Photoshop :: Croping Images To Exact Pixels
Sep 25, 2008When the guideline is not on top of an exact pixel the cropping tool jumps to the next pixel....
View 2 RepliesWhen the guideline is not on top of an exact pixel the cropping tool jumps to the next pixel....
View 2 RepliesHow can I find all pixels in an image with an exact, specific color? So far, I've only managed to find the pixels matching a pixel I click on; but I wish to find pixels matching a specific color value!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a photo that I would like to crop and bring the subject in the center of the photo closer (zoom in if you will), but do not know how to do that in Photoshop.
I am using Photoshop CS.
Can Photoshop take hundreds if not thousands of images and crop them all in the same specifications? Can I take a thousand images, batch load them into Photoshop and have the program crop each image in the same size? Let's say in each image I have something at the bottom left part of that image and I have to remove that from each image. Is it possible to do this with Photoshop?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a batch of 500 jpg images all in different sizes 732 KB, 634 KB, 664 KB etc.
I need to compress / save for web down to 130 KB the entire batch. I've managed to create an action which compresses them lower than 130 KB at different sizes depending on how light or dark the images are, but still not to an exact number. Is there a way to create such an action or script? I'm working off of Photoshop CS5, iMac 10.5.8.
I have hundreds of scans all from one book and I am trying to straighten and crop them all out to the same pixel amounts. For example, I have a bunch of scans that are 1000x1000 pixels with overscan on all sides, they are also all at an angle. In the end I want a folder with all the pages at 800x800 nice and straight.
So, when I open the first one, I crop and straighten it to 800x800 and then I make a custom specification at 800x800. The problem is, when I go to the next one and hit crop and pic my specification, I find out that that specification is actually for an aspect ration, not a particular dimension. I want it to automatically put the crop window to 800x800, not just restrict the crop to that aspect ratio. If this could be done it would significantly quicken my work flow.
I have me riding a giant bird with a transparent background, with the pixel dimensions of 3000x3373 and I have a sky picture with the EXACT same dimensions (3000x3373) that I want to use as a background by rearranging the layers, but when I paste the sky background it pasts onto the bird picture at only <10% of the size of the bird picture EVEN THOUGH both images are the EXACT same dimensions.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working together with a photographic studio in order to study better ways to cut subjects in their photos. So, instead of using the ways we use to cut. We have taken 2 photos for the product. The first is only the background, and the second is the beackground with the product. Look at the attachments in this message. It's a simple example (not taken in the studio, with control of lights and so on, but should work for testing purposes).
Looking at the 2 images, you can see the bottle and his reflex or shadow is the unique content that changes between the 2 scenarios. If you try, for example, place each file as a layer, group them into a smart object then use stack modes, you can take off the bottle from the scenario. We are trying to find a way to get the inverse (leave only the bottle). So, if finding any combination of technique that works, we could speed time in the cutting process by already taking images this way.
(perhaps a combination of blending, use of channels....), anything that could compare the 2 images and calculate the different pixels (this case, the bottle)? or perhaps reach an alpha channel that makes easy to perfectlly cut the image.The difference blending mode, for example, makes a calculation of pixels, but I did not get so much sucess working based on this blend
where is the button to show pixels when resizing images? Microsoft paint has it on default but Photoshop cs4 doesn't.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I set the software of Elements 10 to resize images in pixels instead of inches?
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhat's the best way to remove color pixles from converted bw images with a grain filter?
View 1 Replies View Related I have been using Duotone with my photos, but since the other day, everytime that I process a photo this way, when I convert then back to RGB mode, the dark (black) areas of the photo become a kind of bitmap of red pixels. I have tried with many different photos from RAW or JPEG files and I get the same result with all of them.
This is an example of the issue. The original is on the left. What may cause this? The photo looks good in duo tone. It is when converting to RGB when the corruption happens.
When saving a pdf from Illustrator, close cropped PSD images have a dark edge of pixels in the final PDF. It looks like a black outline when viewed in Acrobat. I have since found if I flatten the transparency before saving as a PDF , it displays fine. Why is the PDF having problems with Illustrator’s use of transparency?
View 12 Replies View Relatedi want to ask on how to resize the images into 1200 pixels wide, how to do it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been using Gimp for a lot of "tile based" images, which feature layers composed of several "tiles" pasted into those layers. However, I just recently started creating transparent tiles, and pasting them.
