Photoshop :: How To Scale A Component In Merged 3D Layer

May 19, 2012

Ok, so how do you scale a component in a merged 3D layer?  There are rotate, role, slide, and drag modes...but where did the scale mode go from CS5?

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Photoshop :: Merged Layer?

Aug 17, 2009

hold to create one merged layer from all my other layers, but still having them available underneath the merged layer?

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Photoshop :: How To Copy Merged Layer

Jul 11, 2011

I am new in Photoshop version CS5 I am trying to copy some different layer and merged to new image. Without successful.

I add attachment for example.
I try to merged two layer
| layer is blue color
|| layer is purple color

I selected the two layer by arrow mouse And I go to menu edit Copy Merged but this feature is not enabled.

After this I should type ctrl + n and past the Copy Merged.

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Photoshop :: Merged Layer Effects

Jun 30, 2006

I have two layers.. One is a simple shape with a raised bevel.. The other layer is text centered over the shape with a bevel of its own that makes the text look engraved.. The problem is when I go to merge the layers, I lose the text layer effect.. I have to merge the layers so how can I stop the text bevelled effect from disappearing?

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Photoshop :: Name Merged Layers According To Original Bottom Layer's Name Instead Of Top?

Dec 14, 2012

I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.

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Photoshop :: Layer Got Merged After Using Convert To Profile Form RGB To CMYK

Mar 22, 2013

I am converting a print design in photoshop cs5 from RGB to CMYK. My Layer got merged after using convert to profile form RGB to CMYK.
after this i have save file and close it and i didn't have backup of this file.
Now How do i recover my all layers
i need only my layers back..... 

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Paint Shop Pro :: Layer Stack Containing Merged Representation Of All Visible Layers

Dec 19, 2011

In Photoshop, there is a shortcut that does the following:

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E — You’ll get a new layer at the top of the layer stack containing a merged representation of all visible layers (handy for sharpening adjustments, etc.).

I tried this in PSP X3 and it doesn't work. Does it even possible to do this in PSP? I know how to merge all the layers in PSP but all the merged layers then disappear. The Photoshop feature keeps all the visible layers and merges them into a combined merged visible layer.

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Photoshop :: Make Composite Image From Layer Data Instead From Merged Data Section?

Jun 1, 2013

I am working on parsing the psd file and saving the data as per doc of photoshop 6. I need to make an image from the layer data alone with different combinations of layers selected, visible etc... and not using the merged data section in the file.

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Paint.NET :: How To Resize Images In One Layer To Be To Scale For Image In Another Layer

Mar 24, 2011

I would like to make a composite image with source images making up the various layers (so I can work my magic on each layer indepent of the others). The problem I have is that not all of the images I'm using are to the right scale. What I want to do is resize those layers that are too big. Here's an example...

Let's say I have 5 pictures that I want to use to make one composite image from. The main background layer will be made from an image that is, say 800x600.

Another picture (let's call this subject 1) is 600x600 and is already at the right scale if I cut out the portion I want to keep and lay it on top of the background layer.

Yet another picture (subject 2) is huge (think 2000x2000). I would like to cut out the portion I would like to use and drop it in as a new layer and then obviously re-size it down to the correct scale. I'd prefer to do this directly in the composite image I'm making on its own layer to ensure I get the size right (and without manipulating the image guess-work style before I cut/paste it in).And so on...

I've found ways to make the canvas bigger (not what I want to do)... but not anything on how to resize the images on individual layers without impacting the other layers. Is there a way to do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Component Names Do Not Change After Replacing Component

Jan 26, 2012

We are having an issue when we replace a component in Inventor Pro 2012.  When we replace a component, the name in the browser does not update to the new component.  We've even tried to close and re-open the Inventor assembly and that does not work.  We end up manual double clicking the name in the browser and type in the new component name. 

Inventor Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012
Dell Precision T7500 Workstation
Xeon Processor
16 GB of RAM
Nvidia Quadro FX 5800
Windows 7 x64

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Detecting If Component Occurrence Is Virtual Component

Jul 25, 2012

II need a way to tell if a component occurence is a virtual component.

