Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Creating One Image From Multiple Files
Dec 31, 2013
I have 8 png files that are all exactly the same apart from one part in each that differs. I want to make one image but have the image refresh every 3-4 seconds so that all the image stays the same apart from the one area that I want to change.
if there was a quick and simple way of selecting a number of files (in my particular case 8 .jpg's) and having them all open as a single .psd with each .jpg being on a separate layer.
i have an image of a babys eyes and want to make a page of that same image in mono, sepia, taking out the green, blue etc. in other words, all different representations of the eyes on one image.
i ve no problems with the changes in the eyes image, but dont know how to fill a new blank image with multiple copies of the eyes.
1. Elements 11 Organizer often creates multiple copies of the same picture. How can I stop this?
2. Many pictures has a small questionmark in the upper left corner, stating that the file is missing, even though I can see the picture (a bit blurred, but still). What's wrong?
I have created numerous posters in the past on an older version of PS. I am currently using Elements 11. I need to make 13 different posters for a team party by Thursday evening. I want to make 11x14 posters using a photo in the background, and add 4 small ones to it. I put hours into creating these posters, and when I had them printed, the large photo was fine, but the smaller ones are very blurry. I have never had this problem when I have done these in the past......I could understand the big photo getting pixely, but the small ones are usually very sharp.
I am trying to put together a document with about 20 illustrated pages which are created by others in pdf format, They are all A6 size.I wanted to know if Coreldraw x5 can do this (as I have a copy of this) and how - I may need to make some changes to these pdfs, but would be minor editing only (hopefully).
I know this is possible in Indesign - but wanted to do it in Coreldraw as this is the package i have.
point# | X | Y | Desc_1 | Desc_2 | Desc_3 |....... ect
I would like to make an excel table that i can create multiple points from and make that table dynamic, ie if i edit the table the points will change.I would be labeling the points according to the different desc_# in multiple drawings
Is there any way to do this? I have messed with creating a user defined property classification and creating a new point file format, but i want that point file I imported to be dynamic, and if I change values the values will change in all my drawings.
working with acad 2012 and not having good luck with links and functionality with excel. tried the links manager,pasting excel/entities. trying to insert separate files in model space in essence creating multiple cut lists for the drawing. Is there a tutorial that goes in depth with this? just froze one file at work, lucked out and opened at home. Each cut list is an individual worksheet, which may be the problem.
I have finished scanning a number of old family photos and have used Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 (PSE9) to “tag” and add “captions” to each photo. The photos vary in size and are saved in tif format. All of the work I have done so far was using the Organizer in PSE9.
When using the slideshow function of PSE9, I can view the photos and see the caption written over the bottom of the photos. Using other software to view the photos does not show the captions.
I have gone to the Edit screen of PSE9 and under File there is Process Multiple Files. Clicking that I have selected the options in the Labels section to add a caption, checked description, default font, 75 Opacity, default color. Having processed the multiple files, I thought when opening the processed photos I would see the caption I entered in the Organizer along the bottom of the photos. However, the caption does not appear when I view the photos. Am I misunderstanding something here? Would the captions only appear if I print the photo?
It is a pity the dialog of the 'reconnect missing files' can list the missing files in a small window, but there is no option to export the list with full paths as a text file.
Knowing that the list is saved somewhere (probably in the catalog folder) I have searched if I could find how the information about missing files is stored in the Organizer. Natural candidates like the catalog.psexxdb and thumbs.5.cache sqlite databases did not show anything showing they stored the information.
So, I had a look at the thumbs.5.cache, which is interesting. It shows that two sizes of thumbnails are stored there, and that the criteria for matching are date taken and file size.
Now, I compared an optimized version of that file with a reconstructed one (I deleted the cache file). Interestingly, you can see which media_id still have the matching criteria. I conclude that the other media_id are the missing files...
If Photodrawken is looking at this post : Could you check this supposition and see if a sqlite query could extract the list of the missing media?
It will be interesting to see if the next PSE version has a better handling of missing files... Seems that LR handles that problem much better.
