Photoshop Elements :: Error Archive Section Missing When Opening EXE File
Mar 4, 2014
I get error message saying archive section of adobe photoshop elements is missing when I try to run the exe file; Ive downloaded everything. Ill have another birthday by the time I download it all again.
I don't think I installed the 32-bit version PS CS6 Upgrade into Windows 7 64-bit after I downloaded it over a year ago. So, today, I went to execute Photoshop_13_LS16.exe file and I got the error message:
"The file archive part of Adobe Photoshop CS6 is missing. You need all parts in the same folder to extract Adobe Photoshop CS6. Please download all parts."
I cannot get this program to install. I keep getting a message that the file archive portion of the file is missing, I am not going to spend all day screwing around in a forum chasing my tail. Either have a human being contact me or cancel my order immediately and credit the purchase!
I have been running PSE 10 for a while with my Canon 60D, windows 7 and I have never had an issue with importing CR2 files to my organizer. Now all of the sudden they will no longer show up in the organizer or rather there is the icon with a question mark, and the "mssing file" error. When I use the downloader from my card reader I can see them in the preview screen, but when the downloader is done and the files are in the organizer, get nothing but the aforementioned icons.
I installed to the DNG converter as suggested, but that did nothing as well. So, I finally gave up, purchased PSE 12, installed it and guess what, still no luck. I have updated the RAW converter to the latest version and as near as I can tell I have done everything suggested. Like I said earlier, I can see the pictures clearly in the adobe downloader when I import the files from my memory card and I can open the pics fine in the Canon software, I can even open the picture in the Editor if I go through the editor; but I can't do anything with the picture in the Organizer.
I am receiving an error when I open photoshop cs5.1 [Adobe PS error]: Parameter is missing [shell:161]. I originally had Photoshop installed as a trial and just entered in the purchased license. I did not have this problem during the trail period.
I am using Elements 11 on a Windows 8 computer. When I started to use the face tagging feature, the 'people' section showed each of my added people, with a profile picture of each one. Now, however. I can add people but they do not appear in the people section at all.
I am downloading Tiff images from a partners website. After extracting the file and opening from Photoshop CS5.1 it's only displaying one of the original image layers. For example and image with two guys shaking hands in an office is only opening the clipped two guys and not showing the backgroud. The vendor says the files open fine on their end which leads me to believe its a download or photoshop issue.
I am working on a very important print project and the deadline is on tuesday. When I opened my *.psd files last night an error appeared at the end of the "Reading Photoshop format" progress: Quote:
Could not complete your request because of a programm error.
The files can't be opened anymore...
I really need those files working for I don't have the time to re-do them. Can the files be recovered? (WinXP no-SP, Photoshop CS)
I've applied the Mac Photoshop CS6 13.0.2 update this morning, but now, I cannot open one of my working .psd document anymore, Photoshop raises a "could not complete your request because of a program error" message everytime. I've tried to open it on another workstation, a Windows one, running Photoshop CS5 12.0.4, and it's okay, meaning that my .psd file is not corrupted.
I've tried to disable Photoshop extensions from the extensions manager, but problem persists.
when trying to reopen a file from the "recently used" file list? When I try to click on a file from the list it gives me a message stating "error opening file". I know this will happen if the file has been moved to another location, but the files are in the same place as when I originally opened them. None of the files in the list will open anymore. Is this a pathing issue?
I get a "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." error message whenever I try to open up a PSD file created on a Mac using Photoshop CC on my PC using CC. Other people have been able to open the file from the same location, so the files aren't corrupted.
This just started happening really recently and I'm not sure at all what the cause is, soWhen opening or saving files, Photoshop displays this error message and closes itself:
and here is a picture of the error message:[URL] pops up when saving and opening certain files, but not others. I can't figure out what causes it to happen for particular ones since they are not all in the same location, or the same file type.I am using Windows 7 64bit and this is Photoshop 7.0
I did the great mistake of uninstalling photoshop but i want to re-install it.I thought it wasn't going to be a problem but when i clicked setup, it said initializing installer. when it was done it closed and no installer came.
On Adobe supprot advisor it said cpsid_82829s5: "Missing installation file," bootstrapper error has occurred.
