Photoshop Elements :: How To Cut Away Transparent Areas Of Image
Feb 10, 2013
I need to cut out an image from a transparent background. Is there a way to do that with Photoshop Elements 10?
In other words, I have an image (say a face) that is on a rectangular background that is transparent. I need to cut away all the transparent area so there is NO background, just the face, and an irregular shaped image. Is that possible with Photoshop?
This is for inserting the image in another program (Sketch Up) which does not always allow transparency.
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Apr 28, 2011
If there is a tool or plug in, or effective technique for copying the translucent areas of an image?
This is an original image [URL]......
This is the image I cut out, then added blurs by using color selection and then brushes, and the blur and motion blur tool, but its not an exact copy of the translucent areas.
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May 9, 2012
I have a logo file, saved as PNG, that is black on transparent. Very simple file, just stylized black lettering on a transparent background. In Illustrator CS5, I can place that file, do a "Live Trace" in "Lettering" mode, and Illustrator will correctly ignore the transparent areas when I expand the trace. After expanding, I'm left with scalable paths and an easy way to change the fill color to have the logo work with my background.
Fast forward to Illustrator CS6. I try to do the same thing but a) there is no "lettering" preset for Image Trace and b) there is no setting I have yet found to cause Illustrator to ignore the transparent areas when I expand. If I then fill, everything inside the bounds of the placed image (the square containing the logo) is filled with that color. The only way I've found to get similar results is to go through the layers panel after the Expand and deselect each piece of the image that should not be filled. I have a hard time believing this is the desired approach.
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Sep 8, 2012
I have an image with the main subject (a car) and the background which I wish to have set to a Antique Contrast type effect. I think this is what it was called as I placed this text 'AntiqueContrast' in the file name to remind me, but now I can not find anything what I may have done to get this effect.
I either selected the area I wanted to alter or the the area I wanted left alone.
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May 21, 2008
Is there a way to restore lost opacity to a layer? Let's say I have a semi-transparent area, and want to bring the opacity there back to 100%.
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May 28, 2011
I started trying to mess around on trying to make a new background. I have the start of my design but it is all on top of white and that ruins it. Is there a way that I can either make the white transparent or change it all to a different color? It is the only white in the whole picture, but it is divided up into a bunch of places.
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Feb 12, 2014
How do I make the white areas inside this logo transparent? I can't seem to find a way to do it and I would like to so it can be put onto different coloured backgrounds. The semi-cirlces are all seperate shapes, the white circle outline is a white cirlce with a smaller blue circle placed on top and the text is normal text on the blue circle.
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Aug 12, 2013
In LR 3.6 I worked with panoramas imported as 16bit TIFs from PTGui which, at their margin, are transparent. These transparent areas were initially marked white in LR 3.6. and, most importantly, it was readily possible to modify these areas with the brush or repair tools in LR. After updating to LR5 and importing my LR 3.6 libraries I realised that all of the retouche and modified transparent areas are white again and all the retouch I did is gone, where by e.g. the circles indicating where I used the repair tool are still in place.
How can I retrieve and retain the modifications I made in LR 3.6?
How can I turn transparent areas in TIFs within LR into areas I can modify?
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May 11, 2012
I am in the process of adding lighting effects to one of my images. I'm trying to get a lightning effect, and decided to use Supernova off of the image's frame. This worked for full-frame layers, but on smaller layers, not so well.
What's happening is that I'm trying to get single objects in layers to have a lighting effect, but it's lighting up the transparent space around them, making a distinctly brighter area... well, it's better if I show you:
Adding the Effect:
The Unsatisfactory Result:
How to merge two or more specific layers together, that'd be fantastic.
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Jan 23, 2013
how to make only certain areas of a stock images transparent.
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Mar 13, 2014
I'm trying to make an image bg transparent and ensure the bg layer is named by double clicking on it(I give it the default name of level 0) then use the magic wand to get rid of the bg and save it as a PNG (I tried with a if too) but it still isn't working.The 3 images I tried are on this page: URL....
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Oct 26, 2011
I've got a drawing in Acad 2010 which consist of about 6000 lines. The image is a ship, and I need the drawing to insert in a HMI screen.
Now my problem: The accomedation of the ship is white, as is the background of the sheet. I need the drawing with a black background, but want to keep the white color of the accomedation of the ship. When I change the backgroundcolor of the sheet to black, the white areas inside the drawing will also change into black. If I trie to hatch the white areas inside the drawing the program gives a messages that there are to many open bounderies.
I tried to make a blok of the drawing and move it on a black square, but then again the white areas will turn black.
So for short: How can I make the white areas non-transparent without using the hatch-command?????
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Jul 11, 2013
This should be easy -
The end result I want is this:
a png which is mostly black (or any colour) but with a defined shape in it which is transparent.
I have the shape. I select it. I seem to be able to make a mask from this (a selection which I can copy and move about). But what I can't figure out how is how to create a new image which is filled except for this masked area which is transparent
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May 12, 2013
i am trying to make a gif image with transparent background but the image is jaggered
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a photo onto which I have superimposed another image, in a separate layer. That separate image was precisely drawn using the magic wand. Is there any way I can add some transparent area below that image?
