Photoshop :: Hanging Text From Paths

Nov 10, 2006

There is probably a simple fix for this, but I can't seem to figure it out. So I created a circular path, and over the top I wrote "Satisfaction" now under the bottom I want it to read "Guaranteed" .... but the text will not hang from the path and read from left to will only write upside down from right to left, or you can flip it so that it's inside the circle reading from left to right...but i want the top of the text to align with the outside of the circular path.

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Illustrator :: Create Effect Of Object Hanging Off The End Of Text

Oct 3, 2012

How to create the effect of an object (in this case a crown) hanging on the edge of a letter (on the end of a word).  I am designing a logo for our kids ministry at church.  It is called "Kids of the King" and I have an eps of a crown and I want to hang the crown off the K in the word King.  I am trying to make it where the back half of the crown is hidden behind the K so it gives the effect of it hanging off the edge of the letter.

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Photoshop :: Text And Paths

Jan 16, 2008

I have been trying to wrap the text "Victory" around the cigar band using a path and then playing around with the free transform, but nothing looks realistic.

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Photoshop :: Work Paths And Text

Aug 8, 2009

I typed the word "Ethos" and wanted to extend the bottom of the 't' to run along the underside of the word. To do this I created a new work path. I then manipulated the 't' to get it to the shape I wanted... what I'm struggling with now is how to apply this change in shape to the text.

At the moment I have my text that says Ethos, and I have my path that says Ethos but with the extended 't'. How do I apply the change in shape to the 't' to the actual text?

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Photoshop :: Image Created With Text To Paths?

Jul 24, 2013

image is created with text to paths?How do you do?[URL]... photohsop cs6

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Illustrator :: Can't Paste Text Nor Paths And Text

Feb 22, 2014

I have a layer with some paths and lines of text. I copied some of the paths and text and tried to paste in another layer or document; the paths are not pasted and all the text becomes a single line. When I copied only the paths, it is pasted correctly. If I copied only the text and tried to paste in another layer or document, all the text becomes a single line.

If I drag the selection from one layer to another using the panel, it works. If I drag the selection from the artboard to another document, it works. But these operations sometimes are not convenient. What I would like is to copy the items, target a layer in another document and paste there. With a large document with dozens of layers and a lot of text the drag and drop solution is not feasible.

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Photoshop :: Limit Amount Of Paths Can Create And Add Text

Jul 24, 2012

I have a few different problems with the pen tool.
1. When using the pen tool I keep finding that the shape I'm doing is slightly overlapping where I've already gone with the pen tool.If I try and go over that area again the path I've just drawn then jumps and ruins the shape I was creating.
How can I stop this from happening?
2. Also is there a limit to the amount of paths you can create and add text to? I created two paths and typed on them fine but when I added a third path it refused to type. The cursor didn't change to show I could type and if I did click on the path line and try to type jumped to my other path and typed there. All paths were on different layers and none were overlapping, but it is 3 circles inside each other that get smaller if this makes a difference.
How can I type on the third path?
3. When I have done a path and clicked stroke it is only a thin line. How can I make this line thicker?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Hanging Up On...

Aug 22, 2008

Recently removed and re-installed Internet Explorer 7. I'm fearing that a few files that CS2 needs got removed. Illustrator however loads fine. In-Design doesn't come up at all, and GoLive hangs up.

recommend re-installing CS2 altogether?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Is Hanging When Trying To Work In 3D?

Jan 26, 2013

When I first started using 3D in Photoshop it was working rather smoothly and seemed to chug along fairly fast. Then one day when I was working in it as usual and tried to perform some random action it just started hanging with the spinning blue circle for about 2 or 3 minutes.

It continued to do this ever since, sometimes hanging for up to 5 minutes before performing my command. Some actions cause it to hang longer than others, such as creating a new light and changing the diffuse color of a material, which is by far the worst in terms of the amount of time it will hang.