I really want to install it again but i cant. and now i have no photoshop..I tried everything from restarting the computer, cleaning it with that adobe creative suite cleaner and my computer meets all the requirements to run the software.
It was working fine before but I uninstalled it :/ and now i have this problem.
I just installed photoshop elements 11 on my Mac and am receiving an error when opening the organizer. It is stating that online services could not be initialized and that I need to reinstall. I tried that and it is still coming up. What do I do?
I have created a psd file with GIMP (version 2.6.11) which I have created myself, opened and saved several times.
Today I try to continue my work on this file and I got error 17718 when trying to open the file. I have never opened this file with another application than GIMP.
- How can I prevent it from happening again?- Most importantly: How can I repair the file, so that my work is not lost?
I have GIMP 2.6 installed under Windows xp. When I try to open an .eps file, I get this error:
Error starting Ghostscript. Make sure that Ghostscript is installed and - if necessary - use the environment variable GS_PROG to tell GIMP about its location.
(Failed to execute child process (No such file or directory))
I then downloaded Ghostscript and went thru its regular Windows installation routine. I get the same error in GIMP trying to open an .eps file. How to set the variable GS_PROG and can't find instructions for this variable in the on-line GIMP manual.
When AutoCAD is closed and I try to open a drawing from the Windows Explorer I get a fatal error and when AutoCAD is opened before opening the file from Windows Explorer everything works fine. We have this problem with several stations at our office.
I am having an issue opening a SolidWorks file in Inventor. The file is a native SolidWorks .sldprt file. This is the procedure I followed: File-Open in Inventor, changed file type to SolidWorks Files and selected the file on my computer to be opened. I then recieve an HTML error message stating "Error - Translation failed. This version is not supported." I am currently using Inventor 2013. I received the file from one of our sister companies and we were hoping to be able to exchange native files easily using Inventors built in translator.
Any translator or add-in that would work to open files of this type.
I'm getting this error (see attachment) when I try to open an NX file in Inventor 2011. I've downloaded the file from a data transfer site and I can preview the part in the preview window, but it does not open properly. This is the first time this has happened, as I've converted files before with no problem.
I am new to gimp and after using the program yesterday afternoon I went in to do some more work on the document and got the following error message: "Error loading PSD file: Unsupported Compression Mode: Error #43775. How to get this file opened? I was Opening As Layers.
When I attempt to use Illustrator CS6 to open an .eps file exported from Google Sketchup Pro 8 I get the following error message "the file is an unknown format and cannot be opened".
If I try to place/link the file I get this message "can't place the illustration. Could not set a position inside the file." Is there an eps version compatibility issue I should be aware of?
Yesterday AE CS4 crashed and told me to save the project. Unfortunately i overwrote my only existing file.Now i can't open it any more, i always get the error message displayed above. Anyway, im surprised by the fact that the file still has the same size as before, so there has to be the same data in the file, hasn't it?
I also tried the capslock method and the importing method, non of them worked.At the capslock method AE only imported one audio file, but not a single composition. How to restore it?
I have three .des files that I cannot open. I can see the drawing in the preview window prior to opening but the files themselves won't open. Sometimes the error message I receive states there is an error reading a bitmap, other times that there is an invalid object in the drawing.
Given the choice of abort, retry or ignore, I click on retry which make another window pop up with the same message and choices. Clicking ignore only makes Designer crash. Is there some command in Designer similar to the audit command in AutoCAD that can save these drawings for me?
I have cdx5 (fully patched) running on a windows 7 pro x64 machine (c++, directx, updates all current) that has an issue when saving a file to a mapped network drive. The file will save error free but when you try to open the file again at a later date it gives a c++ runtime error (this application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unexpected way).
If i save the file locally then move it to the network share it seems fine. It can be opened and edited with out issue.
CDx5 needs to save to the mapped drive as the server runs onsite and offsite backups. There is a large volume of files that are changed/created daily. Saving locally and then copied to the server manually is also not an option as the user cannot be relied upon to ensure the files are copied to the server.
I am using Inventor 2012, service pack 1 is installed as is hotfix DL17804781.
When opening certain Catia files, I get a Runtime Error. After I click ok, Inventor closes without the ability to send a crash report. I never had this issue using Inventor 2011, so I am not sure if it is new to 2012 or if I have something else going on.