Photoshop :: Monitor Screen Colour And Printed Document Colours Don't Match

Apr 4, 2006

I'm having trouble getting both of my printers to print out to the same tone/colour that is displayed on my Monitor. Neither are accurate

Is there anything I can do with my monitor settings, or my photoshop/illustrator colour settings so that what I see on the screen is what will be printed out.

The printers are :

1) Hewlett Packard 1220C

2)Epson Stylus 2100

They both print out differently.

For the HP printer I've looked at the 'Image Colour Management' and it states the 'ICM is handled by host'

For the Epson printer the Colour Management is set to 'Automatic: Windows will automatically select the best colour profile from the list of associated color profiles'

I know it's possible to change the Color Setting in Photoshop but I don't really know what to set it to, and who to set it so it's as close to my monitor display as possible. (I work with RGB colour)

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Photoshop :: What On Monitor Doesn't Match What Being Printed

Feb 23, 2013

i've checked my monitor screen-up...everything is set to "standard". adjust Ps-CS6 looks swell. print the bad-boy on my Epson NX430...and the image looks dark. or like mud. or too bright.
how can i get the printer, monitor, and Ps-CS6 to be on the same page, colorwise?

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Illustrator :: Why Do Colours Change In Printed Document

Jul 17, 2013

When I add a logo to my artwork in illustrator, import the illustrator file to a word template and print, it changes the printed colours dramatically..(black to blue, green to black and yellow to pink). Do I need to change a setting for that imported logo to make it compatible to print?  Without that particular logo, the document prints fine.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Colour Swatch Printed From Versaworks Does Not Match

Aug 23, 2011

I have printed off the colour swatch within Versaworks, but when I use the colours (which have been imported from versaworks) in corel they do not print out the same colour.  The media is the same.  I have tried deleting the colours and readding them in but this does not seem to make any difference. 

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Match On Screen Document Size To View Print Size

Oct 7, 2013

how do i match on screen document size to view print size? when i create a new document and put in its dimensions when i press view print size it appears alot smaller on screen

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Photoshop :: New Computer System Printed Colours Are Wrong

Mar 23, 2013

I recently bought a new computer system inc Dell U2711 monitor and purchased LR4 and CS6. All was well, or so I thought, until I got some prints done. The prints from my old system (with which I only used elements 10) look fine. Those from my new system look awful, the colours are just wrong. My workflow is RAW image opened in LR then finished off in CS6 before saving as JPEG. The saved images look alright but when I either click view/ proof colors or if I use an image as a desktop screensaver, it gives the same washed out appearance with wrong colours.

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Photoshop :: Monitor Vs. Printed Color

Jul 28, 2004

When a piece is going to be printed in a magazine or even output to a desktop printer I have found that the color on the monitor (yes it is calibrated) bears very little relation to the printed product. Just curious as to what you guys do to compensate. Do you work brighter and more colorfully on the screen knowing that things are going to darker up in the translation?

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Photoshop :: CS2 In Mac Snow Leopard / Faint / Pale Colours When Printed

Jun 11, 2013

I used to use Photoshop CS on my old PPC eMac with OS 10.4.11 (Tiger), and printed successfully on good quality glossy photo paper using an Epson Stylus Photo R340 printer. I have now upgraded to an Intel Mac mini with OS 10.8.3 (Mountain Lion). I am afraid I cannot afford to buy the latest version of Photoshop, so I have installed Parallels Desktop and, within it, Snow Leopard Server, so that I can run Photoshop CS2.
I have now got the correct driver for my printer and all the printer and paper profiles. Using exactly the same profile and other settings that I used to use with Photoshop CS on my old computer, when I printed a TIFF image, the results were a print with extremely pale, washed-out colours. When I used the 'Preview' feature of the printer software, the colours looked good, but when I printed they were hopeless.
I don't think it is the printer. If I set the Photoshop output to let the printer determine colours, I get quite good results. But when I switch to letting Photoshop determine colours, I get these impossibly pale colours. I have checked through all the preference settings of Photoshop CS2 and cannot find anything that might account for this misbehaviour.

