Photoshop :: Imitating Pencil Shading

Jan 4, 2009

It's been awhile since I've posted. Still been doing graphics work, but not had enough time to really push myself and grow in a way that required a community. I posted this on another forum with no response, I'm hoping perhaps I'll get a bit more out of the place where I started out.

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Maya :: One Viewport Is Imitating Another One?

May 3, 2011

i was doing some modelling in Maya and I noticed that 2 of my viewports were showing the same stuff at all times.

For example: if I would change one of the viewports to Top view then the other one would do the same thing automatically, as well if I would look around in one of the viewports the other one would follow.

I assume that I have accidentally tampered some settings somewhere, all I know is that when I started modelling my project I didn't have this problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Imitating Full Navigation Wheel Orbit / Pan / Zoom

Jul 17, 2012

I've been trying my best to get familiar with the Autodesk Inventor COM API for the purpose of integrating a new 3D input device (the Keyglove) for intuitive control. I have worked through the "My first plugin" example, and I have basic COM integration working using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010. I've been able to rotate the camera's view around a single axis by applying a rotation matrix transform to the camera's UpVector property:

Dim Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
Dim appInventor As Inventor.Application
Dim oCamera As Inventor.Camera
Dim oRotAxis As Inventor.Vector
Dim oRotMatrix As Inventor.Matrix
Dim oUpVector As Inventor.UnitVector

But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to achieve what I'm really after: a programmatic equivalent to the "Orbit" action that is done on all three rotational axes at once. I would ultimately like to reproduce all aspects of the Full Navigation Wheel through the COM API, but right now I'll settle for 3D orbiting. The pan and zoom operations seem to be doable through the ComputeWithMouseInput() method, though I'd imagine there's a better, more direct way to do that with raw camera eye/target transformation as well.

When using the Orbit tool on the Full Navigation Wheel, the mouse X/Y axes control orientation about the Y and X axes respectively, centered around the pivot point. If you hold down shift to enable "roll" mode, the mouse Y axis is ignored, and the mouse X axis controls orientation about the Z axis. The Keyglove provides angular rotation data on all three axes at once, so there is no need to toggle between X/Y control and Z control; it should be easily possible to do them all at the same time. I can't figure out how though.

lacking in familiarity with the COM API and/or the ability to visualize and code the correct spatial geometry calculations.

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Photoshop :: Shading The Map

Nov 16, 2013

To show our customers where we serve I would like to highlight everything below this black line... I have done some basic highlighting but it just doesn't looks professional. just shade everything below this black line and make it look professional?

I need it done on this map .

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Photoshop :: Which Tools Are Best For Shading

Aug 29, 2013

Which tools are best for shading?

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Photoshop :: Get Rid Of Shading Around Images

Aug 13, 2005

i upload an image and i change the color of the image there is always a shaded line around it. What can i do to get rid of the shaded line?

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Photoshop :: Cell Shading

Dec 9, 2005

my frind did a pic with another program, he calls it call shading here is the pic

he replaces alot of pics with pics of us, how did he do it, he says its alot easier with photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Edges, Shading

Nov 13, 2006

I am trying to learn is how to give the images of my artwork (paintings) an edge, as if it is a 3d canvas, and a shading to the edges, or just a shading. Also, I would like the corners a little rounded, but not a lot.

I have other needs, but I will have to learn to use the program for these, especially editing the colors, since an accurate photo of an original painting is seldom acheived, especially in terms of colors. If there is a very simple guide you can recommend I'll be happy to try it.

how to use the program for the basic purposes I mentioned (edges, corners, shading)

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Photoshop :: Image Shading

Dec 3, 2006

I've been working on a website and at the moment am uploading some products. The problem is with the images. They look pretty bland and dont fit in with the rest of the site. I've tried many different types of shadows and Im still not satisfied.

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Photoshop :: How To Turn Off Shading In 3D Mode

Jan 11, 2013

I want to wrap a logo around a baseball. All I need is the logo to be rendered in 3D, and I will use the Multiply blending mode to use the shading that's already on the baseball. How do I turn off all shading effects in the 3D interface so no additional shading is applied to the sphere the logo is being wrapped around?