The only time that I had a partial success was after I had uninstalled Photoshop, then ran the adobe creative suite cleaner tool, then manually searched through the registry for every reference to adobe and Photoshop I could find and deleted them. I then reinstalled Photoshop and updated it. When I started using it in 3D after that it was running smooth as butter, no hangs or stalls on anything, including creating lights and changing diffuse colors.

But my joy was not long lived, as after about 2 hours of use it started to do its usual behavior of hanging again.So I tried that approach again and it did not seem to work a second or third or fourth time. So out of desperation and all out of options, I decided to run process monitor from sysinternals to see if it showed me anything even though I knew that I probably would not understand what it were showing me.

I noticed a lot of errors with the results of "name not found" for registry calls, "invalid parameter" for directory quarries, and "no such file" for file reads. But the one that seems to be happening the most whenever the program is hanging is it is trying to open a file from C:program filesAdobephotoshop x64 equiredCgShaders, but that directory is nonexistent on my system.

I'm going to include the process monitor log file and it will be in pml format which you will need process monitor to read, but it is a very small, portable, and free program which can be downloaded from[URL],,,And here is my system info from Photoshop (I have a first generation I3 processor with intel HD graphics, which as I said was running fairly smooth before my problem started):
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows NT
Version: 6.2
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:5, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1,


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Photoshop :: CS6 Hanging When Opening PDF

Feb 27, 2013

I'm IT support to a team of studio artists who are having some issues with our newly upgrade CS6 Premium suite (Mac OS 10.6 + Mac OS 10.8).
(Mac OS 10.6 problem) someone will be working on a 2GB network file, and tries to open a PDF to import elements into the current document. Machine has 12GB RAM (7 allocated to PS, 2 free, the rest used with OS/other apps).
After choosing the PDF file, the window will pop up and become 'stuck' in front of all other windows, all other programs. Activity Monitor describes PS as hung (red text) but Finder still recognises it as working (but will not show the program title in the menu bar). It is possible to CMD+TAB between programs, and the pallets recognise mouse-over actions but are unresponsive to click. Again, "Import" window is on top of all other windows, and can be moved but does not respond to mouse clicks.
Activity Monitor also shows intense disk activity (60-80MB/s) on local volumes. It appears not to be network activity though (while hanging, 50-150KB/s). RAM allocation doesn't change during this time.
The extreme disk activity implies that PS is processing on the scratch disk, but what or why is it doing this, and is there any way to disable it. Would it have anything to do with Background Save or Autosave? Something to do with purging memory?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Hanging In Mountain Lion

Aug 3, 2012

I have the latest 17inch macbook pro - and just installed mountain lion. And now my Photoshop CS6 is hanging. I cannot work at all. Every time I select a tool - the beach ball shows up and hangs for 5-10 seconds. Every time a make any  action it hangs for 5-10 seconds. I ran a font check in font book and I have no corrupt fonts. 

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Photoshop :: Keeps Hanging On Brand New IMac

Jan 16, 2013

We just bought a brand new iMac for the office (OS 10.8.2, 2.9 GHz Inetl Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) also bought the new Adobe CS6 standard but PHOTOSHOP and INDESIGN keep hanging.

- I haven't been working on large files
- They don't hang when I use the type tool
- I've fideled around with the scratch disk thinking maybe it was the issue, and the first time it got better but then 2 days later it got drastically worse.
- I un-checked 'auto save file in background' on PS6
- I've uninstalled and re-installed PS and iN
- I've been to every forum
- I've sent crash reports
I just walked in to work, switched it on and I can't even get to General Preferences on PS6.

