Photoshop :: Clarity Slider Disappeared In Camera...
Jun 4, 2008
I'm working my way through Scott Kelby's 7-Point book and in lesson 7, I'm directed to adjust the clarity slider in Camera Raw but it's just not there! I see vibrance and saturation but no clarity. Can anyone help me find this baby?
Why does the clarity slider seem different to me in LR4 (4.1 RC actually)? IN LR3 I loved that thing. I would ramp it up quite a bit with many photos. It would give it a nice crisp look. Now it seems as if it just makes my shots look like they have too much contrast. Also, when using the clarity brush, many times it seems as if where I paint it on it actually lightens it up. I havce had to look as see if I had the exposure tool on instead.
Also, I swear a "medium contrast" tone curve setting is different now as well. This was the default setting in LR3. Now default is linear. But if I apply a medium curve from the drop down, it looks over cooked? What the heck? Are these things just me? BTW I am working RAW files.
I'm working on a time lapse sequence and when I apply the new clarity slider in LR4 to the batch of images the effect seems to apply itself very specifically to each frame introducing random variations in tone and exposure that cause unwanted "flicker" in the sequence. I'm adjusting one image and then syncing it's adjustments to the batch. Is there another way to do this that will apply a fixed value without reinterpreting each and every photo?
Somehow I managed to "disappear" the thumbnail slider for resizing that's usually shown in the bar just above the Filmstrip. Missing in Library, Develop and Slideshow modules. I don't see a pull-down where I can reselect it. Had difficulty searching for info in PDF. Using Lightroom 4.1, Windows 7.
I updated my Mac OS to Mavericks. Now in Lightroom 5 I've noticed that in the Basic module the "temp" and "tint" slider buttons no longer appear in color, but rather in the same grayscale as the rest of the slider buttons. They still function normally but having the color appear on the slider worked for me in my workflow. how (or even if) it's possible to get the color back?
The controls that used to appear on the workspace after the pattern fill tool is selected are no longer accessible. I don't know the name of this control, but it has handles allowing a pattern fill to be re-sized and rotated within an object.
I have the most recent version of elements, version 11. The camera raw plug-in is up to date, some 7.4 something. On the online help list and tutorials I have seen, there is a recovery slider. Yet, when I tried to practice with raw files in camera raw, the recovery slider was not there. I tried looking around the window, clicking menus, but can't find it.
Camera Raw disappeared Mac OS 10.6.8 CS5 Extended v12.0. So has my Microtek Scanner (crashes). I've been told that upgrading to OS 10.6.8 caused corruption to the drivers. But both worked for long time with 10.6.8.
I had Camera Raw but haven't used it for long time. Now it is just not there. I reinstalled it and today, installed the patch. But still no Camera Raw.
I am using bridge CS5 (version and working in camera raw. In the lens corrections tab in the manual control I have lost my chromatic Aberration controll, this is to say, it has disappeared. I now see under the manual tab I now see the transform controlls, below that I see lens vignetting. The chromatic aberration conrolls have disappeared, where have they gone and can I get them back and how do I do that?
I opened up some photos to edit this evening, and have discovered that the camera profile options are gone. All that is available are the two ACR ones. I shot with the same camera and lens as I have before (Nikon D40 and 50mm), and I double checked, and I shot everything in RAW. I don't know what's going on. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, and have LR 3.6. I would really like to use Camera Standard and Camera Vivid.
I have been doing a lot of work on posters (24x36) and banners (usually 96x24). Both the banners and posters are viewed closely (within 5 feet) and need a good resolution for viewing and clarity. However, I have been working at full size with these images (24x36 @ 300ppi) and it can become painfully slow to do this. Do you have any suggestions for reducing the file size (or resolution size) to make the work process quicker without losing quality?
I am new to PS and I need a bit of help...I have a pciture document all set up and the text on top of it. It looks good on the screen but when I zoom in the letters are fuzzy. It prints out that way too. I know it is not my printer because I have tried other documents I have and they come out crystal clear. Does anyone know why the text is fuzzy and not clear?
