Photoshop :: How To Make New Artistic Brushes Not Be Offset To The Cursor
Apr 11, 2013
I just upgraded to cs6 and have found everything to be great except for an offset problem I'm having with the artisan brushes like Round Point Stiff.In CS5 the paint position (precise point) was in the middle of the brush tip icon.. now it's off to the opposite side of the brush icon. See image example.
I've tried to change my brush tip settings and Ive tried to make do with just using the precise icon instead but not knowing the rotation and angle of the brush witht he visual icon is very hard to pinpoint, especially if the stroke happens off to the left of my precise cursor.
In CS6
In CS5
Is there something I need to enable on my end or is this working as intended? Is there a way I can just hack it on m y end to revert it back to the way cs5 (and the rest of the brushes in the brush folder) work?
When I'm trying to select/move/do anything anywhere on my workspace (not the UI, the actual window where you model), the cursor is offset by about a centimeter. I've tried running as administrator/doing all sorts of compatibility things and resetting the user interface in Max. I've also tried changing various settings on my video card (power saving off and whatnot).
I'm running windows 7 64 bit, all drivers are up to date.
I have made an animation that after it completes, it displays an iFrame which has some input fields. The input fields behave great on a laptop pc or mac but when I use an Apple iPad, the cursor positions are way off outside of the input fields as I type.
Here is the website page: URL...Here I have the same iframe, one inside of edge and the other outside of edge. Both work fine on a pc or mac but if you try to use an Ipad, you will see that the edge one shows the input field cursor down and outside of the input field.
You can see for yourself, I have set this up for you to test and see this error.The animate oam file is: URL....
Here is a link to the edge files, the .an and java files files: URL.....
I am with CS5's enhanced brush engine - the great new media brushes...BUT, when using them, and a wacom intuos4 tablet, with the canvas rotated - where the cursor is when stroking is not where the pixels created by brushing go. Very frustrating. The greater the rotation of the canvas, the greater the offset is. It's hard to know where the pixels will appear when I put pen to tablet and stroke. Makes it impossible to accurate, well-controlled brushing.I'm forced to stop using the Rotate Canvas tool with media brushes and the Rotate Canvas tool is incredibly useful for freehand painting/drawing (I rotate my paper every which way while drawing on actual paper.)
I'd like to make my own brushes and textures in Photoshop 6 but I have no idea how to do it. I get to the define custom brush stuff but it only makes veugly rounded brushes for me. Can anyone help? I'm sure its easy enough once you know how to do it. I just don't.
I am using Photoshop CS5 on a Macbook Pro Retina Mountain Lion.When I use the liquify tool, I want the cursor to NOT display. So I can liquify without seeing the crosshair or circle.
My Photoshop brush, pencil and Clone strokes are smaller than the cursor, which makes it very difficult for accuracy. Don't know what made them change, but want the cursor and stroke to be the same.
I've tried different settings in the brush dialog box, with difference tip settings, etc, with no results. Also, tried different settings in Preferences / Cursor setting.
Just recently, any prints I try to make on paper larger than 8.5 x 11 is offset, small or both using my epson 3880. Up until about 2 months ago it was fine. Also, the colors appear somewhat muted on the larger prints. Plus, I am still having a problem with prints being too dark but that is minor to the skewed printing. I still have LR 2 & 3 installed and tried using these programs with the same results.
I recently bought a Bamboo Pen tablet to use with GIMP and have been installing under Windows (XP).
The tablet installs fine, is recognised by GIMP and I can draw with the stylus. Excellent. The only problem is that the cursor/arrow is missing which means that I can draw things but I only know where the stylus is when I start to write/draw.
I am hoping that this is a simple settings issue but how to make the cursor/arrow visible?
I am using the newest version of Gimp. Everything is great, it runs smooth and not many crashes..But! I cant make brushes or Patterns. in the older versions all you had to do was select what you wanted as a brush/pattern name it, and it would appear
Now, I get this Error: (<unknown> : 18850791) Procedure execution of file-gbr-save failed: Could not open 'C:Documents and SettingsNorseman.gimp-2.8/brushes/mybrush14.gbr' for writing: No such file or directory
Am I missing something? Do I need to reinstall Gimp?I havent loaded any new patterns or brushes, so I dont know why its not working?
