Photoshop :: Can't Erase Or Paint On Layers In CS2
Apr 20, 2009
I assume I have done something that will not allow me to "Paint" or "Erase" on layers. When I choose the paintbrush, the "chip" indicating the color no longer appears on the toolbar, opacity is set to 100%. Blending option is set to "Normal". "Paint Fill", shapes, filters and everything else works, so the layer or pixels are not locked. If I use one of the tools, the action appears in the "history" pallette, but does not appear on the display. This problem occurs on multiple images.I'm sure there are more settings that are relavent to solving the issue, but I can't think of any more right now.
I have a photo that I've duplicated into 4 layers. (1 background layer and 3 edit layers).
I'm trying the use the Erase Tool to erase the same section on the 3 edit layers at the same time. This action saves me repeating the same erase on all three layers as separate actions.
I create an adjustment layer and then want to erase part of that layer, nothing is happening. I've tried painting to lighten or darken and tried the burn and dodge tool, but nothing happens.
What have I missed? I'm working just the same as in CS3, but with no results.
I have been editing a batch of photos and everything had been working fine.
But then it was not allowing me to directly edit the layers. I cannot draw, paint, erase, smooth, etc. I can draw shapes and select and delete material, but have no independent control with the tools.
Is there any way I can erase the same exact point on multiple layers with one click of the eraser, rather than doing it on each layer individually (and having to line up that same point again)?
using mac OS 10.6.8 with CS5 Xtnd: I don't get it! When I first began using this app (and I've spent much time swearing at it with no result) and until recently and in either normal or full size mode showing xhairs and whether I use as paint or erase the effect is always considerably less than the diameter of the tip.
What is with this? I require a tip that goes right to the edge of what is supposed to be the tip...
I am having trouble getting the erase tool to erase part of an elipse shape in Corel Draw. I select the erase tool and click and drag across the part of an elipse that I want to get rid of (so far so good), then I release the mouse and an outline of the nib tool is left behind.
Wblock when run from the command line used to erase the entities selected, now it seems it does not, but the dialog box shows an option to keep or erase the selected entities.
Any variable name that controls this functionality?
How, after changing a photo to B&W, to color back in a section to the original colors, but can I change those colors to a different color? Like if I wanted to change a hat from red to green.
A small feature I have been using for years, and find very useful, was changed in X6 Update 3. Using the Erase with the ALT key use to erase in a straight line from one point to another point. Now after installing Update 3 this key combination is used to interactively adjust transparency (a new feature according to the release notes).
Is the point-to-point erase feature gone or can I somehow adjust settings to get it back? Or is there now another key used for this?
Using CorelDraw Suite X6 with Update 3 on Windows 7 64bit.
I need to remove a picture of a horse in the background and replace it with a picture of a fence similar to the rest of the picture. I know how to erase the image using the lasso tool and the magic wand. How do I clone part of the background to replace the erased image and then blend the two pictures together?
I would like to know how to fill an object on a layer using paintbucket and then isolate the fill onto its own layer. I swear I've done this before, but may have been dreaming. I am using a base drawing and would like to overlay fills and have the ability to control what is seen by turning on and off layers of paintbucket without having to duplicate that base drawing. Did that make sense? I am trying to avoid drawing an excessive amount of shapes.
Recently, when I have tried to paint on PSE, the paint layers on underneath previous strokes I've made. In addition to this, the opacity seems to be rather strange, sometimes changing the area above the new paint stroke to a completely new color while other times it is just as if it were at 100% opacity. Is this a certain setting so that the paint layers on normally?
this worked until yesterday. I didn't install any software on the pc or change any settings that I can think of. I'm using photoshop cs2. I've rebooted the computer several times and I've quit/restarted photoshop several times.
when I create an adjustment layer, I cannot paint black in the mask area. I can fill with black and paint white. if, after filling black and painting white, I press D (to swap foreground/background colors), I can paint, a paintbrush thing shows up in the history, but it won't change. if I press D again, and paint some more white, it shows up in white. likewise, if I choose black another way (eyedropper, setting rgb to 0,0,0), it behaves the same. likewise, if I don't start out by filling black, and I just try to paint black on the white mask, it behaves the same (doesn't work).
if I create a new layer, I can paint black on it. If I switch to the pencil tool rather than the brush tool, I can pencil black into my adjustment layer masks.
any suggestions?
or what info can I get for you so you have a good place to start?