I'm using a For Each loop to cycle through all of the components in an assembly, and if the component is itself an assembly to set the LOD to "Custom". I'm using the definition document descriptor object for this. It all woks fine until the loop comes across a virtual component which doesn't have a definition document, so I need a way to check if the component is virtual and needs to be skipped.Here's the

Option ExplicitImports Inventor.LevelOfDetailEnumSub MainiLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = TrueDim doc As AssemblyDocumentDim oLOD As LevelOfDetailRepresentationDim oAsmCompDef As ComponentDefinitionDim oComp As ComponentOccurrenceDim oComps As ComponentOccurrencesdoc = ThisDoc.DocumentIf.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Scale A Layer?

Jul 2, 2008

I have imported a cropped image to be merged with another into Photoshop CS3.

I have used the help function and it leads me to a greyed out scale effects tab.

I am not wanting to add any scale effects to the image.

I am trying to scale the image down to be fit into the background image. How do i do this?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Scale A Layer?

Sep 2, 2007

I have a layer and did ctrl-click to select it. From there I went to Select -> Transform Selection and then did a right click and went to free transform and tried to drag the scale from the corners. It moved, but the picture did not change. I then tried to right click on the transform selection and hit scale, moved the scalers, but the image did not change size. I'm just trying to resize the image on this particular layer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using A Solid Component To Cut A Different Component In Assembly

Jan 11, 2013

I am trying to make port rims for pipes that can be swapped in and out of an assembly.  However, the ports will all be different sizes and located differently so I need the cut to be part of the port rim component, but affect the entire assembly it is part of.  I've been trying to get this to work for the better part of a day now,Here's a picture of what im talking about. I'm running Inventor 2008 by the way.

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Photoshop :: Scale An Image Layer

Jun 8, 2012

I am trying to Scale an image layer. Edit>Transform>Scale, is not bringing up handles on the image but insteat creates a small rectangular box randomly on the image!

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Photoshop :: Grey Scale Layer To Specified Color

Jun 3, 2011

If there is a way to tell Photoshop, and in a CMYK or RGB file, that I want to make all the 100% blacks in a grey scale layer a solid specified color, and all greys just percentages of that solid color? And to be able to do this without having to use spot channels or dial in CMYKs via Channel Mixer? In other words, a "one-click" method, or close to it.

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Photoshop :: Cannot See Selection As Transform / Scale Layer?

Apr 28, 2013

I selected a layer in order to scale it. When I click the link between height and width and then change the percentage up or down the object I'm trying to scale simply disappears. I can see the edges and the transform tool 'handles' but the layer is not there. I've never had an issue in any other version of Photoshop. What the heck is going on?
Doesn't matter whether I use the percentage tool in the upper palette of Photoshop or just shift and drag to scale. The scaling object becomes invisible.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Make Layer Style Scale As Well?

Feb 10, 2009

Let's say I apply a drop shadow by double clicking the layer and calling up layer style. I decide I want to scale that to a larger size. Is there any way I can make the shadow scale up in size as well instead of staying the same px setting it was previously? Not sure if that made any sense at all, so bear with me.

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Photoshop :: To Make Layer Style Scale As Well?

Feb 10, 2009

I apply a drop shadow by double clicking the layer and calling up layer style.

I decide I want to scale that to a larger size.

Is there any way I can make the shadow scale up in size as well instead of staying the same px setting it was previously?

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Photoshop :: Scale A Layer In Proportion To Image Size

Nov 19, 2005

How do you scale a layer proportional to the image size?

I want to scale a layer so that it's 10% of the width of the full image. It's going to be part of an action, so I can't just do the math, and do it manually.

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Photoshop :: Monochrome Curve Layer / Flipping Scale Ends

Feb 13, 2013

On PS CS6 Extended 64 & 32 bit I noticed the gray scale ends of the curve in monochrome images is, to my mind, flipped. I understand some of the historic reasons for this, but I though I had found a preference somewhere or flipped the ends in previous versions. It has been a while. My most current version previously was CS2.
I'm also looking for, and will post separately, something akin to the Photo bars add on from Extensis. I still can't believe how backward the Adobe development team appear to be in terms of interface usability design. There are many multi-click patterns I use repeatedly and something like Photobars, even an add-on would be acceptable.

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Photoshop :: How To Create Fish / Reptile Scale Like Texture And Apply To A Layer

Feb 1, 2011

How to create a fish/reptile scale like texture and apply to a layer?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Skip Saving A Suppressed Component / Delete Suppressed Component

Aug 30, 2012

I have an assembly which has a few components suppressed.

