Photoshop Elements :: Access To Bonus Backgrounds / Graphics In PSE 7?
Nov 13, 2013
How can I gain access to bonus backgrounds, graphics, etc in Adobe PSE 7 if services have been shut down? I have been using the bonus backgrounds and such from for several years to design Christmas cards for my photography clients. Now, my membership doesn't exist, so I can't use those backgrounds and graphics. Is there a way to go around this or to gain access to those bonus items?
I am wanting to add more backgrounds and graphics from previous photoshop. How do it do this? I have located the photo creations file and pasted in folder but still not showing in program.
I asked a publisher for a logo that I could add to some work I am doing and he sent me an eps file. The file seems to have a backgroundand I cannot alter the original color. It came black and I want it dark green. I tried to out line the object (irregular shape) but it very time consuming and I wondered if there was something obious that I am missing?
I started this exercise off using New from the File menu and then Imported a .png photo. I then feathered out the edges of the photo.
Now I have spent many, many attempts to try and Export this photo (in Corel Photo Paint) as a new .png file so that I can then use it later with other packages e.g. with the hopeful intention of it having a completely transparent background for use with say Power Point. I want the ability to take the new image with a transparent background and place it over an existing background in say PP so that the background "bleeds through" the feathered edges. What is happening is, the feathered edges that I created are no longer transparent when the image gets exported out of Corel Photo Paint as a .png file. They show up as a white glow. I was successful if I followed the steps as given by "Hunter" but I had to create the image wholly in Corel Draw using the transparency tool which does not seem to allow for feathering of the edges of an image. The only way I can see to feather the edges is by using Corel Photo Paint but then I don't get them transparent when I export the file. If I was to create an image with say a circular hole in the middle of it with NO FEATHERING edges, all would be fine.
One of my requirements is to create .PNG files with transparent backgrounds incorporating imported images with backgrounds removed usung eraser and brush tools. Can this be done using Elements? If not, which product(s) from the Adobe suite will provide this functionality?
I have 6 rectangular photos and I'd like to put each of them on 6 square white backgrounds and then save the resulting images (it's for posting on Instagram - it's crazy that they don't allow you to post rectangles, but there you go). What would the most time-efficient way of doing this be?
I have a macbook Pro, 17 in, with 8GB Ram, and the video card listed below. It SEEMS to meet the specifications, but the 3D menu is not available in CC (it is available in PS CS-6, however). Now, this laptop has the option of having "normal" graphics, or accellerated (which is what I listed below). However, the first time I started Photohop CC, it was in Normal mode, and I recived a warning that the video driver was not fast enough. I reset it to accellerated. I no longer receive the error message, but the menu option is still not available.
I'm trying to access the ruler tool in elements 9. I got to the eyedropper icon, point at it, click and hold, but the window with the options does not open. Is there another way to access this tool?
Corel X4 and all other versions before, Autocad & 3DS Max, create nifty graphic in Corel, export as image (jpeg 90% of time), Hit render in Acad & 3ds, tweek graphic in Corel - export again, hit render again, over and over and over until result is satifactory.
Corel X5, same process UNTIL I render once in Acad or 3ds, then try to export same jpeg from Corel then bam, "Cannot access file because it is being used by another process", this has to be a joke, right ? I have to shut down Acad AND OR 3ds then export out of Corel, then launch and reopen Acad & or 3ds file.
This is what I do at work all day long, I currently have reinstalled Corel X4 just so I can continue to work.The exported file is not being edited or used at the time I export form Corel, Coreldraw THINKS it is being used. The file is only being used during the time it takes to be rendered, I have been doing this for years and have never got a file locked message before.
Things I have tried to remedy this.
1. Look at the security properties of the actual exported image file, everything is set to full control for everyone & I dont see anything about file locking.
2. Scanned the "options" & "customization" section in Coreldraw, I cannot see anything that would control a setting like this.
3. Unchecked all options in jpeg export dialogue except anti-alias, I knew this had nothing to do with it but you leave nothing left to chance.
I cannot think of any program that a typical user may have on their Windows machine to test this out, I know when you open an image in an editor like MS Paint, you of course cannot overwrite the image file from another program, that is what Coreldraw X5 believes is the situation, but it is not.
export a jpeg from Corel X5, click on the jpeg and it will open in Windows Photo Viewer, keep it open in the viewer then change the graphic in Corel, export it again to the same file name, it will ask if you want to overwrite it, say yes, it WILL NOT say that the file is in use, export it, then close the Windows viewer, open the same file in the viewer, it has not changed from the original export, THAT is crazy beyond words, I have never seen a process on a computer being completed with no error message while the process was never actually done, that goes beyond the current intelligence of computers, and I believe this is the crux of the problem.
