Photoshop :: Change Color And Local Contrast Of Crack
Jul 22, 2013
I've been struggling the whole day to change the color of the black crack in the attached picture to red (to match my other samples) whilst fading the crack edging (paint overrun). The best I could get was to manually dodge tool the cracks to lessen the excess paint outside of the cracks but then the dodging lessens the contrast of the crack crevice too. How to (1) locally contrast the cracks from the paint around its edges and (2) change the color of the crack from black.
I've tried playing with overlays whilst adjusting the color modes for the cracks, but I've not met with much success and I'm not sure if its my lack of knowledge of these features or if its just the wrong approach altogether. PS. I'm using CS2 (its what the office has...)
I have a photo of a painting that was taken with Kodak color checker patches on one corner. It looks like I need to adjust the colors in Photoshop.
I want to use the color checker as a reference to correct the overall image color and contrast. However, I don't know how to use it as I have never worked with color checker patches before.
how to color correct the image on photoshop?
I am attaching a cropped sample image. The original image is in RGB. The colors on the Kodak patch as follows: Blue, Cyan, Gree, Yellow, Red, Magenta, White, 3/Color, Black.
I have an indoor group photo using flash light. The problem is the center of the picture is much brighter than the sides. Is there any easy way to increase the brightness and contrast towards the sides, and gradually decrease the brightness at the middle?
What is the effect or process to, for example, ensure that normally washed out bright background on, say, a sunny beach, has same depth and contrast as the darker subject in the foreground? It is an unnatural state since your eye and most cameras will adjust to one extreme or the other.
Hi I placed some advertisments into a black-and-white (greyscale) newspaper. The ads were previously scanned images and I received them as high-resolution .JPG's. I don't have access to the original files. When they printed, some of the ads were not as vivid as I wanted. I opened them up in Photoshop and found out that the blacks are not 100% black. Some were 90%, some as low as 40%. They looked fine on my monitor and on the laser printer proofs, but on newsprint they were not dark enough. I want to increase the blacks to 100%. I'm a Photoshop newbie, so the only solution I can come up with is to open each of these ads and use the curves tool to manually pull all of the blacks up to 100% while leaving the white part of the spectrum alone. I'm not sure I'm using the curves tool correctly. Not to belabor the point, but here some screen shots of before and after. BEFORE: AFTER:If you look carefully, you can see the curves. Bassically I pulled up all of the curve to 100 percent black and just left the leftmost point where it is(which I assume is the white part of the spectrum). Is this the best approach for doing what I want to do? Thanks.
whenever [on any photo] i apply auto levels or auto contrast or auto color from the image>adjustments tab, the entire photo will completely white out as if i had added a new white layer over my active layer (which i am not doing). however, it only does this in 'auto' changes. so if i were to manually adjust my levels or my contrast or color, the 'white-out' effect wouldn't occur.
i really need this feature. i have already uninstalled/reinstalled photoshop cs2 and that didn't seem to fix the problem.
When I export an image from LR 4.1 for editing in PS CS6, I notice a distinct loss of contrast and possibly saturation. Overall, the image looks duller and flatter. My working space in both apps is ProPhoto RGB. I use a custom profile generated by a hardware calibrator.
The screenshot below is of the same image rendered in both programs.
And here are my PS color settings:
FWIW, the image generated by Lightroom is rendered identically by Preview.
The issue is with Photoshop CS1 not having the same ability as every other version of Photoshop to either backup the activation information, or provide the Adobe crack CD to bypass the activation.
I sometimes have to reinstall my entire OS multiple times per month and when doing so must reinstall Photoshop. At this time, the software requires activation. Since those who purchase Photoshop are automatically volunteered to the Adobe anti-piracy program, the user must call Adobe every single time that you want to use the product. This issue has cost me easily over a few thousand dollars in company time already and I am desperate for a solution.
As a reference, CS2 & CS3 have built-in functions to backup the registration information so that you can use the software without spending a day or two on the phone.
Earlier versions of Photoshop such as ver 5.5 do not require enrollment in the anti-piracy program, so Adobe can just send the crack CD that will work with the license number that is received when the product is purchased. The last company I worked with was using 5.5 and required Photoshop to be installed on a laptop without networking abilities and that is how I learned of the crack CD from Adobe.
how to either obtain the CS1 activation crack from Adobe, or how to backup the activation information,
Whenever I edited the attribute of a block, just when I tried to fill in a new value in the "Value" column after thosed named "Tag", "Prompt", it was always a pain for me to find out on which row the new value was maintained, because the color contrast between the rows was too poor. See attached picture for more details.
Eager to know if there is a way to change the backgroud color in order to have a better contrast?
I am able to change the brightness/contrast for part of an image by using, for example, the Rectangle Select tool. I want to be a little trickier though. I would like to use the rectangle select tool, but have the effect of the brightness/contrast apply 100% at the bottom of the rectangle and say 10% at the top, with gradations from 100 to 10 from bottom to top. Is this possible?
How can I change the contrast and.or color s on the front Panel to make it easier to see the various menus. I have recently started to loose some of my sight and the opening Panel is now difficult to read / work through.Is it possible to show the various editing options etc. as white on black rather than white on grey ?
My (previously wonderful) local adjustment brush has apparently quit working. Whenever I attempt to make local adjustments - using either the standard presets or custom settings - all the adjustments made are applied to the entire image, not just locally. Density and flow are set to my typical values and Show Selected Mask Overlay shows the extent of the applied effect, but whatever adjustment I make is applied generally, over the entire photo, rather than to the selected adjustment area.
