Photoshop Elements :: Mouse To Control Sliders In PSE12?
Jan 3, 2014
I used to be able to control the sliders on my earlier Adobe Elements with my middle wheel on my mouse but on installing 12 version this does not seem to work any more, which is a great pity as it was so precise.
In CS3 after clicking onto the slider "triangle" I can then adjust it with the mouse wheel. I don't appear to be able to do this in CS6. Can this be remedied?
When dragging various sliders in Photoshop CS5, very often these sliders get "stuck" and move with the mouse even though you have released the mouse. Say you are dragging a slider to set the brush opacity to 50%. When you have set it to 50%, you release the mouse and move it away from the slider, only to find that the opacity still increases or decreases as you move your mouse. You have to click again to fix this, but then of course you have to go back and do it again.
Below is a small illustration (I can't take a screenshot of my mouse) of an example of when this happens:
This happens to me around once every 5 times I use a slider, i.e. extremely often. As you can imagine, it's very annoying and frustrating.I use a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet, and I never use Photoshop without it so I cannot confirm whether this bug happens with a mouse or just the tablet.It doesn't just happen like on the above illustration, but also with any slider such as those in Adjustment Layers and Filters.The bug does not happen when using tools on the canvas. So the Brush tool, and every other tool, works fine and never gets "stuck".I have the latest version of Photoshop CS5.This is a bug that has always been in CS5 since the first version, and it has not been in previous versions of Photoshop.
Late 2008 15" MacBook Pro OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.7 (but the problem has existed way before 10.6.7) Photoshop CS5 version 12.0.2
I am a Mac user and have been disappointed at some of the limitations of elements 11 on my Mac versus what I understand you can do on a pc. Have these issues been corrected for Mac users in elements 12?
I am running Windows 7 and cannot open newly purchased Elements 12. I have tried most of the .exe file fixes so I am not sure if that is the issue or not.
I have downloaded the software to my Mac desktop and I was then trying to transfer it to my Mac Pro Laptop as I successfully did with PSE 11 a year ago with no problems. However, with PSE12 when I transfer it with Air Drop they both go into my DL folder but when I click to open it says my file is not there.
In Version 8 I could work on multiple images in separate windows. It appears that I cannot do this in Version 12. Is there a way around this in 12 or do I have to just go back to using version 8 for the work I am doing?
I am changing from PSE8 to PSE12 and realized upon trying 12 today that PSE12 automatically saves my edited pictures in PSD format where PSE8 saved them in JPEG. I don't use the organizer for catalogs, instead opening up folders where I've saved my pictures (e.g. Christmas 2013)and editing the photos I like in PSE8 and then saving them back in that same folder. It may not be the 'right' way, but it works for me. The picture I tried using PSE12 on, saved in the PSD format which isn't viewable in those folders (windows picture viewer is the default). I truly only use PSE for improving pics I like and want to share/email, use as my desktip background, post to Facebook, and print for myself or gifts via uploading to a photo printing service (Mpix, Walmart, etc.) Is there a way to have PSE12 default to saving as JPEG or should I be saving everything as PSD? I get that PSD only works with PS and takes more space, but doesn't cause loss of quality of the pictures the way JPEG does ~ I'm just not sure it's important for the way I use PSE. \
I've now finally got PSE12 installed. However the 'Add People' functionality is not working.
In the 'People' tab, when I click the 'Add People' button I get the 'preparing files' dialogue box. I then get a message saying "You have labelled everyone in your selection" (whether I've made a selection or not in 'Media'). I can 'add people' in an individual photo but not by clicking 'add people' either in Media or People view. This worked fine for me in PSE11.
I'm using Windows 7 and don't have any other PSE versions installed.
I just purchased PSE 12. In Lightroom 5, I can set up an Edit in Photoshop Elements preset.
When I try to edit a .dng or .cr2 raw image in PSE from Lr5, the first dialog I get asks if I want to edit a copy with Lr adjustments. Then PSE opens but no file(s) are loaded.
If I open the file directly from PSE 12, it will open (with Lr5 adjustments)... but that's not the point.
getting the Lightroom 5 --> PSE 12 workflow to operate properly?
I have a folder on my main HD which contains pictures that I use all the time but also regularly delete when done with them.
When using PS elements 10 I could never stop the program from importing the contents of this folder so that when I deleted them they kept showiing as 'missing files' in the catalog Have upgraded to 12 in the hope that I cam somehow tell the program to ignore this folder.
Trying to drag an edited picture from photobin in Elements 12 onto a blank documents. Elements is resizing my photo to fit the blank document. I don't want it to resize. I want to drag and drop multiple photos onto a new blank doument as I have in other versions.
From the website, it states that PSE12 would be compatible with camera raw plug in through version 8.3, which my camera requires. The error I get when trying to open in PSE 12 states that the file I am trying to open appears to be from a camera that is not supported by the installed version of camera raw. How can I open my raw images in this program? If I cannot and will not be able to, how can I get reimbursed?
How do I get my photos from a previous version of Photoshop Elements (6) into Photoshop Elements 12? Do I restore from a backup? I have over 12,000 pics ( a good portion with multiple versions) and don't want to lose captions and metadata.
I have Lightroom 4 running on Macbook Pro (mid 2010 with Mountain Lion), and it loses mouse control totally after a while.
Problems started when upgrading from 3.6 to 4.1 and upgrading to 4.2 did not work. Sometimes I might be able to use the software for hours, sometimes problems start just after ten minutes or so. Only restarting the software seems to work.
Lightroom is only program having this kind of problems, and problem stays same, no matter am I using external mouse or trackpad. Keyboard commands are working all the time and Lightroom seems to respond those normally, only mouse control is totally lost or acting randomly. If I use iPad with Air Display as second diplay, mouse seems to work there just fine even when window in MBP's display is having problems (I saw problem before installing Air Display).
We are using autocad 6 nad install it in new dell computer,windows xp, the mouse jumps up and down and hard to control, sometimes it moves by itself a leave a trail, fist time it happens.
I know most of us have 2 computers in our suites and would be nice to controll both computer without having to use 2 mice and 2 keyboards. Right now I am using 2 computers, a mac pro and a macbook pro. I would like to use my MacPro's keyboard and mouse to control the macbook pro much like a mouse and keyboard on a second display. I've been using an application called teleport, but it doesn't allow me to use keyboard commands.
I've heard/used synergy, but it's to much work for the final product.
I upgraded to LR4 from LR3. After opening LR4 I realized that the Develop/Basic menu sliders are identical to LR3, i.e., Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light, Blacks, Contrast, Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation.
I don't know if I missed anything but when using PSE 10 I find that many of the adjustment sliders are very difficult too see. For instance if you use the spot healing tool you basically have a black slider on a black background.