Photoshop :: Line Breaks

Jan 20, 2009

In most other application, MSWord, Dreamweaver, Indesign... [shift] + [enter] creates a Line Break (forced, manual).

In Photoshop however, it does nothing.

This is mostly only an issue when you are justifying text.

When you want to move the last word or so in a line down to the start of the next line but still have the block of text 'Justified' ... in photoshop it is troublesome.

(^n = line break, for demonstration purposes, photoshop does not display hidden characters that i know of, and in indesign at least, a forced line break is represented by a small sideways, backwards L.)

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Photoshop :: PS7: Text Editing / Line Breaks

Apr 26, 2004

I'm having a problem in PS 7 ... every time i start creating/editing text, and i hit the 'enter' button, the text editing mode automatically stops instead of producing a line break and starting a new line.

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Photoshop :: How To Render 24 Characters Of Text With Line Breaks In 3D

Jun 13, 2013

I'm trying to render 24 characters of text with line breaks in 3D, because, as we know, 3D can be very spiffy... but I get:
"Could not complete your request because the path is too complex"
Interesting, I'm on a rocketship workstation with a fairly stealthy config. All is updated to the latest ver., 13.1.2.. Not the greatest card in the world (Quadro 2000), but it seems more than ample for this task..
It works fine with 9 characters on one line... Ok, possibly (or rather likely) I have too much text (24 characters? Line breaks?

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Photoshop :: Layout Breaks Apart When Slicing

May 29, 2005

After I slice a layout im workin on, (links, main content), the layout breaks up and looks like puzzle pieces that need to go back where they were.

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool Path Continuity Breaks After Undo (CS6)?

May 26, 2012

With all that adobe has done with this version, but not only that has changed. Lets say that im drawing a path with the pen tool and I get it wrong putting the last segnment and press Ctrl+Z to Undo, the path breaks and you have to go back and click on the last point again to keep drawing.....
Another thing that im experimenting is that the intuos3 in illustrator 6 the selection even with the double click on the side of the pencil is getting stuck for a brief moment when i stop pressing the pen in the tablet surface.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Update To 13.0.2 Breaks Keyboard Input And Shortcuts

Dec 11, 2012

I just got the new update to 13.0.2 and after installing it Photoshop doesn't recognize keyboard input as expected? Shortcuts are not working anymore. Input values are not recognized. Text editing not possible anymore.
And: When I start Photoshop I get the following trial info: Master Collection trial. 32767 DAYS REMAINING...Is it possible to uninstall this update or do I have to uninstall Photoshop at all?

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Photoshop :: Network / External Drive With (Users) In Path Breaks?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm on a mac and I'm trying to run the photoshop script "Layer Comps to Files" - which works fine .... UNLESS I'm connected to an SMB network drive with "users" in the path.
NOTE: I am not trying to save to the network drive!
NOTE: Each test I'm doing is exactly the same (other than which network drive is connected)
NOTE: Just having the network drive connected with "Users" in the path messes things up!
Script does NOT run if I have an SMB drive connected with "Users" in the path, e.g.: [URL]...As soon as I disconnect the SMB drive (I don't even have to close photoshop) the script runs perfectly fine.The script also runs FINE with other SMB network drives withOUT "users" in the path, e.g.:[URL]...
I found this thread from 2010 (which has never been resolved but is inconveniently read-only now) has the same issue with CS4 and it still isn't fixed in CS6:[URL]...

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Photoshop :: Mountain Lion 10.8.2 Breaks Some Stuff (Recovery Assistant / Crossover)

Sep 21, 2012

Like Recovery Assistant, Crossover, Face Time, and some others. So watch out.

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Paint Shop Pro :: JPG File Association Breaks X4

Jan 9, 2012

I've just upgraded from PSP X3 to X4. On my Windows 7 machine, I've had jpg files associated with Windows Photo viewer, but could always open PSP X3 to modify/view a jpg if necessary. Now with X4, the default install changed the jpg file association. (I don't like it when software does that.) I changed it back, and now when I start X4 and direct it to a folder of jpg files, they are listed, but without the thumbnail. If I change the file association back, the X4 starts displaying the thumbnail again.

