Photoshop :: Patterns And Brushes - Create A Graphic Like Image?
Feb 22, 2012
I am trying to created a graphic like image in the following tutorial:
how to do it right.
1.) At 1:40 into the tutorial, he selects a diamond pattern as a Pattern Overlay effect. However, it's a pattern he created himself. How do I create a pattern like that?
2.) At 4:35, he draws a line with the pen tool having first selected a brush and then strokes the path. However, my path doesn't look like his. It's just a straight line, while his splays out a bit so he's able to create that shining star effect when he rotates a copy. I've attached a jpeg of mine.
What am I doing wrong to not get a line like his? Am I not choosing the right brush. I chose a brush with the diameter of 17 like he does in the tutorial. Does it look like I selected it from a different place?
I am currently working on a texture for a turtle that will be used on a model in 3ds Max. I am a moderate to expert level user of Photoshop, in my own opinion, but still have much to learn.
My question today is this. Is there a way to create an image and then use the brush to recreate it randomly over and over again on a canvas? This question is in regards to the scales I am making for the turtle texture. The brush has a whole slew of tools for changing the size, orientation, and scattering of the brush so I was wondering if it is possible to use my scale image with it somehow?
I have attempted to use the pattern stamp tool but it spaces them so far apart and there is no control like you get with the brush tool.
My mac screen got damaged so got new mbp..Have installed Photoshop 5 etc from discs ...However, all my photoshop everythings, the patterns I use, the brushes I have made, actions i've downloaded, shapes, fonts, & knoll factory filter they are all still on my broken laptop  How do I transfer them?I do have an external hd, time machine, but was gonna leave that with old mbp tho could use it tho not plugged it in to new 1, not sure on that.Ideally would prefer to burn my things to cd from 1 & transfer. Is that possible?  I did try this with "Presets" section, I got nothing extra, but don't think I damaged anything. Have trawlled google.
What I am trying to do is import a PDF that contains a graphic of radiation patterns from RF towers, along with all roads and other geographical data. Once imported, I want to remove all of the roads and unwanted data and keep the radiation pattern. The radiation pattern is in 1 color that dominates the image, and "covers" most of the other unwanted info, almost as a 50% transparency. I then want to export the radiation pattern, and use it in Google Earth. Additionally, where the radiation pattern is not, have it become completely transparent.
I am using the newest version of Gimp. Everything is great, it runs smooth and not many crashes..But! I cant make brushes or Patterns. in the older versions all you had to do was select what you wanted as a brush/pattern name it, and it would appear
Now, I get this Error: (<unknown> : 18850791) Procedure execution of file-gbr-save failed: Could not open 'C:Documents and SettingsNorseman.gimp-2.8/brushes/mybrush14.gbr' for writing: No such file or directory
Am I missing something? Do I need to reinstall Gimp?I havent loaded any new patterns or brushes, so I dont know why its not working?
I understand how to make the brushes, but is there any way to have greater control over how uniform the patterns appear?  For example: I'm trying to create a brush that is made up of tiny beads. But I can't seem to make one perfectly, as the beads get distorted or chopped off when I attempt to create shapes with the line or pen tools.  And yes, I've tried all of the preferences in the brushes pane, but neither of them works well.  With this bead brush, I would like to write words. So you can see where I'm going with this. The letters of the words would be made up of tiny beads (there are fonts like this, except I'd like to colour the beads my own way).
I would like to create an action where a user is able to choose from a particular set of patterns (created by me) and excluding all the others (that may be present otherwise) from view. My action is currently working either from choosing from the whole pattern set (using insert menu item in the action), or a single pattern of my choice. (no insert item menu used). Â I want the user to choose from my set of pattern in this particular instance but not the others that are currently in the presets. Â I had the idea of making the action replacing temporarily the patterns with my set (replace patterns in the drop down menu) and then reset or load the user's set at the end of the action. It made me think that maybe people wouldn't want me to mess with their presets in an action. Â I am currently using PSCS4. Â I can either use a new pattern layer or a new "blank layer" with a pattern overlay (layer style) Â I am really looking for a spark that'll light my Eureka moment.
I want to design an image with the word ‘Sport’ in it and have sports equipment spell out the word sport i.e. a distorted cricket bat for S, a football for O, etc…. How would I go about that!?
I would like to resize a letter using the transform tool in Photoshop. I am thinking the best way to do this would be to change it to a graphic.. I am using layers so do I need to flaten the image first then bring it into my layout to do this? Which means I could scale it before or after bringing into my layout...
I have a small image that I'd like to add a "tail" to and then add on to another graphic. The smaller graphic is actually a screenshot of a section of the larger image. My goal is make it into an exploded view of the larger.. Currently I've added a shawdow to it. Is their an easy way to dress up the smaller image in Photoshop or should I stick with simple effect, such as a shadow?
One of the many activities that requires me to use Photoshop is to 'paint' race cars for an online simulation game (iRacing). How to produce a re-creation of an existing car and it just so happens to include a 'ripped metal' type effect.
