Photoshop Elements :: Change Color Of Social Media Icon?
Sep 8, 2012
What is the proper way to change the color of a social media icon like this one. I have no trouble making a selection, but I'm embarassed to say that I don't know what to do after that. I've tried adjusting the hue/saturation, but important detail is lost, and (for example) if I was trying to make the image #ff0000 red, it wouldn't really be true in color with a hue/saturation adjustment. I know this image is not the best quality, but something tells me that I need to make and selection, then create a new layer.. but as a newbie I'm stumped. Oh, that is - a newbie still using Elements 8.
I have just installed elements 12 on my Lenovo Ultrabook which is running windows 8 - the icons and menus are so small I need a magnifying glass to read them.
Just getting used to elements 11 - the tilt shift in the guided edit does not change when I click on the icon, then click and drag. I am sure I am following instructions correctly, but nothing changes when I try to rezone the area I wish to have showing without blur. I could do in operation in the expert mode, but it should work in guided edit.
When I loaded some photo actions into my new PSE11 it show only a generic icon in the effects palette, not the icon from the maker so it takes extra time to search for the action I need. How can I get the icon from the maker to show as the icon in the palette?
In photoshop elements 11, in a photo collage, in graphic tab, how do i change the background to a color in the color wheel?
Same thing for the graphics, i only have 6 choices, i want to add a graphic stored on my pc or other ones in the program.
In photoshop elements 11, in a photo book, page 2 and 3 are stored as one image, and have to have the same background color, and layout, how do i change that?
How can i easy change the layer colors of all elements in a block and also the blocks in that block witout exploding everything ten times. I wish Autodesk create a button so if you select a block and use the button i had a choice to
How do I change the color pallet? I keep trying, but the foreground and background colors will only stick on B&W. I also need to know how to change an image to have a transparant background.
I want to be able to change to black and white and then add color to some areas. Is this possible? also, if not can I upgrade to another version online?
I have not renamed or moved original elements, yet when I recently opened an on-going project in Photoshop Elements 4.0, about 1/4 of the media elements were gone. Why? Is there a way to troubleshoot this? Anyway to recover these slides? Can't see that any photos, etc in the Organizer have broken links.
In any case, does anyone know how to change the "location of installation media" for PhotoShop CS3?
I bought the download version and later burned a CD for installation and moved the download version to a backup HDD.
But after that, whenever I tried to re-install (deactivate or not), I couldn't use the CD and had to move all files to the initial location (with all same structures) before I could do anything.
This is extremely annoying since I wish to delete the initial folders for which I used for the initial install (i.e. I created a few folders named "working areaAdobePhotoShopCS3").
I had to create (and remember) all those folders for re-install. Anyone knows any solution for changing this so I can change it to using the CD I burned next time?
I would like to take a photo of a car and change the color of the paint. I would also like to cut and paste (resize) new wheels. Is Photoshop Elements 11 capable?
Is it possible to change the color of the work area, in PhotoShop Elements 10, from dark grey to light grey. And....maybe do a contrasting Font color for the Toolbar ?
I am trying to make the background of a product image completely white and cannot figure out how to do so i would love a "beginner" step by step instruction
I find it very difficult to read the text captions on the black face of the worktop. How can you change or customize to something that's easier on the eyes? I have managed to change the workspace panel color but can't figure out how to change that really difficult black interface. I am using elements 9 having upgraded from 5 where the workspace was pleasantly light grey.
I have Elements 7. I've been using it for a couple of years and know my way around from playing with it but am certainly no expert. I am a jewelry designer with a small home web based business. I offer designs in both silver and gold and wanted to know if I can just change the color of a piece from silver to gold in elements. It's a huge amout of time and money remaking every piece in both metals--I am on a shoestring budget so this is a big deal. (I am attaching a photo as an exaple of what I'd need to convert below)
When I open an image in 'edit', the reds become much more saturated than when it was viewed in the organizer. The amount of red saturation is abnormal and the photo remains this way afterwards, even when viewed in the organizer or opened with other software. Why is this happening and how do I stop this from happening?
Whenever I start Elements Organiser, there is an on-screen message that there are files ready to import and that the Organiser will now import these files into the Catalog. Then a "Getting Media" box displays and, at some point, say 56%, the "racing cursor" appears and the programme does nothing more. It just freezes and eventually there is a Windows message stating that the programme is not responding. This happens in Elements/Premiere 11. I reinstalled Elements 6 and the file importing works quickly and without problem in that version of Elements.
This is a new, custom-built PC, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. 16 Gb memory. Adobe programmes were installed for 64-bit OS exactly as directed in Adobe instructions. All hardware drivers are up to date. No other problems with any other software, just Adobe's Elements 11 bundle !
I have a damask flourish design in JPEG format. I want to change the entire color of the design from green to pink. How can I do that? I have an older version of Photoshop Elements 6.0 on my Windows XP machine, but can upgrade to 11 on my Macbook Pro.
I'm new to PSE10 and can't figure out layers and/or color. I have a photo with a white background. I want to change the white to a color. I have 4 text layers on photo with no problem. How do I change the white?
Where is the icon to change the layout in photoshop cs6? In cs5 it was in the top menu bar. I want to view two files side by side but in their own tabs.
I would like to express my dismay at hearing that exchange content is being migrated to "social networks". While I have no problem with this, per se, this will restrict access for the majority of users who cannot access Twitter, Facebook and Youtube at work which is when they are likely to need the content most.
As a matter of interest how many of you have access to these networks at work (from your laptop/PC not via smartphones, tablet devices etc).
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600