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Photoshop :: How To Prevent CS6 From Hanging When Printing

Dec 12, 2012

I recently upgraded to CS6 and I find that Photoshop hangs whenever I attempt to print or access the printer settings, in the print dialog in Photoshop. This occurs with both printers I've tried (Epson 7800 and my HP OfficeJet).PS CS5 seems to print fine, as does Word, Illustrator and inDesign CS5 or CS6. All programs have had all their updates installed.
The Epson 7800 is network attached. I have the standard TCP/IP port configured with the LPR pass-through protocol, and I tried all settings of "enable advanced printing features", "enable bidirectional "and "printer isolation". And of course I've done the usual things of uninstalling and reinstalling and rebooting (Seemingly endlessly) both Photoshop and the printer driver. In the printer install methods tried were both Windows update add printer Wizard as well as the 6.5 driver installer downloaded off Epson's website.
The failure in more detail happens two ways.:
1. When using printer settings from the PS print dialogue, the application hangs on clicking OK on the printer settings dialog.
2. When hitting PRINT on Photoshop's dialogue the application hangs, there's a spool file visible in spool/PRINTERS that is 0K long.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Hanging At Measuring Memory?

Nov 16, 2012

We have set up a new lab here on campus with 11 machines running CS6 for our art department. Currently those machines are W7 32bit with an I5 processor and 4gb of memory. They are brand new machines with a fresh image and install of CS6.
At random points of the day we have noticed that Photoshop will hang on measuring memory. We have noticed that this occurs any time an SVCHost process is running at more than 200k. We have tried to narrow down what exactly is causing the SVCHost to spike but have been unsuccessful. We have turned off windows update and virus scanning on those machine to no avail.

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Photoshop :: CC / Photomerge - Program Hanging

Jul 12, 2013

up until now, I had no problems with photomerge. Recently, worked on about 800 images in CC, about 30 of them merges, with no problems at all. However, this changed today, as I tried to merge 2 images. PS kept on hanging half way trough the process, the only to stop was through task manager.
Rebooted the PC and tried others - which I had merged before - with the same result. It doesn't matter from where I open them. The only thing I have done since the others, is uninstall CS6. There doesn't appear to be a way to repair the installation, or at least none that I am aware of.

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Photoshop :: Hanging - Freezes Computer?

Oct 24, 2012

When starting photoshop it freezes my computer everytime.  I have to go into the task manager to regain control?I'm using win 7 pro and the cload version of photoshop

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GIMP :: Positioning Text Along Paths

Aug 24, 2012

I've worked out how to use paths, so I can make text appear along a curve which is great. My problem is that I have a logo and I want text curving around the top of it, and then some text curving around the bottom (curving upwards). There is more text on the top curve so it fills the entire path, but the text at the bottom is shorter and so it doesn't reach the end, it justifies to the left of the path. How do I position it so that it aligned to the centre of the path (it doesn't necessarily have to take up the entire length of the path, I just want it to be central to the logo above it.

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Illustrator :: Alphabets Paths To Text?

Jul 5, 2012

I am having a file which has lot of texts. Actually the texts are in outline format as fills,strokes,etc. Is it possible to convert them to an editable text using any option.

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Photoshop :: Latest CC 14.1.2 Hanging With Mountain Lion

Oct 10, 2013

Since update I cannot use Photoshop.I produce a 200 page magazine and a deadline will be looming soon.I start up and it just hangs. I have tried to post a hang report here but to no avail.
I have discovered that Premier Pro CC also hangs and I have to force quit like PShop.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Crashing/hanging/random Errors

Dec 8, 2006

I get hanging, crashing, freezing, and random errors when I'm running Photoshop CS2 at random times.

It's really hard to explain, it just happens, and usually it happens when ANY other program other than Photoshop is running.

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GIMP :: Cannot Export Multiple Paths Of Text

Sep 16, 2012

Fairly new to gimp, using Mac 2.8 version. Problem is I have created multiple paths of text but none of them export (I have tried jpeg, gif, tif). They save to the gimp format but even when I try to print directly from gimp the text paths do not show up.

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Illustrator :: Align Objects To Text Paths?

