Photoshop :: How To Install Printer To Adobe CS6 For Windows
Apr 21, 2013
I have a question. How could I an install a printer to my Adobe PhotoshopCS6 for Windows? And also after the installation how could I scan anything thru the printer?
I was advised to download photoshop via adobe application manager as I have an XP OS. I even downloaded the application manager but now it fails to install saying "remote server not properly placed.Try after a few minutes" Whenever I retry I get the same message. Even I am getting the same message in case of installing adobe flash player. The installer always says installation not complete.
The margins don't work and you have to enter all the parameters if you are printing multiple photos.
No matter what margins you enter, the utility ignores them. I need to CENTER a document on both sides of a piece of brochure paper in order to create a personalized greeting card. This program puts the document on the left - turn the page over, and the card does not match. I would have to cut the paper to size and then set up paper sizes for the printer. The other solution would be to make the document letter size and center the card on that. What a waste of time.
I used to get perfect prints on an HP 2600N Laser Printer just by using no color management. Now I don't. Also, if you are printing 2 photographs (or 2 sides of the card) you have to close the program, re-open the program, get the 2nd photograph and reset the margins and the printer specs. What a bother!
I don't know why you just can't put the 'no color management' back into photoshop (unless you are being paid by printing companes not to do so.)
ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install: ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US: Install failed ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
I'm trying to install CS6 via the application manager. It downloads a file and then hangs at waiting to install. I've tried everything I can think of disabling virus scanner. I have CS5 installed could that be conflicting with the new software?
dell desktop with vista on it and when I tried to install ACSP and after I have entered the serial the installation just stopped. Is that version maybe too old?
I opened my Adobe Photoshop CS3 Web Premium and it told me I cannot use it anymore. Same with Adobe Fireworks. It was running fine previously until THAT day.
I was told by the error message to uninstall or reinstall the progam, which I did. But after uninstalling and installing CS3 again, only Adobe Acrobat was successful. All other components failed.
When printing, if I select "Printer manages colors", and then go to the print settings ==> when exiting the print settings, Photoshop CS5 waits 1 or 2 seconds, and reverts to "Photoshop manages colors".
This happens with all the printers connected to this 64 bits Windows7 machine : Epson Stylus Pro 3880, HP Photosmart 9180, and a small HP all-in-one.
Windows, Photoshop, and the drivers are all up to date and fully patched.
I am trying to install a plug-in from PSKiss to Photoshop CS5 (version 12.0.4). I'm using Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5, and I'm running Windows 7 on my laptop.
Although I'm following up with PSKiss to see if there's a problem at this end, I also see an issue with Adobe Extension Manager. When I open it, the Install button is grayed-out. I can see neither of the plug-ins I've already installed in Photoshop, nor can I install anything new. I am running Adobe Extension Manager as Administrator.
Also, yes, I'm using my laptop with an Administrator account.
I tried to install Photoshop CC via Adobe Creative Cloud installer. The installer says it's up-to-date but it's not working. Tried to uninstall the app but it's not working. I deleted the whole Photoshop folder without any luck. I'm running Mac OSX 10.8.4.
I have a Lenovo Ultra book Think pad (X1 Carbon) which does not have a CD drive. How can I install my copy of Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 which I have on CD-rom?
When I am in page setup manager and want to use the "Adobe PDF" plotter device, I can't set a paper size other than the standard one like letter, legal, 11x17 ect. I need to have the "Adope PDF" plotter to print a Arch D size paper but that selection dosent even show up.
I have troubleshooted all the usual supects, of going to properties next to the printer selection bringing me to the plotter configeration page, where in the device and documents tab I then proceed to the custom properties selection, where the adobe document properties page comes up and under the adobe pdf setting tab...I still cant change or find the Arch D 24x36 paper size under the adobe pdf paper size selection tab other than the standard seletions.
I'm logged in as local administrator to Windows 7 64bit OS and everytime I tried to install CS5.5 Master I kept getting this message, "Administrator privilege are required to install" I can install any program but just not CS5.5.
