs

Oct 6, 2012

When I use tilt shift filter red and green ghosting occurs. In fact all of the new blur filters exhibit this behaviour. How do I fix it?

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Xara :: Animated GIF Ghosting With Web Designer

Feb 22, 2011

I noticed that animated gif that I put into other web builders load fine, show cleanly.Yet when put into XDP6, the same graphics get a ghosting effect.In other words, after letters have cleared the screen, a remaining unintended outline remains. The graphics are clean in previews, viewing directly, using other web builders, or on other sites built with other software.

Today I visited the New Features page for X3D7 and had the same issue with the gif on that page too. (attached screenshot for reference)I am using win7/64bit, 8gb ram, hi-speed internet connection, don't have anything set in the browser and no browser "helper" that is adjusting image quality. This problem is only seen in Internet Explorer, not Firefox.Is there a setting in XDP that needs to be adjusted so this doesn't happen?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Ghosting Graphics

Jul 30, 2013

I sometimes am having some graphics problems. I placed a gantry into an assembly and it leaves a 'ghost' image behind. When I go under options and change from say 'smoother' to 'smooth' the problem goes away. Any way to avoid this totally?

My specs: Inventor Professional 2014, 64 bit edition, I've got an HP Z400 desktop which is a 3.2GHz Processor with 4 cores, 12 GB RAM. NVIDIA Quadro 4000 graphics card.

I never had this problem with 2012, nor 2013, same computer, same settings which I always import. 

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GIMP :: Ghosting Effect On Transparent Animated GIF

Sep 22, 2013

I created this gif, but as you can see there's a problem with it. The previous frame in the animation stays there and it looks like a mess.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Ghosting When Panning / Zooming In Paperspace?

Jan 9, 2013

Since installing SP1, I have noticed "ghosting" when panning/zooming in paperspace i.e. the original image is still visible. The only solution I have found is to turn off Hardware Acceleration and then turn it back on.

IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600

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Photoshop Elements :: Crop Picture Pixel Dimensions Become 6 Bytes Width And Height 1 Pixel Each

Apr 11, 2013

When I crop a picture Pixel Demensions become 6 bytes Width and Height 1 pixel each. I can no longer see the picture.  How can I fix this?

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Photoshop :: Scaling Two Objects To Match Exactly Pixel To Pixel

Apr 22, 2013

I have two art objects on two layers. I want to match to the pixel the two objects that otherwise could be exactly the same but one layered object was imported slightly smaller.

The scale tool has good scale handling, I just want to measure the tool spots to the pixel to gain an exact scale size factor and match sizes.

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Photoshop :: Changing Somthing's Color Pixel By Pixel

May 12, 2007

It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.

It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.

It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...

Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask "ghosting"

Sep 28, 2007

I'm trying to do the usual paste-a-head-on-a-monkey type of task. When I use a layer mask to paint away the non-head parts (or to bring the background image to the front) the image leaves a ghost where I painted. It acts as though the opacity is incorrect, but I've checked everything and can't figure out what the problem is.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Getting RGB / CMYK Color Values Of A Bitmap Pixel By Pixel?

Feb 19, 2012

Via VBA macro, some way of getting RGB/CMYK color values of a bitmap pixel by pixel?

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GIMP :: How To Make Clean Image Without Deleting Pixel By Pixel

Mar 13, 2011

I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?

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GIMP :: How Channel Mix Works Exactly For Transforming Pixel By Pixel In Java

Jul 26, 2012

We are developing an application using functionality of Gimp´s channel mixer with java.

Our problem is that we don’t Know how channel mix works exactly for transforming pixel by pixel in Java.

For example,

We have an image an do on it the next mix:

Output Channel = Red

For simulate that, we transform all pixels with Red Component *2 and 255 (maximum) if is greater.

Our problem is:

Output Channel = Red

How can I simulate that?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: No Function Definition With Distance Function

Oct 25, 2013

This seems absolutly silly.

(setq p1 (getpoint))
(setq p2 (getpoint))

(setq Dist (distance p1 p2))

Why does this not work?

I'm trying to build a command to replace AutoCAD's "DI" command, to give distance and delta x, y, and z values in decimal and imperial, and keep the angles in XY plane and out of XY plane.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Pixel Size Doesn't Match Grid Pixel Size

Dec 6, 2012

I'm using Photoshop CS5 and as you can see on the picture below, when I set my grid line to every 1 px, grid doesn't match canvas pixel size.

Now I'm not able to draw sharp shapes using pen tool because even if I hold shift key everything gets blurry. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Passing A Function Name To Another Function

Nov 13, 2012

I'm trying to be able to have a function run another function with the secondary function being passed as an argument to the first. I'm trying to create a recursive function and the recursive part works great. I just need to be able to have the recursive function run other functions to actually do stuff.

Here is something I found that should do what I need, mainly run a function from a function name in a variable.
Sub test() Dim ftnName As String Dim argument As String Dim result As String ftnName = "myFunction" argument = "cat" result = Application.Run(ftnName, argument) MsgBox resultEnd SubFunction myFunction(inString As String) As String myFunction = inString & " has " & Len(inString) & " letters."End Function

 However I get the error "object required" on the "result = Application.Run(ftnName, argument)" line. So I'm guessing the Inventor VBA doesn't like this method of doing this. I'm just hoping there is a way to do this or this function will be useless or reduced to hardcoding functions which still defeats the purpose.