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Photoshop :: Function Within 3D To Color The Shading

Nov 27, 2013

When I am using repousse on type the shading on 3d is true to the color of type but if I am using a layer mask or path of a shape its just grey scale shading. Is there a function within the 3d to color the shading.

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Photoshop :: Gradient Shading/Colour

Oct 15, 2008

ill try and keep my question as simple as possible.

i'm trying to use the gradient tool. im adding gradients to sold colour shape jpg's. for instance i have a jpeg that is a green square.

i want to use the Graditent tool to give a gradient effect to my jpeg, however when i apply a gradient it is always grayscale, no matter what colour the image! can this be changed to colour? if so how?

in other words, is it possible to make my green square have a green gradient effect?

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Photoshop :: Shading And Digitizing Sketches ...

Jul 14, 2009

How to paint digitally in Photoshop and how to converted drawings digitally and paint them ?b) Tutorial or even a book but a tutorial would be prefered, on coloring and adding shadows to your drawings.

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Photoshop :: Change Color But Keep Texture And Shading

Nov 23, 2013

I have been trying to do this for a while but getting nowhere fast, I need to change the color of a suit in an image, at the moment the color is a shade of blue but i want to change it to a mustard color.

I have tried using the Hue Saturation color displacement but no joy. I have attached the image that needs changing.

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Photoshop :: Cloud Shading? Or Clouds In General.

Feb 10, 2009

I'm completely new to Photoshop (only started yesterday), but I've been playing with it and it's fun. My problem is that I've tried creating a picture, but the clouds I made don't exactly look much like clouds.

What I did to make them was to render clouds, then adjust levels to create cloud shapes, and transformed perspective. Then I set it to 25% opacity against a red/orange background. However, as you can see, there are no shadows on the clouds, and it looks kind of bad in general.

My question is: how would I go about shading the clouds? And if the clouds are extremely bad, how would I go about making more believable ones?

Also, is there anything else about my picture that I can/should improve?

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Photoshop :: Turning A Photo Into Smooth Lineart For Cell Shading

Oct 23, 2007

trying to get a good smooth lineart output from Photoshop. As a picture says a thousand words let me explain.

Original Image

Now befunky is an online image app that creates cell shaded images for you, but at low res. It outputs a line art sketch like this.

Befunky Output

The closest I can get in Photoshop using a combination of Smart Blur and Gaussian Blur is this.


As you can see I'm not quite getting the smooth lines that Befunky seems to draw.

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3ds Max :: Hardware Shading Not Available?

Mar 15, 2011

the hardware shading options are all greyed and I can not activate these options. in openGL or DX9 (dx10 isn't working so fine as it seems). My computer is sse3 enabled. I do not understand.

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Photoshop :: 1px Pencil Tool In CS6 Is 3px?

Sep 28, 2012

Working in PS CS6.  I want to use the pencil tool at 1px, and I've changed my settings accordingly (even typed it in to be sure) but the minumum size it will actually go is 3px.
To be clear, the size is set to 1px, but when you zoom all the way in so that the individual pixels are visible, the pencil is a 3px x 3px square and will not go smaller.
The brush tool does not behave this way, and I would use it instead but for this project I need the square precision of the pencil. I'm working in a 72dpi RGB document. I do not have this issue in CS5.

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Photoshop :: Pencil Draw

Mar 4, 2005

To turn photo To Pencil Draw we do this steps ..






Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur> 3


But my question is why we click litter " M " ?

And other steps ...

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Photoshop :: Pencil Sketch

Jun 9, 2006

Would you like to draw a pencil sketch? You are not good at drawing? Well, it doesn’t matter,

Step 1: Open your image in Photoshop, Choose Image->Adjustment->Desaturate (or Ctrl+Shift+U by default) to make the photo to black-and-white.

Step 2: Click Layer-> Duplicate Layer, duplicate the background as background copy.