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Photoshop :: PS Colors And .bmp Colors Dont Match

Jan 6, 2004

The colors of pictures is much darker when working in photoshop than when I open it normally. And vice versa, I work on images inside photoshop, and I get the colors I want, but once I save it to bmp or jpg or anything else, all the colors are much lighter.

i'm using photoshop 7.

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Photoshop :: How To Match Colours ?

Nov 21, 2008

I have difficulty with is matching colours (in this case where two different colour skies join).

Is there a way to average them out so that they blend together better ?

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Lightroom :: Photoshop CS6 And LR4 Colours Don't Match?

Feb 20, 2013

i have found others with the same problem but not found the solution. here is a screen shot of the same photo open in both programs, this is the final image so its a 16bit psd, both working spaces are set to prophoto rgb. and viewing in the develpe window as well.
the problem is more noticable in the blacks (darker side of the histogram)
i am duel monitor from my MBP to a Dell U2410f and use colour munki to calibrate

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Photos Don't Match Monitor?

Jul 22, 2013

I have read through discussions on this but am still doing something wrong apparently.I have a Lenovo Ideacenter all in 1 (520), and an Epson R3000.My monitor is calibrated with ColorMunki. I shoot in Adobe RGB and use that color space in Photoshop CS6.

After edits, I softproof by choosing custom, and then select the profile of the epson glossy paper that I use.I choose photoshop manages colors and make sure printer color adjustments are off. My prints look nothing like the monitor. Very dull and washed out. I feel like I'm doing the right things but what could I be missing?

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Paint.NET :: How To Match Colours

Dec 25, 2013

When something with transparency covers part of an image (Mandatory process)(Such as the transparent layer in Twitter that distort the background), if I want to retain the original image look, I have to change part of the image into a more virbrant colours as before it was covered with a mandatory transparent layer.
Here is a demonstration In this case, I want to change the upper part so it looks the same colour as before, so I will need to change the upper part with more contrast or brightness, etc, so after the layer is added, it looks the same as if without the layer on. A way to do this as I mentioned, is to use curve tool or change contrast and brightness, but there is no way that I can get it to 100 accurate.

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Photoshop :: Getting My .psd Printed (colour Palette)

Jan 29, 2008

simple logo in blue and grey which we want to get professioannly printed. I don't know much about print, but I do know that until now with a .psd and a .eps I've always got my stuff done in acceptable quality.

Now the printshop seems unable to get the colours right. The logo only has 2 colours, blue and gray. For both I have given them specs in 5 colour models, such as this, and handed them the file in .psd, .eps and .ai:

R: 15

G: 106

B: 200

C: 80

M: 60

Y: 00

K: 00

HEX: 0f6aff

L: 48

a: 22

b: -82

H: 217

S: 94

B: 100

Now the blue they have come up with in a print preview looks absolutely nothing like this. And the grey is almost transparent.

They asked for Pantone colours. I created the logo in Photoshop, so all I have are these specs. Is it impossible to print a logo more or less correctly with exact values from 5 different colour models?

What can I do to convey them more or less precisely which kind of blue we want?

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GIMP :: Colours Don't Match The Pallet

Feb 10, 2010

If I create a new image all works fine.

If I open an image that I have previously created (I'm working with .gif) and then select a colour on the pallet (it can be either FG or BG) and then try to place the colour on to the image - the colour is different to what I selected on the pallet.

I have the same issue with the 'bucket fill tool' or by selecting 'edit/fill with FG color' or by selecting 'edit/fill with BG color' or by placing a selected color text onto the image. I haven't tried using any other method.

I've tried deleting and reinstalling Gimp and I'm on Win XP PRO SP3.

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Photoshop :: Full Colour To Two/Three Colours

Jun 12, 2004

Im playing with doing some tee shirt designs on PS. Is there an easy way to get a full colour photo down to two or three colurs for screen printing purposes?

