On PS CS6 Extended 64 & 32 bit I noticed the gray scale ends of the curve in monochrome images is, to my mind, flipped. I understand some of the historic reasons for this, but I though I had found a preference somewhere or flipped the ends in previous versions. It has been a while. My most current version previously was CS2.
I'm also looking for, and will post separately, something akin to the Photo bars add on from Extensis. I still can't believe how backward the Adobe development team appear to be in terms of interface usability design. There are many multi-click patterns I use repeatedly and something like Photobars, even an add-on would be acceptable.
Just upgraded from CS5 to CC and I find some thing very very very annoying. Any transform operation on a layer group seems to be applied on the individual layers instead of the group as a whole. How can I turn this extremely useless behavior off?
We need to plot revised drawings with clouds for a local building department that demands the clouds be in color with everything else in the standard B/W !!!
Our office pen settings are set in a way that a particular line color has a specific lineweight, i.e., on the screen all the lineweights appear the same, but when plotted the lineweights vary.
My first thought was to to simply turn all the layers to one color (white for example) and the clouded layer to be red, create a PDF in color thus having black lines and red clouds. This works, however, all the lineweights are now the same which makes for an unappealing drawing.
Is there a way to isolate the clouds as one color (red) and monochrome the other layers yet still maintaining their pre-determined lineweights?
I have a layer of a music staff with wavy lines. I want to create a new text layer to go on the staff and curve exactly to the lines in the staff. I've tried curve, warp, distort...all of those, but I can't get it perfect. Is there any way to curve a layer exactly to another layer?
I would like to make a composite image with source images making up the various layers (so I can work my magic on each layer indepent of the others). The problem I have is that not all of the images I'm using are to the right scale. What I want to do is resize those layers that are too big. Here's an example...
Let's say I have 5 pictures that I want to use to make one composite image from. The main background layer will be made from an image that is, say 800x600.
Another picture (let's call this subject 1) is 600x600 and is already at the right scale if I cut out the portion I want to keep and lay it on top of the background layer.
Yet another picture (subject 2) is huge (think 2000x2000). I would like to cut out the portion I would like to use and drop it in as a new layer and then obviously re-size it down to the correct scale. I'd prefer to do this directly in the composite image I'm making on its own layer to ensure I get the size right (and without manipulating the image guess-work style before I cut/paste it in).And so on...
I've found ways to make the canvas bigger (not what I want to do)... but not anything on how to resize the images on individual layers without impacting the other layers. Is there a way to do this?
I used to take the color sampler and put a sample on my image. Then I created a curves layer. AND, by holding some combination of shift/ctrl/alt and clicking the color sample, the values would transfer to the red,green, and blue layers of my curves layer. From there I could make adjustments...
In CS4 I'm trying to do this, and I can't get it to work... It isn't the same as using the eyedroppers on the curve OR the hand above the eyedroppers. It actually copied the color sample values onto the individual color channels.....
i have a question about cs3 , under xp i add a curve adjustament layer ,-> curve dialog (window) open -> well i can zoom with the mouse wheel but if i keep the space keyboard pressed , i can't use the hand tool when i click the space keyboard , it works like the [ok] button , in short if like i click on ok and close the window is there a tip to use the curve adjustament layer , zoom and use the hand tool
If I wanted to have a picture of a book laying open::
And I wanted to put a picture on the right hand side of the book, to look as though it was part of the book, how would I make the curve of the layer(or picture) to mimic that of the book?
I have a layer and did ctrl-click to select it. From there I went to Select -> Transform Selection and then did a right click and went to free transform and tried to drag the scale from the corners. It moved, but the picture did not change. I then tried to right click on the transform selection and hit scale, moved the scalers, but the image did not change size. I'm just trying to resize the image on this particular layer.
I am trying to Scale an image layer. Edit>Transform>Scale, is not bringing up handles on the image but insteat creates a small rectangular box randomly on the image!
