Photoshop Elements :: Lost Catalog Information When Reloading 10?
Mar 25, 2013
It was necessary to reload Windows 7. This eliminated all programs (i.e. Elements 10). I reloaded Elemensts 10 but had lost all catalog, category, and subcategory information. My photographs (3,000) had been saved but not "backed-up" (I did not realize there was a difference). All photographs are intact with tags (but not catalog information). Is there some way to restore the catalog and category data?
I was planing to use an external HD to keep all my photos and being able to work on different computer (in different places) where I have Elements already installed.
How can I connect (synch) these different Elements to the external HD where i keep my Pictures?
If I use backup/restore i would need a copy of my pictures on each computer I use and that is not what i want. What i want is to use the same catalog and pictures when i move form one PC to another.
I was working with a group of 12 photos in my cataalog, and it went away. I tried to revive, no luck. So I tried to import the items again -- the screen would not allow it because they were already in the catalog. How can I recover???
Have new computer 64 bit with dual drives (C: 111GB, E:1.36 TB) . C. drive operates Win 7. Do I install CS 6 and LR4.1 program on E drive along with catalog including phtos? or put CS^ and LR on C: and catalog and pictures on E:
The photos appear to have retained their keyword tag info but all the sorting into sub-categories and categories has gone as have all the album and smart album data.After all - no self respecting huge software company removes user data and functionality - they must just have omitted to mention what I needed to do in their (less than impressive) help files.
I recently reloaded my files from Time Machine, after having my had my hard drive replaced. Elements will not run, giving me error 150:30 and a message to the effect that my license is not working. Do I have to reload from disk?
I have backed up my files on my external hard drive, and then to make space I deleted some of them from my hard drive. Although I added the external files back into Lightroom (ver. 3) none of my Lightroom settings have remained, so all collection information and all development settings have gone. It there any way to get this information back? I have religiously done Lightroom backups but am afraid that if I use one of these back ups I will lose some of my more recent settings, work that I have done since I deleted the files from my hard drive. I am hoping there is some simple way of relinking to retrieve this information. I tried to use 'find missing photos' but couldn't get that to work.
In video studio pro x4: At step 3 "share" I can create a video file like an mpeg, and it will retain all "nudges" I perform on the audio waveform of the music tracks (to keep volume down during a narration moment) . But when I burn a disk.....the music file plays like it's never been adjusted (full volume) when playing disc.
In Photoshop Elements 5, how do I restore my organizer tags and collects after reloading Windows XP? Windows crashed but i can run in Safe Mode to get at my files/pictures which are backed up but is there something in Photoshop I can save to recover my organizer so that when reloading Windows XP and the App again the tags and collections remain?
We are having problems with text in Illustrator CS6.
1. When we copy / paste text within illustrator all color information is lost. 2. When we save documents in Illustrator CS6 then re-open text with color attributes changes to different random colors!!
For example: If we save an Illustrator document with a paragraph of text that is part red and part black when we re-open the same paragraph might be all gray, or orange or (you pick a color).
My kids were playing with my PC and accidently renamed my main storage drive. I renamed the drive and didnt think much of it until I opened Lightroom.
It has obviously lost the link with my catalog and is now asking to upgrade to catalog to work with LR4. I am concerned that if I go with this option I will lose all the the changes I have made to my images.
I have 55000 photos in the catalog so this would be pretty bad. I have been importing all of my files as DNG for quite a few years now and I am sure I had it set in preferences to embed changes into the DNG Files.
We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?
I edited a bunch of photos and then created a catalog. I can no longer find the edited versions of the photos. The catalog when opened does not show any pictures.
My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list.
The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2. It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer. But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager. The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8). I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice. This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog. How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog?
I must preface this by saying that I am new to LR4 and I have been trying to follow instructions in a popular book as to creating collections, etc. I have been trying to create collections and organize photos. I recently shot a wedding and went through about 900 photos and whittled it down to 350 and now today for some reason I decided to back up a previous catalog and now everything I did yesterday appears to be gone and the only photos that I see in LR are those bridal photos in that catalog.
I know that this is the most amateaur of questions, but what in the world have I done, and can I recover that previous import and the changes I made to them?
Since I capture my images in RAW, when I open them in Adobe Camera RAW (via Elements 11), what information is displayed in the image and the histogram I see?
Is it showing me the jpeg created in the camera? If so, the jpeg settings in my camera are not only important in viewing the LCD and the histogram in my camera at the time of capture. They would also be important in viewing my image when it first opens in Adobe Camera RAW.
I have 26,000 images on an external drive (currently designated drive M), almost all tagged and/or rated and indexed in two PSE 11 catalogs on the main PC hard drive. I am just about to replace my PC. I assume that when I connect my external drive to the new PC, it is unlikely to be Drive M. How do I maintain access through the catalogs with all the stored information?
On my Photoshop Elements 9 Welcome page the "gathering Infomation" thing never finishes. I can I correct this? Some one answered this question in the past but I can't find the answer in these forums and don't remember what they told me to do.
When the photos are downloaded from the camera or memory card with the date information embedded in the photo, how do I remove the date stamp on the imported photo before printing the photo?
How can I save my picture with the border information to a file? I want to be able to my picture with the border so that I may paste it on my FB page and other places. I am using Elements 9.
My computer crashed so I re-loaded cs3 from the disks, but now it says that it won't update as Adobe is no longer supporting it. I cannot see my RAW files from my Canon d30 and d40.
In the past when I had this problem, I just downloaded something and it fixed it, but that doesn't seem to be working this time. Are those update files available and usable anywhere or am I trying the wrong ones?
I have taken some photos today but in the file information the date is shown as '2012' but it should be '2014'. Is there a way to ensure the correct current date is entered automatically?
Photoshop does not reload the desktop synced fonts from type kit. They are acknowledged as synced in the creative cloud main page but not visible in the project (even if I try to reload the fonts).
Once I have tagged and/or rated a picture in Elements 10, I would like for the information to also be saved to the original file - is there a way to do this?