Photoshop :: Layer Styles Resize On Flattening

Mar 28, 2008

The problem is about the layer style blending options in Photoshop. I like to work in high resolution big canvases when I paint, and once in a while I like to use the style options on some layers, like... drop shadow, outer glow, stroke, color overlay and all that stuff. ..But everytime I flatten, resize or rasterize the image the layer style either changes or dissapears!

Here's an example:
In the first image I've used bevel&emboss, outer glow, and drop shadow.
In the second image it's how it looks like when I've flattened or resized the image.

Anyone know how to solve this?

I've tried to..
flatten all layers at once
flatten the layers one by one
merge visible
merging only the comission info-layer with an empty one below it
rasterizing it, or rasterizing all the text before merging it
converting it to a smart object before merging
merging everything but the commission info-layer, and then flatten it

Strangly the Layer 9 that has drop shadow to it doesn't get affected or changed when I merge/flatten/resize.

I haven't touched the settings. Lately I've also been having some problems with layers set to multiply. In some cases they can't be merged properly without looking weird. (Though resizing and saving for.jpg works fine).

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Photoshop :: Flattening Layer Styles Whilst Preserving Blend Mode / BLUR

Oct 16, 2007

I do a lot of work for TV and as such have to often provide flattened layered art to broadcasters. I flatten most layers and flatten layer styles as well.

Question: is there any way to preserve a layer style blend mode when flattening i.e. I have some rasterized text with an Outer glow. The outer glow has a Linear Burn blend mode (or similar).

Is there a way I can merge this layer complete with style to a flat layer and PRESERVE the way it looks? Often I try this and it looks different (obviously because there is a blend mode being implemented with the layer style.

Any pointers how to get around this? I use CS2 by the way.

Another one - I often whack stuff into After Effects and put on an adjustment layer at the top with a gaussian blue (so it blurs everything below). Is there a way to do this in Photoshop i.e. an adjustment layer placed at the top of the layer stack with a BLUR? Any workarounds people know of or is this just something I can do in After Effects?

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GIMP :: Save Each Layer As PNG Without Merging Or Flattening Image?

Feb 2, 2012

I used GAP to create animated fire and I want to know if there's a way to save each layer as a png without merging or flattening the image.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Raster Multiple Layers In AI Without Flattening To 1 Layer

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to turn every layer in my .ai file to a raster image without flattening to one layer.
-The big issue I am dealing with is the agency that just built a paralax site for us refuses to export to PSD. I have tried every possible way to do this but keep getting the file is to big message. To add to it they had it all on 1 layer. I was able to release to sequence, but now am trying to see if rasterizing the objects will work.

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Photoshop :: Resize Layer With Smart Filter Without Affecting Aspect Of Layer

Jan 10, 2013

I made a wax seal on Photoshop with a lot of embossment, bedevilment and a Smart Filter. It's done and I just need to make it smaller so it fits well on my certificate. When I resize it (Ctr + T) It pops up a message that reads: 
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended
"Smart Filters applied to layers contained in this group will be turned off temporarily while the transform is being previewed. They will be applied after committing the transform."
[] Don't show again
I click OK and I re-size the layer with free transform, and then hit enter. The Layer is resized but my Smart Filter which creates a wavy affect around the seal is totally distorted.
How do re-size my layer with smart filter without affecting the smart filter aspect of the layer.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Layer Onto A Layer With Styles

Sep 25, 2012

I'm trying to clip a layer onto another layer that contains styles. Whenever I do this though, the layer I'm clipping appears to disappear. My guess is that it's inheriting the styles from the layer it's being clipping onto, and so it's indistinguishable.

So my question is how can I clip onto a layer with styles, but not inherit? I can't seem to find any 'clipping layer properties' kind of thing, or anything that allows me to specify it

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Paint.NET :: How To Resize Images In One Layer To Be To Scale For Image In Another Layer

Mar 24, 2011

I would like to make a composite image with source images making up the various layers (so I can work my magic on each layer indepent of the others). The problem I have is that not all of the images I'm using are to the right scale. What I want to do is resize those layers that are too big. Here's an example...

Let's say I have 5 pictures that I want to use to make one composite image from. The main background layer will be made from an image that is, say 800x600.

Another picture (let's call this subject 1) is 600x600 and is already at the right scale if I cut out the portion I want to keep and lay it on top of the background layer.