I understand how to create a localized (to a layer) copy of a named color but how do I move its associated tint or shade or linked relationships to the new layer?
Let's say I have 5 circles on Layer 1. Circles 2-5 are all Tints of the color of Circle 1. Now, I copy all five circles to Layer 2. I select Circle 1 (Layer 2) and make it a Named Color Local to the layer (Layer 2.) That option is in the Color Editor. I see how I can change Circle 1 on Layer 2 without changing Circle 1 on the original layer, but the other circles on Layer 2 have lost their Tint relationship to Circle 1 (Layer 2) and do not change in the manner that they continue to change on Layer 1 if I alter Circle 1 on Layer 1.
Is it possible for the Tint, Shade, Link relationships to survive the Make Named Color local to Frame/Layer option? (Page197 in Pro6 manual,)
Using the local adjustment brush i can change the size of the brush using the [ and ] brackets However.. when i make a small error and want to erase brushed-area by using the ALT key then the brush size seems to be fixed to one size ?
What I'd like to do is adjust the color and brightness/contrast of many layers of an animation. Now, for a still image with many layers I know you can generally add a partially transparent layer over the whole thing, however, since it's an animated .gif I have to do the same thing to each individual layer. I could probably go through and do it by hand and just get it over with. But, I'm curious if there's a feature for this, or is there a plugin that can repeat actions for multiple layers?
I have a users who cannot change parameter values for iLogic unless user is a local admin on the workstation. This machine has just been upgrade to Inventor 2013.
Is it possible to change the display size of the local rotation axis?
I'm trying to visually align the local rotation axis for joints with geometry that isn't always world axis aligned. I've searched on different forums as well as searches on "topeka" (google ), and I've come up with nothing so far.
1) Take a color image and apply a color-shift local adjustment to a portion of the image.
2) Convert the image to B&W.
Result -- The main image is converted to B&W, but the local adjustment doesn't change, i.e. it's still colored. Here's a trivial (and not-realistic) example of what happens:
My goal is to adjust the colors and the apply the B&W conversion to the entire processed image, not just the original piece. Is there a way to do this? I feel like I'm missing something small and easy.
I often create points manually. You get that dialogue box where you choose the layer and the default local coordinates, etc etc.
The local coordinates setting always defaults to Northing/Easting. (ditto the grid coordinates).
I set it to Easting/Northing as is standard around these parts and do my points, but if I close the box, when I reopen it to add more points later, it is back to Northing/Easting.
I cannot find a variable to control this behaviour.
I never need points to have north first and would like it to default to Easting/Northing at all times. Yes I'm using the Metric template.
I have been trying to crack dimension annotation for ages now. I usually try to solve it within a drawing I am working on. This latest attempt is a test with only something in it to highlight the issue I am having.
Basically there is a correct annotation in model space and three viewports with three attempts to dimension it in paper space. It is drawn in the template I normally use.
When I first started using CS6 I would edit my photos and when I used "save as" to save my photos then open them in a different photo viewer they would have lost a lot of color and contrast. When I reopened them in CS6 they still had no color. This is all occured on my PC. I used to use PSE 7 (on my PC) and the "save as" function to save them and they turned out fine. I recently got an iMac and when saved on there the same way and reopened in a different viewer they'd have the correct color,
but when opened on my PC the color would be lost again. Also tried opening the images I saved on my PC in CS6 on the iMac and they still had no colo/contrast. So that would mean it's not a monitor calibration thing. I'm trying to figure out how to save my photos so they have the best quality they can have for printing and also the correct color for clients to view on their computers.
PS: I did use the "save for web" option on my PC and the photos have the correct color that way! But those aren't the proper size and stuff for printing. Also I'm very new to iMac and full photoshop so I'm not sure what sizes/pixels/color modes/etc are normal or what photos are supposed to be.
Is is possible to simulate a part with a crack in inventor 2013? A customer had a part made and noticed there was a crack. We were asked to run an analysis on the crack to determine how much of a factor this crack has on the part. Is it simply just a matter of sketching the shape of the crack and removal of material or ??? The part is cylindrical in shape and the crack goes approximately 1/8 around the diameter of the part.
When I have any kind of layer, and I want to change the foreign or background color (with the color picker) I just cant. When I click on the foreign or background color it automatically selects the eyedropper tool, and I don't want this to happen.
A while back I saw a video about using the video editing capabilities. In particular the video showed a car with a colored sheet over it and the in the video the sheet was either pulled off the car or the car moved out from under the sheet (I cant remember which). Then the video showed how to use the color replace tool to change the color of the sheet throughout the entire video.
I have a star that I would like in a specific color, but am having issues changing it with the replace color and/or color replacement tool. The image is small, but I am trying to have all the pixels. The color I want to use is Pantone solid uncoated 655 U. This is the image I am trying to change.
In photoshop elements 11, in a photo collage, in graphic tab, how do i change the background to a color in the color wheel?
Same thing for the graphics, i only have 6 choices, i want to add a graphic stored on my pc or other ones in the program.
In photoshop elements 11, in a photo book, page 2 and 3 are stored as one image, and have to have the same background color, and layout, how do i change that?
I have a solid red image and I want to change that red to an exact red hex code I have. Is there a way to change this color without affecting the quality of the image? I thought this would be really easy, but everything I've found online doesn't give me the color I want, or It doesn't allow me to be 100% accurate.