I just purchased a new iMac and have been using Illustrator (CS5) for some graphic design work. However, it's driving me CRAZY because the type and shape cursors are a super small and a light gray in color. It's very difficult for me to track the cursor with my eyes when it is small and gray on a gray and white artboard. Is there some way to make the cursors more easily visible? As far as I can tell, this is only an issue in Illustrator.
I need an offset lisp routine to offset a selected line a set distance on each side of the selected line and change the layer of the offset lines to the current layer, and then keep prompting me to select the next line for offsetting until I'm finished.
I would like to be able to design my own artistic brushes. I understood tha I can drop an object or group in the artistic media docker and it becomes a custom brush or spray. I did it and it works well. nevertheless, controlling the size, spray spacing, etc looks like a bit tricky. Is there some reference where I could get more information on "how to make my own brushes"
Is there a way to make transparency on custom brushes? I had an idea to make custom brush sets similar to those used in photoshop. I know in Photoshop, Custom Brushes are done with opacity maps With white being transparent and black being full color and all the greys in between being different levels of transparent. I've tried doing that with custom brushes mini and I've also tried making the images transparent, but I just cant seem to make it work. I can get either completely solid and completely transparent. But nothing in between...
I am trying to create a station-offset label style that will drop the trailing zeros in the offset section - e.g. 15' instead of 15.00', but if the offset is not at a whole number, e.g. 15.01, etc. it will display the entire offset.
I created two expressions: IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)
and this one: IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)!=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)
I then created two offset components, one called truncated, and one called full, and assigned the heights to match the expressions.
I have attached the file, the style is ACHD-Sta Off-Rt [copy]
I am using MAYA 2012 on Windows 7. When I import audio (.WAV) it works fine, but if I offset it to a later frame the waveform moves to the right frame but when scrubbing the audio stays at 0. Making if very difficult to lip-sync. I have tried re-caching, playing the scene all the way through and all other options I have seen online.
I am new to Corel. I understand how to make media brushes but I can't figure out how to set the brush so it repeats and not simply stretch the brush out along the path. I made a simple chain link and I would like to stroke the path and have it come out like a linked chain.
I need a pit configuration, and I use the offset command to offset a base polyline to first 10 m and then 3 and so on.. is there a way to do this in an automatically way, that you can choose the lenght of the offset for each "offset" (i.e. 1st 10 m, 2nd 3, 3rd 10 m, 4th 3 m, and so on. I am actually using civil 3D.
I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.
Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.
For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?
I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?
Just in the past few days, I've been having problems adding artistic filters to my work. I'm on a MacBook Pro. Just opening the filter gallery, or even trying one of the artistic or other filter types directly from the list, causes the dreaded rainbow wheel of death. I then need to force quit PS, and start over.
I can understand this happening with fonts or styles or brushes... add-ons that can often get corrupted, or be bad files to begin with. But the system filters?
The Artistic Filters Colored Pencil, Cutout, and Dry Brush dialogs do not open when selected. The other Artistic filters all work normally. Also, once any working Artistic filter dialog is opened, I can select the Colored Pencil, Cutout, or Dry Brush effect from the thumbnails and they work.
I'm using Photoshop CS3 on a PC with Windows XP and SP3
I have restarted Photoshop and have also reset Preferences, but the problem remains.
My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.
Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.
I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.
For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings: X 1 Y 2 Pressure none xtilt none ytilt none wheel none
In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.
I am trying to apply poster edges to an image. I use CS6. My prefs are set to show all filters. I have made sure the image is 8-bit. The Artistic filter is still grayed out.
I recently thought it would be nice to generate some 'pencil sketch' filtered images for a project, but when I looked at an image (.psd) to manipulate, the option was grayed out. CS5 has been a great tool for me and I usually upgrade every other version release, so CS7 would be my next upgrade.
I have downloaded a trial version of PS. I am following a tutorial which I think has been carried out on a MAC. I have a PC. In the tutorial, the teacher selects Filter > Artistic > Palette knife...
On my version I have Filter > but then there is no option for Artistic. Is this located elsewhere or is the trial version not a complete version? I noticed 2 versions were downloaded onto my PC - Photoshop CC and Photoshop CC (64bit). Is this part of the issue?