Yet another picture (subject 2) is huge (think 2000x2000). I would like to cut out the portion I would like to use and drop it in as a new layer and then obviously re-size it down to the correct scale. I'd prefer to do this directly in the composite image I'm making on its own layer to ensure I get the size right (and without manipulating the image guess-work style before I cut/paste it in).And so on...

I've found ways to make the canvas bigger (not what I want to do)... but not anything on how to resize the images on individual layers without impacting the other layers. Is there a way to do this?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles?

Apr 15, 2003

about the layer effects, specifically the shadows.

I have 2 layers:

1st layer has a 'Inner Shadow' at an angle of 150 degrees.

2nd layer.....I went to give it a 'Drop Shadow' of 100 degrees and notice that the 1st layer's angle has changed to '100' degrees from '150'.

Why is PhotoShop modifying the shadow effects of other layers when 1 in modified. Is this commom an how to disable it?

I know I could just create the layer in a new .psd, flatten and drag to the composition. But can't I just do it in the same .psd?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles

May 19, 2008

whenever i use layer styles on an object, and try to free transform it, it gets distorted vertical gradient lines. the edges also distort.

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Photoshop :: New Layer Styles

Mar 16, 2003

i'm trying to my own comic for my website, and i'm trying to create styles that will work on the shapes that i use for the caption boxes and speech bubbles. eg, for th e speech I create a shape, then add the styles Colour Fiill and each an 8 pixel stroke that forms the border of the shape. I click, "new Style" and it saves it happily.

the problem is....whenever i start up PShop again (using v6.0, BTW), the style is there, but the Stroke is 33 pixels. The colour fill is okay, but it wil NOT save the goddamned Stroke values - i've tried creating the new style, saving the styles then importing them and the same thing happens.

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles

Jan 31, 2005

I'm making up album pages, with multiple pictures, each with a drop shadow/stroke round it. The photographs each have their own layer set, with adjustment layers correcting their individual colours - I don't want to merge the adjustment layers down until I'm ready to archive. I don't want to rasterize the layer styles yet either.

The problem I'm having is that the adjustment layers are affecting the layer styles - making the black line go a lighter grey etc. Is there a way round this? I'll merge the adjustment layers into the photographs if I have to, but is there a way of doing so while still leaving the layer style editable?

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Photoshop :: All Layer Styles Missing From CS5?

Oct 26, 2012

i open my photoshop to see all my layer styles are gone. Since I have 1000s and most custom made i don't remember all the creations.

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Photoshop :: Copying Layer Styles

Oct 17, 2013

I copied a layer style (Outer glow) and pasted it on another file, value of the size in Outer glow, changed when pasted from 6 to 64. Why? How do I make copying the layer style more accurate?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles Are Not Reflecting

Feb 11, 2012

In the past I have received requests to make a reflection of a text or an image that has a layer style(s) on them (e.g. stroke, outer/inner glow, etc). The problem with this is, when I go in and make a reflection (I use the layer mask method), the styles are not reflected as they are supposed to.

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Photoshop :: Keep Loosing Layer Styles - CS5?

Aug 29, 2013

When I create a shape I use the Shape from the drop down, create my shape and then using Layer Styles I create the look I want on the shape within CS6. When I have sent my file to another person who is using CS5 they cannot see my layer styles and they are lost... What is happening and how can I get them to see my layer styles?
At the moment for them to see it I am having to recreate all my shapes so they are Pixel rather than shapes? why this is happening? I have never had this problem before and I have used Photoshop for years!

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles Seem Disabled

Mar 9, 2012

Could not add any Layer Styles.  I also cannot add styles to any layer in this file.  He says he started it in a Lab on campus.  We use a deep freeze software and so the default preferences should be restored on the computers regularly.  He thinks he has had this problem before and has worked on different computers.  No one else has this problem.  So, if that's true, all I can think is that he is "doing something" when he chooses File--New.  I recently opened the projects from all of the other students in my office and this fellow's file is the only one I can't add styles to.  It's something about the file itself.  What is it?

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Photoshop :: Invisible Layer Styles

Jul 16, 2009

all of my layer styles are suddenly invisible. i don't know if i accidentally turned something off somewhere, but they won't show up. 

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Photoshop :: Flatten Layer Styles?

Aug 18, 2004

Is it possible to flatten layer styles (bevel, stroke, drop shadow etc..) into a singular layer?

I've looked everywhere and can't work it out, I'm sure it's easy to do though, right?

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Photoshop :: Adding Many Layer Styles At Once

Jan 29, 2009

who was layed off to do some simple brochures. He has a ton of layer styles that I need to install on my PC.