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Lightroom :: Volume Name Change Breaks Path?

Apr 6, 2012

Using the new LR4.
So since I updated to Light room 4 – I changed the name of the volume that all the pix were on. So the library has been upgraded (from LT3) but all the folders have the big “?” on them because the name of the original volume where the pix were stores is no longer there. I don’t want to go through every folder to locate the new location of the pictures (which actually is the same volume but the name changed) of that volume. How can I easily locate all the pictures for the library on the newly named volume? Without going through folder after folder and on and on to correct the path.

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VideoStudio :: Audio Breaks Up On Project But Not Clip During Editing

Aug 18, 2011

Describe your problem: Once I've inserted a video file or files into the project timeline, playing the videos with the word "Project" under the screen highlighted, the audio (which is speech only) breaks up - all I hear is parts of words every second or two. Highlighting the term "Clip" just under "Project" provides clear, unbroken audio. This condition is new, first occurring after I installed VideoStudio Pro X3 Fix for MLE Database Incompatibility with PaintShop Photo Pro X3. Since then, I have re-loaded VSX3 and all the patches but to no avail. Note: the same video files can be processed by Windows Live Movie Maker and the audio and video come out fine, even if the effects are primitive.

What devices are involved and their mode of connection?: NONE, files are either in the VS Projects file or in my Videos folder. The Version of program is being used: Video Studio Pro X3. Please list all patches/updates that have been installed relating to that version of the program. I've installed all three patches and updates available on the Corel site (thru the User to User board) plus any updates offered by Corel.

Details of the source files. Quick Time movie, 24 bits 1280 x 720, 1 video track, 1 sound track - sound track is MPEG-4, low complexity
Where did they originate: camcorder
How did they get onto your hard drive USB cable
Type of video: Quick Time Movie
Video data rate: 29.970 frames/second
Type of audio: MPEG 4 low complexity
Audio data rate: 48,000 KHz, 16 bit, Stereo

Project Settings: As the software was shipped. I haven't changed any settings.


Did this error occur at the: EDIT step - but it continues in the SHARE step - except the sound goes completely away after processing. OR have you gone directly to the SHARE - NO

Error Codes NONE

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Displaying Projected Lines When Using Breaks?

Aug 13, 2012

I have a drawing of an assembly and have a sectioned view so as to see the internals. The assembly is very long so I've used 3 breaks to shorten it to fit the page. What I'm wanting to do is create a sketch and project the geometries of several parts so I can fill them in with color. The problem I'm having is when I click the lines I want projected, the lines don't form over the part but form where I assume they would be if there were no breaks on the view. I do this all the time and it works fine, but it's usually with only 1 break. I'm thinking it's the 3 breaks that are causing the problem.

Inventor Professional 2013
Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU
Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit

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Xara :: Open PDF Breaks Words To Individual Text?

Jun 22, 2011

Couldn't wait for the CD so started into Ver 7 Designer Pro. (Win 7 Pro 64 bit) I opened a PDF I had created in another graphics package (Canvas) and every letter of a word was like a single text entry.

I opened same file in my PDF writer and selected some text, copied to word and it copied as words not text entities.

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Revit :: Family Type Parameter Breaks Constraints?

Mar 23, 2013

I am creating a family for a mobile shelf assembly.  While an obvious way to create it would be to use an array, because the client needs to be able to tag each shelf unit separately, that can't be done.  The client does, however, have a limit of 10 banks maximum, so I've created ten banks in hte family that are controlled by visibility parameters.
Each of the banks can be a different type of shelf (the shelf units are nested families) but they are always of the same overall length and width in any one run.
Here's my problem, Everything flexes correctly as long as the depth of the units stays the same as they were when the family type parameters were assigned to the shelf families as labels.  When you try to create a new Type using a wider shelf unit, you get errors.
Without the Family Type parameters assigned as labels, all of the reference planes meant to drive the location of the shelves flex correctly.
I'm using Revit 2013. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Vault Check-In Breaks Preview

Oct 26, 2013

I use something like the code shown below as part of an Inventor add-in that automatically checks in modified parts and drawings.  Everything works perfectly except for one problem.  After a file is checked in using this process, the Vault Preview is unavailable.  The message in the Preview window says "Unable to view the file selected.  Click the 'Open' button to view with an external viewer."
Dim byteArray() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName)Dim fileBom As Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.BOM = serviceManager.DocumentService.GetBOMByFileId(vaultFile.Id)serviceManager.DocumentService.CheckinFile(vaultFile.MasterId, Environment.UserName, False, IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(fullFileName), associations, fileBom, False, vaultFile.Name, vaultFile.FileClass, false, byteArray) 

What needs to change so that the Vault Previews will be maintained?  This is with Inventor/Vault 2012, but a solution using a more recent version would also be great.