I have been erasing the hue layers when i do specific pictures when i want the backround to be a different hue than the foreground. And i would select the hue layer, and just use the erase tool and it would remove that specific hue in that area... Well now i will not do that anymore. I must have checked some box on accident or somthing. when i select the eraser tool and the hue layer, it shows the eraser circle on the picture, but it will not erase anything...
I just installed CS2, and I can only use the eraser tool to erase if what I'm erasing is inside a selection. Otherwise I click and try to erase but nothing erases. Even when I drop selection (ctrl D) and there is NO selection, I still can not erase. I have to select all (ctrl a) in order to erase anything in the workspace.
I am trying to make one image the background, and put others on top of it,I removed the background, but it still isn't showing..I also looked for a move layer down button but I can't find it.
I have Windows 7 and Photoshop CS6 that I bought today. I was playing around with new brushes I downloaded today and all of a sudden they stopped working. They wouldn't write and then I got this idea that maybe they were erasers and not writables.
Well they did not erase, they wrote and not in my primary color. Then when I went to show my husband...all of a sudden they worked correctly. Then I went on my merry way playing with my new brushes and they broke again. I am going to try to include pics here but I am not real good at HTML. It just seems easier to show you what is on my screen than to describe it.
So, the first picture is when I used my brush as a Brush Tool as you can see. I had to zoom in so you can see how many pixels it actually wrote. As you can see the brush is much larger. This is the second time it did this. The first time it wrote many more pixels, actually looked kinda cool with this faded ink kind of look to it.
The second is what happened when I tried to erase my coloring. As you can see, it choose the secondary color. I am not at all sure why it would choose that color of all colors. Like I said, I know nothing about computers and I am learning Photoshop.
I try to erase part of a layer, it won't have an effect when the eraser is switched to brush or pencil. But it does work fine when set to block.
However, -and here's the strange thing- when the eraser is set to brush and the erase isn't working, if I go at the layer crazily, constantly clicking at the layer, eventually the eraser does work! Every single click is registered in the history window, but the actual action of erasing only actually happens sparsely after random clicking. And it seems to be completely random as well. It doesn't seem to depend on where I click, or the frequency of clicks or even the time after the first click.
I have an image of a website form, and a border that goes around it (the <fieldset> tag). Behind this border exists a samurai's head and some nice looking flowers, which if he knew about them, I am relatively sure the samurai would be pissed.
Anyway, I want to be able to erase the border from the top of the samurai's head so that it will ultimately look like the border's lines run behind the head, and not over the top. I am aware that one way to do this would involve rendering the samurai object separate from the image, but that would be a lot of work, and I am looking for an easier / better solution.
Whenever you open up, it always has one white-background layer as the default layer.
Then i start drawing and after a while i realize "if i did this on transparent background i could reuse it in so many places!". So i either have to manually erase the white background carefully around every corner or restart drawing.
It would be good if the default was two layers, one white background layer and one empty layer where you start drawing. I know it's super simple to just create a new one manually when you start, but i'm often in such a rush when opening up to start drawing that i always forget.
The online tutorial shows, in the layers window, an up arrow and a down arrow, supposedly used to change the level of the current layer:Move Layer Up. This will move the current layer to a higher position in the layer order.Move Layer Down..This will move the current layer to a lower position in the layer order.
However, these arrows do not appear in my program. Also, I'm not clear on the function of "move layer up", since the current layer is the top layer, isn't it? So, how do I push the current layer back, so that the one behind it becomes the current layer? (At present I have only two layers in the picture I'm working on.)
I installed version 3.5.10 either yesterday or the day before, so it is current.
I can't add and/or duplicate layers. I want to make a button (which I've made many times) But I can't add the appropriate amount of layering (in fact, I can't add any at all!
When I saved my file, I saved it as a jpeg because I hadn't saved it until done with it. But since I saved it as a JPEG, I closed out and it notified me about the flattening process, which I am familiar with, so I ignored it because it said something about being able to undo the process.
I am trying to move layers either up or down. I read somewhere to go to the Layers tab and under there should be Move Up or Move Down. When I do there those functions are not present. Could it be because I am using version 3.5.11?