One of the strangest things I have run into here is that I don't seem to be able to move my selection ( Floating Layer? ) if the opacity on the source pixels is 0.25 or less. Specifically, I do not get the usual "drag box" when I hover over the transparent pixels. Instead, I get the "anchor box" ( which seems to crop the pasted area before anchoring ). I tried this on a composite image with some more transparent pixels ( 0.25 ) and some more opaque pixels ( 0.26 ), and the "drag box" appears only over the more opaque pixels.
Why this might be happening? It could be that this is just context-sensitive cursor behavior which varies on transparency, and if so, is there another way to move the pasted selection?
Whenever I have a selection in an image, I can move it around all I want and wherever I want until I anchor it, but when I open that same image again after saving it and then select a part of the image, I can't get my selection to move. Rather the entire image moves and leaves transparent pixels. How do I move selections and not whole images without leaving transparent pixels?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.
I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.
How do I do this in Photoshop if it can be done?
What I need is to be able to resize normal sized images taken from a standard camera down to 504x104 pixels. All I've managed so far is to distort the images is there a way I can avoid this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have tested this in both LR4 and 4.1RC2. 3.x versions and below I never seemed to have a problem. Using Windows 7 x64 SP1.If I have an export preset that adds a text watermark, it works fine in any image that is either already smaller than, or gets resized to 3118 pixels in height. If I tell it to resize to 3119 pixels, then the watermark is never added.
I usually crop all my images to 8x10 ratio. And then dont resize them at all, so they stay at their maximum resolution.The watermark is simply a TTF Font, set to show up proportionally in the lower right corner.
Here is the 3118 pixels tall image.And here is when it is resized to 3119 pixels tall:
I am currently selecting 10 objects from a picture and then I delete the background. This leaves just the 10 objects of interest in the image.
I have hundreds of these images and would like to compare the number of pixels or diameter of the objects across the images for each of the 10 objects. Is there a way I can automate Photoshop to go through a directory of images and measure the pixels of each of the 10 objects, and then export those measurements to a file?
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've just started using Xara to edit my photos. I have a problem I can�t solve: how can I export the edited photos with 72 dpi and 843*403 pixels;or 72 dpi and 404*404 pixels?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLet's say I have a simple image with some text and a blue background, RGB (32, 45, 213)
I want to recolor the image such that the blue background changes to a green background. I want the green background to be an exact color, RGB (34, 176, 62)
How do I get about doing that?
when i make a new image how many pixels/inch must i use for the measurments to be exact?
The reason I ask is because i have to crop a picture to an exact size for use as a pasport picture.
the picture is 1.7 in. X 2.13 in. but when i place it in a new 4X6 it takes up nearly the whole document
getting the image in this[URL] I just need the air freshener symbol in the middle, the blue tree. I have been able to kind of get it seperated from the background but it always ends up being a little blurry or fuzzy on the sides. I really need it to be crisp and smooth like it is in blue.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to get my photo to print with an border that is exact around the entire photo. The one's I am printing are not. The border on top and bottom of the photo are thicker than the border on the right and left. And the photo is not centered. I need it to be exact all the way around.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5.5 on an iMac OS X Lion computer. My printer is an Epson 1400. Do you think I should import it to InDesign instead?
I'm having a bit off difficulty getting my printer to print at exactly the correct size. When I print 21.9 width, it comes out about 5mm wider?
On the Image Size screen here is what is showing......
Pixel Dimensions
how did they get such a smooth and exact outline of the band memebers and instruments. I presume its in either Photoshop and Illustrator...
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have two png images with embedded alpha channel.
It is wall (pic1), and it is wall's shadow(pic2).
They positioned exactly as they should, but on different pics.
If I select all area with wall picture (pic1), and copy past it to shadow picture(pic2) - wall appears at different, then original, location.
So, basically, how can I copy/past wall into shadow picture, with the same position, as wall has on it own picture?
I began in PS CS5 by setting up a canvas 4 x 7" and begun designing. It didn't seem right to me so I decided to print a draft of my partially finished project and discovered it is in fact HUGE. I need to output an advert for a trade magazine which needs to be exactly 4 x 7". How do I ensure the output size will be exactly as planned?
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