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Photoshop :: Why Do Paths Snap To Pixel Grid Although (snap Vector Tools To Pixel Grid) Is Off

Aug 8, 2012

When I drag around vector points of paths they are not constrained to the pixel grid, when the option "Snap Vector Tools and Transform to Pixel Grid" is off. This is the behavior I expect.BUT: When I drag whole paths, they snap to the pixel grid, no matter what. I even have snapping completely disabled.
This is particularly annoying when eg. creating a path for a zipper. I first make a path for the inside of the jacket or whatever, then I make one notch for the zipper and copy it over and over again for all the notches. It's very troubling when these elements snap to the pixel grid, because it's very unprecise then.

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Photoshop :: Trim Marks In CS4

Aug 5, 2013

Is it possible to make trim marks in Photoshop CS4, so my client will have them on my artwork, ready for the printer he uses?

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Photoshop :: How To Trim Paths?

Nov 10, 2005

The thing is this: I have some paths (shapes) that I want to combine into one path and trim all the excess path lines. I can put the paths into the same path-layer by just copying/pasting that works fine, but the paths are still NOT really combined.

I have made an example to illustrate my point, please have a look at that.

1) I've created paths 1 and 2

2) I combined them into another path-layer

3) Thought the thing I need is anchor points at the intersection so I added those

4) When I delete the anchor points whithin the combined shape, the whole shape distorts and it shows that it really is not a combined path but just two separate paths in the same layer! I can't seem to trim the red marked lines off the path.

My question basically is how to remove the red marked part of those paths and combine them into a 'really-one-path' shape that follows the outline of the combined shape?
I have tried to create an outline path by turning the combined path into a selection and then create a path from that selection, that doesn't produce a nice smooth path when the shape is more complex...

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Photoshop :: Trim Transparency Is Not Working

Sep 16, 2013

I have a few of layers that have transparency, and I want to save them out as Transparent PNGs. For whatever reason when I saved it as a transparent PNG it is exporting it bigger than it should. It doesn't trim them to the non transparent pixels, instead it renders them out at full size. I used both Save As and Save for Web commands, and neither are trimming the files. When  I tried File>Scripts>Export Layers To Files…, 5 out of 6 work perfectly when exported as PNG, but only once.  I used layers mask on the layers and I check this last layer multiple times even flooding it with black and then marqueed a random area in white, and it still exports it at canvas size and WONT crop the images to just the visible pixels. Basically it is NOT ollowing the Alpha.
I am in Photohosp CS6, and I am experiencing this issue on both MAC OS X and Windows. 

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Photoshop :: Why Trim Wouldn't Work In CS5

Nov 26, 2013

why trim wouldn't work in cs5? It works if the background is white, but anything else and it doesn't work.

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Photoshop :: Bleed And Trim Marks

Mar 1, 2009

I'm looking to put together a magazine in Photoshop CS2. The plan is to save single pages as PDF's, and combine them in Acrobat.

However I'm told I need to ensure I have bleed and trim marks - and I have no idea how to do these.

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Photoshop :: Automatically Crop / Trim

Dec 15, 2006

Is there a way to have Photoshop automatiaclly trim out excess background of an image captured from a camera? I am currently taking a bunch of pictures agast a white backgron and have to crop them manaually.

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Photoshop :: PS CS3: Trim Layer Content That

Sep 4, 2008

I have a large picture that a part of which I have on a layer. The image itself is much larger than the layer itself. So when I chose transform, the edge marks/lines are way off the layer screen. I need to drag these layers to a new PS file of the same size and I dont want to bring over the entire huge image layer. Is there a way to have PS inverse select all alyer content not on the layer itself and trim it?

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Photoshop :: How To Eliminate (trim Off) Area Outside The Border

Jun 24, 2013

I have a graphic of a card design and have added a graphic that goes off the outside border on the card. I've included a snapshot of the card showing the ribbon running outside the border. How do I eliminate (trim off) the part outside the border?

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Photoshop Elements :: Trim Audio In Slideshow?

Feb 13, 2013

How can I trim the music in a slide show

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Photoshop :: Trim Line That Intersects Circle Like Spokes Away From A Hub?

Apr 29, 2012

When I use the circle tool it trims the hub away from the spokes. How do I do the opposite, trim the spokes away from the hub? (Novice, CS3, XP)

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Photoshop :: Batch Action To Open Multiple PDF's Cropped To Trim Box And Then Flattened

Mar 15, 2013

I'm trying to work out how to create an action in Photoshop CS4 to open multiple PDF files, cropped to the Trim Box, then flattened & saved as a PSD or tiff file.  Is this possible?  I'm hoping so as I have about 200 to run this same sequence on! 

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Trim Object At Once?

May 21, 2012


how to delete the certain parts of complex at once by using the single object above all of them.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: How To Trim 2 Objects

Apr 26, 2011

how to trim 2 objects. First one is a single line scribble on the background. Second object is a face silhouette. I select both object and try to trim the scribble line running thru the head, using "arrange/shaping" but can't select the function trim. The only one available is simplify, all others including trim are inactive.

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AutoCAD VB :: How To Trim The Object

Sep 26, 2012

How to trim the object using VB coding

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