Photoshop :: Error / Could Not Initialize PS Because There Is Not Enough Ram
Apr 13, 2013
I have CS5 and lately I have been getting this error message: "could not initialize photoshop because there is not enough ram." I have a new computer that is running Windows 8 and has 32 Gigabytes of ram. Whatever the problem actually is, it's not because I don't have enough ram! I can fix it for a while by reboting my computer.
Come across an issue when starting Photoshop CS6 and a windows error prompts with:
"Could not initialize Photoshop because of a program error"
I had x1 Illustrator file open at the same time as I launched the Ps app. I had to close the .ai file and re-try opening Photoshop again. There are a lot of little glitches with CS6 that I'm encountering more & more of. Is this common? or just a local problem with my hardware?I'm running Windows XP (32bit) with the latest service pack, & all CS6 apps were downloaded via Adobe Application manager.
When I try to open the program, it gives me the following error: "Could not initialize photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted). I've uninstalled and re-installed the program.
I have just installed Elements 11 on a current Mac and when i start it i get this error Error: "could not initialize photoshop because the file is locked..." I have trashed the prefs, reinstalled it , restarted nothing works. If i log in as another user on the Mac it opens with no problem.
I have Photoshop Elements 9 installed on my computer (MacBook Pro running Lion). However, I had not used it for a couple of months because I was using the CS6 beta, which finally expired. When I tried to open PSE9, the splash screen loads fine and finishes loading everything, but when it disappears I get a dialog of "Cannot open Photoshop Elements because of a program error."
This is while running on my main admin account. It opens normally on another admin account which I do not use often, except for some text encoding issues which were not present before.
Upon starting Photo shop CS, I get the message "Could not initialize Photo shop because the file is locked. Use the 'Properties command in Windows Explorer to unlock the file."
Which file are they referring to "unlock"? And I don't see an option in Windows Explorer that allows you to "unlock" a file.
This problem started after I improperly tried to create a new scratch disk. I can't get back into Photo shop to recreate a proper scratch disk.
This is happening in both Map 3D 2011 and Civil 3D 2011 directly on startup and I can seem to get a straight answer as to what is causing this, or how to fix it. The automatic response was to download a fix for the language pack, but that didnt work. Standard AutoCAD 2011 works without any issues, same with ecotect.
Ive already uninstalled and re-installed both of the problem programs.
After not having much luck with the last video card, I changed my video card to a device with the Philips 713x chipset
Now when I select video capture I get the following message: failed to initialize the video capture plugin Open driver failed (15200:43:0) (15023:4:2) cannot create the video capture filter
I have just installed card (SAA7130 TV PCI card) with latest drivers excluding the software so Video Studio 12 pro is the only capture software on the machine . I also re-installed both card and Video Studio after doing a complete system restore and used CC cleaner to remove any residual data before re-installing.
I need to use video capture within the Video Studio software as I need to use the scene detection functionality.The reason I had to change the card in the first place is that video studio only allowed me to capture in AVI 320x240 and gave 'capture failed' errors with anything else.
in capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "formate" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neather one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.
I just recently started having problems with my PSP Photo XI program on my laptop. The other day it would start up and run normally, but the next day when I went to run the program, it wouldn't start. My computer would freeze up and show this error message: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006). Click OK to terminate the applicaion."
I tried turning off my computer and running the program again, but the same thing came up. I tried to run the repair program on it, nothing. I even tried to uninstall PSP XI to no avail as I got a different error message: "Internal Error 2328 C:Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro XICoreErrorCodesRC.dll"
I really don't know what to do, short of just completely resetting my laptop back to factory settings and starting fresh. But even then I don't know if that would fix the problem.
I wish I knew why the program decided to just stop working one day, as I haven't downloaded anything and my anti-virus is up to date.My computer is a Dell XPS M1710, and it runs Windows XP SP3.
Everytime I open my CS6, it always show " Could not initialize Photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted)" I reinstalled it but it is still popping out.
when i load photoshop, it loads the aplication then when its fineshed loading, it gives me a error saying this "coult not initialize photoshop, because could not be found"
Version 8.0 / I have 2 Macs, MacBook with 10.6.8 and iMac with 10.8.2. Previously ran Version 8.0 on both for years with 10.6.8 before updating iMac to 10.8.2. I know that version 8.0 will not run on 10.8.2, so I made a startup disk from the MacBook to run 10.6.8 and version 8.0 on the iMac. Works fine, except that I cannot start version 8.0.
