Illustrator :: Copy / Paste Gradient Becomes A Blend?
Jan 16, 2013
If I copy/paste a gradient filled object between two Illustrator CS6 documents, the gradient becomes a blend. This doesn't happen however if just drag the object from one open document to another.
Is there a way to correct this copy/paste behaviour?
I am creating a shape that looks like a pill a rectangle with two circles on the ends, if you will. But it's all one shape. I want a gradient or blend (what exactly is the differnce?) that has a white middle and dark gray edges. The white goes along the pill horizontally but the dark gray is above and below this white "line" but the rounded edges of the pill shape are the dark gray. I'm using CS6.
I am trying to acheive the same angle gradient effect that can be done in Photoshop but in Illustrator. The actual thing I want to be able to create as a vector is the graphic attached...
Can this be done by somehow using the blend tool and replacing the spline with a circle?
Ever since I upgraded to CS6, I have big problems copying from illustrator to photoshop. I can get it to succesfully paste about 20% of the time. AI starts "not responding" while I'm trying to paste to photoshop every single time, but can usually snap out of it after a few minutes. It seems to have no rhyme or reason to when it works and when it doesn't.
When copying a gradient filled shape from illustrator CS6 to Photoshop CS6 an outline "halo" appears in the Photoshop image although the shape has no outline to begin with. Is this a clipboard issue? Is it an anti-aliasing setting I can change? Apparently it isn't as noticeable when I drag the shape from illustrator to Photoshop as it is when using the copy/paste command. But in both situations there seem to be issues in the border when gradient filled shapes touch other shapes.
Use Oberon's macro that copies to adobe Illustrator with Draw X5? I haven't been able to make it work. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it relies on some of the old Corel scripting commands?
I am having trouble with Adobe Illustrator "copy" and "paste" functions. It take a very long time (as long as 30 min) to copy a simple line and even longer to paste it. This probles is getting worse. My file size is unusual as well. A comparable file is 155k and this one is up to 65 meg and growing.
All of a sudden I am not able to copy and paste. I am trying to copy a vector outlined image from one illustrator file to another. I have used both my short cut keys and the edit tab. I tried closing out and starting on a new document, but nothing. I don't know if I accidentally changed an important setting or what?
How do you copy and paste a graphic from Illustrator CC to Powerpoint?
I know that sounds easy, and it should be...I used to be able to do this the standard way (ctrl+c in Illustrator, ctrl+v in Powerpoint), however now the result is just a load of code inside Powerpoint and no image. (other than exporting as pngs etc.)
I'm on the latest version Illustrator CC, Powerpoint 2011 for Mac, Mac OS 10.9.1
I just recently reformated my computer and I've been having an issue with copy and paste from Illustrator to Photoshop. Before I could copy a 2"x2" vector box from Illustrator into photoshop making a new document and the size and resolution would match. That is the new document would say 2"x2" at 300 ppi in photoshop and the preset would read "clipboard". I would then hit ok and paste and it would match perfectly. Now since I've reformated, photoshop always creates a new document with the wrong size regardless of the settings I enter in Illustrator or photoshop. I have document raster and effects set at 300 ppi in Illustrator and I have the new document set at 300 in photoshop, but it always transfers the 2"x2" box at 72 dpi regardless of settings. Again this used to work before so I'm assuming there is some setting I forgot about.
The main issue is the clipboard preset is not matching the document size, its almost as if Illustartor is telling photoshop it's a different resolution when it's not. Copying to 72 ppi seems to have no issue, which makes me think Illustrator just isn't sending it out at 300 ppi, but I don't know why as I have the document set at 300 ppi. I confirmed this as I can make a 2"x2" box in photoshop and paste into Illustrator and it reads as 2"x2" at 300 ppi in Illustrator, but if I copy from Illustrator back to photoshop it pastes it at 72 ppi. Changing the settings to 300 ppi in Illustrator seems to have no effect. Might be a bug. Should I try reinstalling?
I think I've got lots of existing files coming with this problem, the file is really slow and I try to use below method but it didn't work, since there's thousands of script "%AI8_BeginPluginObject" in that AI file.. Any other methods I can use so as to fix it.... and I'm using CS5 version, [UR] .....
Illustrator CS5.5 on Mac: When I copy text from one Illustrator document and paste it in a different document, the text canges to Myriad (the deafult font). Is there a setting somewhere to preserve the formatting? Even pasting into an existing text style still changes the font.