My end results is another copy of the assembly (with copies of the all the parts) in another directory

Now i am able to create copies of un-suppressed parts using; (this allows me to SaveAs assembly components which are not suppressed)

DocumentsEnumerator = ThisDoc.Document.AllReferencedDocuments

And save a copy of the assembly using


I also added the fllowing snippet (which I am not sure what is does), but it does not work for me

Component.SkipDocumentSave = true

 When I open the newly created assembly, I still see the suppressed components in the model browser

I want to either;

Skip saving the of the components in the model browser (i.e. the Assembly)


Delete the suppressed parts in the Assembly, so that they do not save altogether

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Paint.NET :: Scale The Background Layer?

Dec 7, 2013

The first layer you start with is the background, I want to know how to scale/re-size it around the image imported. I am trying to create my own Minecraft skin, so I want to re-size the entire default skin image so I can work with finer detail. But i need to create a border around the original image so I can re-size it back to its proper size to be successfully uploaded to the Minecraft webiste as my skin. I cannot make a border because if I do with its current state the border will go over the first outer line of pixels of the image; I just want it to be a pixel outside the image, not on it.

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Photoshop :: Deleting Merged 3D Elements

Dec 15, 2012

how to delete layers/items from the 3D layers panel? Specifically, 3D layers that have been merged. I merged few 3D layers and need to remove some unwanted items that are left behind.
It would seem like a simple task but I've ended up with one 3D layer in my layers palet and a list of layers in my 3D palet that are all locked. Is this normal? Attached is a screenshot of both layers palets and my doc mode, just in case.

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Photoshop :: How To Recover Merged Layers

Apr 23, 2012

I exported a project as a pdf by clicking Save As under the file menu, then I saved the original psd by choosing Save As again and selecting PSD this time.  When I came back to the project today all the layers had been merged into one.  I _never_ merged them myself.  Is there any way I can recover all that work or have I been hosed by this "feature"?

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Photoshop :: Copy Merged Feature?

Jun 28, 2012

I'm working on a tutorial for doing a website mockup in Adobe  PS. In one of the steps, it says:"With the header area selected with a mask press CMD+SHIFT+C to Copy Merged, then paste on a new layer."
This doesn't make sense to me because I don't know what reason there would be to add a mask to the header layer. And even when I try it doing what they say, it doesn't do anything.Here's a link to the tutorial: URL]....

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Photoshop :: Extending Sky In Merged Image?

Dec 8, 2012

I merged some images in Photoshop and the sky is now stepped. I want to extend the lowest part of the sky to equal the highest part of the sky. How can I do this in Photoshop? The images was made up of 16 images, and is now a .PSB file.

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AutoCAD LT :: Change Linetype Scale For A Layer?

Oct 3, 2011

I want to change my ground conductor from solid green to a dashed line (green is OK) on a set of drawings, but all the dashed linetypes I can find don't show up well at the scale that I've drawn the circuits.  I can make them look OK by changing the linetype scale in the properties manager window, but there are a boatload of these lines in eight viewports; finding them all would be a major pain.  They are all on a single layer, though, but in the layer properties manager I do not see a way to change the linetype scale for the layer. I could use the properties manager to make the change if I could select everything on the layer. Is there a way to do that? 

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AutoCad :: Changing Linetype Scale For Just One Layer

Mar 11, 2004

I have loaded an insulation linetype and I needed to make the ltscale of that line .194 in the linetype manager so that it would fit in my 3.5" walls.I would like my insulation linetype to always be drawn at .194 ltscale. All of my other lines/linetypes I would like to stay at 1.00

When I changed the linetype scale of the insulation to .194 every other ltscale went with it. Is it possible to change one ltscale independently of all your other linetypes?

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AutoCad :: Scale 1:1 From Model Drawing To Layer

Feb 27, 2013

I have been using Autocad 2000i LT for a number of years now but with limitations.(self tought of a fag packet) I am trying to get it to work for me rather than me work for it! Normally i use it for doing for producing panel wiring drawings, the way i normally do this is have a drawing on layer 1 then copy paste for additional layers, though this works ok, when i need to change eg date / site ref i have to change it on every page. I know by doing the basics on the model this then transfers to the other layouts. Plots set up for A4 landscape, on model / layer scale set to 1:1 I do drawing on model then when choose new layer the drawing scales down even though set 1:1 paper size same ect.

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