Photoshop Elements :: How To Reset Text On Image Back To Basic Black Text
May 20, 2013
Using Elements 9 I was adding black text to a .jpg image. Somehow during the process, the text being entered defaulted to a "wavy, illegible set of characters". Spent 30+ minutes looking at FAQs and have given up. I want to reset to default simple clear black characters. Closing and restarting Elements does not resolve this issue. When ending a newly entered set of text - still get "wavy, illegible set of characters!"
I need to produce a text logo with the first half of the canvas background black with white text, and the second half white with black text. Do I split the background or join two individual canvases together ............ or something else?
When I try to edit text or add text in Photoshop CC, I get a completely black image. I have to click in the layers panel to get the image back. I am on a new laptop and new CC install.
Why does pse 10 use black background with white text. Its harder to read and customers have complained, why use it when everyone knows black text on white background is easier to read. For example this discussion board is after all black on white!
I am using the trail version of pse 10 and its great but I don't think I will purchase because of the hard to read text.
Photoshop CC up to date 5 years PS experience Restart of file and PS didn't resolve the issue Creating Smart Object didn't resolve issue
When attempting to add simple text on an individual layer, the layer is turning black. This prevents me from seeing the text I'm editing. When I move to another layer the text displays correctly. When I go to edit the text by clicking the image the layer goes black again. It is like editing text in the dark, turning the light on to see the changes, turning the light off to make the changes, repeat.
I was working on a project and I had recently installed a new font. Now all of a sudden whenever I make a new text box and type some text in nothing shows up. I can only see a tiny black line which isn't even text, even tho its set to 36ft. I changed the font and size to see if it made a difference, and nothing worked. I restarted PS and my computer several times, and still the same thing...
Im using windows 8 and am on the trial version of Pshop, when i try to add a text box the the canvas goes black not allowing me to seeing what i am typing?
why when I insert text into photoshop doc it has an underline by default.
I click on the horizontal type tool and start to type some text and it has a period to start and then each letter has an underline and the text is not sharp.
I want to be able to turn a photo black and white, then add color back in, say for instance a ball turned back to red only. How can I do that in elements 11?
This Q must be very old. Why can´t someone invent a sigle button for this I have tried all the things by the book but still when I try to lay text image with white background over an image the white is still there althoug I made it transparent. tried to sa for web as png-8, png-24 and gif. nothing works. To use magic wand gives bad result when applied to text? So what can I do? I am trying to place text over image. I know I could write it over the image but I need the text as a transparent layer some place else.
Lightroom 5 - in all of the panels starting with Basic all titles are showing "Reset". For example, Tone is now showing Reset Tone - Resent Presence.In all panels the titles are showing "Reset".
I am trying to add text to am image for web design / ads. I click the text button and type but nothing shows. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am new to Elements 11.
Something that has been missing in Xara since the dawn of time is when you double-click on a word of text and then continue to slide the mouse over to the right, it does nothing. In just about any other Windows program, after highlighting a word, the sliding of the mouse over to the right continues to highlight whole words. Why, oh why, can this not be done in Xara, which is now supposed to be a mature text-handling application? It is infuriating when you have a word at the very beginning of a text box and you are fiddling about trying to get the cursor in front of the first letter of a word when all you should have to do is double-click the word and then continue to slide your mouse over the rest of the text you wish to select.
This is a Windows program. Windows has certain conventions that just about everybody sticks to so that you don't have this hair-pulling, pill-popping, bloody frustration when you switch between programs.
This seems like a simple task, but I've had trouble matching up with it well. I have graphics of some book pages, and would like to make them glow/radiate very similar to this video from a Star Wars documentary:
The main issue so far is just making it really look like it's glowing, rather than just everything getting brighter. I tried Filters > Aristic > Softglow, but that didn't work too well.
I accidently saved an image with my watermark & now the image is locked & also saved as a jpeg image. I can't remove the text without stamping it out or just starting over. How to remove text from an image that has already been saved?
I would like to overide the dimension value with a letter - Dim "A" etc. but the overide box will not accept an alphabetical input. At present, the only way I can get around this is by sketching the basic dimension box separately.
So I've created a few different blocks of text, which appear as different layers in the layers dialog box.
The area I've created them in 640x400. The various words placed together is much smaller though. So I want to crop the image to just be their size. However, attempting to select all the text bits fails, as I seem to be confined to whatever layer I last clicked on the layers dialog box. e.g. The word "shop" is selected, and highlighting all words using results in only the word "shop" being active to work with.
How do I unselect a layer, or choose all of them??
drawing up faceplate artwork for our company. It has text on it and at the last design review I was mentioned that they want the text to be all the same "aspect ratio", ie. an "o" in the one object should be exactly the same size and shape as in the other.
The problem is that I cannot seem to be able to do this without replacing all the text from scratch.
In a program like AutoCAD I can specify text width and set it at, say 80%, but I can't find a similar function in CorelDRAW.
I am saving a PDF from Illustrator CS4 that contains only 100% black text. My print provider is telling me that the text in the PDF has been converted to 4C, rich black. I have tried all different PDF creation settings (high quality, press quality, PDFX3, default) from Illustrator but nothing works. How can I create a PDF that maintains 100% black and prevents it from converting to process black?