I had overlapping shapes with the stroke layer style and I wanted to erase part of the shape so it was white there rather than a line from the overlapping. Apparently now with CS4 you cant just simply erase lines if the layer you are in has a stroke layer? Cuz when I erase, it just like pushes the line, which ultimately is very cool, if I wanted to keep the line but erase the shape to create a custom one. But I just want to get rid of the line. I think I knew how to merge shapes in CS3 for them to share the same outline, but I dont know how now. Plus I dont think that is what I want cuz I only want the shapes to share the outline in a specific area.
how to merge shapes though? Like if you put two circles together like a ven diagram and then merge them so they have 1 outline not intersecting it gets rid of the middle lines that create a sort of () shape and instead you have 1 big outline of 2 circles?
I'm trying to delete or erase a portion of a stroke but the stroke "moves around" when using the eraser tool or it simply just shifts if I try to use the marquee tool then hitting delete.
I've tried a few methods of the stroke and they all seem to not want to be partially deleted.
I've tried the Rectangle Tool in the Shape layers mode, then I rasterize the shape, then grab the erase - no luck.
I think I mostly need direction on what tool I should use in makin the stroke.
In a .psd-document, I'm working in many layers. Each layer has a different color. What i want to do is to be able to erase trough several layers a time with an eraser with some 'softness' and some 'opacity', and just a tiny bit of 'hardness'. The eraser should affect the upper layers more than the lower layers - ideally in an exponential-curve.
I've made a muck-up erasing manually less and less trough five layers, just to let you know visually what i want to do:
The eraser takes away a lot of the first layer, but barely touches the one lowest.
I have a shot with an item on a white background. I have selected the white background and used the background eraser to remove the white. Is there a tip to determine that I have it all erased?
Many times I complete the erasing only to find several areas I have not fully erased. The checkerboard background makes it too hard to the areas I might have missed. Is there a better way?
If i have an image that has several adjustment layers on it, is it possible to erase through all of the layers at once to reveal part of the original image. I don't want to have to flatten all of the layers first.
I am trying to erase part of the background in an image, but the portion I'm trying to keep is similar to the color of the background .
I want to create an extra layer (which is a contrasting color...bright green) so I can see more clearly as I'm erasing the sections I don't want. Can anyone show me step by step how to do this ? ..I'm not getting the layers in the right order or something .
I'm trying super-impose the bust of a PSD image (without the white background) on top of another GIF image, and I cannot figure out how to get rid of the white background. If any of you know how to do this, and are willing to go V-E-R-Y slow in explaining it,
I am using Photoshop CS6 and I want to create a composite of 2 images. One is of the Moon and the other will be of stars. The problem I'm having is removing the unwanted stars from the Moon and the dark part of the Moon (depending on the Phase). Do I create a layer for each image? And is it black over white or vice-versa?
I'm making a sig and I want to have the firetext overlapping the background image. But I want to know how to rid the black in the background and around the fire without erasing the shadows in the fire and making it look like I did so. I want it to look smooth if you know what I mean. Another way of putting what i want differently if you dont understand is I basically want all the black behind the fire and background pic transparent, without making the fire look crappy in the process.
Is it possible to use the eraser (or perhaps another tool) to erase in a straight line (rather than freehand)? I have an image that I need to make a series of erasures...take away straight line segments of the image. I keep finding how to "erase a straight line" on the internet but they are only discussing how to erase or clear a straight line just drawn...not what I am after. If there is a way (I was hoping I could use the eraser tool and press the shift key or something)
I've never had trouble erasing through adjustment layers (ie a levels or curves layer), but as of today, I am unable to erase through any adjustment layers. The history log shows I'm using the eraser tool, but nothing happens within the layer I'm trying to erase. I don't seem to have a problem erasing through duplicate background layers.
i'm making some signatures for the reptile sites i use out of photos taken.
I have one photo of a lizard that is on a white flooring, so i was trying to replace the white with a brown colour using the colour replacement tool. It went horribly... I kept playing with the options but the white just got replaced by pale, obvious colours no matter which colours i picked so i gave up.
