It was the "Creating Classy Glass Buttons" one. One of the steps says to flip the layer vertically. I can't quite figure out how to do that. It always wants to flip the whole thing.
I made a wax seal on Photoshop with a lot of embossment, bedevilment and a Smart Filter. It's done and I just need to make it smaller so it fits well on my certificate. When I resize it (Ctr + T) It pops up a message that reads: ______________________________________________ Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended  "Smart Filters applied to layers contained in this group will be turned off temporarily while the transform is being previewed. They will be applied after committing the transform."  OK  [] Don't show again ______________________________________________  I click OK and I re-size the layer with free transform, and then hit enter. The Layer is resized but my Smart Filter which creates a wavy affect around the seal is totally distorted.  How do re-size my layer with smart filter without affecting the smart filter aspect of the layer.
I have two flips in there, one verticle, one horizontal. For some reason, whenever I tell it to flip, and then select everything in the block, it doesn't flip the other flip's arrow.
Then, when I created the second arrow, and went back to include the first flip in the second flip's Action Selection Set, it doesn't pick it up. Doesn't matter if I do "modify selection set" or "new selection set"... doesn't matter if I select everything within (blue box) or everything that touches (green box).
Yet, when I highlight the icon box, it shows everything is selected.
Can flips not flip other flips?
Additionally, I want the rotation parameter to flip on the horizontal flip (so it stays outside the block), but I can't get that into the selection either.
What am I missing with these selection parameters?
I would like to make a composite image with source images making up the various layers (so I can work my magic on each layer indepent of the others). The problem I have is that not all of the images I'm using are to the right scale. What I want to do is resize those layers that are too big. Here's an example...
Let's say I have 5 pictures that I want to use to make one composite image from. The main background layer will be made from an image that is, say 800x600.
Another picture (let's call this subject 1) is 600x600 and is already at the right scale if I cut out the portion I want to keep and lay it on top of the background layer.
Yet another picture (subject 2) is huge (think 2000x2000). I would like to cut out the portion I would like to use and drop it in as a new layer and then obviously re-size it down to the correct scale. I'd prefer to do this directly in the composite image I'm making on its own layer to ensure I get the size right (and without manipulating the image guess-work style before I cut/paste it in).And so on...
I've found ways to make the canvas bigger (not what I want to do)... but not anything on how to resize the images on individual layers without impacting the other layers. Is there a way to do this?
The problem is about the layer style blending options in Photoshop. I like to work in high resolution big canvases when I paint, and once in a while I like to use the style options on some layers, like... drop shadow, outer glow, stroke, color overlay and all that stuff. ..But everytime I flatten, resize or rasterize the image the layer style either changes or dissapears!
Here's an example: In the first image I've used bevel&emboss, outer glow, and drop shadow. In the second image it's how it looks like when I've flattened or resized the image.
Anyone know how to solve this?
I've tried to.. flatten all layers at once flatten the layers one by one merge visible merging only the comission info-layer with an empty one below it rasterizing it, or rasterizing all the text before merging it converting it to a smart object before merging merging everything but the commission info-layer, and then flatten it
Strangly the Layer 9 that has drop shadow to it doesn't get affected or changed when I merge/flatten/resize.
I haven't touched the settings. Lately I've also been having some problems with layers set to multiply. In some cases they can't be merged properly without looking weird. (Though resizing and saving for.jpg works fine).
I am brand new to anything PhotoShop. I have created a talk balloon that I plan on putting it on a photo. I have the text on it already. However, the area outside of the balloon must be tranparent. I made it transparent pixel by pixel. There must be an easier way. So my two questions are:
1. How to make an area of a picture or layer transparent?
2. How to resize a layer or .jpg picture or any picture that can be edited by PS Elements 12
Tried to include the talk balloon file but it failed because of the content.
I'm automating a custom watermark action for a series of photos (1000's) the orignals vary in size so thats my first hurdle to accomodate, the final water mark will comprise of a white stroke offset say -5 mm(but again ideally relative to each images size) and then placing a PDF logo at 20% opacity and placed centrally. Â The problem I have is that I want the logo to be at the same scale throughout the sets of images, ideally the stroke too.So my question is can this be achieved in PS, scaling relative to document because all I can seem to do is specify a size or percentage. Â A work around I considered is basing the final image size on a set width or height and then using a standard size for the logo and stroke just thought I'd try the hard way first.
I'm making an action that I'm going to batch apply to a lot of images. Â However I've hit a snag, I need to resize a layer with variable width/height to fit within a certain width/height while constraining ratios. Say I need a layer to be a maximum of 1000px high OR a maximum of 2000px wide, whichever comes first. I need the layers to either increase or decrease in size to fit the "frame".
Say I have an image that is 100x100 pixels. And I want to take one of the layers and resize it to 50% of the image size, so that it is 50 pixels. How can I accomplish that? Â The reason I ask, is that have multiple images all with different size. But I have a signature (ie. watermark) that is always the same size. I want to be able to place this signature, and then resize it to XX% of the image it was placed on. That way, it should always have the same proportions.