I am resizing images for thumbnaills. They need to match existing thumbnails in a little gallery. I sized them exactly like the existing thumbnails, but the image content looks smaller. I looked at every setting I could think of and couldn't figure out how to enlarge the content of the thumbnail. I have attached both images so you can see my problem. I am not artistic so I don't know how to minipulate perspective.
I am trying to put together a business card for myself. On the business card is my logo along with a background and text. My problem is when i print the card the text and pictures look grainy or pixelated, I am missing the smooth edges that I am looking for. I have noticed that everything in photoshop looks a little grainy to me as well.
I want to recreate the Clarity effect but in Photoshop CS6.. I know I have it in Lightroom and Camera Raw, but for academic purposes I need to create the same effect but using ONLY Pohotoshop CS6...
I have issues with clarity on printing text I have created in Photoshop. All looks clear on the screen but when I print it, the images are nice and crisp but the text is almost blurry?
Latest issue (need HELP ASAP): When creating text in a separate file and copying the layer to another file... why is the image so small? I created some chrome text and when I copied the layer to my file with the image it was like the size of a pin! Is this why I am losing clarity when printing?
I have been blowing up images (pictures, drawings, art) recently but am having difficulty in defining the colours and edges in them art for silkscreening. When i blow it up the resolution goes way down and i want to make things as clear as possible. So is there any tips out there for getting that blur out of my life.
I need to use a couple of screen shots in an e-learning course. The screen shots contain text and when I try to reduce the sizes of these images the text becomes fuzzy. I've just worked out how to reduce an image size in Photoshop.
(I'm not the most proficient user; I bumble through processes when I need it.) I've used 'bicubic' and 'bicubic sharper' in the reduction process, but both produce a fuzzy appearance. Is there a way that I can reduce these images while retaining as much textual clarity as possible? images have not been created in Photoshop. And I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I'm using SnagIt for my screen grabs.
I found in image i am trying to expand to almost a 9 inch by 9 inch. When i increase the size it obviously gets extremely grainy and blurry. It is the only image i could find of this particular photo.
I'm having difficulty organizing photos into templates for a CD cover. The pic that I want to have on the front cover is too large and need to reduce the size, but at the same time keep sharpness and quality.
how do I make an image look more clear... I have an image I want to put on Facebook, it isn't blurry or anything, but I want to make it look like the best image I have on Facebook, it's going on my profile pic, how do I adjust the clarity of an image to make it look super nice...
I was quite surprised this image I found was an indexed color profile... when I was new (and dumb) to Gimp and images in general I used to save transparent gifs rather than transparent pngs... because I didn't know PNGs could be transparent but Gimp would warn me about that it would convert to indexed and I'd lose A LOT of color & clarity... none of my indexed images were very clear nor this colorful... how is it possible to obtain such color and clarity in an indexed color profile like in the image attached?
I have a .png image that is 38 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. I would like to enlarge this image to 64 x 64 pixels and also 100 x 100 pixels size, but when I try to do this, the image becomes blurred. The file image is attached. It's a hamburger.[/color]
I recently took some Milky Way photos and was attempting to process them in Lightroom. Many of the effects I am using are hardly doing anything. I'll use clarity for an example.
I typically use the adjustment brush to add effects like clarity soley to the Milky Way. I find a setting of 40-60 is usually sufficient. Sliding the scale from -100 to 100 is DRAMATIC, making the Milky Way overly "pop" in a disgusting, artificial manner.
However, on my most recent batch when I applied a clarity of 50 I could hardly tell. Sliding the slider from -100 to 100 had a very small difference. Other effects are behaving similarly.
When I go back to my older photos the brushes seem to work. However, any of these new photos (which have various exposures settings) all behave similary in that I just can't get the effects to do much. The originals of my older photos and my new photos look comparable.