I added the styles into the /Presets/Styles directory. I can see the text list on the top right in my syles icons.

However, the newly moved styles do not show up as a thumbnail unless I click on the text of the name.

Is there an easy way to mass import the 300+ ASL files I have?

I am using PS CS3

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Photoshop :: Filters Vs. Layer Styles

Apr 21, 2009

what is the difference between filters and layer styles?

Obviously they have different sets of effects, but what makes an effect one or the other?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles (greyed Out)

Jun 11, 2004

i probably sound like a newb and this is probably against the rules so forgive me if im not supposed to be posting questions but i have a problem. I have photoshop elements 2.0

when i go to the layer>layer style menu style settings is always greyed out. to me this seems one of the "key parts" of layers. but everytime i try it the same thing happens.

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Photoshop :: Linking Layer Styles?

Jan 3, 2006

or to edit a layer property like gradient overlay from 2 layers at the same time?

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Photoshop :: Problem With Layer Styles

May 3, 2008

I want to create a drop shadow effect on each one of them. so I have layer styles(drop shadow) for each one of them,but the problem is when I change the direction of shadow on one of them the others also change even though they are on a separate layer.

How do I get a diffrent angle for the shadow for each one of them?

Or is there any alternate way of acheiving the effect that the picture is inserted inside the cuts in the paper at the corners?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles Box Is Too Large?

Jan 1, 2004

With Photoshop 6.01, I find the "Layer Style Dialog Box" is too large and covers up most of the area of my working window, ie my image. I have a 17inch monitor.
Is there not a value I can put into an "ini" file possibley to change the size of this box? I find this too frustrating to even continue using this program. I cannot believe this dialog box's size is not changeable, and that Adobe would allow an interactive dialog box cover the work that it's interacting with, ie., the box's preview option.
Effecting changes with layer styles choices cannot be seen affecting my image since my image is covered up by this box.

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Photoshop :: How Not To Copy Layer Styles

Jun 12, 2009

I drew a shape using the rectangle tool. I then added some options such as drop shadow, outer glow, etc... What is happening is if I create other shapes they automatically copy those options/styles how do I turn that off?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles - Not Working Properly?

Oct 21, 2013

Stupidly uipgraded to Photoshop CC-- no layer sthyles.

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Photoshop :: How To Load Custom CS5 Layer Styles To CS6

May 11, 2012

how to load custom photoshop cs5 layer styles to photoshop cs6 ?

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Photoshop :: Merging Layers With Layer Styles

Oct 25, 2012

Just downloaded CS6 Photoshop off the creative cloud and the merge layer command does not work. What is happening is there is one layer with a layer style then a shape layer and when I hit Cmd E it merges the layers but the layer style will not merge with it. I was chatting it up and everything they recommended did not work. It works on all my other co-workers computers and we are all on the cloud. I tried renaming pref. folder, settings folder, re-installing, holding down shft+option+cmd on start up. I also created a test account but that turned out to be a major inconvenience. Once logged into the account there is nothing there. The suggestions just started getting more ridiculous as chat proceeded. Nothing.
Any solution where I don't have to create a whole new admin account just to see if CS6 Photoshop works correctly? Adobe customer portal is about worthless.

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles Disappearing From List

Mar 17, 2013

When I first launch Photoshop and load a preset layer style I can get a full list of available presets to load. After clicking on an element and actually using a layer style on it I no longer can get my full list of available presets to load. The list is cut to 1/3 of the original list.
So the full list is available and in the folder but once using a layer style it seems most of the layers styles disappear from the load menu. I have had no problem with this for months and made no changes over the last few days so this is mind boggling.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Popup Layer Styles

Sep 19, 2012

I am currently running the new creative suite 6. Everything works perfectly fine but when I am in Photoshop trying to open my layer styles it will not pop up...but I know it's there because the hand shows up and I can't click anything else until I click enter which would mean im done in the layer styles.

I restarted my computer/re-installed Photoshop / downloaded the update...still doesn't work but it once did.

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Photoshop :: Shapes Or Images With Layer Styles

Oct 26, 2006

Basically i used to pen tool to draw a shape, i rasterised it and put an inner shadow on it using the layer styles, now how i could erase a corner of that shape without the inner shadow moving around the part i've just erased because i'm trying to blend it into the background

I hope you know what i mean, im sure if you opened photoshop, drew a shape, put inner shadow on it and then tried to erase a corner of it you'd see what i mean by the inner shadow moving into the part i just erased.

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