Step 3: Use Image->Adjustment->Invert (or Ctrl+I by default), then the image will look like a negative.

Step 4: From the layer palette, set the blending options as Color Dodge.

Step 5: Choose Filter->Blur->Guassian Blur, set the radius 4 pixels.

Step 6: Don’t forget to merge the layer at last. So, everything is done!

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Photoshop :: Pencil Tool

Oct 15, 2005

I am painting various pixels with transparency, and I don't like that pixels previously painted become more opaque when I paint over them. I would like the opacity information to remain the same, regardless of how often I paint over an already-painted pixel.

For example, suppose I paint the color (100,100,100) on a pixel with 60% opacity. If I paint over this pixel again, it should still have 60% opacity. I don't want it "stacking".

Also, just as an off topic question, is there any reason why so many people use photoshop over paint shop? I see them both as very identical and I'm having difficulty finding differences. Paint Shop Pro X is very nice, I think CS2 and PSPX are all the same.

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Photoshop :: Removing Background Shadow On Transparent PNG Image Without Losing Shading Object?

Oct 8, 2013

I have a pillow bevel applied to a paint splatter brush image, and I'm having trouble with the shadows. I want to save this splatter as a transparent PNG. The problem is that a drop shadow effect is showing up when I save it this way. I think it's a "shading" setting rather than a true drop shadow, as there is no drop shadow set in the layer styles.

The shadow does not appear when a white background is applied. It only shows when the background is transparent. I've tried reducing the shading opacity in the bevel dialogue, and this does get rid of the drop shadow....the problem is that it also removes the shading from the paint splatter, making the image look flat instead of raised.

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Photoshop :: Pencil Tool Does Not Work

Nov 2, 2012

My pencil tool has randomly stopped working, everything else in that pallet works fine.  But when I select pencil and try to draw or change stroke size it has no reacion. I did try uninstall and reinstall but no good?

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Photoshop :: Stroking Path With Pencil CS6?

Feb 11, 2013

I´ve been making pixel art for a while now and recently I upgraded to cs6. all was fine till I tried to stroke a circular path with the pencil tool. The Circles it makes are completely uneven.
These are the paths i traced in different sizes
this is the stroked path with a 1 x 1 pixel pencil 

as you can see the the bottom and right part of the circles is different from the top left. it is more noticeable on smaller also happens with bigger stroke sizes.this diddn´t happen in cs5.

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Photoshop :: Brush / Pencil Not Working

Nov 7, 2012

My brush/pencil tool isn't working in Photoshop CS5...when I try and use it it just makes a dot and doesn't allow me to draw a continuous line...

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Photoshop :: Brushes - Do Pencil Roughs?

May 29, 2013

Since changing from my 3 month trial with CS6 the other day my dry media and pencil brushes have lost some of their texture and look over saturated. As I'm trying to do pencil roughs via photoshop for a client I would like to resolve this ASAP.

Is there anything I can do to get the detail in the brush strokes back?

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Photoshop :: Seeing Pixel Size In Pencil?

May 9, 2011

How do I control being able to see the pixel size of the pencil tool so its not just a small x but I can actually see the size of the area I am going to draw with?

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Photoshop :: Pencil Shaded Drawings

Aug 8, 2005

I was wondering if there was a way to take a shaded pencil drawing and make the lines pure black in phososhop. Also I cant put color in the parts that are shaded, maybe it cant recognize the color or something.

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Photoshop :: Pencil And Line In Pixels?

Apr 13, 2006

The pencil tool line thicness or weight is measured in cm. Is there a way to make it measure in pixels?

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Photoshop :: Brush/eraser/pencil

Sep 29, 2005

if i choose the brush, penicl, eraser, no matter what size i use, all i see on the screen is as the screen shot below.

Why am i not seeing the actual size of the brush/eraser & pencil?

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Photoshop :: Pencil Scribble Outline

Feb 15, 2006

way to make outlines look like they were scribbled with a pencil. i created several objects in illustrator and imported them into psp. the have just black outlines and no fill color. any idea how i can achieve a scribble look?

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