I want to keep the width pixel size the same but change the height of the background layer (canvas). When I unchecked constrain proportions and choose reshape, of course the proportions are off on the layers within and when I try to resize each of those layers, they become blurry.
My end goal is to create simple bitmaps that only contain a bit of text in them in black and white.
To do this I am creating a new image and some default size. I then add the text , set the background colour to black and the text colour to white and create my text.I am using the snap to canvas edge and sit it up in a corner.I then want to resize the who canvas to be the same size as the text block created and save the image. How to do this?I have seen the crop tool and can select the area I want but cant figure out how to save this as a new canvas/image sized only to the size of the text.
is it possible for gimp to have those windows with text(small in layers) to keep same height-width..
its very annoying to make something in gimp with a lot of layers, they become small! too small, and then when i want to delete many layers, they stay small.
I am trying to re size my text layer so that the borders would align with the edges of the text, but every time I adjust the upper part of the layer the text itself would shift downward, cutting off the lower part of the text. Is there a way I can conveniently adjust the layer so that it looks like the text fits the layer.
Example I am trying to achieve is something like this.
It has come to my attention that the new drag-resize feature only changes the master diameter of the brush but leaves the dual-brush diameter intact. It is the only shortcut that does this resizing improperly.
I would like to know if everyone else experiences the same problem. Is it a bug or is this way of resizing intended?
I mainly do digital paintings and this small bug makes the feature useless for me. I hope that it will be fixed at least in cs5.
In previous versions I have been able to resize the canvas and then resize the image. For example resize the canvas to 250px x 250 px. Then resize the image to the same.  Here is the process I am using:  Duplicate the layer and then hide it. Resize the canvas (Image > Canvas Size) to 250px x 250 px. Un-hide the layer and then resize the image (Image > Image Size). When I go into Image>Image Size it says that the image is already 250px x 250px. However if I try to transform the scale the image is the original size and not 250px x 250px  The reason for needing this is I resize image size (in bulk) and the canvas size using the batch process (file>automate>batch) and actions.  I loaded the actions file I used in previous versions, but that did not work correctly. I then went in to do this manually and got the same results.
I have just been trying to resize some images on the latest version -  3.510.4297.28964 - and I have typed the measurements that I wanted into the print size fields on the resize dialogue. The actual sizes the program resizes the images to differ though - some look to be about right, whereas some come out much larger, but they all show the dimensions that I inserted in the canvas size box. I'm sure I've done this before and this hasn't happened?
I am using Photoshop Elements. I have an image with text. When I flip it horizontally (to make a mirror image) the text changes as if now I am looking at it's back side. It looks very strange.
I was workin on my new Avatar, and was on a layer in which I wanted to rotate the image by 180 degrees. For the life of me I searched through PS:CS's menu and couldn't find a rotate command!
There was ROTATE CANVAS, but that rotated the entire image. I had to end up increasing the window of the document and pressing CTRL + T for a free transform. Is there a:
I've selected the right strip/portion of the running pants.
I now want to select the adjacent strip on the left. I want to keep the left part of the selection, which would be the right edge of the strip on the left. I have no idea how to just save the left part of a selection --
I have an image of a man with his arms out, facing the left. I want to duplicate this image and "flip" it over, so that I have two images of the same gentleman facing eachother. My question really is how to invert or flip the image over so that his arms are facing the right? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, as I'm sure this is relatively basic [though still beyond my abilities.]
How to flip the text in my circle using Photo Shop CS6 (cloud version).  I made McDermott as one layer, then photography as another layer. I want Photography to be right side up within the circle, it's upside down as it is now.  Here is a logo I am trying to create for my photography. Once I get the Photography font turned right side up, I will insert a large M in the circle - but 1st things 1st.
With my top Layer selected; In the Edit menu, I hit Transpform > Flip Horizontal... but nothing happens! What could this be? Â (Info: I have 2 layers with people facing to the right. I am trying to flip one of them around so that the charaters are facing into each other)
I have been using photoshop cs4 since its release and yesterday the drop down menus at the top have started loading to the left instead of to the right. I have gone through recommended fixes from this forum and others and cannot fix the problem.  - I reset the program preferences. - Changed the handedness in the Wacom preference file. - My tablet pc input panel was disabled to remove flicks…so I cannot access it. - My trial copy of PhotoshopCC is not experiencing the problem  I am using windows 7 64 bit home
I'm not sure to explain this but I have a "S" shape path with texts on it. The problem was the base of the texts snap to the right side and I want it to snap it to the lelft side of the path. How do I do this in Photoshop CS4?
how to use the drawing tools in Photoshop. I've drawn a simple path, and select it with the Path Selection tool. The problem is when I go to Edit > Transform Path, the Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, and Rotate 90/180 options are disabled. I can use the other transform options as well as Free Transform Path without problem. Why am I not able to use features like Flip Horizontal?