I run AI CS6. I open new document and prepare two shapes and fill them up with Pantone colors for reference, for my design. I procced to make some work, name cards for example.
Now I want to send the card to my printer, while I work on the rest of colleterals. So I open new document, identical to the one I oppened 30 minutes ago. I don't change color setting or anything. But when I paste the cards to new document, they change color.When I sample the colors, the Color Pallet identifes them correctly by thier pantone number.
After Copy/Paste form PS cmyk object/picture into AI i noticed that it looses original colors making color conversion CMYK->RGB->CMYK (with AI defined cmyk profile).WHY?
Didn't find any preference in AI (or PS) about that.
I have created two images that have gradients applied to them and want to join them together with the gradients.I can't stretch the image because the lighter gradient follows and I just want that on the outside edges of both as shown in the image.
In effect - i want to take a small slice of the darker gradient and continue it on the x-axis to the other image without distorting the gradient effects.
When I copied text over from Photoshop to illustrator it kept the text formatting. For example the font, font size, color. Now when I use CC and copy paste text from PS to AI, all text formatting is lost and everything is placed as whatever the current AI text setting is.
HOWEVER, pasting from AI to PS WORKS as it should. All font/text formatting is maintained. Is this a bug or is there a setting for this that I just never knew about?
I'm working in Illustrator CS5 and I want to know if it is possible to copy and paste an effect like a drop shadow. For example, let's say I create a document with some text which has a drop shadow on it and some without the effect. Next I create text in a different font with a different drop shadow effect (different settings for the drop shadow attributes). Later in the project I decide, I want to go back and add the first effect to several objects and/or text in my image. Is there a way to copy that effect and paste it in?
I know that I can go in and manually copy the settings of the effect I want to copy, add the effect to a new object, and then re-apply the effect from that point, but is there a way to simplify the process by just copying the effect?
Scenario: Start with a named graphic style of say 2 pt black stroke/no fill called '2.0 pt'. Create an object using said style, copy and paste it, every time I do this I get '2.0 pt 1', '2.0 pt 2', '2.0 pt 3' etc. insanely populating my graphic styles panel.
This is with CS6 (16.0.4) running on Mac OS X.6.8.
I am working on a project and when I try to copy and paste unlocked layers to paste them in to another image it doesn't paste. The only thing it pastes is the text unformatted. I tried resetting the settings by removing the setting file to see if I can set Illustrator back to square one and it isn't working. See Picture for before (copy) and After (paste)
I am also using windows 8 on a pc. I would say it was the OS but it was working fine untill yesterday.
I recently upgraded to CC from CS5. I work on objects that have multiple elements. Since I am on CC, I am running into an annoying problem. When I copy paste an object with multiple elements, or command/option/shift + drag the object, the various elements shift in z-order.
I have a script that measures the repeat interval and gap between print impressions printed using a print cylinder (for the production team to know which print cylinders to use, and what to expect once it prints, when looking at the proof sheet). Basically it just measures the distance from the beginning of one print impression to the beginning of the next (these are printed with a cylinder, so every time the cylinder rotates a new print impression happens) as well as the distance in between prints. That part works great.
In order to get these meaurements, Illustrator is measuring the distance from a zero point on the artboard to the left side of a marker I made called "repeat", and it is assigned a variable called rawRepeat. What I'd like to do is have the script take that rawRepeat value and use it to move a copy of the print impression to the right by exactly that variable amount and paste it beneath the marker called "repeat". I have been doing this part manually, but haven't been able to figure out how to get illustrator to do this for me.
Here's the script I am using:
var myDocument = app.activeDocument; var selectedObject = myDocument.selection; var activeLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer; var layerName =; = "plate";
I have a type object with an opacity mask created in one document. When I copy and paste this object into a new file the text is pasted without the opacity mask attributes. I can separately copy and paste the opacity mask object but then I face a tricky realignment to repeat.
We are having problems with text in Illustrator CS6.
1. When we copy / paste text within illustrator all color information is lost. 2. When we save documents in Illustrator CS6 then re-open text with color attributes changes to different random colors!!
For example: If we save an Illustrator document with a paragraph of text that is part red and part black when we re-open the same paragraph might be all gray, or orange or (you pick a color).