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Photoshop :: Dimensions Of Printed Image Not Equal To Document

Feb 21, 2012

I am running PS CS5.5 on a a MAC running OSX 10.7.3 and printing to an Epson Stylus Photo 2200.
Basically, the dimensions of a printed graphic are different than the size that is specified in the PS version of the graphic. The amount of error is about 1/16 of an inch over a 6 inch distance. This matters as the printed output must fit a template exactly.
I create a 300 dpi resolution document. I am using inches as the ruler setting and the method for specifying the size of an object in the Free Transform Dialog. I create, with the rectangle tool, a rectangle and then use command-T to specify the dimensions to be 6 inches X 1 inch. I check using the ruler tool and verify that the shape is 6 X 1. When I print, the object is smaller.  In fact, it will be 5 29/32 inches instead of 6 inches.
If I create the same object using Illustrator, the object prints (same printer)  exactly the specified dimension. If I place the illustrator object into Photoshop it will "say" that it is 6 inches but prints at the reduced size.
After pulling my hair out, I have just adopted the work-a-round of scaling the output, in the printer dialog, by an appropriate % to compensate.  There must be a better way to address this problem.

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Photoshop :: Document Gets Enlarged When Printed - CS6 - Epson 4900

Dec 21, 2012

Printing to an Epson 4900, my document is fine on the preview but when I print it gets slighly enlarged and the edges get cropped.

I even selected scale to fit media and it still got cropped. My image actually gets enlarged ( mesuring the image with a ruler )

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Colors Don't Match The Monitor

Mar 29, 2013

What is the settings for the best color management in corel! I had to reinstall and now the colors don't match the monitor

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Photoshop :: Using The Colour Sampler With Curves To Adjust Colours?

Aug 31, 2005

can anyone tell the advantage of using the colour sampler in conjunction with the curves adjustment when correcting colour casts in a photograph?

I have a photograph with a slightly blue cast on it and ive corrected it by opening the curves pallete and ctrl clicking the image to place dots on the curves and adjusted the curve accordingly.

I have read that it is a good idea to place 4 color sampler points on the image and use them somehow in conjunction with the curves. But how? Has it got something to do with eyeballling the color sampler readouts in the info pallette. I cant work out what the advantage of doing it would be.

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Photoshop Elements :: Removing Colour - Add The Original Colours Back?

Nov 22, 2012

I remeber at one time I was able to convert a color image into black & white by reassing Control, Shift, U.  Then there was another command that would allow be to add teh original colors back in where I wanted them, giving me a color and black & white image.  I just cannot remeber how I did the second step. 

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Photoshop :: Colour Consistency - Reproduce Logo On Printed Documents And Use It For Embroidery On Clothing

Nov 12, 2012

I have received a new logo from our brand developers. The spec is

C - 0
M - 98
Y - 75
K - 22
or Pantone 1805
or R - 191
     G - 49
     B - 26
I get a different colour depending on which spec I use, and if I sample a digital document, a fourth variation on red. Am I just not understanding these colour specs? I want to be able to reproduce the logo on printed documents, and use it for embroidery on clothing. I also need to produce adobe pdf files and jpegs to email copy to advertisers.

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Illustrator :: Lines Being Printed That Don't Appear On PDF Document

Aug 21, 2013

I own a company that designs and sells sewing patterns for men's clothing to be made by home sewers. I have my patterns professionally drafted and sent to me as a poster-sized PDF. I then open it in Illustrator, move things around, change some fonts, etc... and make a 34" wide copy to be printed at a copy shop. That's all fine and dandy, and it prints out perfectly.
I then use Acrobat XI Pro to open the 34" version and print to Adobe PDF with the poster setting of 7.5" x 10" for people to print at home. Then I open each page of the multi-page PDF in Illustrator to add a border, alignment marks, page numbers, etc... and save as the same PDF.
Now here is where the weirdness begins. For some reason, there are random chunks of lines (identical to the pattern lines throughout the rest of the document) that aren't supposed to be there. They don't show up on my screen when I open the file in Illustrator or Adobe, but they get printed every time. I've even started the whole process from scratch, tested the 34" wide version at the print shop (prints perfectly), and split it into pages again, and the phantom lines are still there!
I've attached a photo I took of one of the pages in question. The file on my screen is the exact one I printed, and as you can see, they are definitely not the same
I have been saving the PDF files as Press Quality from Illustrator.

