Photoshop Elements :: Saving JPEG File After Updating Title?
Feb 25, 2013
After updating the file title in a jpeg file, does PSE save the title by recompressing the file using the jpeg compression algorithm or does it simply update the file title without recompressing the file? Prgressive saves of unaltered files suggest that PSE is recompressing the file each time it is saved.
I am trying to update the text in the idw title block externally via excel or ilogic. I know of the iproperty of the part or the iam and that being able to be incorporated in the idw title block. But is there any way of linking an excel file to the idw so once the excel file is changed it updates all the idw title blocks it references?
When trying to save a .CR2 file into JPEG format, CS5 automatically switches to the 'hand' icon for resizing the image in the window.
Sometimes it is possible to 'escape' from this, but the problem repeats and the only way out is to 'close' the image (the only option available). CS5 then crashes out. (64bit CS5 on Win 7 Ultimate).
Recently I have been unable to save tiff and psd files as jpegs. When I select "save as" from the file menue I do not have jpeg as an option in the drop down menue. I have always been able to save files as jpegs until recently.
On my previous version of Photoshop (CS4) when I saved a PSD file as JPEG Level 8, 10 or whatever, the file size in megabytes was then shown. I presume I can configure Photoshop CS5 to do this but I'm just not sure how.
I suddenly got problems with saving files in .jpeg format. I use camera raw in my camera, and edit photos in Element, and then save a .jpeg version of the photo, and until recently that operation has went on without problems, but suddenly I got no other alternatives than .psd. Why?
'm trying to make an action to automate the saving of one photoshop file to multiple different jpegs. Basically what I am doing is producing team pictures from a psd template. I will do player #1 then save as #1jpeg, #2 save as #2jpeg, etc up to 20 players. I tried to make an action but it won't allow me to insert a file name. It would be straight forward if I could get a stop in there. how I could automate this
When I have a file in Illustrator that I want to save as or export as a PDF or JPEG whenever I save it the colours shift and the quality drops.Most noticiably black boxes goes to a muddy brown when saved to JPEGS, but I have also noticed tones in Photographs change quite a lot when saving as PDF.
I have tried to tweek every type of setting there is. higher resoulution, compression, sampling, down sampling, PDF preset, print quality etc.but nothing seems to sort it out. PDF's arent as much as a problem as the JPEG but the only way I have managed to get a PDF up to a reasonable standard is by wacking everything up so there is no compression or downsampling which makes ginat files I cant email....
Im sure the problem probably lies within the combination of each of these together but I cant seem to find out what that is. Also brown in the seat base has gone more orange and the whole picture has generaly lost quality.
I've created a poster on corel draw x5 and I want to save it into a jpeg file, how can I do this? I have tried opening the file in corel photo paint but it loses some of the effects I have added.
Also, I want to be able to upload the poster on my website but being new to that as well how do I get the poster web ready?
I am saving an adobe illustrator file as a jpeg for print at a photo center. When I export to save with a 300ppi, the photo center (Target) doesn't recognize the jpeg file. When I save for web, the photo center recognizes the file, but it prints very low quality (pixelized). Both jpegs are being saved at high quality.
I am using LR 4.3. I added keywords to my pictures. Some keywords got synonyms. I also checked "export synonyms" in the keyword options. When pressing Strg-S to save meta date into the files (all JPEG) all keywords are stored but without synonyms. When doing a normal export then synonyms are saved directly in the JPEG.
Is there a way to save the synonyms also with Strg-S or do I have to export all pictures and re-import them into LR? To be honest that would be not what I expect from a good software.
I've recently got a new computer, and after installing corel on it, I've found that I am unable to open files with corel, as soon as i press the open button corel crashes, but i am able to open the files when i goto the actual file in my documents and click open in there, and i am unable to save files any way whatsoever (due to crashing isues again) i am also unable to export my artwork to a jpeg, also an immediate crash.
While the documents are correctly saved with the correct new name (e.g. Map1.dwg, Map2.dwg, etc.) in the correct location, the doc.Name properties are not updated, the title bar of autocad also. They still remains Drawing1.dwg, Drawing2.dwg, etc.
I created a collage in Photoshop Elements 11. I can save the file as a PSE or PDF. How do I save the file as a JPEG in order to send the file to an online print service? Which online print service to use for square prints?
Have Elements11 on a pc and have edited many photos. Most come out in a jpeg file, which I want and tome come out with just the name "File". I can only open this "File" in Windows Photoviewer and cannot do any other thing to it. How it became just "File" to open in Window Photoviewer only. Cannot get it into any position or file to change it to a jpeg. I have Windows 8, which is a bunch of crap..
In fact, some of the things I've found online refer that you cannot automatically replace entire Titleblock Templates for existing Sheets in the Sheet Set Manager. So, here's my question:
Can you replace all existing Sheets in a Sheet Set with an entirely new Template file automatically, without opening each Sheet and re-inserting the Title block?
Example: Let's say I have a Sheet Set. Inside the Sheet Set, I already have 20 sheets created. I then realize that my Template file is missing our company logo. I then have to open the Template file and insert my company logo. Well, this works for all newly created sheets from that point forward, but how can I get this change to automatically populate in the existing 20 Sheets that are already in the Sheet Set?
I've been converting pictures from raw to jpeg and copying for transfer onto usb. After transfer I try to open the file in the organizer and it's missing
I understand how each time you save a JPG file, there is a loss of information (assuming you closed between Saves) even if you Save with Quality=12. However can you do the following to avoid losing information between saves?
- save as both a JPG and a PSD
- if you want to make another change, open the PSD (instead of the JPG) and make the desired mods
- save as both a JPG and a PSD again
I believe the resulting JPG has basically been updated only once, as opposed to twice if you had made the second set of mods by opening the JPG from the first set of mods. You could continue to do this as many times as you wanted, and the last JPG created would technically have only been updated once (always from the latest PSD), thereby avoiding loss of information from multiple saves.
Editing jpeg files with Photoshop Elements 10 corrupts the files so they cannot be viewed on a TV, how do I rectify this - the software as it stands is completely useless as I want to present slideshows to a number of people simultaneously via the TV. On initial use this didn't happen but it does now even after we reinstalled the programme.
I have downloaded PE 12 & for some reason its Editor is not saving any changes I made despite ticking all relevant save boxes. It behaves very strangely - it does save 1 photo & then it stops saving . I was thinking it might be an interference with a previous PE11 versio - so I have deleted it from my PC - but it did not work. As a result it is useless for me - as I can process photos in my editor but as it does not save any changes
I created a file for someone using the Photoshop CS6 software, and he has just now informed me that he uses Photoshop Elements 10. The only thing he will need to do with the file, at most, is add layers on top of it. How can I save the file through CS6 for him to open and use in Elements 10?