Paint Shop Pro :: How To Blend 2 Images With Each Other Using Gradient
Jul 15, 2011
I am new to the forum, I am creating an image of combined 2 images with the middle overlapping with each other. I was hoping to blend the 2 images in the middle very much like this site here: [URL]....
Im having problems blending photos together. Here are the steps that Im doing.
1. click on file+new+select image dimensions. 2. select images 3. click on first image hit selections, then select all 4. click edit, paste as new selection
once it paste, the picture is huge, how do I resize it to make it fit on the canvas I selected.
I'm trying to blend a couple of images together using the gradient tool.
I moved one image to the other using the move tool, I then added Layer Mask (in the layers palette), i then got my gradient tool and selected black,white.....I used the gradient tool on the left side of the image and it blended beautifully.
So, now that the left side is blended nicely, I attempt to blend the right side. The right side blends very nice.....but my left side went back to where it was originally.
Well I have tried all the video tutorials and instructions found on the net but NOTHING works as yet.As far as the printed results from net searches go I get so far along and then the instructions cannot be followed because the item it says is on the menu is just not there on MY menu.
What I want to do is to take a portrait from one photo (Freehand Selection tool to select JUST the face?) and blend/merge it on the background photo. I want to be able to change the size and opacity of the face so that I get the EXACT result I want.
I was reading a tutorial on Photoshop about using a gradient map on a brush (the case in point was of drawing fire, with four colours, black, red yallow and white, making up the gradient map) such that you'd paint just once to get all four colours from each brush stroke. Here is an example. I was wondering how to do that in PSP X3 Ultimate. I am not new to PSP but I never used the more complicated brush features. Scripting doesn't scare me too much, if it comes to that, but I'd prefer a manual approach.
Is there any way to apply brightening along a gradient? Like to compensate for lighting that comes onto a surface from one side, in order to make the surface look more uniformly lit?
PSP X4 was just updated and now I can't catalog any images. I can navigate via "Browse more folders" and select my main pictures directory, but in the Organizer I see no thumbnails. i have more than 4,000 files (almost entirely .jpg files) and now I can't see any of them unless I access them via <File><Open> This is very frustrating, as I had a system that was just fine 24 hours ago, but now I'm essentially hamstrung.
After working with some pictures in PaintShopProX4 I saved them as jpeg and tif, but the brightness of the pictures is different ( they are darker) outside PaintShop. Is there something I should do to keep the original brightness?
Am I better off using the Olympus software to develop my images, then using PSP X4 to edit them? Regardless of which software I use to develop, why make any editing changes before I develop if I can then edit after I convert to a Tiff or JPEG?
As you can imagine, I've just upgraded to X3. I just saved a .tiff image as a pspimage, without any editing. When I close it and go to re-open it, I can open it in X1 and in X3, BUT NOT IN Paint Shop Pro 9, which is and probably will remain my workhorse. The browser in PSP 9 doesn't even show the pspimage, only the .tif image. I've tried to open it in PSP 9 via Windows Explorer, but get one of two error messages: "This is not a valid pspimage" or "no preview available". Monkeying around with the File Associations in PSP 9 doesn't seem to work.
The problem arises if I want to do the bulk of my editing/restoration in PSP 9 and then bring it up in X3 in order to use one of the newer tools, such as the Makeover tool. Once I do that, I've lost the ability to re-open it in PSP 9.
Is there a way that you know of to make an X3 pspimage available in PSP 9, or is it inherantly not possible?
I'm trying out PSP X4 on the free trial. I'm on a Dell laptop with Windows 7. The camera is a Nikon D70s. I was trying to use UFRAW to transform the images from NEF format to PNG, and then GIMP to adjust and crop and resize. I've found GIMP to be really frustrating to use, so I'm dropping that for something else, hence the PSP X4 trial.
For the most part, I need it for digitally editing the documentation photos that I take of my paintings, and as well for managing our family photos. I've been using ArtRage for digital painting.
So mainly for my painting photos, I need to adjust the color balance to the gray card, adjust for lens distortion, crop, and resize.
When I open my folder of NEF files, the NEF files look really over exposed and washed out, especially compared to the PNG files that I made earlier using ufraw. They appear that way in both the viewing bar and when they're in the edit mode.
Does PSP have some kind of default viewing auto-adjustment going on? Am I missing something?
On the Manage page. Either in Thumbnail mode or Preview Mode I get no images.In Organiser at the bottom all I get is a row of light grey boxes with a X in it and the filename beneath but no picture.