My application is I am creating a GIF movie in which that image will be moved around on the main image like a sprite / puppet.I need the section of the image that I place the mouse on to control movement to be invisible to the part of the photo that is being turned into a GIF/video. Effectively, I am looking to build a "puppet" that I can control outside of the formal stage area, and the extension to the image is my means of controlling how the sprite is moved around.
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Jun 1, 2013
I recently started using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, and it looks really great, but I cannot figure out how to make certain parts of an image transparent. I pasted an image in, and there is white around the sides, and I wanted to get rid of them, by making them transparent. How I would be able to do that
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Jun 6, 2009
I'll make the important parts bold.
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Feb 21, 2007
trying to move my image around freely but the image keeps locking in certain areas, like its snapping or something,
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Apr 19, 2012
I downloaded an image of a web template to look at the colours more closely before possibly purchasing it and when I opened the image in CS4 it had a bunch of triangular blocked out areas - kind of like a mask of some sort I think. I then tried creating a new document and opening an existing, unrelated PSD file and now they have the same triangular blocked out areas.
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May 19, 2008
I have a question about selecting sections of an image to copy or edit, and the best/easiest way to do it. I've been using the Pen to draw a line around the edge of the section(s) I want to edit, than tidy up the lines, convert it to a selection, and go from there. But this can often take a very long time.
if there was a better, faster and/or easier way to do this, or if using the Pen tool is probably the best way?
I'll use
this image
as an example (for lack of a better example image). Perhaps I want to take the dark blue area of the skirt, chest and feet and edit them to a different color (maybe I want to turn them red, for instance). Obviously the image has shading so not all of the colors are exactly the same, so the Magic Wand wouldn't help much.
To edit these sections, would using the Pen tool to drag a line around the edges and convert it to a selection be the best way, or is there another better way to do this?
It may be a stupid question, but I just thought I'd ask just in case there was a simpler way for me to go about editing my images.
And if it makes any difference, I have Photoshop CS2.
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Nov 25, 2013
I want to be able to change to black and white and then add color to some areas. Is this possible? also, if not can I upgrade to another version online?
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Mar 14, 2013
I am having a huge issue with Photoshop CS5.5. The gradients and colors are acting crazy. When I bring in a image with a gradient it gets black spots all in the dark areas. Even when I use the default gradient selection this is what happens. When I bring in a picture that should have a white background it turns to black. Now apparently, when I save it out as a JPEG saves correctly without the black line or messed up gradients. So it seems to only be an issue when I am working in Photoshop, the gradients appear messed up. What is wrong with my display?
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May 25, 2012
I have a lot of black and white photos and most of them have just got very faded in just a few spots,how can i re color just these faded spots? I have tried to recolor the whole area but but the faded spots are still there !
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Sep 22, 2011
What is the difference between rooms and areas? Why create an area schedule off 'areas' as opposed to using 'room' areas? Can you create a schedule off room areas?
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Jan 29, 2013
In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.
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Aug 15, 2011
I have a drawing (autocad 2011) ,which i have to measure the areas of the many rooms and i arrange these areas in a table! is there any fast way to do so? avoiding the boaring typical area measurements room by room?
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Aug 27, 2013
For no apparent reason I am opening images where there would be a blue background, and getting blocks or streaks of black pixels. Using CS 5. How do I prevent or correct?
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Dec 5, 2013
In Elements 6, every time we try to change bright white areas to another color, it doesn't work.
No matter what color is picked, the result is always an area of dark, charcoal gray.
Evidently, the program does not recognize Bright White as a color.
Is there a way to make these changes using this program?
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Apr 21, 2013
Whenever I drag an image off the web into Photoshop it seems like some colors gets pixels, large black areas inside the image. This only occurs in 8-bit mode, when I turn the image to 32-bit it show all colors correctly. But in 32-bit mode I cannot save to web. If I finish the image in 32-bit and then downgrade it to 8-bit, the black parts return.
What I see in 8-bit mode:
What it should look like, and does in 32-bit mode:
If you need any technical specs apart from knowing that I use Photoshop CS5,
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Mar 5, 2012
There's probably a simple explanation, but if I have a file open for a long time in Photoshop the blacks will start to appear oversaturated/blocked up. If I close and reopen file it looks normal again.
I am using OS X Lion, Photoshop 5, Apple 30" Cinema display. My monitor is calibrated with a i1 Display by X-Rite and resets according to amibent light.
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Jul 24, 2013
Here are the instructions in the manual:
To cut out an image area
Edit workspace
1 On the Layers palette, click the layer that contains the image area that you want to cut out.
2 Choose Image * Object Extractor.
The Object Extractor dialog box appears, with the Brush tool activated by default.
3 Adjust the brush size by moving the Brush size slider.
4 In the preview area, draw a line along the edges of the image area that you want to cut out.
Ensure that the selection outline slightly overlaps the surrounding background and completely surrounds the area in a closed ring.
5 Choose the Fill tool , and click inside the area you want to cut out.
An overlay covers the image area that you clicked.
Note: If the selection outline is not closed, the fill covers the entire image. If this is the case, click the Eraser tool to clear the fill, and then complete the selection outline with the Brush tool.
6 Click Process to preview the result.
If you are not happy with the result, click Edit Mask to return to the previous view and touch up the cutout.
- - -
I get down to No. 6 but I'll be darned if I know where/how to "Click process to preview the result."
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