I've just purchased VS Pro X4 and installed it successfully (I think). My question is; the "Bonus Content" has been placed in the My Documents folder. If I remember correctly, (memory was affected quite seriously), I then import these into the library. What I'm not sure of is how to set things up to keep the subfolders in the library structure ie: There are three categories,Audio, Image and Video, then each of these has sub categories to organise the clips into subject. Is there any way to import and keep the structure intact.
I just got VS Pro X3 yesterday and installed it from the disk. All went fine, but there is a menu option on the disk for "Bonus Contents". When the menu option is clicked, it displays three sub-categories - Audio Clips, Image Clips, & Video Clips. When each of those sub-categories is clicked it opens a Windows Explorer window showing the contents of the folder on the install disk. I can't find anywhere that these clips got installed onto my do I install this Bonus Content, so that VS X3 can use it? If I just copy it to my hard drive, what folder to I place it into?
I have recently installed VideoStudio X4 Pro, and have been a very long time ULead VideoStudio user. I am looking for video content templates similar to the templates that came in the Ulead days... You know the video themes, templates (unable to paste a screen shoot) etc.
In VideoStudeo 11.5+ it came within a bonus content pack. Is there such a thing for X4?
I have it installed, I have the plugin "loaded" and "auto-loaded", but when I try to import a .3ds file, there is no geometry or anything. I see "Transform1" in the Outliner, and I don't really see any errors.
I tried playing around with windows, hit "show all" on everything I can find.
I can't access all of my toolbar on the lhs of the editing mode of elements 11. It stops at the crop tool and I can't see or access what is below that. I am using Windows 7 on a Notepad.
I can no longer access the organizer function of my PE 8. I received an error message and it just doesn't open. I sent back the one has assisted. The Edit function still works and pulls up. The old photos are still in the system, but I can't pull up my albums.
How can I access "photomerge" in elements 11? When I go to file==new all that comes up is blank file and image from clipboard. That is where it use to be, is it some where else in this version.
I just upgraded to X5 and now suddenly I am having difficulty printing to my dell 3110cn laser printer. I get the error, "Unable to access printer driver. Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver". If I click OK I get the error a couple of more times followed by "Internal application error." Then Corel Draw crashes. My PC is running Windows 7 64 bit.
I have tried re-installing the printer driver with the latest from dell and uninstalling and re-installing corel draw, but nothing has worked. I am about ready to go back to X4.
I cannot access my fonts menu. The drop down menu is blank box and snaps shut. I also have trouble with "save as" and file save as jpg...the drop down quickly snaps shut, I can often catch it after several tries but seriously lol.
These issues have something to do with user settings...I made a secondary account and the program works fine but changing between accounts is not the best solution. Where/what I need to look at in user settings ?
My E10 organizer has all of the thumb nails. However, All photos taken in a vertical format, have yellow question marks. All but a very small number of Photos taken in the horzontal format do not have a ? mark. I cannot reconnect to any of img files.
All of my photo image/files are on a external drive E: Nothing on (photowise) on C: . All of my attempts to reconnect have failed?
I have recently purchased anew lap top with Windows 8 (updated to 8.1). i have reloaded my Elements v11, but since the new build, I have been unable to access "Filters".
I was a user of Elements3 for a long time mainly because I liked that the catalog's "edit with" feature worked with Photoshop CS2. I recently got a new PC with Windows 7 so I could not install PSE 3. I downloaded PSE9 trial version to see if all worked well and it was worth the purchase. The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get my Photoshop (CS2) as a supplementary editing option. When I try it tells me this
But if I don't add it like it says, there is not a Photoshop option when I go to the "edit with" list.
I don't know if this is right, but from the little bit of research I did it thinks I am trying to add Elements again because the Elements program exe file starts with "Photoshop" so when it reads the Photoshop.exe file it thinks it is a duplicate. I tried creating a copy and renaming the Photoshop.exe file which almost worked. Elements allowed me to select it as a supplementary editor and afterwards Photoshop was an edit option. I tried to edit a photo with it and while the program opened, it then got an error message and ended up closing before the photo came up for editing.
use Photoshop as my editor. I really liked how I could edit in PS and keep a neat catalog of edited versions with the Elements versioning capability. If I can't do it I probably won't end up purchasing the PSE9 program.
I have a problem with Elements 11. I'm busy doing a photobook but I find when i open the book it will open the page, layouts and graphics icons (bottom right) but i cannot get the layouts to open. When I open this option it opens a blank page. All my pages are there and all the graphics options and samples graphics appears as normal.
When I open a new photobook - the layouts icon opens as normal and I can pick the various options for the number of photos per page.