I have CS5 Production suite with CS5 12.0.4 loaded. Windows XP 32bit. There are two patches at this link: URL.....
The patch is for version 12.0.5 or 5.1.1. When unzipping it is looking for a 12.0.5 file and it cannot find it since I only have 12.0.4 and there is no newer file when updating. When I do unzip the file and run the installer, I get Installing 12.0.5 then... There was an error installing this update. Error Code: U44M21218.
I tried to install the update with Adobe Updater and it failed with error code U44M1P7.I then downloaded the update patcht directly from the site and tried to install. Again error code this time U44M2P7.
I'm trying to Install Photoshop CS3. i have a problem. I was installing it. pc crashed. and now i restarted and everytime i Try to install the Adobe Photoshop CS3 and everytime it keeps saying ' (Setup already Running) You can only install one Adobe Product at a time. PLease complete the other installation before attempting to install Adobe Photoshop CS3""" I keep getting that. even After i shut my pc down for a day. i still get it.? anyway to stop it so i can install it?
I've read that there's a definite way to install CS2 (or any 32 bit version of PS) on Windows 7 64 bit successfully with some folder code "C:progra~2adobe" or C: program~2adobe...or the same code but with the backslashes in the opposite direction like /.
why does the first code say "program" and leave off the "m" and other say to spell out "program" entirely? WHICH is correct "program" or "program" and which way should the slashes go? I saw a member named Marian Driscoll post about this install but don't understand how to do it each step of the way.I need a new PC and was thinking I would be forced to get a used Windows XP machine to use CS2 but would prefer to get Windows 7 64 bit but won't unless I can install PS CS2 on it successfully.
I've read that there's a definite way to install CS2 (or any 32 bit version of PS) on Windows 7 64 bit successfully with some folder code "C:progra~2adobe" or... C:program~2adobe...or the same code but with the back slashes in the opposite direction like /.
I'm totally confused: why does the first code say "progra" and leave off the "m" and other say to spell out "program" entirely? WHICH is correct "progra" or "program" and which way should the slashes go?
How to do this at all so needd install procedure in specific clear steps from inserting the CD to the end?
I recently have reformated my machine and installed XP SP3
sadly now, I can't install Photoshop CS3, when I double-click on Setup.exe, it show me a small bar/dialog which tells me it's extracting files, but after that, NOTHING HAPPENS
I left it for an hour, and again, nothing happens. I checked my Task Manager and I found that Setup.exe and Msiexec.exe are running but with completely 0% of system resource.
I used Adobe application manager to download a trial version of photoshop cs6, but I need to install it at another time. Adobe application manager instead installs photoshop immediately.
How Can I prevent Adobe application manager to install downloaded software automatically?
How to install the Dr Brown and Watermark installer scripts via Adobe Extension Manager? I am running Win7 and CS 4, and have opened CS 4 as an admin. Still, no luck.
when trying to install the Dr Brown services, I get "You do not have the appropriate permissions required to perform this operation. Contact your system administrator to obtain permission."
For the Watermark script, i get "Can't create folder 'C:Program Files AdobeAdobe Photoshop CS4 (64 Bit)Plug-InsPanelsWatermark'. I created that folder manually via Explorer but that didn't work.
I recently upgraded to PSE11 but the installation did not create the service Adobe Active File Monitor V11. I followed the forum thread [URL] .... to completely uninstall, remove residual files, reinstall from DVD. Still the service DOES NOT EXIST.
I followed the Elements Village thread on "Watched Folders Issues" to manually create the service. But when I attempt to start it, I get an error that says "Error 1053 The service did not respond to the start of control request in a timely manner."
Can I install and run CS4 products in Windows 8 Pro x64? Windows Upgrade Manager said there was an issue (when reviewing my apps) and sent me to the Adobe site where it seemed to want to point me to a $375 upgrade to CS6.
I had a HD crash recently and I am attempting to re-install PS 7.0 on a new HD with Windows XP Pro. The installation goes flawlessly, but afterwards, when I launch PS, I get an error message that PS cannot initialize because the scratch files are full.