I am trying to find the channel tab in PHotoshop Element 11 to find the alpha layer for my .dds image. A tutorial i'm following that a private user has posted on the web, in there version of photoshop it shows a channel tab as well as the layers but in my version 11, it shows the layers but not the channels. How to access channels in the 11 version?
Am reading Kelby's LR 5 book page 162 + Cannot see any place where I can click to see the individual channels adjustment pop up to select chanel. He even has it circled in the illustration but I don't have anything like that in the Tone Curve panel What am I missing, I'm in Win 64K
I was recently trying to find the normal depth in a natural channel to use as an outfall water surface elevation in SSA. I double checked the normal depth calculations using the Express Add-On in Civil 3D. I found that while the normal depths correlated closely for channels with a single roughness coefficient, they varied considerably if a composite roughness coefficient was used for the left and right overbanks. This leads me to believe that composite roughnesses are being calculated incorrectly in SSA. I would like to use SSA for floodplain analysis, but am unwilling to do so until I have confidence in the calculations.
I am a screen printer and I print my separations from Photoshop. I routinely work with multi channel files or RGB files with additional spot color channels. I have created actions to place my registration marks, re-size images, etc to get ready to print but I manually have to create the text labels for each screen if they are missing from the original artwork.
The files I work with have channels named as "Base White, Red, Green, 284 Blue" etc indicating the ink color. What i would like to be able to do is click an action that would copy the text from the channel name and insert it into a separate or each/all channels near the top of the file so that when I print each positive it has a corresponding label for ink color.
I am not sure if this is even possible, and I am limited on my knowledge when it comes to actions and have pretty much got lucky in the past getting them to do what I want without unnecessary steps.
On my registration target action it creates a new channel with each individual reg mark then combines them into one separate channel in which I just copy the contents and select all the ink channels and fill with black to make them appear, i'm happy with the steps it takes as it isn't too much trouble and if this could do the same with labels I would be happy with that.
Just made sure updates for the video card and all the hardware were current and still getting this problem where when I go to adjust a channel of video a random frame from the below channel will insert itself into the clip that I just moved as if it was married into the source footage.
Adobe Premiere Pro Running an nVidia 660 with 331 drivers installed Win7 64 bit ultimate
I finished editing my panorama in adobe photoshop elements 11 and want to add a filter to it, however, the filters are all greyed out. Not only that, but the 8bit/channel option is also greyed out. The picture is RGB/8.
How can I get the channel subassembly to attach to the assembly insertion point at the channel flowline marker? I need the flowline to follow my profile elevations.
Trying to start with Camera Raw but cannot find the plug in. If I open any of my images with open command all are JPEG. My Camera is Canon powerShot s110.
Not all the photos in my windows folders are appaearing in Elements 11 media view. In one case only 1 photo appears in media view but 42 appear when I press "reveal in explorer"
If I choose File|Get photos and videos I get the message "Nothing was imported" with "file already exists in catalog".If I choose "Find all missing files" I get the message "No media to be displayed"
I tried "Repair catalog" but this did not solve the problem.After searching the internet I tried renaming C:ProgramDataAdobeElements Organizer Catalogs My Catalog humb.5.cache and a new one was created (over twice the size of the original) but stll not solving the problem
I saw on youtube that clicking on Windows at the top of that software, I should find the "actions" button, opening the action panel.Still The "action" button isn't there.
Elements 10 and am trying to trace the outline of an existing image. The tutorial I'm watching refers to the Path Panel, but it does not appear as an option under Window. Nor do I have an "Other" option under Window. Did I miss installing something?
Organiser tags will only find one tagged category at a time. E.g Typing "gill" in the find bar will return all photos with Gill in. Likewise Laura returns all photos with Laura in, but type both Gill followed by Laura will only return photos of Gill. I did not have this problem on Elements 10.
I have a red circle in the left hand upper corner of my photos. I position my mouse on the circle and it says OFFLINE. I go to print them and get the following message in a box: Find offline volumes. Print one or more selected item are located on removable volumes. I notice they are on volume K. I have no K volume. I only have drive C & D.
Where in my folder tree is the catalog I use for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 likely to be located. I have just installed Elements 11 and i want to find my old catalog? I have got Windows 7 Home Premium IE9