Photoshop Elements :: Enlarge Photo In Edit Workspace?
Feb 13, 2014
How do I click and drag the corner of an image to enlarge it beyond the edit workspace? Using the Navigator, I can enlarge the image, but am only able to view part of the image in the workspace, not the entire thing. When editing, I need to see the entire photo and its edges. I could do this in the earlier versions, but not 10. What am I doing wrong? I am a former user of photoshop 7, elements 8.
how do I get raw NEF files (from Nikon) to open in the edit workspace of elements 8? I have windows 7 , and when I try to open NEF raw files from the viewer, it says cannot recognize the file type.
since my eyes aren't what they used to be, I would like to enlarge the size of all the tools and selections on the Photoshop workspace......I'm using CS6.
I accidently changed the color of the background outside of my docked image from grey to black and can not figure out how to reset it to the default grey. The workspace dock color is grey until I dock an image and then the color surrounding my image changes to black. This is occuring in the Full Edit Mode.
about the power retouch black definition. i installed the trial. it great for some image , i tried almost every thing but i can not obtain the same results.
i tried levels , curve and the black eyedropper in curve or levels and selective color but nothing. is there a skill to obtain the same result?
I have set up Lightroom 4.2 to edit my photo in Elements 10 as the external editor. When I try to do that, Elements opens but my photo is not copied into Elements and I have a blank screen.
When I try to "edit in" in Lightroom 4, Photoshop Elements is always grayed out, though I have it on my computer. How can I get Lightroom to edit a photo in Photoshop Elements?
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
I own photo elements 6 (photo premiere 4). Photo elem. 6 takes forever to open photo in the edit mode. Why? I am using window 8. It was working ok. Now a problem. I uninstalled it reinstalled.
I need to clean up a picture of a worn out control panel. This will be printed on decal transfer paper for hobby modelers. The photo is entirely black and white. I just downloaded photoshop elements 12 (free trial). My question is what area of the editor is the best place to start with?
i have just treid the trial version of photo 11 when i decided to unistall the trail version my old version 8 will not let me edit any photos with the error code 150:30
Just purchased Elements 11 - excellent product at the price and am having a great deal of fun using it.
One frustrating flaw within the Photo E-mail service....
I've been using the Adobe e-mail service and it sends e-mail just fine having set up the account as required.
Each new e-mail appears with the text "Here are the files I want to share with you."
Now I'd like to replace that with some different text. I can delete it and replace it on the first editing page, and it stays there after I click 'Next' to the following 'Customise Layout' section.
Clicking on 'Next' after this page, we have the final e-mail page, and the text has reverted back to 'Here are the files I want to share with you' again......
I can delete it again, but cannot type in any further text anywhere on that screen.
Shame, because the programme generally is superb. Have transformed a number of pics already, and it would be nice to use the e-mail prog that's built in as I'd like to use it, adding text as required. Otherwise, why have all the font and layout choices available if not??
I have been learning elements 9 and when i save an edit lots of times the organizer shows it as a torn or broken photo. When i bring it back into full edit, the picture is there but sometime i get the wrong one as i can not see the photo.
The save or save as did not automaicly put in the suffix. Added that and it showed up. Maybe some one more advanced than i can collaborate that finding.
I cannot access the edit workspace. I get an error message saying it's an invalid address. This just happened today and I don't know why. It is an old program.
II cam unable to type a message in the email body when using Adobe Email Service.
I have my email sharing preferences in PSE 11 set to use Adobe Email Service. I successfully verified my email and I am able to send photos using this service; however, I am not able to edit the message that accompanies the photos. I can type in the address line and subject line of the email dialog box. But, I am not able to type in the body of the message. I would like to be able to write a personalized message. I believe that I was able to type a message in previous versions of PSE.
Type a custom message when using Adobe Email Service? If yes, how can I enable that feature?
I'm trying to use content-Aware fill to enlarge a photo into different aspect frame. The subject is in pool, surrounded by a large area of water. I've put the image in to the larger aspect ratio canvas, with a green solid background behind it, then merged those two layers together as one. I selected all the green and delted using content-aware fill. It did a pretty good job but it's also recreating some of the subject.
Is there a way that I can specify the area that it chooses from, ie the water?
Took photo over skype. Other computer involved was a mobile phone. Photo very tiny. When try to enlarge, it blurs and pixilates. Any suggestions as to how to enlarge and have a decent photo. I am using Gimp 2.6.Attached File