I have associated all file types with PSP although that should not be necessary to get a thumbnail image as I tried the trial version before buying version X4 and it worked as expected.
I'm trying to make a rounded-corner box with a gradient-style border. Obviously, the straight sides of the box are easy to create the effect for, but not so the rounded-corners.
How to I get the gradient to follow the curve - to blend from the curved edge - rather than just giving me a linear gradient as if I was doing it from a rectangular corner?
I tried some other gradient types, there didn't seem to be anything that did the trick.
I'll try to attach a quick test file, if it lets me, to illustrate what I'm talking about. Note how the gradient cuts out diagonally across the rounded corner rather than curving and following the corner around.
Or is there a different way to create this kind of border?
If I copy/paste a gradient filled object between two Illustrator CS6 documents, the gradient becomes a blend. This doesn't happen however if just drag the object from one open document to another.
Is there a way to correct this copy/paste behaviour?
I have stared to create a collage, after inserting some of the images, I saved the project and closed the program (x3). When I opened again the callage, all the inserted images was merged together and I can move only all of them together.
How can I separate the images so I will be able to move each of them separately in order to insert more images and change the order of them in the collage.
I seem to have a ( ongoing) or a series of problems trying to create a video from still Photos or a video that I take with my little Sony cyber shot camera. I believe that the entire problem is the file extensions. I get UDF,MOFF,MP4 to name a few.
MY Camera produces MP-4 photos I download them as such do I have to change or convert them? I tried to convert some to wmv but that did not work . I get a message that windows photo viewer may not be working and could need an update if that is needed where would I get that? I need to know what has to be done . I use corel video studio x5 and also corel paintshop pro x4.on windows 7.0.
I have psp X3.I often need to cut images (and paste into another) using the background eraser tool and the eraser tool.How do I save the "worked on" image so I can use it again say, another day, for pasting without having to go over the same operation each time?
I have changed all the settings on my computer and in PSP X5 to make it the default program that opens any picture/graphic file except files with the psp and pspimage extension because they aren't even an option. When I try to do it, it reverts back to X4. When I try to make the changes within the program itself, those 2 file extensions aren't even in the list!
I have a problem with the display of images that come out too blue. The thumbnail looks correct but the large preview image has too much blue. I have processed the same raw images in other software with no issues but this seems to be an issue with Paint Shop Pro. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
Once I open the image the image in the raw converter it shows the color balance "As Shot" as a different value that what the Adobe software reads. Not sure why. You can try and adjust the blueness out of the image but why do I need to do this all the time when I don't have to in other programs.
If I open any image in the full editor the thumbnail takes on this too blue look as well, even if no color adjustments were made.
I have attached 2 screen shots that show the problem.
I recently installed Paintshop Pro X4 and have found I can no longer see the thumbnail images of photo's in windows file explorer. There just now appears lots of paintshop camera icons instead in all the directories. How do I get the images to appear again in Explorer as I use this all the time for searching and moving files???
I'm a longtime user of PSP 8 and just downloaded the trial version of PSP X5, thinking to buy it. With PSP 8, if I wanted to edit two images on the screen at the same time, I loaded them both into the program and then used the minimize button at the upper right hand of each image to switch them out of full-screen mode and put them next to each other. PSP X5 no longer has the minimize buttons attached to the images. I can tab back and forth from one image to the other, but I can't figure out how to put them both on the screen simultaneously. Is this feature still present somewhere in PSP X5? How do I access it?
I'm still using PSP X3. What format more knowledgeable people for me use for editing images.
In the past, I'd take the jpeg produced by my camera, convert it to PSP format, and then when finally finished, save it as jpeg again.
I understand that the PSP format is no longer used, so should I just work in jpeg format? My understanding is that any intermediate saving would compromise image quality; if not jpeg, then what?
I'm now getting this error: "Unable to open the file. Please verify that the file is valid.", when attempting to edit a jpg.
(no problem with png's though).
Any new jpgs I create outside PSP display like this in the manager (but a new png displays OK):
Existing jpg thumbnails display OK (I expect the thumbnail images are cached somewhere), but if I try to edit any jpg, I get this:
I've checked for PSP X5 updates, and I'm on the latest version:
Note: I can view the images successfully with Windows photo viewer and I can edit them using Windows Paint, it's just PSP that's having issues.
EDIT: I'd restarted my PC to ensure I was still having the issue, and I still couldn't edit any jpgs. While I've been writing this post and taking screenshots with the snipping tool, suddenly the jpg thumbnails displayed correctly and now I can edit jpgs again... BUT...