Photoshop :: Can't Auto Blend Two 8-bit RGB Images
Sep 19, 2013
So I'm trying to do a face blend and I've repeated the process three times in order to make sure I'm not making any mistakes, but I still can't auto blend the two layers.
Any time I go Edit, auto-blend layers it's greyed out which is quite frustrating. I've taken a couple of screenshots to illustrate my problem. I am using CS6 on a new MacBook Pro.
I used to have CS5 on my computer, after which I used the CS6 trial, and I never had any problems when stacking images using Auto-Blend Layers -> Stack Images. However, I recently purchased a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud and after uninstalling the old PS versions and installing Cloud, Photoshop freezes every time I try to stack images.
My computer has very good specs, runs Windows 7, and both the OS and PS are up to date.
I have just moved from 7.0 to CS3 (and PC to Mac) and am currently trying to get to grips with the new features! Once which I love is the auto-align and auto-blend feature(s). My question is, is there any way to control how these features work? I have seen on some web sites people talk about 'fuzziness' sliders where you can control that if an object (pixels) appear in X% of the photos they should/shouldn't be included in the final image but I cannot find these.
My intention is to use these features to take photos of monuments and have the people who are moving about removed from the final image (I guess it's the auto-align that would do this.) I tried a test and took a number of photos at home but I kept moving one object around (a pen.) The pen appears in all the images but in a different location so it always appears in the final image. When I tried auto-align with a stack that included one image without the pen, the pen was removed from the final image. Given the first scenario (i.e. the object is in all the images but in a different location) is there any way of automatically removing it using auto-align or would this have to be a manual process? In the real world, it would be possible to take a photo of a monument with people in different locations but it would be much harder (or take a long time) to take one where at least one person was not in all the photos (there's always someone loitering.)
I'm running Win Vista 32bit with 3gig of RAM. When trying to use the Auto-Blend feature of CS4 I get an error message that says Could not Auto-Blend the layers because there is not enough memory (RAM)." The only way I'm able to get this feature to work is if I reduce my image size to less than 1/4 of my original file size. I started with an image that was 4221 pixels wide, and I had to reduce it down to 1000 pixels before the blending feature wold work.
Does anyone know how much RAM this feature needs to work on a full size image? Is there anyway I can set up Vista to allocate more of my RAM to CS4? When I go under preferences > performance, it tells me that I have 1641mb of RAM available. Is there a way I can set this so more of my RAM is allocated to CS4?
Having a rough time trying to blend a face onto another face, been watching tutorials. I have both layers selected now and I go to Edit > Auto-Blend Layers, but the option is faded and I can't choose it! What could be causing this issue?
I'm having a problem with Photoshop CC's Auto blend. It was working fine for months, but a few days ago it just stopped working. It gets stuck after 1/3 of the way through the process and just sits there frozen... won't even let me cancel it!
I am bringing the photos into Ps from Lr 5 as layers, auto aligning (which works fine) then auto blending for focus stacking and that's where it gets stuck
Win7 64bit on a rocking powerful PC (overclocked i7 3770k, 16gb ram, samsung ssd, dual graphics cards etc etc)
After taking two images of a landscape, one exposed for the foreground and another exposed for the sky. How do I open them each in a seperate layer so I can blend the two together. Giving me a correctly exposed image of foreground and sky.
I don't want to do HDR just blend two images. I use CS4. I should mention I use Aperture to manage my images and edit with CS4 by migrating the image from within Aperture.
How to blend two images. The case is that i want to blend roots and money. I want to make the money look like drawn from the roots. Which instrument should I use?
How can I blend several of my images together to produce. (the money, birds, etc). My images all have different backround colors and when I blend them, one can obviously tell that they were added together.
trying to make to a flyer with a bunch of diff ppl on it but I want to make the bottom on everyone to blend in with the background so it wont look like I just chopped off there legs.
Anytime I try to cutout a piece of an image and paste it into another image, the final result always turns out bad. It looks exactly like what it is...a cutout pasted onto another image.
It looks like merged-image-data in PSD files contains RGB data which is blended with white color (based on transparency). Is that correct for all versions of Photoshop/PSD? Can I disable it or change that color?
