Since yesterday I have the problem, that I can't open/save pictures as PNG any more, the option is completely gone.When I try to open one, it says "not the right kind of document".
I don't know what I've done, I just wanted to install filters and I've put them in the Plug-ins/Filters folder.But they didn't work so I've put them out again.I already deleted my preferences and I am desperate, I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm having a problem throught CS6 with the Open, Save, or Save As dialog boxes not opening for a period of time after clicking on the desired functions. It can take over a minute just to get the Open dialog box up to browse for a file. Eventually, the dialog boxes open, but during the time that it's trying to open, the program is unresponsive. It is happening with all of my CS6 programs. I have unistalled and reinstalled with no fix. The programs are updated.
I cannot save pictures in jpg anymore in Photoshop cs4. I work with raw images and save them first in tiff, then in jpg normally. But this option does not show anymore on the list to "save as".
I recently started working for a local newspaper. The editor asked me to upload my pictures at 300 dpi. How do I save my pictures at 300 dpi? When I click on properties of the pictures I have taken, the dpi is always listed as 72.
Every time I try to open a photo in My Picture the program freezes, every time! To get around this I have to choose from within Bridge, how can I fix this problem?
I am working on a photo montage and some of the photos will not open. Most of them did just fine but I am thinking that the ones that will not might be because they are too large. I have tried Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Imaginate. None of those will work. Windows Paint will open them. Some of them I was able to resize in Paint and then open in Photoshop but the rest I cannot.
If I could scale down in Paint I think I could then get them to open in Photoshop but they are so big that I cannot do that. There doesn't seem to be a demagnifier in Paint. Another thing, Windows Explorer reads them just fine as they show up as thumbnails and also in Filmstrip mode.
i done some photos in photoshop and now i cant open them why it says they are not a valid photoshop document or end of file was encountered i used elements 6.0 and elements 10
after massive Photoshop crashes - Photoshop can’t open pictures anymore, even small picts with 10 kb - I deinstalled Photoshop with the Adobe Deinstall Photoshop programm.
Now I wan’t reinstall the App over my Creativ Cloud Account (1 year abo) and get the following answer: ““There is now application to open the following URL [URL]....
You can search in the App Store for an application to open these document, or you find an application at your computer …““ WHAT HAVE I TO DO?
My Photostop Elements 11 Editor will not open pictues. I have tried to uninstall/install the product and this didn't work. I can get it to work once in awhile and then it stops working again.
I have a Mac with OSX8 and have previously been using PSE9 without any trouble. I've recently installed PSE12 but it cannot access the pictures in my iPhoto library for editing, even though I've changed the iPhoto settings to use PSE12 as the external editor. When I right click a picture in iPhoto and then click "edit in external editor", PSE12 opens but the worksurface is empty, and I can't figure out how to open the picture for editing. I have no problem editing photos that are on my desktop, so the problem seems to lie in communication between iPhoto and PSE12. I never had this problem with PSE9.
I can do it by choosing "external editing" and then choosing the photoshop.exe file but by doiing it this way I've lost the sweet possibilitie to open several pictures as layers in Photoshop...
I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS. I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012. It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears. AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager. I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly. However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations. I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop. AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations. I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager.
I have PS CS4 Extended 11. I have tried to open RAW (NEF) pictures from my NIKON D3100. I get the error message 'Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document'. I have tried downloading the latest update. I currently have Camera RAW Version I have also downloaded the DNG converter but I still get the same error. I am using Windows 7 on a laptop.
I was always able to send photos from Photoshop 11 via the photo mail and they would arrive fully opened which was great. Now, when I send a photo it arrives not opened and if one clicks on "open" to open it, a notice says it cannot be opened because it is a zip file or a temp. file.
First of all a little bit about the hardware/software:
- Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit
- ACAD2011 with 1.1
- Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS (not a supported graphic card from what I know)
- Intel i5-750
Since we got that out of the way let's get to it.
A week ago I was told that a lot of times the PC's freeze when you try to "Save", "Save as" or "Open" a file (we open/save on a network drive). If that happens we have to restart the PC and hope it doesn't happen again, but since this happens quite a lot (over the course of four days about 27 times on 7 PC's) I tried to fix this.
I installed the patch, updated the drivers for the graphic card and reinstalled NET Framework 4. The problem didn't occur as often but it still happened sometimes.
Within CS6 on my MacMini (OS X 10.9 Mavericks), sometimes it will not 'Open', Save, 'or 'Save As'. The window opens, then closes before I am able to do anything! To Open a file I have to drag it into CS6 icon, but 'Save As' is a problem.
Adobe Photo shop elements is not user friendly. It is in fact the most difficult programme I have ever used.
I finally managed to watermark my files they have been saved but when I want to view them on my laptop in the normal windows view the thumbnail just shows the photo shop elements logo and I have to double click each file separately and they open in the edit programme. I want to open them and flick through my edited pictures without having to enter adobe photo shop elements and without having to open each one individually.
I am editing old pictures. To save time I am scanning four pictures at a time. I'm using the marquee tool to crop each picture into their own layer via right click method and choosing "Layer via copy." After I'm done doing this for all four pictures, I have to hide all but one layer, trim the project to the picture size, save it. Then I undo the trim, and start over for the next picture to save.
Is there any easier way to save each cropped section as their own picture/project at the size of their crop without effecting the other pictures? Was wondering if there was a way to crop the portions I want out but instead of copy to layer method, I could just create a new project with that cropped picture?
When I try to save medadata to pictures in Lightroom 5 it says "Photos have read-only access" but if I go to info on files and folders it says all users have read and write privilege. I keep the catalogue and pictures not on my mane drive.
I recently installed a student version of Maya 2012 on my home computer so I didn’t have to work from college for a project, but I have run into some issues.
Not sure what is going on with my Maya but it won't open files unless I actually go to it in the browser and double click on the file. Even once I have done that I can only save over it, save as doesn't work. I also can't create or set projects. There are probably more problems but these are the ones I noticed/really need.
This is what appears in my output window:
Could not find maya.utils._guiExceptHook. Invalid Python Environment: Python is unable to find Maya's Python modules Python Environment: PYTHONHOME = C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2012in PYTHONPATH = C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2012in;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/MayaPlugIn2012//scripts;C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX for Maya/Maya 2012/scripts [code]....
I imported 146 photos into l/r4, the catalogue i calld eden, the catalogue then came up as cat-journal.when first imported i saw the images,now when I open catalogue it says invalid or corrupt.