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GIMP :: Open PSD File It Breaks And Color Is Lost

Oct 10, 2012

When I try to open a PSD file in GIMP, it breaks - the color is lost.

Here is what it should look like: [URL]....

This is how it appears in gimp: [URL].....

Here is the original, how to convert it to a format that actually works??? [URL].....

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Illustrator :: Toggling Guides On Or Off Breaks Drawing Process

Mar 4, 2013

Hitting Command and U cancels the drawing process. Is there a way to not have this happen? - It's useful to be able to engage the guides to start the line aligned to another object via smart guides, but I'm unable to continue the line without 'starting it again'.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Printing Point List With Page Breaks

Jul 9, 2013

In Civil 3D 2013, in the Toolbox tab, I go to Report Manager, and select the Points_List, which then creates an HTML file.

I open it up in Chrome and when I print it, part of the point information at the bottom of Page 1 is cut off and shows up at the top of Page 2.

Is there a way to fix this?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Table Breaks Slows Down File Saves?

Sep 24, 2013

I have an Excel file linked to a Table which has 3,400 lines. When the Table is unbroken a File Save takes 30 seconds. When the Table is broken it takes 30 Minutes to save. Makes the breaking feature for large table unusable. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Breaks Repeat Top Labels Formatting?

Sep 14, 2012

I created a table with a title, 3 columns each with their own header and 20 rows of data. I then adjusted the properties of the table to allow breaks and repeated top labels. My Table Break properties are:

Enabled: Yes

Direction: Down

Repeat top labels: Yes

Repeat bottom labels: No

Manual Positions: No

Manual heights: Yes

Break height: 2.5

Spacing: 1

Everything looks great! I like the way the table is now broken into several smaller "tables"/sections (about 3 rows per section). BUT my question is: Is there a way to simply change the title text of these smaller "tables"/sections so each break has its own unique text for its title? The repeat top labels property only allows the overall title to be repeated with the same text. Any changes I make to the title text is carried through all titles of these individual sections.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exclude From Count Breaks Page Number When Unchecked

Apr 8, 2013

I had some sheets that I wanted to hide so I clicked exclude from count and exclude from printing. 

Now I want to put them back, if I uncheck the boxes the page numbers don't show up in the border. Neither will if give a page number to the pages that were previously hidden in the browser. 

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Property Link From Drawing To Part Breaks

Jul 14, 2012

I'm trying to see if I can write a rule that will link a custom property at the part level in a template and have it update when I copy the part and drawing to a new design.  Below is the formula I'm using and it works in the original files but when I use Design Assistant to create a copy for a new design, this formula will not update.

iProperties.Value("Custom", "Title")=Parameter("Bearing_#01.ipt.Build_Title")

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 Install Breaks Custom Reports In 2011

Jul 5, 2012

We have 2011 installed have customized some of the .XSL reports in ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2011enuDataReportsxsl

After installing 2013, the %ReportDir% variable for 2011 is pointing to the 2013 install, where the reports have NOT been customized. So when you run a report in 2011, it is using the XSL files in the 2013 location.

So the long and the short of it is the 2013 install broke our 2011 custom reporting to control the %ReportDir% variable in 2011?


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Existing Elevation Labels At Datum And Top Grade Breaks?

Aug 28, 2012

i created section view as in pic1. In Bands, Existing surface elevation labels at existing surface grade breaks, top of road elevation labels at top grade breaks, datum is the same. Can i add existing surface elevation labels at top of road grade breaks? (pic2)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Projected Geometry In Sketch In IDW - Related To Breaks In View

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Inventor 2012, and experiencing some trouble with certain types of projected geometry that I'm using in a sketch associated with a view in an .IDW file - but only when the view involves a break (or breaks).