I have three layers each with an identical pattern out of which I am trying to make a bigger pattern (for textile printing). Everything lines up but there is a very fine white line between the images. I have tried feathering, blurring, masking and feathering, blending, anything I can find in the online manual and in Photoshop for dummies.
When I try to use the Apply Image Command to blend two images, the command only allows me to blend the target image with itself; that is, with two images open, the only image available to me as the source image is the target image.
I'm trying to blend a couple of images together using the gradient tool.
I moved one image to the other using the move tool, I then added Layer Mask (in the layers palette), i then got my gradient tool and selected black,white.....I used the gradient tool on the left side of the image and it blended beautifully.
So, now that the left side is blended nicely, I attempt to blend the right side. The right side blends very nice.....but my left side went back to where it was originally.
I have a 3images with a common background, but there's different text and each picture has a different part of the background intact. I'm looking for a way to restore the back ground by over layer the images together. I originally tried with one image and selecting the text with the magic wand and filling it with content aware fill. But the results were so so.
So I have a few questions;
1) the images have slightly different orientation. I can't get them to perfectly align, its weird, I really can't do it. I can get it close, but not perfect, is there a simple way ? 2) How do I keep the common element between the images (the background) and remove what's different (the text) ?
I tried overlaying them after having deleted the text, but I still get the damn contour effect.
3) Furthermore, the colors are slightly different between the images, is there a simple way to get them to match ?
Im having problems blending photos together. Here are the steps that Im doing.
1. click on file+new+select image dimensions. 2. select images 3. click on first image hit selections, then select all 4. click edit, paste as new selection
once it paste, the picture is huge, how do I resize it to make it fit on the canvas I selected.
I am new to the forum, I am creating an image of combined 2 images with the middle overlapping with each other. I was hoping to blend the 2 images in the middle very much like this site here: [URL]....
Is there a way to auto number files with the file number (less .jpeg) and save without having to let my computer grind to a halt, as it does using Automate, contact sheet. The objective is to create a preview set for distribution to clients with the file number annotated at bottom centre. Also, is there any way of creating the text/font/colour/stroke of my choice?
i have used batch process to make a whole bunch of photos one size. I need to create a single 'photo wall' jpg out of them in which they're all tiled, the long way of doing this is to obv open them all and copy, paste into the psd, then flatten, but thats really, really time consuming. If photoshop had any type of auto import & tile feature? I may have to do this a 2nd time with 1000's of images.
I'm really hoping someone might have an answer for me on this one. For the past few months, Photoshop has been auto-adjusting my images. The colors/skin tones look absolutely awful. I have had to adjust every picture to get a non-alien look to them, but they still never look as good as what was in the camera. Has anyone experienced this? If so, were you able to find a fix? I'm a PC user - don't know if that helps. Here are a couple of examples:
When viewing them in bridge, the colors look normal (pics on left side)
Then when I click on the picture (not even opening it), the color automatically changes (pics on right)
I have tried pulling an image up just through Photoshop, but the same thing happens. I work in RAW, but have noticed it happening to the JPGS as well.
I've been using Photoshop for my Photography for quite a long time and I have recently upgraded to Photoshop CS6. Whenever I resize my images in CS6, I get the feel (from looking at the images) that the application has autosharpened my images! I am quite sure about that effect because my resizing principles have remained the same since using CS5. And in CS5, whenever I resized to that same size I am resizing in CS6, I used to run the Unsharp Mask Filter to get my images look at their best! So there must be something going under the hood in CS6, or am I missing something obvious? Basically, I want to be in total control as to how much sharpness I want to apply to my resized images!
Photoshop and Bridge CS5 does not rotate SOME of my vertical images. Most other photos taken in the same time frame and with the same camera display perfectly. Orientation is checked for display under Preferences, Metadata, Camera Data.
There also seems to be a discrepancy how Orientation is described under Metadata for those images which DO auto rotate : sometimes it is -90 (which is how I hold the camera for verticals and which displays on most verticals) and sometimes it is "normal" even when it has auto rotated the image. I do not understand this difference."Normal" is also used to describe the orientation of those images which DO NOT auto rotate for viewing.
The photos in questions were taken using a Nikon D-300 which is programmed to indicate the orientation of the camera and has always been programmed to do so. I know I can manually change the orientation but we are talking about hundreds of images (I have over 10,000 photos in all; most of which display fine).What should I be looking for to explain and correct this issue?