If there is a way to tell Photoshop, and in a CMYK or RGB file, that I want to make all the 100% blacks in a grey scale layer a solid specified color, and all greys just percentages of that solid color? And to be able to do this without having to use spot channels or dial in CMYKs via Channel Mixer? In other words, a "one-click" method, or close to it.
I selected a layer in order to scale it. When I click the link between height and width and then change the percentage up or down the object I'm trying to scale simply disappears. I can see the edges and the transform tool 'handles' but the layer is not there. I've never had an issue in any other version of Photoshop. What the heck is going on?
Doesn't matter whether I use the percentage tool in the upper palette of Photoshop or just shift and drag to scale. The scaling object becomes invisible.
Let's say I apply a drop shadow by double clicking the layer and calling up layer style. I decide I want to scale that to a larger size. Is there any way I can make the shadow scale up in size as well instead of staying the same px setting it was previously? Not sure if that made any sense at all, so bear with me.
How do you scale a layer proportional to the image size?
I want to scale a layer so that it's 10% of the width of the full image. It's going to be part of an action, so I can't just do the math, and do it manually.
I am trying to make a design for a T-shirt, via. Photoshop. I am making a heart design and have come to a problem. I have half of the heart I want, so in order to make it whole I would have to flip the image, if I flip the image horizontally it moves the whole board area, so both pieces of the heart are in the same direction and don't fit together.
How can I keep one piece still and have the other piece flip? I've tried free transform and horizontal flip.
I need to flip it without flipping the original so that it fits together.
How to I create a monochrome bmp in photoshop ? I have a logo I use for my business that has a white back ground, blue image and red letters. I have a screen saver that is asking for a black and white monochrome bmp.
I am using photoshop cs and only have a photoshop 5 book which isnt telling a whole lot other than checking monochrome under the channel mixer, but it still isnt working correctly so obviously I am doing something wrong.
I am trying to horizontally flip one of the three layers in a current project in photoshop CS.
I select the layer in the layers pallette, got to edit, but the 'transform' option displays as 'transform path' and is greyed out and cannot be used...
I have tried everything I can think of, right down to uninstalling/reinstalling photoshop without success...
I'm trying to flip and rotate a selection in Photoshop but it doesn't seem to be working. Here's what I'm doing:
1) Select what I want to flip/rotate.
2) Go to Select -> Transform Selection
3) Go to Edit -> Transform Path -> Flip Horizontal/Vertical or one of the rotate options.
4) Choose another tool so that it can ask me if I want to apply the transformation.
5) Say yes.
But at this point nothing happens to my selection. When rotating, I notice that the selection box itself gets transformed, but not the contents selected. How do I actually transform the contents?
I work for needs to submit a block of fabric with an image of Mt. Rushmore. The plan is to iron it on, however first we have to print the image on the applique backwards, so when we iron it on the fabric the image appears correctly.
There has to be a way to flip the image backwards in Photoshop.
I tried to do that kind of sig, but I can't do this flipping (it this right word to describe this effect?) squares. I tried transforming, but it always looked weird... I know for sure that this was made in PS/ImageReady.
I searched on some forums, but I can't find nothing in tutorials that are similar to this... So, please, does anyone know how to make that flipping? Thanks in advance for anything, that can help.
I have a logo on a hat in one of my graphics that is backwards because I did a mirror of the original image. way to go about flipping the Sox logo on the hat?
The first layer you start with is the background, I want to know how to scale/re-size it around the image imported. I am trying to create my own Minecraft skin, so I want to re-size the entire default skin image so I can work with finer detail. But i need to create a border around the original image so I can re-size it back to its proper size to be successfully uploaded to the Minecraft webiste as my skin. I cannot make a border because if I do with its current state the border will go over the first outer line of pixels of the image; I just want it to be a pixel outside the image, not on it.
I would like to mirror a car, to look into the other direction, but i realsied when i flip horizontally, that the steering wheel also flips and goes to the other side Its the same with the texts and graphics on the car... I tried to replace it with the original and free transform it to the right position but is doesnt works. I also tried the perspective and the warp transform tools but without success...