Photoshop :: PS-CS4 How Do I Make Type That Reverses
Jan 31, 2009
I have a black silhouette, and I want to lay a large headline over it so that the type is black when it's over the white background and changes to white as it moves over the black silhouette. The edges of the silhouette cut through the middle of a couple of the letters, so I can't do this letter-by-letter. I think there must be a simple way to do this that begins with rasterizing the text (which is the same as "create outlines" in Illustrator, right?)
I'm not sure what settings I must have accidentally changed, but for some reason when I try to apply certain filters to an image (any of the "sketch" options for example) my image is changed to look like a negative. ...all if the lights and darks are reversed.
I don't know what I can change back to keep this from happening and it's keeping me from using a lot of these great options.
When applying a linetype to a curved line (e.g. polyline, arc, circle), the direction of the linetype reverses at every change from convex to concave. The error does not occur with straight segments. The REVERSE command does not work, because it will change the direction of the entire polyline. In fact, the reverse command does not even recognize and arc.
im working on a brochure. im using paragraphy type, cs4. i drag and draw my text bounding box, and type away, then the text goes beyond the bounding box because i have too much type and there is the + in the lower right hand corner of the paragraph box. how do i get the overflow type to automatically move to another column or paragraphy text box? is there a way to link two together or have the one continue to another column or area?
I just installed elements 11. The font size on many of the selections is small, too small to easily see with my level of vision (bifocals). Examples are the Quick and Guided edit menu picks, the popups when you curser over a tool. How to make the type size larger?
I'm wondering how in the attached image they were able to make the white leather background show through the red type? Is it just playing with the opacity? The type feels too opaque for that to be the only thing done.
I have a scan of a couple-hundred year old document. The background is light brown due to age. How can I best make the browned areas white and preserve/improve the black type? Getting a white background by playing with levels, brightness / contrast seems to result in worse black type.
I’ve been using PAINT.NET, for a long time now.Today, I’ve created an account in the Forum, because I would like to ask, if possible and desirable for the Developers and the program Users, the following:
- make the default Tool - Rectangle Select;
- make the default save file type - JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif);
- allow the users to change the default workspace background color (now, Hex: #C9D3E2);
I have read the Rules and the FAQ.To finish I just would like to congratulate all of you, that have given us this fantastic piece of software (and for free)! I believe it’s the best freeware software available, counting all types for software/utilities/add-ons, etc.
I have a 2d drawing of the front view of a house. I would like to make it into a watercolor presentation using autocad. I have tried making polyline boundries and filling in different colors with solid hatch, but it is to opaque and covers up all the architectural details. Is there a way to change the color to transparent? Is there a "watercolor" hatch available. I have tried using a dot hatch pattern, but not quote what I'm looking for.
I just purchased a new iMac and have been using Illustrator (CS5) for some graphic design work. However, it's driving me CRAZY because the type and shape cursors are a super small and a light gray in color. It's very difficult for me to track the cursor with my eyes when it is small and gray on a gray and white artboard. Is there some way to make the cursors more easily visible? As far as I can tell, this is only an issue in Illustrator.
Architecture 2009 running on Windows 7. Â Dell Precision T5400 with a Quadro FX570 graphics card.
I have lately been having some issues with text in Architecture 2009. I first noticed that within Mtext, when you hit the "UPPERCASE" or "lowercase" buttons, the text disappears in the editor, and no changes are made. Â Not the end of the world, but not handy.
Then it stopped letting me type in Mtext boxes at all. The return key seemed to work, but nothing else. Then it started converting text typed into Mtext boxes into (I think) Chinese characters. Really not handy. At this point I decided to try to reinstall. First I tried a repair, then reinstalled over the existing installation, then uninstalled completely and reinstalled from the disk. Â I've also done a windows restore, though as this has slowly been falling apart, I'm not sure when I should restore back to.
I have Mtext basic functionality back, but the "UPPERCASE" and "lowercase" buttons still make the text disappear.
Not sure if it's related, but I also get a Fatal Error e06d7363h at 758bd36fh about 4 or 5 times a day. Â Usually it's associated with the open command (ctrl+o), but sometimes it just happens at random.
How do I make the text go side by side when I type? Mine just pile up. I'm using the alt key and the arrows to make it go side by side right now but there has to be a easier way.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
I want to create text on a circle path, so drew the circle, went to the "type on a path tool" and clicked on the circle. I keep getting the message "can't create type". I have tried to use the direct selection tool to select the circle first and without the direct selection.
My Type Tool does not select type by double clicking or click and drag. (Windows CS 5 V15.1). This is what I have tried so far and the problem still exists. Â Check preferences for "Text": "Select text-object by path only" should be off. Checked. It was off. Didn't fix it. Check the toggle for Show/Hide Edges in the View menu. Cmd(Ctrl)-H. Checked. Edges Showing. Didn't fix it. Trashed my Prefeerences. Didn't fix it.
the type tool won't let me insert any type whatsoever in JPG or PSD files. I click the type tool and then click somewhere on the image and all it gives me is a dot but no flashing cursor. As I said, resetting my prefs/settings while starting up Photoshop did not help. Another weird thing it does is that when I go to Canvas Size for a medium sized image, it says that the width is 588 inches and the height is 288 inches.
Working on a poster in Illustrator. Have added area type, using the type tool. Now I'd like to increase the size of one line. I can't select or edit any of the type with the type tool. I moved the type to a new layer, saved, closed Illustrator, restarted my Mac (OS X 10.7.4). Looked in preferences, in case there's an issue there. No luck. Â By the way, I also don't see handles when in the selection tool any more. Don't know if that's related.
I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer. Â I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.
I choose the vertical type tool or the vertical type on a path tool or the vertical area type tool...and all I get are letters that are rotated 90 degrees clockwise that go down in a vertical line. The effect is the same as if I took one of these lines that I am typeing here and rotated the entire line 90 degrees clockwise. That is not the effect I want. I am tying to get vertical letters stacked on top of one another in a line going vertical. I watched videos and they simply pick the tool and it functions this way, but when I pick the same tool I do not get this vertical orientation of the individual letters, but the 90 degree rotated letter.Â
I was wondering if the is a way to go from a Inventor file type to a Solidworks file type. One of our customers is asking for one or the other following file types: .asm or .prt. Â Â
They also mentioned something about "shrink wrapping" the file to all the surfaces.