Photoshop :: How To Move Camera View In CS6 Extended Using 3D Layer
Sep 26, 2012
I'm having an issue trying to move the camera view in cs6 extended using a 3d Layer. Here's the idea:
1. Create a 3D Layer extrusion / mesh primitive.
2. I select the current view item in 3D Panel / click outside model.
3. The border frame appears yellow.
4. When I select the Move tool, I can only rotate around the y axis, can't rotate up or down. Can't roll the camera, move or slide either using the other move tool modes.
5. I can adjust the co-ordinates properties for the current view and it works OK.
6. Object /light transforms work OK.
I'm testing on 13.0.1, mac 10.7.4. I had the same problem on another machine on 10.6.8 on v 13.0 last week that fixed itself, but not sure how .
I am working on a project where I am incorporating 3d text into a shot with an onscreen talent speaking to the camera. I am trying to get the text to only move when the camera moves such as a pan or a hand held shake, making it look like it's part of the environment. It will track with the camera and looks great until my talent /subject moves, then the text moves with the subject. What am I doing wrong in my tracking? I have looked up tutorials and articles searching for others who have had this problem and cannot find anything that replicates my issue. Every tutorial I've seen does the same thing with fantastic results but I can never get the text to not move with my subject.
Camera Raw disappeared Mac OS 10.6.8 CS5 Extended v12.0. So has my Microtek Scanner (crashes). I've been told that upgrading to OS 10.6.8 caused corruption to the drivers. But both worked for long time with 10.6.8.
I had Camera Raw but haven't used it for long time. Now it is just not there. I reinstalled it and today, installed the patch. But still no Camera Raw.
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn''s pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
New to AutoCAD. Designing a building in plan. Then used the plan to draw a section in new layer, but still in plan view. Is there a way to copy that section onto a new layer in front view and erase the old section layer? .
.I'm trying to figure out if I have my preferences set up in Photoshop set up correctly...I have 18 GB of RAM and my smudge tool isnt responding fast enough, its laggin and sluggish. Here's my system:
Dell Precision 690 Xenon Quad Core 8GHrtz Geforce 560 Ti 1GB card 18GB RAM.. plenty of HD space in the TBs...
I am particularly trying to find out what settings I can best set for my system to move fast enough in Photoshop CS6 Extended....Prefs>Performace>
How do I get back to Photoshop CS6 Standard edition after Camera Raw 7.3 update? After installing the Camera Raw update photoshop now runs as the Trial version of Photoshop Extended.
I'm trying to create a timeline wherein the camera rotates in a circle around a 3d Object that is located at the origin of the Ground Plane. I click 3d Camera in the Timeline to create my beginning keyframe, I drag the time slider to the end of the timeline, and I Rotate the camera view around the Z (vertical central) axis of the ground plane. I have the caps lock on so that the ground plane stays perfectly level as I rotate.)
As I am rotating the 3d Camera, the entire scene appears to rotate around the Z axis at the origin of the ground plane, which is what I want the animation to look like, but this is not the scene that plays back. When I play back the scene by clicking the play button or dragging the time slider, it rotates off-axis around some other center of rotation, with my 3d object often rotating out of the scene.
Why Camera Views is different from all other views in Revit. It is simple not possible to add a view reference, or a tag etc. to reference to a camera view.
Of course I can put in a 'dead' symbol to show where it is in plans, but that's simply not the same...
leaving the isolate mode in a camera view (3dsmax-camera or vrayphysical-camera) changes the view from cameraview to perspective view. Am I missing any new setting or ist this a bug...
I'm in Photoshop CC 3D, and I have a simple scene with one complex object. I can't find any way to move the position of the camera beyond the default positions, like top, front, back. I can do it CS6, but I can't do it in CC. I can rotate the object, but I want to keep the object where it is. I want to move the camera.
I could have sworn that in previous versions of Photoshop, before version CS4, that if there was a link icon between the layer thumbnail and the layer mask on that same layer, if you move one or the other, they both move. In CS4, how do you move the layer pixels and the layer mask at the same time so that they stay lined up?
I've tried importing spheres in both .obj and .3ds format,
Those odd stepped artifacts only disappear when "Single Light From Eye" is the light mode. They seem to appear regardless of whether the 3d file is saved with lighting information or not.
