I am unable to create a Personal URL when registering Adobe Photoshop Elements 10. I receive an error message that simple states "an error occurred and your changes were not saved." I then get redirected to the same page to create a personal URL. It is an endless cycle.
I'm at the stage where I input my date of birth and choosing a personal URL for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. I DO NOT use symbols. I have tried simple words and names and sometimes include numbers. I've checked both boxes referring to updates and agreeing to the Terms of Use. I click on Update Account and I get this message:
"And error has occurred, and your changes were not saved."
I have registered the program on the website. My account is identified and recognized. Why can't I get passed Update Account? Why must I have a personal URL if it's the only thing stopping my progress?
How can I have PS Elements 10 accepting the -.raf image files from my Fujifilm X10 camera? I guess there is an update for it somewhere but I cannot find it.
I have forgotten how to get PE to use the correct version of names in People Recognition.I hit a few wrong (lower-case) keys iand those first spelling versions continue to auto-fill even when versions that start with capital letters are entered.
why it is that I click on "create" to make a card or poster I get the sign in pop up that I fill out and it displays "Signing in..." and that is as far as it goes? This software is useless to me without the ability to create fun image files. In every attempt to sign in, this is what I get and it is not just slow. It just doesn't sign in.
I'm trying to create a neon sign for my RP site. I have the line art I want to use, I inverted it so its white on black, and after I use the Gaussian Blur I go to color curve. There is no Alpha selection and when I simply try to open the Alpha to Logo no options are available.
For two days when I try to sign in within Elements 10, it freezes up showing the Signing In dialog. The only way out is using the Task Manager. I'm running Vista. I can sign in using my browser so my ID and pswd are OK.
I keep getting error 400 when I try to sign into my Welcome Screen with PSE 9.0....Also....why is it that no one is answering my posts? Is the money I have spent with Adobe gone to waste? I can not get any support form anywhere....When I call the 800 number they want money also.
How to Suppress sign in window after installation of the Photoshop elements 12.Even after login for the first time again its popping the same window when we relaunch the shortcut
I am using the trial version of Photoshop Elements 12 that I just downloaded and installed. I'm trying to sign into Elements Mobile Albums- I put in my adobe ID and password and click "sign in" but nothing happens- the login spinner runs but no error message comes up and it doesn't log in.
I've setup and added pictures to my Revel account (there are a few hundred now). I can access them fine via the web, iPhone, or Mac app. I have nothing in the Organizer except some system mp3s that it found.
If I put in the wrong password, it gives me an error, so it's not entirely broken. I tried the "trouble signing in" link and reset my password, but no change.I'm running on OSX Mavericks. I've not tried any other platforms.
i'd like to know wether it was forbidden to use Photoshop without paying that much, for a personal use (or in extension until where is it considered illegal, for example for an association poster, for just the family)
I want to break an image down into a core group of colors. Is there any way in photoshop cs to define my colors so when I select one it snaps to the best choice...
I.E. if you select a color with the eye dropper then you check the RGB value of it you can click the "Web Only Colors" and it will snap to the closest choice.
I want to have a pallette of 10-11 colors and have it snap to the best choice...
Or even better... take a whole image and convert it to the 10-11 colors I want. Is this possible with some sort of filter?
I wish to use my personal actions from and plug-ins from my Windows 7 computer to my new Windows 8 computer.I have placed the plug-ins in the proper folder. Needs drivers or something else. I don't know where to find the Personal actions to copy them over.
I have been running a valid copy which I registered when I installed. Recently get a message to uninstall, re-install then contact support. When contacting support, they say the SN is invalid and refer me here. I registered the SN three years ago, and it is no longer there. I have CS3 Dreamweaver, and InDesign which the registration is no loger in the myProducts file either. I haven't tested, but am assuming I will have a similar problem with them as well.
My new CS5 HDRPRO & Photomerge from Tools & Atuomate would not accet files and was giving me dialog boxes that did relate to the action or would not load the files.
After level one of trouble shooting then more work with a Sr.?Tech last night we isolated that the folders and method of transferring my images from my Nikon D7000 may be causing the HRO & Photomerge function from not accepting image files in some Folders.
A. Could be the port in my MacBook Pro has failed & is corruting the files.
B. Could be that when I take the origional image files out of the folder created by the Nikon Photoshop does not like that.
C. Photoshop does not like image files after they have been moved from one folder to another.
My original Photoshop full version was v. 5. Since then, I've bought upgrade discs through CS3. Windows 7 won't accept my original version because it's too old, I guess, so I can't load any of the upgrades, either. How can I get around this so I can use Photoshop on my Windows 7 machine. I can't keep my XP laptop forever.