Nov 26, 2012

I don't know if this is possible at all in Illustrator, but I want to align objects to text paths. Look at the following example.
I start with something like a circular hierarchy, that I get as an output from another program. These are only lines and text. Now I want to add a flag behind the text. This flag should have the same orientation as the text path.
As this hierarchy is actually pretty big (this is only a snippet), I don't want to rotate all the flags manually. I tried to do it manually with the below example, but it still doesn't looks right...
Is this a proper method to rotate the flags according to the orientation of the text paths in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Why Are Text Boxes Acting Like Paths

Sep 26, 2013

I'm using AI CS6, opened it up today and all the text boxes are behaving like paths. I can only resize them using the direct select tool. I don't know what happened, I've checked type preferences, nothing there seems to be odd.
I would attach a screenshot, but the "Insert Image" button brings up a white box that tells me the "Operation timed out."  Not my day for software.
Basically, once I create a text box, I lose the ability to resize it unless I manipulate one corner at a time with the direct selection tool.
Illustrator CS6
OSX 10.8.5
2.66 GHz i7
8GB 1067 MHz DDR3

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Photoshop :: Performance Hanging After Adding Scratch Disk?

Sep 26, 2012

So I added another blank newly formated SSD to use as a sractch disk.  However, PS seems to hand sometimes or freeze/lag when selecting this other drive as my sratch disk.  What gives? 
Using CS5 Extended

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Illustrator :: Joining Paths To Create Shape While Retaining Original Paths?

Feb 23, 2014

I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Locking Text On Paths

Aug 4, 2011

Is it possible to lock text when it is on a path? I'm fine with locking both the text and the path, but it seems it isn't possible. Not to lock just the text or both the text and path. The option is greyed out. What purpose would not being able to lock an object serve?

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Illustrator :: Creating Threaded Text With Rainbow Paths

Jun 30, 2012

I'm having issues with threaded text. I've created my desired paths for threaded text, essentially a rainbow, that aligns with my package design.  When I create threaded text it behaves wierdly.   The following occurs:
1) creating threaded text with my rainbow paths, it creates the paths upside down.  I've figured out how to rememdy this with the path options, but wish it didn't default to upside down.
2) My path layers for each row are in decending order, i.e. - would like text to cascade top to bottom;  however, when I start typing, it uses the bottom line first causing my paragraph to read from bottom to top.  This is incredibly frustrating!

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Illustrator :: Cannot Lock Other Paths / Unlock All Paths In Symbols?

Dec 4, 2012

Cannot lock other paths/unlock all paths in symbols?

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Illustrator :: Giving Text Outline Stroke And Path And Uniting With Other Paths

Jan 13, 2014

How do I give Lucida handwriting a 2pt outline stroke, give it an outline path, then unite it with another shape path without the text losing it's outline stroke??  I can't bold Lucida handwriting as it only has an italic option, so need to give it an outline stroke to achieve a bold letter.  As soon as I give it an outline path and unite it to other shape paths the 'bold'ness disappears and it reverts to it's original size.

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3ds Max :: 2012 Hanging On Startup With Win7?

Oct 17, 2011

Have an issue with Max2012 hanging on startup "Initializing 3ds Max..."

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Lightroom :: 4 Import Process Is Hanging?

May 30, 2012

I just downloaded the trial of Lightroom 4 to see if it's a better fit for me than Picasa.
I have all my images ordered by Date on an external NAS device.
......../2001/2001_01_01 New Years Day (for example).
I only started shooting in RAW this year. When I shoot in RAW, I have a subfolder called RAW. I then process the raws to JPG using Photoshop batch processor and place them in teh root of the folder.
So I will have a structure like :
and then in 2010_05_04/RAW
img_2.cr2 .. etc.
I installed lightroom and went to import the pictures. I have (according to Picasa) 24,295 photos image files. these are all either JPG, RAW (cr2), or .AVI or .MOV. THe vast majority are images.
LIghtroom is hanging on 11,622.
I'm not sure why. It isn't even picking up certain date folders at all (like 2012, 2006, or 2007).
I tried cancelling the import process (hitting the X) and then starting again but it still continues to hang.

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