Photoshop :: Artistic Filter Grayed Out Even With 8-bit
Aug 27, 2013
I am trying to apply poster edges to an image. I use CS6. My prefs are set to show all filters. I have made sure the image is 8-bit. The Artistic filter is still grayed out.
I have downloaded a trial version of PS. I am following a tutorial which I think has been carried out on a MAC. I have a PC. In the tutorial, the teacher selects Filter > Artistic > Palette knife...
On my version I have Filter > but then there is no option for Artistic. Is this located elsewhere or is the trial version not a complete version? I noticed 2 versions were downloaded onto my PC - Photoshop CC and Photoshop CC (64bit). Is this part of the issue?
In Photoshop CS 6, I noticed that some of the filters I use (Mostly The Cut Out Filter in the Artistic Folder) is not on the filter dropdown list anymore like it has been on other versions of Photoshop. I have to go to FILTER GALLERY Then I go to ARTISTIC then I can see the Cut Out Filter.
Is there any way I can make the Artistic Folder, or any other Filter Folder in the Filter Gallery a part of the Filter dop down list? This would be be a little faster and save me a few clicks with the mouse.
Question # 2. I have an EPSON 3490 Scanner and I scanned a document into PS 6 and it asks me to save it in a folder before I can open it up in Photoshop. Can I just Scan it in, and then decide where I want to save it? This was always the way in every other version of Photoshop. I really do not want to have 2 versions of the same picture on my computer.
Question # 3 Why does it always save as a .jpeg when I scan using Photoshop? I would like to always save it as a .psd as it scans in to Photoshop.
I am unable to locate the artistic filter called "poster edges". According to the online info on PSE 10, I should be able to find "poster edges" by going to editor, effects, filters, artistic and under artistic the POSTER EDGES should be there. All are there EXCEPT poster edges.
I have CS6 on Windows 7 on my PC all 32 bit. The new lighting effects filter is greyed out although the old one is available. On my laptop which is also Windows 7 but 64 bit, the new filter is available. Can I get the new filter on my PC? My video card driver is up to date.
I have a layer which is white with a clouds render but when I want to go the next step I cannot access the twirl tool or the zig zag tool. I notice this is the only filter I cannot access.why or what I should do to be able to access it for my project.
A co-worker scanned a photo and emailed it to me to edit it and try to improve it, but everything I want to do is grayed out so I can't select it and I can't figure out why. Maybe it has to do with how she scanned it?
It's CMYK, 300 dpi, and 8 bit.
I'd like to sharpen it and adjust the hue/saturation, but they're grayed out.
why this is happening and how I can work around this so I can make the changes I need to make?
Just in the past few days, I've been having problems adding artistic filters to my work. I'm on a MacBook Pro. Just opening the filter gallery, or even trying one of the artistic or other filter types directly from the list, causes the dreaded rainbow wheel of death. I then need to force quit PS, and start over.
I can understand this happening with fonts or styles or brushes... add-ons that can often get corrupted, or be bad files to begin with. But the system filters?
The Artistic Filters Colored Pencil, Cutout, and Dry Brush dialogs do not open when selected. The other Artistic filters all work normally. Also, once any working Artistic filter dialog is opened, I can select the Colored Pencil, Cutout, or Dry Brush effect from the thumbnails and they work.
I'm using Photoshop CS3 on a PC with Windows XP and SP3
I have restarted Photoshop and have also reset Preferences, but the problem remains.
I recently thought it would be nice to generate some 'pencil sketch' filtered images for a project, but when I looked at an image (.psd) to manipulate, the option was grayed out. CS5 has been a great tool for me and I usually upgrade every other version release, so CS7 would be my next upgrade.
For some reason recently the Artistic/Brush strokes/sketch etc Filters menu is missing from the filters menu (not greyed out, but completely missing) in CS2, but not in Image ready. I've searched around alot but I can only find fixes for the "greyed out filters in Lab/16bit/CMYK" etc, but as I'm using RGB and 8bit this doesn't solve my problem. I have also attempted a reinstall but to no avail.
I am applying Artistic filters to an image in Photoshop. Some of the filters are turning the image into a black and white image, for example, the "torn edges filter." And it then does not seem possible to change that layer into a colored layer. Other filters, such as "glass" leave the image its original color. Is it possible to use the torn edges filter without turning the image black and white?