Edit: The 'status' field in the thumbnail_info_table of the thumbs.5.cache database seems to be set at '2' for missing files.
Its a jpg, I need to add it to about 400 photo's quick.I know how to add a watermark using process multiple files, but he wants his logo on the photo's.
In elements 10 i used to be able to convert multiple .nef files to various jpeg resolutions at one time by using "process multiple files" under the file heading. When i try to do this inelements 11, that option is unavailable (unhighlighted). How do i do this?
After getting straightened out about getting my catalogs in order, which I've done, I've run into another problem. I have three catalogs one for People, one for Things and one I call Workplace where I try out things that are new to me so I don't mess up my main catalogs.
I've straightened out the files in my Things catalog. I have one catagory that contains images of autograph book pages from the late 1800s. Those scans were done in JPEG some time ago. I've tried using multiple processing to change these 55 images to psd in the original file to be consistent with the rest of the catalog. Each time the process fails.
In order to see what the problem might be I have copied the catagory file into both of my other catalogs and have been able to process the catagory file back into itself as psd. I have also created another small file in the Things catalog and tried to convert it and had the same result. The warning info box that appears when copying back into the same file states that the original files will be overwritten. The psd files do not overwrite the jpg files. They are added to the original file. That may be the way it is intended to be. That's not a real problem.
The real question is why can't I process multiple files in the original catalog. I have looked at the error file and, although I don't know much about most of it, I found the following in the first part of the file.
I run XP SP3 and PSE 8. I am a single user with administrator rights. I find no mention of a permission filter in the PSE 8 program.
I am trying to figure out how to batch process multiple files with Elements 11. I have installed Imagenomic Plug Ins with Elements 11. I have also installed the supplied ATN action files created by Imagenomic for Photoshop. These actions work fine with Elements 11. I need to figure out how to utilize, or select, the Noiseware Plug In option within Elements Batch Process configuration window. It appears I can only apply the default mods provided by Elements and can't see any of the Imagenomic Plug Ins as Batch Process options.
Yesterday this was working; today it's not. When I try to process multiple files I get this error message: "Could not complete the Process Mulitple Files command because the disk is not available."
I'm on a Mac - 10.6.8. The disk is not full. I am trying to convert Open TIF files to JPGS. And like I said, this was working for me yesterday.
Here's what I've tried as far as troubleshooting:
1. Going to your username>library>preferences and deleting:
com.adobe.PhotoshopElements.plist Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 paths Adobe Photoshop Elements 10settings
repair permissions and try again.
2. restarting the editor while holding down command+shift+option, keeping the keys down till you see a window asking if you want to delete the settings file. I did.
I want to rename multiple files, but each time I try, it creates two copies of each file, and as they are numbered sequentially, I cannot just delete the extra ones at once. I don't understand why it does this, and how I can avoid it!
When I try to use the Process Multiple Files feature, it is giving me a message saying that the process was stopped or cancelled. Press continue or stop. When I click continue, it say that the folder is empty. It is not empty. This is what I use all the time to put my watermark on my photos.
I downloaded a trial version of Elements 12. I used Elements 6 a few years ago on a PC, now I have a MAC and there's a lot of difference between version 6 and 12. I downloaded all of my I-photo files into the Organizer but would like to delete them now that I realize they are all jumbled up and basically useless. There are 5,000 photos & several hundred folders. I can't figure out how to select multiple folders to delete them from the organizer.
How do I process multiple files and turn them from raw to jpeg. Ive tried and it seems to go through the files but doesnt seem to process them or store them in the selected folder
I can open one JPEG at a time, or multiple Raw images in ACR.
Have checked other sources including Barbara Brundage "The Missing Manual" but whilst it does not specifically say you cannot, likewise there is no indication that you can.
I have used Photoshop Elements 3, 5, 7 and 8. In each one I could see the thumbnails of multiple files in the "Folder Location" display in Organiser. Now in PE10 I can only see the thumbnails for one file at a time. Why and how I can display the thumbnails of all files in "folder locations?