Now i was getting into another pic and want to erase the background and after selecting the eraser tool, it just started colouring it in with the fore-colour instead of erasing. I've tried changing the colour replacement options and got it so that it just does nothing when i try to erase.
My colour replacement settings are:
mode - hue
sampling - continuous
limits - contiguous
tolerence - 30%
anti-alias ticked
My eraser settings are:
opacity - 100%
flow - 100%
erase to history ticked.
how i can reset my photoshop back to default settings ...
when i use the eracer tool mostly, does anyone know what can be causing this? Here is an example when i had an image over another, and attemped to erace the top image.
I am trying to make a black and white image but leave certain aspects of it in colour. I did this yesterday by applying a black and white layer and then using the eraser to get colour back. However, this no longer works for some reason. I have also tried to use the history brush tool but that doesn't work either. I'm kinda a newbie so I think I did something last time that I'm not doing this time.
In the past, I've never had a problem with the eraser until today. Â Instead of erasing, it will use the second color that you can use with your brush. I'm not sure what it is called, but it where you can choose colors for your brushes. My brushes seem to work fine, so it is just the eraser brush.I've already uninstalled PSE9, reset PSE9 back to default settings, and reset all tools settings with no luck.
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width? Â For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
Using CS2 and images that were shot in RAW and have been converted to jpgs or psds.
When I create a duplicate b&w layer and try to erase over a color that is not bright (in the more neutral family, like blue eyes or faded blue colors), the bottom color layer is not showing true to its color and is instead showing as a yucky orange peach. This does not happen with brighter colors of any type - erasing to reveal them will reveal the true color.
This does not happen with my older documents that came out of my camera as jpgs. Also, no amount of changing modes, color spaces or anything like that seems to help.
I'm currently jumping back and forward between quick mask mode and my standard layer. When I am in the standard layer the brush tool is performing as it should, but when I go into quick mask it is erasing my selection (red) rather than filling in where I draw!
I have a shape with a black stroke and green fill. I have a white line segment over it. How do I get it so that the end of the line segment doesn't show over the black stroke of the object? If I try to put the line segment behind the object, then the object fill hides it completely.  I'm new to illustrator and I've tried to search for an answer but I don't know the best way to accomplish what I want to do. Seems like some combination of transparency or knockout groups and I've read a bit about this and can't figure out what I need to do.
I need an outline on a stroke that i drew but when i apply object>path>outline stroke i keep getting my initial stroke applied as well. I only need the outline, not the initial stroke. I use Illustrator CC.
i like drawing in pencil, then inking, and then scanning it into my computer, and what i'd like to do is put the pic on a transparency and then erase the paper and pencil from it but keep the ink lines, so they'er the only thing on the transparency. I can do the inking on a transparency layer over top of the original draft in gimp, but i prefer to do it on paper.
just new to Corel and have started with CorelX5. I have put a cut line around a design however in some parts of the design where two colours join up to each other without any gaps Corel has continued the cut line between the colours. How do I erase sections of the cut line where there is not need for it to be.
Once I try to start erasing some of the black text on a pure white background, the eraser has a 'checkered' pattern. So instead of erasing in 'white', the tool erases with a checker pattern. See the attached photo.
Once I try to start erasing some of the black text on a pure white background, the eraser has a 'checkered' pattern. So instead of erasing in 'white', the tool erases with a checker pattern. See the attached photo.
In Photoshop you can erase part of an image with the color white with the paint brush and bring it back with the black brush. I used the erase tool to remove part of an image but then wanted to bring the edges back, but with precision detail, however i don't see a way to un-erase the edges like you can in photoshop. Example I have one shot of a sky and one shot of the mountains. I layer the two images and I erase the sky in the mountain image so the sky image in the layer below comes through. However, the divide between the mountain photo and the sky photo has jagged edges and I want to paint part of the image back in with precision along the rough mountain edges.
is there a way to see a reference background in the layer panel when painting or erasing? I dont want to paint on that second layer, only see it in the layer panel.