I get the screen message: "Could not initialize Photoshop because disk is not available. "
I've recently started receiving the error message "Could not initialize Photoshop [CS] because there is not enough memory (RAM)" on a Mac with 4GB RAM. I've tried holding command + option + shift at startup to reset the preferences, but it does not seem to have fixed anything. What else can I try?
I am using Photoshop 7 on Windows Vista. I just bought a new computer and installed Photoshop (which worked fine on my old computer running XP). It installs correctly but wen I launch it I get the error "Could not initialize Photoshop because the scratch disks are full." Then Photoshop immedietly shuts down.
My C drive has 1.3 TB free, my D drive has 145 GB free and my E drive has 5 GB free. I've tried defragmenting all the drives and deleting any temp files.
This message suddenly appeared when I tried to open Photoshop CS3 (Vista 64 bit) today together with advice to unlock the file using the 'properties' tab in windows explorer. Prior to today Photodshop was working fine and the only thing I've done since I last used it is to update Cammera Raw to 4.4 - reverting to to 4.3 makes no difference.
I can't see anything in Windows Explorer that does this. But ticking 'run this program as an administrator' in the 'compatibility' tab part resolves it - it allows the program to open but only after presenting me with a 'do you want this program to run?' dialog box each time it opens.
i get this really weird bug when i try to install photoshop cs6
PDapp here [URL]
I tried to remove an old version with Revo uninstaller, and when trying to install that one after, it just did that
Theres the error, in Danish though, but it says:"An error occurred the installationsprogram could not be initialized, Download Adobe support advisor to register the problem"
The problem is, i have downloaded it, but it does not fix it..
I had to get a new hard drive on my Mac and I backed everything up and reinstalled it all when I got it back. Photoshop is the only thing not working now. I try to open it and get this message:
Could not initizlize Photoshop failed to initialize cooltype. I've read and read and tried everything is could on this[URL]... and I also uninstalled and reinstalled it twice and still I get this message.
i download photoshop but then when i was installing the program, the installer failed to initialize. I downloud Adobe support advisor but it did not find any problem.
Could not initialize photoshop because the disk is not available. What is going on at Adobe? How do I get into my cs6 now.
Problem since that extenede for the cloud has been coming up and I have just always quit and never subscribed now today the trial is over and i Have never used the trial and can not get back into cs6 for my work. No support from adobe until monday..
I just upgraded to Windows 8 64 bit last night. I had been running Cs2 just fine on Windows 7 64 bit for a few years now.In fact I used it last week. Now after the upgrade is complete, I get this error message when I try to launch CS2:
Could not initialize photoshop because the file is locked. use the properties command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.Of course, there is no mention of which file is locked.
I tried to start Photoshop 5.1 64bit today, and it shows the blue intro screen with the reading and loading, and then it goes to a popup error message that reads, "Could not initialize Photoshop because the file is empty." I can run the 32bit version fine, but I would prefer to use the 64bit version. I am running Windows 64bit Ultimate. I have been having issues here and there with CS5.5 on this computer. I ran CS4 fine for the last few years, but since after the upgrade, things have been acting weird. About two weeks ago, InDesign refused to work, so I did a reinstall. Then, two days later, I was having other issues, so I did another reinstall. Before that, Illustrator was having issues, so I had to copy programs files from my office computer to my home computer to make it work. I am starting to wonder if my hard drive is going out. Is there an Adobe fix for just Photoshop? I have the CS5.5 installation DVDs here. I tried copying the Photoshop.exe from my office computer to my home computer and replacing it, but it didn't work either.
I am running Photoshop 7 and everything has been going fine until a few days ago. I am a sys admin and suddenly my users are getting this error when they try to load PS 7.
I bought elements 11 and while in editor, i cannot get the "guided" tab to initialize. The other tabs work jut fine, but the guided tab will not open. This is the one that will probably be used the most. What do I need to do? I am using the MAC version.