I tried to use the lens flare filter in Photoshop CS6.While the lighting effect is interesting, it introduces ugly artifacts like blue or orange blobs (which are supposed to be the reflection of the diaphragm, but do not look anywhere close to that, but instead are just cheesy looking blobs of color).
In the "movie prime" setting blue lines are added which have nothing to do with lens flar.On top of it, the preview is about the size of a stamp. Any way to use the filter without getting these artifacts, or is it - what I assume - just a useless toy filter, that has probably been dragged on for years and years because it's always been there? What do you use to create a lens flare effect? Are you just building it from scratch with brush work?
I just upgraded to cs6 and have found everything to be great except for an offset problem I'm having with the artisan brushes like Round Point Stiff.In CS5 the paint position (precise point) was in the middle of the brush tip icon.. now it's off to the opposite side of the brush icon. See image example.
I've tried to change my brush tip settings and Ive tried to make do with just using the precise icon instead but not knowing the rotation and angle of the brush witht he visual icon is very hard to pinpoint, especially if the stroke happens off to the left of my precise cursor.
In CS6
In CS5
Is there something I need to enable on my end or is this working as intended? Is there a way I can just hack it on m y end to revert it back to the way cs5 (and the rest of the brushes in the brush folder) work?
I want to use artistic filters to get painting-like effects on some photos, but when I'm working with large image files at 300 lpi all of the brush strokes are way too small. How can I increase the size of the brushes in the artistic filters? I've tried downsizing the photos, applying the effects, then upressing; but I get pixelization.
I've deleted my PS preferences and restarted, and I cannot get this filter to do what is was just doing a day earlier. It doesn't matter what the foreground/background colors are, nor does it matter what the resolution of the file is. I've experimented with every variable. The filter effect changes the filled layer to a solid color of the current foreground color. No lines, dots or circles at all.
I'm trying to make lines in a filled layer, or a rasterized text layer.Adjusting the sliders has no effect at this point, but the other Gallery filters DO work, oddly enough.
I've used this filter effect many times over the years, and it just started acting wonky. This is PS CS6, on Mac OSX 10.8.5.It seems to be unpredictable or temperamental. Is there a reasonably-priced plugin that will create lines that are completely adjustable?
I have Photoshop CS4 running on a 8 gig Vista 64 bit system. When I click on Filters, there is no Extract Filter. I did a search prior to posting and saw some threads talking about not moving files, icons etc from their original folder. I am un sure if anything has been moved. However, when I click on Filters, they all seem to be there (at least not greyed out), EXCEPT for the Extract filter. Any help would be apprecited and if you let me know where the filters should reside I can make sure they are in the correct location.
I have recently installed Draw X6 and I was using X5 before. I noticed a default setting has changed for text alignment. In X5, if I selected artistic text that had the property of being left justified, and then if I changed the property to centered or right justified, the text didn't move. In versions previous to X3, and also in X6, the text moves. This is especially frustrating if I want it to remain in place within an object grouping structure.
I need to import DXF files to Corel, but when I import them, the text appear as paragraph text, not as artistic text...that's not a problem if the paragraph text includes all the text...but it do not do that. Some texts appears as paragraph with red lines (so it is not possible to see it, as well as not possible to convert directly to artistic with Ctrl+F8). Also, some paragraph text appear as 2 lines instead of just one, because it do not feed in wide but yes in height.
I would like to import the text directly as artistic...or as paragraph,but with the same appearance of the original DXF file.
I've imported a logo to Corel Draw. The logo has several simple polylines. I'd like to convert them into artistic media in order to simulate calligraphic or hand made looking strokes. I pick the polyline, then I select Artistic Media from Effects menu. Then CD shows me the Default Strokes in a side docker window. I select any stroke.
The polyline changes, but I can't modify the stroke width spinner. Is there another method to convert lines to artistic media without redraw them over.
Is it possible to get the line thickness down of the calligraphic and/or pressure tools in artistic media? The minimum thickness seems to be .762mm (2.16 pt or 0.03"). I use a Wacom Intuos 3.