I've avoided this kind of graphic for a long time now. Here is the care which I'm trying to replicate (note the 'ripped metal' effects).
Photoshop CS6 no longer has the Pattern Maker nor supports the plugin that was available in CS5. Any software or 3rd party plugin that will create patterns from high res photo files? I've searched in Google, like crazy, but alas have found nothing. Â Â BTW, for compatibility issues, I'm using OSX Mountain Lion.
I was wondering if there was any good recommended tutorials or good readings on how to make patterns(seamless) in illustrator for use on other designs?
I would like to learn how to create a pizza slice shaped graphic similar to the one attached. Preferably in layers so that I can change the individual photos easily. Pizza segments must have rounded corners and be equal proportions. Individual images have a thick white border and gray stroke.
I am creating templates and need to know how to do this mesh/polka dot type pattern. It seems extremely simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to pull it off in Illustrator.
I want to create my own vector brushes and use them in Photoshop.. I can create them in Illustrator.. but I dont now how to export them to photoshop.. if I copy paste.. they seem to become pixel based again.. and I dont really now how to make them in Photoshop...I recon you have more options in illustrator to create them...
I am using Photoshop cs4 When I work in Flash I can import a image or graphic to the library or directly onto the stage......Can I do this in photoshop?
it came with my CS3. My OS is Windows XP. I have 1 G of RAM.
I am interested in changing a photograph into a flat graphic image like clip art. I do not know what it is called and so I don't know how to look it up for directions. But I think it must be possible as I have seen someone do it without permission to a sample of my artwork. I assume they took a photo of the art and then converted it some way to a graphic.
I thought this might be an affect one can use on a photo, but again, I don't know what the right terms are.
I just received an almost-new Wacom CTL-470 tablet from my father yesterday, so naturally I began fooling around with Photoshop line drawings and simple art. Â The initial problem I discovered was that, oddly enough, the basic brush tools, when dragged, would not create a solid line. It would only create a dotted line, the spaces between dots varying with speed of the pen against the tablet. Â If I dragged the pen slowly enough (very... very slowly), it would create a kind of shaky line, which was just dots very close together. Â Naturally I thought it was the tablet's fault, but upon trying to use the mouse to do the same function, the problem persisted. Â I use Photoshop CS and I didn't change any settings at all today. Â I would also like to know how I can use my tablet to create a tapering effect with my pen pressure. The "pen pressure" setting in the Brushes menu seemed to have no effect. Â Here's an example of the issue, both in large brushes and a smaller one in the background.
I have a jpg image that has text on it. I want to create links in three text area that are website URL'S can this be done. I have read a few posts here but not able to locate the image MAP tab...maybe that is in another version.
I open a .dng file which was in greyscale. Then converted it to RGB. Applied the effect Graphic Pen. Added a new layer, fill it with red, changed mode to Overylay, and when I tried merging down, or saving as a jpeg, it converts the image right back to B&W. I even tried changing my brush to red and Overlay mode, it just won't let me color the image at all. I've tried hue/saturation, and when I try to save the adjustment, it converts right back to B&W. Here are some screen shots.
I've searched for a way to make a simple, one color image into a vector image. The best thing I've found is a .atn thing fromsPECtre. I've unzipped it but really don't understand photoshop well enough to use it.
I'd like to learn how to actually do it my self. I can easily make the image into a selection, all I need is to make that selection into a solid vector.
Is there a way to create a .avi file in Photo & Graphic Designer 7?
I want to create an animation (not an animated .gif) that I can then include in a movie. I see how to set the properties for an AVI file but when I try to export the animation, I do not see the otption to save my file as a .avi. Am I missing something or is there a better alternative for creating an animation that can be included in a movie file?
The attached graphic, which came from a book on was originally 520 x 721 pixels. The same graphic was enhanced and increased to 1185 x 1600 pixels (the other attachment). It's clear and bright, and hasn't lost any detail. How this is done?
Is there a way to select a portion of an image, and create patterns/textures that fill the selection?
If yes, is there the option of using my own images as the pattern/texture to be used? And is there the option to fill the selection either randomly or pattern-like? 'Noise' is not what I'm looking for.
I am working on a graphic design project - a print publication for a client. The original Word document that is the basis for the report contains footnotes. Insofar as I am able to do so, I would like to retain my client's structure, including the footnotes. Is this feasible with P&GD 6 or version 7? I cannot find any reference to "footnote" in the help provided with my installation.
how to cut up an image using a geometric grid that I can create in Illustrator.Today I've learn how to make the grid, using a tutorial I've found, but now I need to learn how to use this grid to cut a picture along all of the lines, so that I can rearrange some of them and perhaps move of them out of place too.
The first, second and third pictures attached are the kind of grids that I want to make (I now know how to do this), to use as a template to cut up the picture, the third and forth pictures are as close as I can find to the outcome I want, with the faces rearranged (I think these were done by hand in these examples).