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Photoshop :: PhotoMerge Match Colour

Jun 6, 2006

I'm trying to merge 10 images of a larger "painting". All images were taken on the same camera setting and most are the same colour. I've done a match colour modification as well to make sure but when I merge them, there are about three which are causing problems.

Is there a way of calibrating the colours of other images against a control one other than by using match colour? Or does anyone have way of doing it that works?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Document Grid Cannot Be Removed And Always Printed Out

Jul 17, 2013

I have several documents made in older CorelDraw versions. Problem- When I tried to add new pages to the existing document, the Document Grid appeared only in the new page. And these cannot be removed. Worse, it is printed everytime. There is no way for me to remove it.

PS: These problem did not appear in new documents created in CorelDraw x6. It occurs in CorelDraw x6 when using older version files.

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GIMP :: Document To Fill Page Entirely When Printed?

Oct 25, 2011

I have created a document, and when I printed it out to see how it turned out, I noticed that I left margins on all four sides. I need the document to fill the page in its entirety, as it is going to be one of those "tear off the phone number at the bottom" type of advertisements.

Is there some way that I can "zoom in" everything that I've created, so it fills an entire 8.5x11 piece of paper?

I'll keep digging while I wait for the wisdom of the forums. Here is a link to the .xcf: [URL] .....

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Illustrator :: Printed Banner Document Settings?

Jan 6, 2014

I've been using Illustrator for quite some time now. I recently got an assignment to design a printed banner (bunting), with the end product size of 3' x 8' (feet).
I was wondering about the document settings I should put in to illustrator before I start designing.
P.S, I'm using Illustrator CS6.

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Photoshop :: CS5 64bit Prints Have Printed Darker Than Screen

Sep 22, 2013

I have been using CS5 64 bit and recently my prints have printed darker than the screen. I recalibrated the monitor and then new icm is being used. I also have the correct icc for the paper. I switched back to CS5 32 bit and the problem goes away.

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Photoshop :: Eizo Monitor + Dell 2407 + Colour

Jun 8, 2008

I recently bought an Eizo CG301 and think it's awesome. I also have a Dell 2407 and run them both in a dual monitor setup.

I produce hi res digital fine art prints and I'm having issues with my colour setup......

This is the problem. Eizo (100cd,6500k,2.2gamma) is calibrated using an eye one display and saved in CAL mode....the dell(180cd ( the lowest it will go without lowering colour values), 6500k,2.2gamma) is calibrated using the same device and is using the profile via vista colour management.

Basically the Eizo shows 255,0,0 as a mid red/orange and the dell shows the same colour as a pure red - this is backed up with a printout from my epson 3800 where the reds are red and not orange. As I'm producing professional output it's essential for me to know which monitor is correct - do I trust the Eizo as it's hardware calibrated?

all other colours seem fine and my Eizo's deltaE values are between 0.2 - 1.3 (0.4 average)which is quite good....

can anyone confirm if 255,0,0 is a mid red/orange and not pure red.

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Xara :: Import OR Add Colours To Permanent Colour?

Nov 27, 2012

I've got a need to import a couple of colours OR add a couple of colours to the permanent colour.

I am using MX Photo&Grphic Designer and WebDesigner. I use webDesigner to create and administer a business website and use MX2013 for my graphics (Business graphics that use a pallet of company colours). Everytime I open a new document (tab) in MX2013 I need to recreate my company colours and name them. This is also the same in WebDesigner.

Is there anyway to add colours to the permanent colour pallet so they are available for every document as a default? This small item would save me some time and the frustration of constantly needing to add the same colours to my pages over and over.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Can't Convert Spot Colours To CMYK When PDF Document

Mar 20, 2012

when I pdf a coreldraw document, no matter which pdf-preset I use, the "Convert spot colours to: CMYK" is greyed out so I can't tick it. I need to pdf a document to send to newspaper print. I have never had a problem like this before using CorelDraw X3.

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