Photoshop :: How Do I Make This Hair More Realistic?
Jun 19, 2006
i've got this photo where i've cut out a person, but due to all the shadows in the photo it's hard to cut around the hair without making it look like just a chunk of color. So does anyone know of ways to create realistic hair from scratch, or how to add on to this one to make it look not so cut/paste.
i recently cut out a picture of a girl and put it on a black background. the thing is, it doesn't look natural after i put it ( used the extraction method ). now, how do i edit it such that it will look real/nicer?
I have a little problem that caused my project to be stoped ,
I need to make a realistic shadow for a strip (for adresse in a business card) just like this one pointed in this image below : so the white strip looks like it pass underneath the green one
I have a few brochure files - and I want to make them look like this:What do I mean by "this"... I want to give them this folded look as not to have them on my portoflio so flat and plain...
Is there a way I can make like a template in Photoshop - including the "warping" so that the paper looks slightly curved? Would an Action be the way to go?
trying every layer mask combo I could think of to create a realistic shade of white hair that doesn't look like I just used the brush tool to make it.
I've tried lighting up the shadows with the curves option then using the selective color option. But all that does is make a very fake looking film to put over the eyebrows (ya it's eyebrows I'm working on, I'm trying to get them to match a white wig the subject is wearing.)
I've also tried using the solid color option, and a color overlay and that just came out weird.
Has anyone ever turned pitch black hair to white and had it still look like hair?
I need to create an LED for a binary clock program I am creating, how to create a realistic LED in Paint.NET. I need to install the plugin pack so I could have the buttons style available. Now, how to make an LED.
I am trying to make my render look realistic, like a photo and am having some trouble finding the write settings to play with.
I think you just need to use the render setup, lighting and environment & effects. Please see what I used bellow. what settings I have over used, under used or not used to achieve a realistic looking image.
- Some textures need to be fixed, but I am having trouble with the leather. I have used the A&D leather template with mid level reflections, high samples, A/O and a bumb. Also a light and dark texture in the diffuse slot with (Ambient/Reflective Occlusion)
Used settings:
- Photometric Lights - mental ray - FG - medium - 5 bounces - Noise filtering High - GI mulitplier and photons per sample up - max num. photons per sample few 1000 - Average GI photons per light up a few 1000 - Decay
- render elements:
- Global tuning all around 2 - mitchell - Contours - displacement sudiv max
- Effects - brightness and contrast - mr photographic exposure control - with preset, photographic exposure, image control
Was wondering if there are some ways in converting a highly realistic rendering of an object generated in a 3D program into a more illustrative, simplified, alittle less realistic version in Photoshop?
The object has plenty of silver reflections, HDRI environment map reflections, precise shadows and highlights, etc. I just want to make it look more generic and not as polished I guess.
Are there filters or plugins that will do this in a plug in play method or is it more prodedural and manual?
I am looking for information on how to make a "realistic" starburst so that I can place it behind my red light bulb lens to make it look it is REALLY bright with light rays spraying out to the sides...
I have attached a .png file of the image I am tyring to apply the starburst to... I don't know where to start.....
I draw a lot of animal pictures and I hate having to photoshop a picture into the background. Is it possible to make realistic backgrounds, like forests, plains or deserts, for my drawings?
I've just finished drawing my first ever drawing on, It's of a a horse from scratch, but know i'm having trouble with shading, i need tips on how to make the shading realistic, addin darker and light colors, i've tried a lot to different ways, but they all look extremely messy and horrible .
How can I do to better blend this two picture together as the orange paint is overlapping the metal grill on the door how to make the paint looks more realistic...
i've got this idea for making a website with a parchment as background. and i would like to know if it's possible to make this kind of graphic in photoshop. and how, because i don't know.
I'm trying to make a snow spray effect (you know, when you run really fast in the snow you kick up this fine sheet of snow...) - it's for a signature on another forum :>
But, as a near-nab, and not a lot of experience with the basic brushes, I can't really get a realistic spray effect coming off. Maybe I'm just rushing it too much and not really experimenting with different brushes...
they don't like the orange background and want some other nice looking background. the male individuals would be pretty easy to cut out with pen tool but there are some females that have fluffy or frizzy hair and how to cut out around hair?
I'm working on a project of an elf girl and she has thin straight black hair, but I'm really not sure how to get that to work... I'm sure I could go one strand at a time, but I did that last time and I really don't have that kind of patience to do it again... Is there any kind of shortcut effect?
You know those glossy ads that appear in magazines for hair products that show a beautiful woman with long shiny hair? I don't believe it's the product or that her hair is that perfect, no split ends etc. How can the smoothest hair be acheived using Photoshop?
I got a picture of a lady, however, because of the lighting and the fact that it's b/w some parts of the hair are so dark that you can't see the hair at all.
Is there any techniques I can use so that I can make it look like the hair is slightly visible (even though that area is currently a solid black).
I have this picture, of course a jpeg, so the quality sucks, and i'm having problems selecting the two girls' hair. It blends into the background to where i almost have an impossible time seeing it at all but if i just cut it out it doesn't look natural anymore.