I'm importing the shapes using Layers - 3d Layers - New Layer From 3d File
This just started happening with 2013. The doors are no longer staying put when a wall is extended or trimmed. Somehow they now move relative to exthe endpoint of the wall. Happens with windows and openings as well.
In Photoshop CS3 I cut have 2 open picture side by side and "drag and drop" layers between picture 1 and picture 2, but in Photoshop CS4 i can't open pictures side by side !
Can I copy an layer in picture 1 and insert it in picture 2 ?
I'm having an issue with Photoshop CS5 Extended. Everything works fine upon start, but when I go into layer style to add effects there seems to be an issue. After making the changes, I'll press "Ok" and the layer style won't take. It stays on that screen. When I go to press "OK" again I get a windows sound as if the okay or any place in the screen can not be clicked (the sound that happens when there is an open window ontop of another window).I am using Windows 7.
I try to generate an action applying a filter to every layer for files with dozens of layers. To move through layers, one supposedly can use "select next layer" menu item. However, "select next layer" does not exist in SELECT menu, and keyboard shortcut option-+/- (also tried option-alt-+/-, option-numkeypad-+/-) does not work. It moves through the blending options in the layers palette, but does not go to the next/previous layer.
How do I tell PS to move to the next layer without clicking on the specific layer? I.e., some sort of command that I can integrate into an action.
how to I make select next layer available again in PS CS5? There are no hidden menu items, so no "show all menu items" at bottom of menu.
Everytime I want to use the 3D Mode on Photoshop CS5 Extended, the one option the I need is disabled.
My videocard can handle the graphics. So that is not the problem.The one that I need is "New Shape From Layer". The "New 3D Postcard From Layer" and the "New Mesh From Grayscale" are usable.
Running CS4 extended on Vista64, Corei7 quad @2.9 GHz, 8 Gig Ram and nVidia quadro FX 1700. I can not get layer styles to work in documents that originated in CS3 extended.
Say I have 2 items, one is on layer "M-Duct" and the other on "M-Pipe" (they are in the same drawing). Any lisp routine that would create the layers "M-Duct-New" and "M-Pipe-New" (based on the same color and LT as the original layers) and then move those objects to the newly created layers?
I have a simple clothing pattern I want to make a 3d Texture from which I can do however what I would like to do is make a layer out of the white background around the template with the marked pattern areas as transparent so after I paint the main template clothing ares, I can place the white background with transparent areas back in as a layer to cover where I paint or fill over the marked template area. Is this possible, if so, how?
when trying to access/apply a layer style (like "stroke" or "bevel and emboss"), i get a "could not complete your request because of a program error." this just started.
I created a simple layer shape using the elipse shape tool, and applied a color overlay (blue) layer effect to that shape. The applied color overlay doesn't fill the entire shape (see image) making it look like the shape has a very wide stroke applied to it (it doesn't). If I "copy merged" the pasted copy is a rasterized version of the problematic overlay. If I rasterize the layer, the fill then covers the entire shape.
Jpeg below. Shape is black, color overlay is blue. There is no other effect applied. Blend mode normal, opacity 100%. The image upload won't let me attach the layered PSD file.
I made one scene in 3dsmax 2013 in 24fps.Is just a move and rotation camera animation.In another software(after effects) I made interpretfootage as 24fps, and the composite 24fps.
The final move apear like droping, jumping frames, a not cool sensation,May be just montion blur, but realy, apear like 3dsmax animation interpolating as 30fps.but in begin i already set the scene to 24fps.
Was just trying to view pictures from my camera in Bridge and more than half of them in this one directory aren't showing thumbnails or EXIF data, just the CR2 icon and incorrect creation date and time (they were all shot the same day, most within minutes of each other, yet they're a week off). If I double click on the icon, the image opens up correctly in the CR2 plug-in. They worked before, I've opened and closed Bridge and PS, I've purged the cache, but it's still not working.
Photoshop cs6 extended (64bit) flashes black when clicking on canvas or on a layer. I can't get anything done, I have already uninstalled and reinstalled... all other Creative Cloud apps work fine. I'm using windows 8.