I'm generating section views to show the layout of hole details at various axial locations along the part. When placing a section line, I can't "pick up" any appropriate locating geometry from the view. So, after creating the view (using just a vertical section line), I edit the sketch that defines the section line. Project some geometry (the edges of the holes, in the attached example), draw some additional geometry constrained to that, then constrain the section line to that. That works fine; if I move the view around, the section lines stay attached to it. This is what is shown in the attached "before break" picture.

When I apply a break to the drawing, though, the section lines don't follow the changing view. They stay right there, as if the view had not been broken at all. This is what's shown in the attached "after break" picture. Move the view around, and they track with it - but always staying the same "real" distance apart from each other. It is as if that projected geometry were completely ignoring the break.

I observe something similar if I start with an IDW view with one or more breaks, then create a sketch associated with the view. If I project geometry, some of it projects where it should, but other geometry projects elsewhere on the page - as if no breaks were present in the view.

The part I've shown here is something I put together as a simplified example of what I'm observing. The part I'm actually trying to detail is more complicated (many more details), and much longer (so breaks are a requirement to put it on paper).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Vector Outlines Breaks Apart On AI Files Made In Illustrator

Oct 1, 2012

I have a problem with importing AI files to CDx6. Everytime i do so, the curves split up. Like if i have a circle that i can fil in adobe and then open it in CD, it breaks it apart so i have to join curvs and what not. This is a huge problem when i import templates and such..

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Enabling Table Breaks Slows Drawing Save To A Crawl

Dec 28, 2010

I have a data-linked table (from an Excel 2007 file, 32-bit) in an Autocad 2010 drawing (64-bit, Windows 7 OS).

If the table is displayed as a single column, with table breaks off, the file will save within seconds.

If I enable table breaks, it will take at least 3-5 minutes for the drawing file to save.

I am unable to find any solution. I've tried using different table styles, different linked files/drawings, saving locally vs. on the network, headers and titles repeating vs not. The slowness is a major productivity killer.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Section Band Style - Design Levels At Grade Breaks - No Triangles

Feb 26, 2012

What I would like to achieve is a section band style for bulk earthworks and simple access roads that shows the design level at Grade Breaks only. The problem I am having is that Grade Breaks are being recognised as where the sample line crosses a triangle, not where the the grade actually changes/crosses a feature line.

A have a number of simple platforms, that I have created using an infill from feature lines, usually these platforms are surrounded entirely by feature lines of the same height. As to be expected, Civil 3d creates a few flat triangles, and as a consequence, all of the points where the sample line crosses these show up on my band style. Is there any way to achieve this band style?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Synchronizing Data Shortcuts Breaks Reference To Alignment In Profile Labels

Sep 6, 2013

I have some storm sewer alignments that I've put into profiles in C3D 2011.  The pipe network that I used to create the alignments from is a reference created from a data shortcut.   I've created profiles of these storm sewer alignments, and the station labels for the storm structures are displayed at question marks until I go into the structure properties for each structure and link it to the correct alignment.  

The problem is that whenever I synchronize my data shortcuts because someone has updated something, all of the links in each structure to the alignments disappears and I am back to? for my stations in the profiles and I have to go go fix it again. how to keep this from breaking?

I do see this recent message [URL]  that appears to be a similar problem, but it was said in that thread that this problem was introduced with C3D 2012, but I am using C3D 2011.....

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AutoCAD Express Tools :: Super Hatch Breaks Entire Area Into Separate Image Based Pieces

Jun 25, 2001

We have 1 machine in the office that when using super hatch it will not "hatch" the entire area as one hatch, it breaks it into separate image based pieces. The rest of the office, it hatches as one entity so it can be changed easily. Even if we use the group command, it will not group them.

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Photoshop :: Line Tool Arrow And New Layer After Drawing Line

Feb 11, 2007

I am trying to draw a line. Now all of a sudden, there is a stupid arrow. how to do i turn this annoying freature off?

As well, I want to draw multiple lines on one layer, however everytime I draw a line, i get a new layer!

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